Discussing Celestial Messages

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Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

I could have sworn there was a thread for this, but after 14 pages of searching through the miscl. and using through the search bar I couldn't quite find it.

I love when the messages find ways to acknowledge something within. “Repressed and Chronically Depressed.” - Thought Adjuster. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 92#p216292 This one really spoke to me. I do believe repressing your self leads to angst and outlash. I also know sometimes personalities collide. I think separation in relationships is quite natural- but if we care about the other or care to practice harmonious relationships, I am left wondering. I think sometimes we should honor the call to distance when it occurs in ourselves or another.

I found this message very encouraging. I will have to think what it means when it says, tame your negative impulses by reforming them through the free expression of your bright side. At times we don't realize that simply being ourselves is creating a great disturbance in another. We can't please everyone, and as long as we practice good will I don't think then there's any sense worrying when people fall apart. But sometimes I wonder how much of my self expression is perceived as manipulation or harmful intent, especially if that's not the case? I suppose the worry comes because I care about harmonious relationships especially with loved ones, but sometimes my Ego is quite rebellious and mistakes the freedom of self expression as more important than the freedom found in sacrifice or renunciation. I am able to make some connections with the saying... Life is at times a balancing act, I've learned it's not always about being right- as much as it is finding ways to keep the peace. And if separation occurs, we have to make peace with that and respect peoples wishes.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

You raise some good points here. I often wonder how I am perceived by others. I sometimes notice people exchanging looks when I speak, so I’m fairly certain I’m seen as a strange person in some circles. But I tell myself that other peoples’ opinions of me is none of my concern. As long as I am true to myself, it doesn’t matter what other people think of me. But it is nice to have harmonious relationships. I think sometimes I might be a little too honest, and that may be why not many people take to me. But I am still a work in progress after all. I do not say and do things with the intent to hurt others. But its hard to know how people will react to things. Also, I think it’s important to remember that just because people get offended, doesn’t mean they are right.

I think there may be benefit to clashing personalities coming together. That is, as long as all parties are committed to being civil with each other. I would compare these situations to a rock tumbler. Rocks go in with jagged edges, and by constantly rubbing up against each other, the jagged edges are broken off until the rocks are all smooth. How are we to develop patience and tolerance if we do not have opportunities to develop these attributes?

Kind regards,
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Johnathan, in most instances I have the ability to navigate these concerns quite easily- and then someone we've shared our hearts with is made distraught and it spurs a type of introspection. I completely agree, diamonds are formed by immense pressure. The real reward is to experience the ups and the downs, to sincerely understand and then rise through duality.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Todays message, it is 6:44PM now...
It's also my Angelic number today- 14 :hithere Today my mind has been thinking a lot about consciousness. Not just my mind, but it seems, the collective. And here we have an example of when celestial messages align with ones inner-state. I haven't much to add to this message right now, http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=31554
But to share what others are sharing *today* elsewhere. This has also been shared by a friend on a previous day. It's called nonordinary states of consciousness.
This information was taken on another forum, people discussing the 1111 phenomenon- how about that? I am also beginning to feel the oneness that allows us to see and experience consciousness as a whole, to remember that all is perfectly reflecting the will of our Father.
More on nonordinarty states of consciousness:
http://johnemackinstitute.org/1994/01/n ... -feelings/

