Primary Midwayer, Andrea -- Reincarnation.

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Primary Midwayer, Andrea -- Reincarnation.

Post by George »

Illawarra District, Australia, December 2, 2003.
Primary Midwayer, Andrea.
Subject: "Reincarnation – A Myth." [Part Transmission Only]

Received by George Barnard.

George: "You can say these things so much better than I can, Andrea, and besides, what kind of an authority am I?"

Andrea: "OK. This is much better now, and now we can begin. We do have the ability of ‘plucking from your vocabulary’ a much vaster range of words and concepts, and arrange them in better order. Yes. Even those words, terms and notions that have ‘slipped over the horizon of your human forgetfulness.’ Where we are often limited is in the transmission of higher truths, due to your varied states of preparedness, your stillness achievement, and your resistance at any given time in your biorhythmic swings, as well as in the restrictions placed upon us as revelators.

"Over the years, much information on the subject has been uploaded into your mind, but it is my pleasure entirely to be speaking about the tenacious, endemic religious belief systems that include reincarnation of many types, and from the very droll to the outright ridiculous.

"I guess there is some value in hearing it from me. And even with my lengthy overview of how these experiences and thoughts have become myths and have turned into belief systems that so many of your siblings adhere to, yes, even in the predominantly Christian world, it is not always clearly understood even by the likes of me how these credos have metamorphosed into such a myriad range.

"At times, the connection between the experienced Father Fragment and the human deep mind will give rise to ‘a knowing’ at a conscious level, and herein the truest form of "suggestion of reincarnation" – and I want you to put these words in quotation marks – may become evident. These are actual experiences in the lifetimes of Father Fragments that served well in the lives of some (humans), who may or may not have proceeded to undertake an eternity existence.

"And so it is on your world, our world, our troubled, blighted and chaotic world, that so many highly experienced Fragments of the Creator of All are attracted to serve in the most difficult and yet experientially profitable of circumstances. And it is therefore fair to say that among you there are many who are recollecting meaningful aspects of previous Father Fragment existences that may well come through in an accurate, partly garbled, or even disordered way.

"For the vast majority of you, the difficulty with the interpretation of these ‘elements of knowing’ lies in the lack of your spiritual and religious understanding of your very make-up; your inability to differentiate between the pre-existent Father Fragment and the newly appointed soul that will carry you to eternal life at the time of your mortal demise.

"The soul is but a mere seed of future potential in a small child. It is ticket, a tiny IOU, or voucher, one might say, that through the job of living a rightful, righteous, thankful, gracious and spiritual life in its future will grow, develop and mature into a sparkling new you with the potential of eternal service, enjoyment and certainty of your being drawn ever Paradise-ward.

"Yes, of course, these perhaps accidental communications between the Father Fragment and the deep mind do at times surface. However, in your earnest endeavor of trying to collect information about, and learning from previous soul lives, there is rarely the accuracy one might assign to what can admittedly be so vividly experienced.

"Each of you have been gifted with mind endowments that will only ‘attach and interconnect’ with unqualified degrees of fullness and accuracy. Your groupings of interactive mind segments have the ability to reach out at any given time, one might say, to only God knows where, and acknowledge the information gained as belonging to your soul’s pasts, when there are no such pasts.

"All kinds of details are available, and from myriad sources, and even from our enhanced view, and with our lengthy experience, we cannot always fathom from where these seemingly accurate details of previous soul lives may have been gathered. Suffice to say, my brother, that pre-existence of the soul is a tale passed down from greatly imaginative minds and utterings of ancient times.

"Whereas the Father Fragment has gone through excellent training, and may have had many lifetimes of ‘temporary accompanying experiences’ prior to indwelling the person that is you, the soul is always an entirely new entity, a seed, a gift, for a cooperative human mind and perfect Father Fragment to develop into a new being that will survive your passing away, and to which there is attached no original karma, good or bad.

"I trust that in this talk we have put to rest the belief of pre-existing souls, and alleviated some of the associated disquiet in those individuals that are accepting of bad karma, perhaps accumulated in carelessly lived previous soul lives.

"I thank you for staying the distance with me. I bow my head to the Spirit that is in you, now that I leave as when I arrive. Do program your meditation for the early hours. My love goes with you all. This is Andrea."

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Post by Lily-by-way »

Do I understand this message right as to compare the father-fragment as tool-box or more or less a looking-glass that gives us access to information/experiences when needed and requested to further the evolving our souls?
The point of father-fragment and soul being two different things definitly buggled my mind :shock: :lol: .
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The Father Fragment.....

Post by George »

The Father Fragment is more than that, really.

The Father Fragment together with a progressive, willing human mind constitutes the partnership that creates soul development. Eventually, the Father Fragment and soul fuse to create one eternal being. Prior to fusion, nothing about survival is certain, and, yet even suicide does not necessarily mean the end of personality survival. It can do.

They are the deep mind trances that can bring us into contact with (give casual knowledge of) a Father Fragment's previous existences, on occasions. And an unawareness of both soul AND Father Fragment allows us to describe such as a previous soul life, or reincarnation. It isn't. The knowledge was lost, but the ancient Egyptians knew there were two entities they called the KA and the BA.

The Father Fragment is that "Still, Small Voice". "Looking Glass", if you like, for those who dare to look. is a discussion with the Thought Adjuster, one of 365 such lessons given to Lytske. In my opinion the most advanced teaching on the 11:11 lists.

Hope this helps.

God bless....

