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Wisdom of the Ages.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:49 am
by arkain101
There was a show on tv awhile ago that kept on grabbing my attention. Id watch it for a few minutes then shut it off.. but over time.. it was on almost every night, I eventually sat down to watch it and wonder what it was all about.
It was wayne dyre talking about some of the things he has learned in his life, a man who has studied the greatest people to live in our times, like jesus, archimetes, michelangelo, de vinci..

I realized that mostly everything he was speaking of was very relative to how I interpreted life and found it amazing how this great knowledge he was sharing I had a very firm grasp on already.

I explain this to my mother and she was inspired and bought a book called.

Wisdom of the Ages.

She read it and loved it and i borrowed it and I agree it is a book we should all read. It relates to everything 11:11 stands for. Think of it as your hand book , or guide book to reaching the high conciousness and enlightentment we are apparently destined to reach in time to come.

It basicaly lays out what all these amazing accomplishers were trying to explain to people. Their reasons for how they achieved such talent and skill and creativity.

I never had a word for the way Ive learned to interpret life but this book kind of says it all for you and I guess what its getting at is enlightentment and a high conciousness. Let your mind become a replica of jesus, or, think the same as one of the greatest mathmaticians that lived 3000 years ago. basically sums it up. unified interpretation of reality.

I consider this book a important part and very related to this 11:11 business. Making use of your inner genious which will lead you to greatness which is how I feel I am living time will tell if I am well on my way.. but..

alright i htink ive said enough..

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:09 am
by Gai*11
Dear Arkain, I haven't heard of him, Wayne Dyre, but that all sounds like a really good read. Mmm, I'll have to check it out.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:36 pm
by A Learner

I too have listened to Wayne Dyre and agree that his messages are worth listening to. Looking at a list of his other books seems to show a real interest in the welfare of others to a great degree.

A quick look at his web site : and a look at just the titles of his books gave me a good feeling about his inner motivation.

Thanks for reminding me of him and his works.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:50 pm
by Skye
Wayne Dyer is amazing. He has quite a few books out and his videos are good as well. Really worth pursuing.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:50 am
I've read several of his books. I especially like his audiotapes because his voice alone has such inspiring and motivating qualities to it, and humor.

I recall best the story of how he motivated himself and kept going, carrying a box of copies of his first book around in his car, selling them wherever he was giving talks, with no way of knowing that it would take off, but sure that it was worth the effort.