I believe as we graduate, we are gifted an entire universe. <3 Thanks be to God.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Starwalker wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:52 am After reading today’s celestial message, I thought of this thread. I spoke of problems associated with unbelief, but we cannot forget the problems associated with belief as well. While believing in God is not a delusion, as some people would have us believe, there are delusions associated with belief systems. Our minds are imperfect electrochemical systems and things can go wrong with them. This really drives home the importance of remaining positive. We should never take ourselves too seriously. All will be known by and by. Let us not forget to enjoy the human experience!
Johnathan this is wonderful introspection. I've experienced nonordinary states of consciousness and my Ego had interfered with the experience/message being relayed. Not that my Ego is bad but that it represents its involvement in 3D, a system of duality... a necessity for personality development. We are forging it out here and my desire is to keep the compass Spiritward. To be more specific, I believed this girl to be a wife from a past life. Not only that, I was able to accurately describe a landscape she hadn't shared with anyone. I met her there in a dream, we started as two bodies- but the dream ended with the feeling of autumn- golden light, yellow and brown leaves everywhere. Our bodies disappeared and we were one.
The next day I told her about the water, and some of the things I saw in the dream and to both of our surprise she told me this is a place she goes to where she hashes out emotional disturbances with her more intimate relationships. The Ego drive in me saw an attractive woman and wanted to continue what it thought was an intimate relationship from another life. She wanted nothing of the sort this time around.
Yet going through that then, I can look back at it now and even laugh a little. Which affirms my belief all is well, even if we are a bit misguided. I don't think there's any, "wrong" just lessons and opportunities.

Thanks for the post! I brought it here to keep this thread alive :lol: :alien: :sunny: :study:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

That must have been an interesting experience for you both. I have had similar attractions that did not go as I would have liked. And I know it can leave you hurt and disillusioned. I’m glad you can look back on it and laugh a little now. I find that anytime I start to have feelings for someone prematurely, it elicits the opposite in the other person; they are scared off. I think social conditioning has something to do with it. People who are more spiritually aware tend to feel things that aren’t always deemed socially acceptable. Perhaps this is price we pay for yielding the psychic torch.

I don’t know much about the past life experiences. I believe that the experiences of mortals who decline eternal life live on in their Thought Adjusters. I wonder if this has anything to do with it. I also theorize that maybe it is not past life relationships that we are sensing, but future ones. Even beyond this life. I don’t say this to debunk anyones beliefs. These are just my own musings.

Keep your head up, you’ll find the right person for you in your own good time.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Hi Jonathan,

I think you misunderstood me- I am not sad for things not working out the way my Ego initially desired. On the contrary, I am relieved! :lol: Especially if, "been there, done that" is the case. I kid, I kid. ;) Yes the idea of reincarnation doesn't really sit well with UB does it? The point of my post was to dive further into this concept, "nonordinary states of consciousness." The scene I described to the girl was accurate, what caused me to dream of the place she goes to in meditation? A place she hasn't told anyone about? I've also ideas of a future life, one leaving the planet on a ship. It is quite emotional, cold and lonely. Or could it be a past life from a different planet? See? But I don't worry so much about it that it gets in the way of living this life now- who cares if past life or future life... I'm looking at it relevant to NOW. I also thought I was a fallen angel at one point- am I or did I share a memory with one? What causes this in the first place...? And does Ego get in the way of the experience?

From the link provided above,

Through nonordinary states of consciousness we can be brought into connection with the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth; with powerful feelings from early childhood; and with the transpersonal realms in which each individual can discover the capacity to identify with beings and forces in nature outside of personal biographical experience — a physical and emotional reification of Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious.

When we are able to access, or reaccess, emotions that have been warded off in the body cells or in autonomic regulatory systems, then the human organism’s previously blocked natural healing powers can become available. It is in this working through or integrative process that the greatest therapeutic value of nonordinary states may reside.

Finally, nonordinary states of consciousness have value beyond their therapeutic applications for personal growth and the expansion of consciousness. As Brown discusses in Chapter 17, the turning of attention from outer stimuli to the inner processes of thought and feeling, as occurs among experienced meditators, permits the questioning of the structure of perception itself and makes available information from a realm of being in which the distinctions between inside and outside or between psyche and nature lose their power and in which a deeply fulfilling extension of the range of human consciousness can occur.
To me, all of this alludes that all is One. It's all consciousness... I remember a wise many saying, "forms are many- soul is one." I'm not sure that sits well with UB either but I'm not here to dictate another's belief.. Only to say that I believe we are all part of One God- and the more we identify with that understanding, the more experiences we have that bridge gaps between worlds, dimensions and other beings.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric and Jonathan,

I guess for me it is all "apples and oranges...they are all fruit" kind of thing. Spirit is uniting and lets face it, we have human minds in a universe of intelligence that cannot be measured on any scale we can fathom...

