We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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Post by George »

From: Donna D'Ingillo.


The world stands ready to receive a great light. In preparation, the mortal souls of this planet must be prepared. The truth that wishes to come forth emerges out of the ashes of lies, greed, poverty, deprivation, and a willfulness by many who are in power to consciously subvert the divine plan and the ways of God on earth.

The mortals of the world must be willing to embrace this truth. And the attitude in people's hearts must be of compassionate understanding and forgiveness for those who have perpetrated the great deception of the ages time and time again amongst the slumbering souls who have not seen the light of truth.

The time is coming when people must choose how they will respond to the truth-light shining upon the world. When people see the gross distortion and epochs of deception rising out from the shadows, will they respond with anger, judgment, and condemnation of those who have perpetrated this deception? Or will they respond with forgiveness and love and understanding? For the truth-light can only shine in the environment of love.

Those who would wish to condemn the perpetrators of the great deception will not be participating in the unfolding of the divine plan. It is only those who are willing to embrace and administer forgiveness in their hearts to those who have deceived them their leaders, their heads of government, economic, scientific and religious institutions that will allow the light of truth to blanket the earth. There are many who have been involved in the great deception, and each individual must choose how he and she will respond to that which they see of the truth.

This is not an easy thing to ask of mortals of this realm for the pain in the human heart is great. And the deception has been grossly used against humanity to keep people in spiritual bondage. But those who are in bondage must find it in their hearts to forgive so they can remove the shackles themselves and emerge into the light of truth, whose love renews and replenishes the starving human soul.

What role will forgiveness play in this decision? Let it be the cornerstone so that the truth can prevail on this world and the light shine more brightly. It is this desire for forgiveness that will bring the great truth to bear on the planet. We, the keepers of the truth, are waiting to shine this light with immense universal power, and to wield its might into the very depths of human misery, and free all of the residents of this world from all of the epochs of deprivation.

No longer is humanity destined to live in squalor, in shame, in guilt. No longer is the human heart to be bound in fear and to be repressed with lies. No longer is the human mind to be fed with inadequacies of truth and false beliefs. The truth is ready to shine. Prepare yourselves. Receive the forgiveness of the heavens, and set yourselves free.
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Post by Gai »

WoW! What a beautiful thing is forgivness!! It has the potentail to heal everything!!!! Much, much, much Love,... funklight
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Post by George »

Hi Funklight11,

He will probably be known (is already known) on other continents by different names. A very important thing for him to turn up soon. This world is indeed a bit of a mess.

God bless.....

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Re: Monjoronson.

Post by coldsun »

George wrote:
The world stands ready to receive a great light. In preparation, the mortal souls of this planet must be prepared. The truth that wishes to come forth emerges out of the ashes of lies, greed, poverty, deprivation, and a willfulness by many who are in power to consciously subvert the divine plan and the ways of God on earth.


That's beautiful! Forgivness is essential to this world. I was just forgiving the government yesterday when they said " we wouldn't have authorized the war if we knew what we know now" :lol:

hmmm How? and When? are we going to receive George?

Thank you
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Future event/time

Post by digitalgirl11 »

Hi George!

I have noticed that this is truly the time where people are being seen for what they really are. It's hard for liers to lie anymore without being noticed.

Can you please be more specific about the particular, grand event/situation that will take place. I am ref. to the time mostly and an indication of some kind of a significant change that will occur at a particular time. Do you agree with Solara, and please rephrase it if you do.

Besides that, I would like to read up on some of that info... so, if you have any sites to tell me about, that would be great.

:shock: Thanks DG11
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Donna d'Ingillo...

Post by George »

Hi there Coldsun...

Hmmm, yes, I posted that transmission, but it is from Donna d'Ingillo, a dear friend in San Fran. So where is Monjoronson, the next Paradise Teacher? He is in the process of downstepping to appear on this earth in the near future, and in human form. When? Soon. But I don't know the precise time OR place. If I did, I'd be a prophet, not just a channeler.

No, definitely, I know no precise date or place. No one does as yet.

However, I can put you in touch with Donna d'Ingillo, and you'll never forget meeting up with that lady.

Hi Digital Girl,

Do I agree with Solara? I don't understand Solara, her portals, dates or timelines. She's a mystery to me. I do believe, however, that she did a fantastic job in waking up the world about the 11:11 phenomenon, allowing thousands to understand that they were not the only ones gawking at the clock at that precise time. Without Solara, our work would be progressing a lot slower.

There's no association between 11:11 Progress and Solara. She has never answered my posts, just pumping out more books. And can you see me holding hands and dancing around in a white nightshirt? I can't.

Good luck to dear Solara.

There's a lot more on Ron Besser's site: -- ours among them. Hope this helps.

God bless....

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Re: Donna d'Ingillo...

Post by coldsun »

George wrote:Hi there Coldsun...

However, I can put you in touch with Donna d'Ingillo, and you'll never forget meeting up with that lady.


Put me in touch with Donna? Like.. to meet her? wow..I would LOVE to go meet her. I really really want to. Thank you George! :D

Where is she?
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Post by 3.14 »

do u have any idea who this might be? is monjoronson already here? how will we recognize him? im really intrigued by this

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Post by Geoff »

Hi Pi,

Yup he's here. Both George and I have experienced his energy. George took a message from him too. We understand he has materialised to one person, but we have no idea who that was. Not sure when he will take up permanent materialistaion either, but we hope sooner rather than later.