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Post by Geoff »

Hi Lily,
right as to compare the father-fragment as tool-box or more or less a looking-glass
Well, maybe, but that's perhaps a bit limiting as a way to describe God. We have been told that father fragments are god, in every way. In fact every midwayer who comes to talk to George bows on arriving, and bows on leaving. The bow is not for George's benefit. No, it is in recognition of the perfect spirit that is somewhere in his mind. (I will refrain here from low level comments. :lol: )

Thought Adjusters, also called Father Fragments or Pilot Lights are the ultimate gift from Father to us. Available as perfect guides, they have access to the real future, and sometimes they share that info.

Much love,
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Think about it........

Post by George »

Think about it.

365 lessons, 365 days in a row.

Some of us consider ourselves lucky to hear one sentence every six months.

There's no mistaking the Father Fragment with a Celestial.

You will know the difference.... unerringly.

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Post by George »

(I will refrain here from low level comments. :lol: )
Some claim I was given up for lost by my Thought Adjuster decades ago, but what do they know?

Isn't it great to have real friends. 8)

God bless.....

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Post by Geoff »

The point of father-fragment and soul being two different things definitly buggled my mind
You are your soul. Whether you become your Father Fragment is your choice. I can't believe any one would refuse that choice, but they do. Apparently most often because of a lack of real self love.

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Post by Lily-by-way »

Besides learning a lot it is just plain fun watching the two of you :lol: .
Thanks for the entertainment.
right as to compare the father-fragment as tool-box or more or less a looking-glass

Well, maybe, but that's perhaps a bit limiting as a way to describe God. We have been told that father fragments are god, in every way.
I humbly apologize if I sounded dimishing , so I bow to honor my and everybody's pilot-light ( like that image) in gratitude and respect.
I will go and check out the link, that should keep me busy for a while.

thought about the 365 lessons/365 days. I guess for people like me, that need a little extra help, they came up with the leap-year :lol:

Hmm, may the light shine your way.
The day will come when, after harnessing the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day , for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.
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Post by Marshall »

A real pleasure to hear from Andrea and receive further clarification on an understandably confusing topic (re-incarnation) for many.

I offer a poem that attempts to illustrate the relationship between our material mind, our soul and our indwelling Spirit.

Note: From the Urantia Book, Paper 111.28): "The midway creatures (midwayers) have long denominated this evolving soul of man the mid-mind in contradistinction to the lower or material mind and the higher or cosmic mind."


Our Midmind...the Soul

Time... is the stream of temporal events

Perceived by finite creature consciousness,

A name whereby events are recognized,

In space, appearing to be circumscribed.

As mortals we are bound by time and space,

Yet through our mind we can lift such constraints,

Spirit, containing neither space nor time,

Personally, indwells the human mind.

Imagination creates memories,

Within our mind we're where we want to be,

But mind cannot create the soul alone,

As memories will fade, the soul is grown.

This soul is watered by our decisions

Then fed and nurtured by the God within;

According to His masterplan design

We figuratively color in the lines.

This masterpiece, the growing, conscious soul,

Personality's future vehicle,

A living, feeling, knowing entity,

The vital link to life eternity,

Stays constantly in touch with God on High,

Thanks to his Spirit that lives in our mind.

Indwelt in time upon the soul's birth sphere,

How dare we call this world a "vale of tears".

Post by Budgie »

Geoff wrote:I can't believe any one would refuse that choice, but they do. Apparently most often because of a lack of real self love.
Wow, great insight, Geoff! You should write a thesis on this topic, something for the recording angels. :D
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Post by Geoff »

Hi Budgie,

Well its not original insight. We had a message on that in Hawaii when I was on retreat there, but no body taped it. But I never forgot it!

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Post by Geoff »

Hi marshall,
Note: From the Urantia Book, Paper 111.2: "The midway creatures (midwayers) have long denominated this evolving soul of man the mid-mind in contradistinction to the lower or material mind and the higher or cosmic mind."
Thanks for that, I have not noticed that, but it makes a lot more sense. The Padgett Messages tell that via "stillness" (for which they have different words) you grow your soul, and in the seventh sphere the mind of the soul predominates, and after fusion the old mind (of the spirit body) disappears, never to be used again. It seems that is how we really become one with Love and Truth.

Actually, if the "mid mind" is the soul, then it follows the "upper mind" or "higher mind" is the Thought Adjuster? I guess I need to go read that section in the UBook again.

much love,
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Post by Lily-by-way »

Geoff wrote:
Well, maybe, but that's perhaps a bit limiting as a way to describe God. We have been told that father fragments are god, in every way. In fact every midwayer who comes to talk to George bows on arriving, and bows on leaving. The bow is not for George's benefit. No, it is in recognition of the perfect spirit that is somewhere in his mind. (I will refrain here from low level comments. :lol: )

Thought Adjusters, also called Father Fragments or Pilot Lights are the ultimate gift from Father to us. Available as perfect guides, they have access to the real future, and sometimes they share that info.

Much love,
When you wrote that it reminded me of the Indian greeting "Namaste". The following link to and article has a good description of its meaning

( access forbidden to site )
(Hope I did this link thing right)

I remember once someone saying this to me accompanied by the appropiate gesture and it felt like something inside me responding a warm glow spreading from the middle of my body through my being having the warmest, most comfortablest and cared for feeling.
Does that feel the same way for you, George when the midwayers bow
to your Father-fragment?
Wow,what a feeling. Coming from a place where I did believe that I had no right to love myself, it was like an awakening and gave me a glimpse of the possibilities, a whole new world a lot more colorful.
And yes I am learning like in the poem that Marshall posted: " Yet through our mind we can lift such constraints,"

The day will come when, after harnessing the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day , for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.
(Teilhardt de Chardin)
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