I've never been especially fond of labels. So I look for bridges... always bridges in spiritual matters... and I actually see one here. You see, from the UB side of things... our TA is God, a very real part of God or as Eric may describe as "One Soul". This TA not only unites us with God, but as well with all others and provides unbelievable knowledge from It's own experience that will be ours. In this world, it can be flashes of Knowledge, information, even memories we may not understand and as we develop in closeness it will be an ever growing friendship and partnership. When we become joined...fused... as one Spirit being that knowledge and "light" will seamlessly be ours with no distinction. So whether it is TA fusion, reincarnation or One Soul won't really matter as those terms are just words we have used to help our human mind grasp what may be the very same thing...and wow :shock: it is something difficult to understand or relate to... sort of like when you try to fathom that the size of the universe or the timelessness of God. I suspect we will be unbelievably happy and joyful as we walk into our destiny and the One Soul always knows the best way to enlighten us and help us...hence the many ways the Divine touches us and guides us as mortals here. I also believe diversity is beloved and cherished in the universe. So I embrace it all. :sunflower:

Chief Bzutu once told George, "We are all one at our spiritual root source." :sunflower: Sort of reminds me of what you said, Eric. :bana: :sunflower:

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Sandy, I like the way that you explain the unexplainable. I agree that the labels matter little. As you put it, we live in a universe of unfathomable intelligence. Even the most advanced among us are still spiritually embryonic. We cannot expect to understand everything at this stage of our existence. But with each tiny step of faith we are getting closer to the goal of being one with God, or the One Soul. Until then there will be as many belief systems as there are people since we all are experiencing this life in a unique way. I see the diversity of creation as a beautiful thing.

Eric, it seems I did misunderstand you. But the thought occurred to me that perhaps someone else needed to read my words. Or maybe that was something I needed to express. I also realized that I used an incorrect word. I wrote, “yielding the psychic torch” when I meant wielding, which means to hold something. This error came to my mind this afternoon out of nowhere so I gave it some thought. Perhaps I do yield to my psychic abilities rather than wield them. By this I mean these experiences just happen and I react or yield to them, rather than taking control and wielding the torch myself. I also read this today on a Facebook post Jason shared, “Man either controls his mental states or they control him. Where they control him, he is the slave of circumstances.” How about you, Eric? Are you wielding or yielding?
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Spot on Sandy. :happy Johnathan, I'm just being me- and life is good. :alien: Right now I'm surrounded by two happy dalmatians and am feeling Love and appreciation. Happy to receive Gods Grace.

Kind regards~
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

What a beautiful message http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 57#p216457 ... I hope others remember our Unity as we navigate through polarizing issues. Swami Vidyadhishananda says by 2034 it will be apparent our society has been reformed and we will have younger and more compassionate leaders than those leading the charge today. Keep a hopeful attitude, you never know the full extent and power of influence-
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

I liked that message too, Eric. :happy
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Wow this message is yellin at me! My mind is still a bit cluttered and I should decompress tonight... I can already feel the healing effects of divine love envisioning my decompression.
Getting your handicapping emotions out of the way will fatten the portfolio of your sublime creative expressions. You will be mesmerized by the high frequencies they emit while simultaneously witnessing the progressive dissolution of your pessimistic propensities. No longer will you harbor a hostile ‘me-against-them’ stance. Instead, you will identify the similarities you share in your collective divinely-ordained destiny.

Become emotionally detached from what is beyond your control. No matter what, by exercising appeasing self-control, you can set the ambiance of your inner world, wisely warding off any disruptive agents.

Whenever you detect looming emotional perturbances, ground yourself in Me. I will keep you firmly anchored in light and life.”
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 09#p216509

How do you guys ground yourselves in your TA???

