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The Alchemist

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:51 pm
by Geoff
I don't think we have mentioned this cute book that has sold over 20 million copies, and was one of the earlier ones by Paulo Coehlo. I think his second book, but the one that has made him famous.

I was re-reading it, suspecting that since it is about six years since i first read it, I would probably spot something I missed last time.

Bingo. The "angel", called Melkizadek, King of Salem, who appears to the shepard and requires one tenth of his flock in payment for advice, mentions in passing he only spoke to Abraham once.

How does Paulo Coelho know Melkizadek is an angel? It's these sort of snippets make me wish I could know more about the guy.


Re: The Alchemist

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:44 am
Geoff wrote:
How does Paulo Coelho know Melkizadek is an angel? It's these sort of snippets make me wish I could know more about the guy.
I know that feeling. Occasionally, I come across something such as that. An author gives a little hint suggesting that they are Urantia Book readers or have an open channel to the Celestials, and I always wonder....

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:49 am
by Tulia

Wow, I just read the book about a month ago and noticed that too. I was going to post someting about that at the time, but figured people who've read it already saw that. Coelho is really cool. I was moved to blog a bunch about what I learned from the Alchemist! The most important of which to me was "follow your heart." I've heard (or rather read) you say something a couple of times recently about following your heart too.


Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:02 am
by Geoff
Dear Tulia,

I have read every one of his books, and am nearly finished the latest, The Zahir, which I think is phenomenal. I will write it up here when i finish.


Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:20 pm
by Tulia

Please do write something up! I look forward to it. I have read The Warrior of the Light and I have both Eleven Minutes and Zahir in my queue and sitting on my night stand. :)


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:00 pm
by Tulia
Geoff wrote: am nearly finished the latest, The Zahir, which I think is phenomenal. I will write it up here when i finish.
How was it Geoff. I haven't started it yet. Which did you like better Zahir or Eleven Minutes (assuming you read that one)


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:58 pm
by Geoff
Hi Tulia,

Well thats a hard one. 11 Minutes is amazing, in that is about prostitution. And yet its written in a spiritual way. But it was not to me a deep book.

The Zahir was intriguing to me, because again Paulo reveals that he knows about the ability/facility for us of feeling God in this realm. I thought the end of the book did not sit right. It left a sour feeling for me. I could not help feeling it may have been largely based on fact. I guess that is why I have not written it up yet? :lol: :cry:


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:44 pm
by Tulia
Good to know. It will be interesting to read them both. Now I'm curious to know how it ends.