Much love,
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Post by George »

Hello there Pi,

How very coincidental you should post these questions.

You wrote:
George do u have any idea who this might be? is monjoronson already here? how will we recognize him? im really intrigued by this
Yes, he is a Paradise Citizen and he has apparently made one private 'appearance' so far. I think he is called a Magesterial Son... a fixer-upper. He is 'near', but does not have a physical body yet, but quite a number of my friends have spoken with him... and like me, just once or twice. I'm still looking for the earliest transmission -- about 2.5 years old, and it may well be the oldest we have.

Monjoronson actually worked on the Urantia Papers.

This came from Mechelle last night -- part of a Thuroc transmission....

Thuroc also told me that the (2nd) coming of the next Messiah will be for us to witness. Monjoronson may be with us here, now, but not quite ready yet to ‘surface’.

That's all we have. When you meet him, you'll just KNOW. :wink:

God bless....

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Post by 3.14 »

hi George, and Geoff-
coincidence? i dont know!! :P
im really excited about this. i dont know whats going on. i would love to learn more. i have this 'sitting on the edge of my seat' excitement. im not sure how to put it into words.
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Post by George »

Hello 3.14,

I don't think there is room for anything like "coincidence". Monjoronson has already turned up somewhere on the planet ... just once, and for a short time. He's here, and we will definitely see some changes.

Meanwhile, I'm still searching for what might have been one of his very first transmission, dating back to 2001. Hope it isn't lost, or taped over. That happens, sadly.

I'm pretty sure that was Monjoronson that came through back then, but for the Celestials to talk to many in the various groups is good confirmation. Even after many years, most of us receivers still need that.

If one of my friends turns up in Canada, the US, UK, South Africa, and here in Australia, all within ten days or so, it's a good feeling, even if he or she gossips a little. That's 8)

God bless....

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Post by George »

Hello 3.14,

I don't think there is room for anything like "coincidence". Monjoronson has already turned up somewhere on the planet ... just once, and for a short time. He's here, and we will definitely see some changes.

Meanwhile, I'm still searching for what might have been one of his very first transmission, dating back to 2001. Hope it isn't lost, or taped over. That happens, sadly.

I'm pretty sure that was Monjoronson that came through back then, but for the Celestials to talk to many in the various groups is good confirmation. Even after many years, most of us receivers still need that.

If one of my friends turns up in Canada, the US, UK, South Africa, and here in Australia, all within ten days or so, it's a good feeling, even if he or she gossips a little. That's 8)

God bless....

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Post by silverbull »

What exactly is the purpose of the "messiah" anyway? Is he like going to walk on water, and do other neato stuff?
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Hi Silverbull,

Post by George »

Hi Silverbull,

I'm not sure if you would call him a "messiah", but I guess that label would fit. Monjoronson would be interested in gently changing the spiritual climate, so we can progress again, rather than regress.

I don't think he'll either walk on water, or line 'em up and shoot 'em, but there will be no doubt about the "miracles" that will come along.

He's a big shot Paradise entity, created perfect, not a local universe creature, so this is a major incarnation job.

God bless....

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Post by snow_wolf11 »

Hi Silverbull,

I think the term, or word, "Messiah" is used for us mortals to be able to
indentify with this Paradise entity. We humans do tend to use labels so much it has become everday life for us. It is what we can relate to, and it gets our attention. Irregardless, you just absolutley will know when Monjoronson is among us, you will feel it in your soul.

Bright Blessings,


Post by Budgie »

Noun 1. messiah - any expected deliverer, rescuer, savior, saviour, deliverer - a person who rescues you from harm or danger
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Post by CuriousUniverse »

Oh, Gosh WHAT am I going to wear!!!!

Something in a regal blue, I think....


What a great time to be alive, yes?
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Post by Geoff »

Dear folks,

Like my brother George, i don't think "messiah" is the word to use with Monjoronson. Jesus was a Messiah, because certain things happened while he was here, which caused Thought Adjusters to be made available to us generally. With a Thought Adjuster assigned to you, you can in time reach a state where you will fuse with that being (God within) and thus enter the "Kingdom of God". So, in that sense he saved us, because he brought us immortality. Without a TA we would not be immortal, and cannot enter the Kingdom of God, only the lower spirit worlds.

But, Monjoronson is different. He will I am sure set a great example, and speak out, and teach us how we can change, but ultimately he will simply be a spiritual leader, not a messiah.

But it's a fantastic time to be on earth.

Much love,
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Post by George »

UC writes:
Oh, Gosh WHAT am I going to wear!!!!
Jeans, a t-shirt and a baseball cap. :shock:

What else is there? :lol:

God bless...

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Post by CuriousUniverse »

Whew - I'm so glad you said that...

Have you been peeking in my closet, George?

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Dear CU, yes, I do get around, but ladies' closets, as a rule, are not among my destinations.

I was talking about mine, right here. :lol:



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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Pennysense »

Do we have any more information available of Monjoronson? Has he arrived? Its been quite some time since the last posts!

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When and where will come Monjoronson

Post by HFEM »

All the mails and articles about the next coming of Monjoronso are full of faith and hopefully....what we need to we can learn...when we know the time is close....
God´s with you
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