I can only think of stillness, which has become a habitual practice. :study: :sunny:

It sure is somethin'- even those who are serving their own interest are in fact, "correct" when it means fulfilling ones destiny(downfalls and all). Which makes things quite difficult when you encounter that "me-against-them" or, "i am right, you are wrong" personality. My Ego is truly ginormous and when it meets another larger than life ego it's like Godzilla vs. Kong :lol:

I think when we are grounded in Love, differences fall by the way side. And sometimes reconciliation means parting ways with those who insist on berating another(even if unintentional). It's possible to show someone Love by not being in their lives(i have to be a stranger for those who have chosen separate paths)... I think this idea of self-control has more meanings than just engaging in meditative practice... It means proper action.

:study: :alien: :loves
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

This message speaks to me as well. I can be overly emotional at times, and take things to heart when perhaps I shouldn’t. But I’ve noticed that I haven’t been feeling like this lately. It may be that I have become more grounded in my TA. Or maybe I’m just hardening. Either way, I’m glad that I’m not as sensitive as I once was.

As for ways to remain grounded in our TAs, besides meditation, there is also prayer and worship. I would put emphasis on worship. I know that stillness meditation is considered worship, but there are other ways to love God as well. As you mentioned, right actions are a way to please God, as the only gift we can truly give Him is to do His will. But I find listening to worship music can keep me grounded in God throughout the day. Also, thinking spiritual thoughts, and sending out love, praise and gratitude to our Maker keeps me smiling. And you can do that anytime because God is always listening.

The way we start our day is very important too. I start my day with 30 minutes of prayer and mediation. I’m not saying I’m overly skilled at the stillness as thoughts still invade my mind. But I’m trying. And I’ve noticed that when I don’t start my day like this, I will quickly become moody.

This morning I had a cool experience. I’m a bit of a Star Trek fan, and for some reason Vulcan mind melds came to mind while mediating. I thought “my mind to Your mind, my thoughts to Your thoughts.” Immediately, I began to feel pressure on my temples, just like a Vulcan had placed their fingers there to do a mind meld. Spirit really will reach out to us in awesome ways when we are open to it.

Live long and prosper,
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Jon, I love it.

Congratulations on such clear communication. :loves Having communities like this help us when we veer off our desired path... In the end, even deviations and cyclical lessons are for a greater purpose. Remembering that is humbling and makes deviations and misunderstandings less and less.

My thoughts have been that I am too outside in the world attaching to concepts that keep me away from a personal relationship. Like I am missing that special something that needs no explanation to anyone outside myself. I was able to reconnect by getting away from my cellphone, off the laptop and walking in nature. I do believe prayer help as you've mentioned... Sometimes though my prayers lose sincerity, I've talked so much in prayer that I've forgotten what I'm talking about and have even fallen asleep. Oh and I lay all my ugly out on the table for God to see. I've invited his celestial doctors with the hopes they may help 'correct' some of the inner maladies.

Yikes. :shock: :lol:

=) Cheers Brother!
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 62#p217062

Todays message was so on point- It's 3:11PM now as I share!

Just before reading the message,
At 2:33PM today I felt the chills run along my spine, blissful sensations... And I responded to this intelligence with, "I am here."

I recognize that sometimes these chills or sensations which cause my senses to withdraw and internalize are in fact a visit from an unseen presence.
Of course, those here don't need this post to understand the reality of communicating with an intelligence our eyes aren't always capable of seeing.

I share because it's so fascinating. After saying I am here the sensation started to fade away. I wonder if I should meditate immediately during these moments, or if this is just a friendly hello from our spirit guides.

In either case, meditation is so important. Or, moment in stillness. Not a pre-occupation with tv, social media, family, loved ones. None of these are bad, just the importance of a lone time- and recognizing even there we aren't alone, and somehow this time with the Beloved One heals our unresolved and unmanifest desires. Understanding, may not come right away... But there is something that soothes restlesness and helps us face the challenges before us and inside us.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

The message from Uteah, "your greatest challenge"
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 59#p217259
really touched me. I received this message at the x:22 prompt with a beautiful song on in the background.

God orchestrates these tiny moments in a way that really feels like a wink to our eternal partnership.

Yes... Right now we are fighting between right and wrong. This fighting over right and wrong is 1,000's of years old. Good people who think the other is defending the, "wrong" idea. And it's the same...

