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Feedback on The Healing of a Child, and Meeting the Master

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:10 pm
by Redshift
Feedback on
The Healing of a Child, and Meeting the Master.

An Akashic Construct participant writes – October 28, 2007:

See also:
Participant: I have been struggling a bit in my life, and going throught major transitions, as I am prepared to move into my role as lightworker and channel. I have done my Akashic Construct CD only twice since receiving it, and have appreciated all the updates I have been receiving. I continue to receive my electronic prompts, and honor the process I am going through.

George: After almost 30 years of frequent funtioning in a clinical environment, and in Delta (IOW as a medium), it was suggested I would be more of a ‘co-creator,’ together with my Teachers, during channeling in Alpha – at the same level as my interaction with the Midwayers in my Akashic Workshop. It was not easy to stay in Alpha, as I would drop to a deeper level in seconds. Machiventa told me to ‘do the Alpha practice on 10 consecutive days’ and it would work. He was right. And it was Michael who came through clearly on the tenth day. I’m not sure if it was advice just for me, then, or for everyone. MM did not say, but just twice will not likely get you started. No criticism intended here, for I know you’re very busy.

I’m also unclear about the reality of ‘linear time’ in the dimenmsions we do this healing. It remains a big mystery to me.

Participant: I respond for the first time, at this time, because as I read this most recent experience, I immediately felt as though this little girl and her dog, were me and my childhood pet. The day this person participated in the healing was a very big day emotionally for me, and I felt all day long that the flood of emotions I felt were my guides, working to heal ‘my childhood me.’

When I read the piece about just being held and comforted, I completely lost it. Let’s just say that it was far too connected to the experience I had had the day before to just be coincidental. The day it happened, the point at which I received it, the type of dog, the little girls hair the actual words this person chose to describe the event -- all words that I have used in the last few days to journal my experience -- and all of this long before I received the 11:11 email of her experience.

Maybe, this was not me at all, and one of the possibilities as suggested, or maybe it was spirit using all these similarities as a way to get my attention. I do not know for certain, but only know what is true in my heart. The similarities for me are great, and there has been a healing for me which I sensed happening before the email. So to whom ever that was ‘out there,’ who did the healing, I was healed through your email; the little girl in me needed only to be held and loved, and in your words you ‘eased her transition by witnessing her process’ and you definately comforted me and lightened my load.

I still am unclear what all this means for me, but it seemed far too relevant not to respond. The words Jesus Christ Michael spoke to the AC participant, were exactly what I needed to hear, as were the participant’s own observations on what it all meant to her.

I am grateful, beyond words, for the way in which being connected to this group has helped me, inspite of my own resistence to its process in my life. As though, I would not go to the Construct to ‘heal,’ yet it seems the angel took me there to be healed, and in turn open my eyes and heart to the possibility that lies in the Akashic Construct, and beyond my own doubts about the Construct and myself, and feeling as though I deserve to be apart of this all.

Thanks to all who continue to light the way for those of us who are struggling.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.