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Colors too?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:46 pm
by pointman19
Hey Gang,

I just recently had another thing thats begun to start happening. Whenever i get this gut feeling that someting is about to go well, or if i go into an appointment for my job to conduct business but deep down, i have this feeling that everyting is going to go very well...the color Orange appears. If im about to walk through the front door of a potential clients office, an orange car will pass by....Things like that but it isnt limited to cars.

Im just curious to know if anyone else is having this expeirience. I seem to keep getting these weird phenomenons that keep happening to me...always different...always something off the wall that doesnt seem to mesh with the daily flow of life....but not in a bad way.

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:51 am
by Sandy
Well isn't that interesting...prompting with colors. :D I'm not sure what it is all about, Jason, but my first thoughts were of the chakra energy colors in our body. Let's see... orange would be the sacral chakra which is the seat of your creative energy.
just a thought...Maybe it is indicating you are connected with your deepest inner creativity. ????

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:35 am
by Trixie520
I'm drawn to orange too. This is a recent thing for me, it used to be blue a couple years ago. I wonder if this has something to do with our own aura's? We go through ups and downs in life so our auras will change with different periods of times in our lives.

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:48 am
by Sandy
I wonder if this has something to do with our own aura's? We go through ups and downs in life so our auras will change with different periods of times in our lives.
I hadn't given that a thought... 8) You very well could right, Trixie. Do you know anything about what the colours represent about us and our state of mind. body and spirit? We were at a spiritual fair once and a young man was taking aura photos. Looking at the results I saw a wealth of various aura colours and not one person's looked like another. It is one of those things I meant to look into but never got around to doing it. I have a perfectly good aura seeing exercise on my computer somewhere, though... never to late, eh? ;) :)
Do you see auras, Trixie? George can when he wants to or when the information he receives is helpful.

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:38 pm
by Trixie520
Hi Sandy,

Its something I read up on for a while but never went much further into it. I cannot see peoples aura's however I can feel it. I can also smell (sounds weird I know) when people are getting sick, except on myself. I always smell a weird metal type smell on people a couple days before they come down with something. If its one of my kids I start giving them a lot of fresh fruits and veges to bulk up on vitamins to try and cut back the amount of time they are sick.

I have heard you can learn to read an aura though. I do know if you focus on that during a meditation you can see your own, I have been able to that before and look up what the color means, however during meditation you can feel it as well. :)

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:42 am
by Sandy
Hi Trixie
I remember one of our members some years ago providing an exercise providing practice for seeing Auras. I'll see if I can find it and post it.

It s weird I can see the energy field given off by plant, trees and such but not people and have never tried it on animals as most of the time they are too busy. Of course, I haven't given it more then a cursory attempt either.

I will try as you suggested to see my own aura in meditation. :finger:
How awesome and very handy that you can smell the pre-set of illness on other people. Oh what I would have given to have had that skill when my own children were young.

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:47 am
by Sandy
I found this in record time. I must be living right today. ;)

Here it is...John (Twinstars) aura exercise post. I suspect it is as he says and we all can learn to do this... 8)
Hi All,

I see auras and have coached many, even some who previously swore there is no such thing, and have seen people actually lose their breath the first time they too see. Some people's responses are really quite funny to watch.
The best technique I have found is to ask someone to stand or sit in front of a pure white background, such as a wall. Then from a distance of around eight to ten feet away and directly in front of them fix your gaze onto their left eye for approximately 20seconds, then have them quickly step out of your view, without you moving your eyes.
What you will see there in their stead will not be their aura, however it will give your minds eye an idea of what it is looking for. Ask them to return and this time let your eyes ever so slowly move around their face and along their hair line. Chances are you will see their aura. It's very difficult to see auras on a dark background, but it can be done, in time. After a while you will see them just by looking at someone. maybe someone who is walking toward you. And, with practice you can actually see auras change as people change their thoughts. Every color has a meaning. Which can be either a blessing or a disappointment when you are in conversation and see someone's color change, and know that you are being lied to.
Hope this helps someone.

Love and Light,

Re: Colors too?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:08 pm
by Trixie520
Thanks for posting that Sandy,
I will definitely be giving that a try. :loves