We're being asked to look past right and wrong and to recognize behind each ideal is a child that is Gods. We are all his children...

Amen, thank you Sandy ~
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Today's contemplation ...

Re: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=31953
"How would you live?"

So, how would you live if you kept purchasing with credit
expecting that funds would be available in the future :?:

:idea: Best guess: Neither funds nor credit would be available
unless you lived within your means and made effort
to secure funding for purchases and expenses. :duh

Tip: "How would you live if you already possessed everything?"
suggests that you would not need monetary credit. ;)

Rod :)
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Really random caffeinated thoughts in which I don't expect answers- and I barley understand the questions my self.

Don't hurt your self. Lest you wish to entertain something that reaches out to you, pay no mind to these random thought dribbles. :lol:

In this transmission,
“Forgiveness Falls Under the Category of Human Affairs.” - Thought Adjuster: -

Do you believe God has forgiven those who have rebelled against him? Has forgiven the fallen angels?

And Lucifer himself? If forgiveness is a human affair, is there no need to for God to forgive Lucifer? Lucifer being Gods creation.

And I wonder if past, present and future are all happening right now.
So that the collapse and the resurrection are always happening...

What I mean is... Punishments have already been made, processed, and so forth. Though we call it punishment- it might be more accurate to call it "consequence" from ones "karmic making."

And yet, the story keeps on repeating itself... Is it because NOW- no matter the time, is all there is? And these great histories, these great victories and great losses are all existing as potential NOW?

Like AI and transhumanism- severing a connection from God in favor of technological marvels that promise wonders and mysteries of God but somehow consequently pulling people further away from natural order and seeking God?

Is what's happening NOW similar to whats happened then?
And simultaneously... The opportunity for Union existing NOW, eternally so... Where those who have *lived this before* even have a chance to do it again, with a different outcome?

Again... Just thoughts... There are more important things than being entangled in thoughts- have a great day :lol:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Geoff »

I will answer one of your questions:

"Has God forgiven"?

I don't believe God forgives in the human sense, because I don't believe He judges. The point being is that judgment and total unconditional love are near impossible bed-fellows. If you look at how the universe has been structured, some folks end up in various levels of darkness we term hell. These places are not eternal, and God does not send them there, they take themselves there because that's where their vibration level is in sync. They are most "comfortable" there in a vibratory sense. They stay there until they change their vibrational level. Then they move, and there is no limit to how far you can progress it would appear.

Now the complication is that 3D worlds like ours make huge mistakes that impact on the entire material universe that planet exists in. This situation disappears if the planet moves to 5D or higher. But 3D planets with 3D humanoids have waged interplanetary war. And that had to be stopped. The act of stopping it infers judgement, but a judgement by created beings, not God. In fact as you may know there is a very high level of council that "passes judgement" as in fact Lucifer discovered. The act of removing him was in fact a judgement. But carried out by created beings.

Aaah I see I can answer another. We never get "punished". What you get after death you earned as a direct consequence of your actions in life. Karma is a good description excepting only there is no reincarnation and you have to work this out after death. It both puzzles me and annoys me when spiritual teachers say there are no wrong or right actions. There are indeed, if you consider "consequences".

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

:lol: Geoff,

Thank you for attempting to humor me. And for the redirect to the Lucifer Rebellion. I intend to read more.

I would agree that there are consequences. What I've learned about right and wrong, also being human conception, has more to do with what one finds beautiful and one finds ugly. But sometimes what one finds ugly another finds beautiful! So it is puzzling. It would seem that there are inherent rules in the system we're born into- and straying from those rules has consequences. Are those consequences wrong? I think it entirely plausible to maintain the perspective that deviations and consequences are meant to be understood. Is there a better path when comparing books smarts to street smarts? Well, I'll leave that to the individual.

My curiosity about Lucifer is because I believe in the peacock angel. Al Khadir, the green man... He goes by many names... And before learning of him I believe I share on some level a memory with a fallen angel. I don't necessarily think all those who have fallen are evil... But worthy of God Union.
Let me also say, I am not asking you to believe these ideas... But that I do believe in them, and have experienced the Living Spirit acknowledge my curiosities in ways that defy logic. Similar to the way the 1111 acknowledges our innermost dialogue. I also can't say reincarnation does not exist and will not impose upon your beliefs.

