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Are We GOD ?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:45 am
by George
From a Subscriber:

But isn't everthing and "everyone" "GOD"? No separation, simply GOD manifest in different ways/ different aspects of the same Divine Source.

Therefore we are all capable of demonstration these qualities, as you said:

Machiventa -- comes through forceful
Michael -- warm and loving . . . energizing.
Sananda -- humble if anything. Amazingly peaceful.

for we are all these things too, as we are all Divine Source, no separation.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I answered:

Dear Subscriber,

From an eternity viewpoint the birth of a star and it's final demise billions of years into the (our) future are simultaneous events, because on Paradise time does not exist. All is foreseen and an 'instant' reality.

We are in time space, however.

From the viewpoint of the Creator of All, your ascention into Paradise may well be a fait accompli, but not all HIS subjects will choose to go that way, and so from HIS viewpoint some were "lost" even before they were born.

The potter stacking his greenware into the kiln can only hope all his pieces will fire without cracking or distorting, but experience will tell us some will not come out of the fire perfect.

However, the pots, perfect or cracked, are not the potter, but his product. Human beings and angels are likewise not GOD, but HIS creations.

You have dwelling within you a Fragment of the Creator of All -- your Thought Adjuster. IT IS truly GOD, but you are not yet GOD in time/space, because we do not know if "the fire of earthly challenges" will mature you, or "crack" you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note:

So many believe they actually ARE GOD. :shock: It kinda scares me, when nothing much does. :pale:

God bless......

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:38 pm
by Alexander
Hello dear George!

Isn't this belief the fellow subscriber holds panentheistic? I agree with what you said, but I really can't understand that for those in Paradise everything are a present reality if we could speak in terms of past, present and future. Isn't this equal to infinite knowledge? Does this apply to all who live there or only to those spiritual beings who transcend time and space and the Trinity?


Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:52 pm
by George
Hi dear Alexander,

I have a limited understanding of what goes on on Paradise, how one can (for instance) move around without the presence of time.

How (as an example) this Paradise citizen would know how to "find" me in time-space: ... list13.htm

He said that if I were there, and simply 'walked past him' I would know everything about him, and therefore he would need no name, no number.

:shock: He simply is who he is. It boggles my mind.

God bless....

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:21 pm
by Alexander
That was beautiful! As I understand it, as you ascend more and more towards Paradise, your being is more and more aligned to what you truly are. So for a Paradise being as the one you communicated with, if you happened to be in his presence you would instantly know everything about him, because you would actually see everything he is! It's mind-boggling indeed, fascinating nonetheless! Thank you! :)


Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:10 pm
by Paul
Dear George,

Thanks for that message from one without name or number. It helps to put things in perspective. The fact that we are privy to the fifth epochal revelation does not give cause to behave with arrogance and narrow-mindedness. We need to except our responsibilities with mildness and humility. I make this statement because I have seen some persons behave in a very rigid, fundmentalist way when they become Urantia readers. These persons are missing the point entirely.

I just had ocasion to delete myself from a Urantia forum because one particular poster there took pleasure in insulting and downgrading any post that I made. I was on that board because I sincerely wanted to help others on their spiritual journey. But for posters like that, it becomes an intellectual exercise. They seem to take pleasure in shooting down others so they can look good. This Urantia reader has no idea what the fifth epochal revelation is all about. We need to take the spirit of the words in that book. We don't need to beat someone over the head because they either don't understand everything in the book or they may not agree with our interpretation of things contained in the book. Certain Urantia readers just replace Biblical fundamentalism with Urantia fundamentalism instead of discerning the spirit that is behind the words in the fifth epochal revelation.

I enjoy reading the Urantia book for the things that I can learn about the next world. As the midwayers have said, the Urantia book is a textbook, not some holy tome that requires us humans to put faith in every word lest we displease God. What our midwayer, angelic and other celestial beings are hoping for is our transformation into a spiritual person. Not into a person that can parrot each word in the Urantia book to impress others.


Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:52 pm
by George
Problem is, Paul,

We are left-brain specialists on this world, relatively primitive at that.

Yes, it's a text, not "sweet nice" stories, and without personal involvement of the right cerebral hemisphere, it remains dry as a bone.

I got this today, among 5 bits of abuse, basically, I feel, to let me know I don't 'qualify.' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OK. Who cares?


I believe you are all missing the point as to why the FER was delivered ahead of its time. The truthful answer is to identify those mortals who possess the spiritual receptivity and intelligence to be taught and trained in the ways of the CRCoD. The Supernaphim on p. 1258 said all she could on that subject. The great bulk of the readership are unteachable due to previous indoctrination by religious or new age cults that excite their imaginations and cloud their cosmic vision.

If you analyse carefully, the statement by her, you will see the point of making it:

p1258:5 114:7.10 (The cosmic reserve corps of universe-conscious citizens on Urantia now numbers over one thousand mortals whose insight of cosmic citizenship far transcends the sphere of their terrestrial abode, but I am forbidden to reveal the real nature of the function of this unique group of living human beings.)

Cosmic Reserve Corps of Destiny, as opposed to Reserve Corps of Destiny, means that membership in the CRCoD must be accomplished by finding and reading the FER, then through self expression declaring, "it is my will that Your will be done", the hallmark of the teachable, Adjuster indwelt, Spirit of Truth led soul. My book, "Knowledge Without Wisdom" was so titled as in the 20th century,the virus of "secularism", the adjutant mind spirit of "knowledge" was active but NOT the mind spirit of "wisdom" the 6th to become encircuited with the Mother Spirit of Nebadon. Without 6 and 7 being activated the Divine Monitor is not dispatched from Divington. The resulting age of the "Adjusterless" souls has led to the almost extinction of "the light of living truth" as was the case for Machiventa's emergency mission 4,000 years ago. The evidence of this fact is revealed by the "delighters in iniquity" who abound today.

To achieve the above "insight of cosmic citizenship" means to have found, read and lived the content of the FER. Only a teachable, Adjuster led soul could possibly be such a candidate. By definition, CRCoD denotes that the 1,000+ members have achieved the "cosmic" status through "discipline, dedication and determination" in reading and living the FER. Being in "reserve" means to be held back in reserve for some "planetary crisis". Obviously Urantia's Chief of Seraphim is aware of such a "crisis" in our near future otherwise she would not have recorded it in such a manner.

During my 7 year observation of UBRON members, I have discovered only a handful of possible candidates. Too many are unteachable and selfwilled and therefore disqualified. Many are called, only a few are prepared to be Adjuster taught. One of the first instructions I received through Adjuster leading from our Supernaphim Chief was NEVER to communicate to the readership at large, rather to seek out those who were truth seekers and teach them one on one. They are few in number due to ego, selfwill and a total lack of discipline and responsibility. Never the less, through insightful selection from all over Urantia, she has inducted over 1,000 CRCoD members from the current readership. Most you will never have heard of. These CRCoD members will diligently act as "Ambassadors of the coming kingdom of God which is at hand".



Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:38 pm
by Paul
Yeah George. We are all a bunch of losers, I suppose. :D Dontcha just feel the love? :wink:


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:59 am
by George
Just a single word, "GRANDIOSE," comes to mind.

That's a scary guy!

God bless.....