I do wonder though about this 5D stuff... If it is possible to progress through the grades, then is it equally possible to descend? Well, yes, and using your words, "they take themselves there." Would it then be possible to mistake a life from 5D and then being born here as a past life? In fact, for the longest I thought I had a memory from a future life- but thought later it was a past life from a different region of time and space.

Anyways... Lucifer is Gods creation, yes?
I suppose I should read up more on your link... And I will also share what spurred my questions... And I am finding, through over a decade of searching- that I have Sufi influence, fallen angel influence and this Peacock Angel- which to my surprise- are indeed ALL connected. I am also intuiting that we all share this rich history of rebellion in our, "Akash"- that being born in this region of time/space makes us a part of His being- a part of his story... The Peacock Angel.
When the Peacock Angel descended into the physical dimension, the colours of the rainbow took the form of a peacock, which flew around the world, blessing every spot until landing in Lalish, now in modern Iraq. The Yezidis consider Lalish the most sacred place on Earth. The Peacock Angel is responsible for Earth’s beauty, especially flora and fauna. He is the protector and teacher of humanity, although he lives in a different dimension. Someday, in an apocalyptic time of great danger, he will return, probably as a peacock or rainbow. In the meantime, he is everywhere, all the time, and so devotees can always call upon his help.

At Creation, the Creator ordered the seven angels never to bow down before anyone but Him. When Adam was created, He seemingly rescinded this order, directing the angels to prostrate themselves before a new creation. Six of seven angels obeyed. There are two ways of looking at this:

• It was a test (something like when Abraham was ordered to sacrifice Isaac or like Job’s angel-inspired persecution). The Peacock Angel may have failed or alternatively may have been the only angel to pass.

• The Peacock Angel defied the Creator and was punished. Cast into the abyss, he repented and wept so grievously that his tears extinguished the fires of the inferno. (The Peacock Angel may have cried for seven thousand years.) The all-merciful Creator forgave the Peacock Angel, who was reinstated as chief angel. The Peacock Angel now supervises the world on behalf of the Creator.

The Peacock Angel is a title, not a name. It is a direct translation of Melek Taus, which translates as “Peacock Angel” or “Peacock King.” The names of the assisting angels are familiar (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael). So who is the Peacock Angel?

The Peacock Angel is most often identified as Azazel or Lucifer, leaders of the Rebel and Fallen Angels, respectively. (Lucifer is also a title, not a true name and may be interpreted as “the one who brings light.”) Yezidis are labelled devil worshippers because Muslim neighbours consider the Peacock Angel to be the devil. The Yezidis do not agree. Their religion does not possess the same concepts of the devil, hell, or sin as Islam does. Instead, the Peacock Angel is the saviour and ruler of the universe, made even more compassionate by time spent in the abyss.

I think through human judgement, great characters have become demonized... And I think what we know about history is not entirely accurate. Which is sad because fear seems to motivate human judgement... However, I believe we're entering a time where that fear is diminishing(grant it still very real...)- and collectively, we're able to face realities maybe even beings that once scared us. My hope is, at least, that this opportunity is made known to others. And that one day the general intelligence and compassion reflected in our society is increased tenfold.

Right, wrong, or is it just where our awareness likes to reside in this grand map of consciousness- ?
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Geoff »

Lucifer was not evil as humans define evil. But he refused to follow orders from his direct superior. That's rebellion, and it's not allowed. Same for "fallen angels" They chose the wrong side, and many were not sure which side was wrong.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Sandy... The latest transmission posted on the MB, "About Dream Come True"

MAN!!! Glorious Sister. :alien:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

:D On behalf of all who work behind the scenes to get the messages out, I thank you, dear Eric. (It was a good one! ;) :sunflower: :D )

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »



The eye of the storm!!!

It's so spot on, with where I am at presently in Life- what I am learning, choosing...

Oh my gosh. :loves

Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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