Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing up?

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Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing up?

Post by pointman19 »

Hey all,

I tried to do a search through these forums about the number 44, as it has been appearing very very frequently for me. Today, its been everywhere and ive only been awake for less than two hours...heres some examples from this morning alone.

First off, my mom asks for conformation on an insurance companys number...the lsat four digits are 0044. Off a hint i got from this site, i googled ABC-22 which got me i tried ABC-44. It showed a news station called ABC 22 and Fox news 44...i didnt see any real connection but i clicked it anyways...i look to the top of the page and the temp is 44 degrees. I hit back on my browser to my google search results and it shows the Green bay packers which they won by 44 points. Then immidiatley under it, it shows a college football game where it was Arizona (i think, i might be wrong) but the score was 44-20.

I cant come up with any reason for this accept that this might be my spirit gaurdian trying to communicate with me....upon recieving that thought, i felt compelled to come here, to this tell about whats if theres someone out there that can tell me who this is.

I have a problem though, i cant communicate with my spirit gaurdian. I have ADD and i cant quiet my mind down. When i try to meditate and slow things down..eventually getting it all queit...i immidiatley fall asleep, i cant change this no matter how hard i try.

I know this is all so very far fetched, and i dont know if anyone can help me...but i was directed here. So maybe somebody can

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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by overmind »

Hi pointman19,

I wanted to say hello after I approved the first post, but I was just too tired last night. Welcome to the board! :hithere

I've never seen 44 the way you have. Besides 11:11 and 12:34, I used to get 7:47 a lot. I too have ADD and find meditation difficult at times. I don't expect to get stable communication until I am at least in my 30s. There are multiple variables involved with communication with spirit. Part of it is simply genetics, some are very lucky/gifted while others (like myself) don't really start off with such a talent. Next is brain development, good results will probably be thin until the mid-20s since the individual is still growing their mental, emotional and physical intelligence. Next is how much hard work the individual has put in and how many years they have been meditating. Hopefully the individual will be able to adjust their brainwaves (through a meditation track for instance) so that it becomes easier to receive. Lastly are the circuits through which spirit personalities can communicate (which our brains can connect to), although I think this has more to do with long-distance communication.

Personally, I see a lot of folks in their 60s and 70s find this information and make rather fast progress thanks to life experience. I don't have this, so I have to be very dedicated. So far, it has been worth it.
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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by happyrain »

hey jason
keep your eyes/ears and heart open
you'll find spirit communicates with us, through us. through time and space- in plants people and even inanimate objects.
as for your practice in stillness don't be discouraged. maybe spend less time meditating but increase the number of times you practice in a day. (idk)

btw with all those electronics going out i'd say something is definitely grabbing your attention =P

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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by pointman19 »

Thanks folks, i really appreciate the input. i saw a couple of things i wanted to point out, and rain, im glad you posted on this thread too because it makes what im going to say more relevant.

I dont know if you guys (or ladies) pay attention to this kind of thing...but Overmind...the time you was at 4:11. Happy rain...the time you was at 9:44 (yet another 44). This is the second time i noticed the 44 thing happening on this forum. As i was searching for posts that have 44 in it, maybe to help me to understand something or to lead me in the right direction...i came upon this thread and even though its topic is a little differnt from what im expeirencing...the post times caught my attetention again.

one thing i was wrong about was a posters response time, it was actually her join time as well.

One thing i can for sure say...i may have ADD and this causes my problems with mediation...but im ridiculously perceptive.

Theres only one main question that goes thru my head over and over and over since i learned a few things on this site since i joined up...who is 44 and what relationship does he/she have to ABC-22? It has to be a primary midwayer from what ive learned here so far. From what i gather, Secondary midwayers cant effect electronics like ive expeirenced. it also a coincidence that the address of my employer is 6644? Which happens to be a Goodwill....

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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by overmind »

I'm not sure 44 has anything to do with who is communicating, it just seems to be what best attracts your attention. 11:11 is the calling card of the original platoon of 1,111 secondary midwayers, but they will use whatever works best for the individual and are not the only ones doing so. You could be getting prompts from ten different beings, and there isn't any way to know for sure until you are able to ask them yourself or look at a record of your life in the next world. Sometimes who performs the task isn't what matters as long as it gets done. Just my perspective on things.
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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by pointman19 »

i guess....i mean, i dont know what to make of all this anyways as much as anyone else, right? its one thing to see the 11' its 44's...yesterday i had over 25 "44 and 444" number counts, and a 2:22 time prompt. Today its gone back to the subtle 11's far.

like i said, i dont get it, or understand what im trying to get. the strongest vibe i get is taht im trying to be told something or made aware of something. im trying to keep my eyes and ears open, i see some of you have been going though this for more than 20 plus years. I just woke to this over the summer. Thanks anyways for trying to help, much appreiciated

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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by happyrain »

heypointman that's all you need to do. eyes, ears- heart.

i find it hard to give advice because there is a section here that helps those who want to reach deeper and make contact with celestials- you might find the guided meditation useful and even consider getting the CD ( ). i think it's beneficial if you keep a lax mind set through it all. take note when you see a prompt because soon you'll recognize these moments without having your attention directed to a clock. it'll be something someone says, a synchronistic event that might acknowledge something on a deeper level.

having this awareness can help you make soult felt decisions that contribute to you and those around you

you're encouraging me to get back into meditation
but in truth i don't know either- its your life
this reply is just an educated guess
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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by 11light11 »

Hey pointman!

This thread is so interesting. I thought it was incredible that you tried searching ABC-44, and you came up with a news page displaying the temp as 44 degrees. :shock: Even when you were looking in the 'wrong place,' so to speak, the message kept repeating -- all the way into the sports score!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

When a number starts following you around, it pops up in the wildest places imaginable. I always keep at least two clocks set to the wrong time (not intentionally, I just never bother to set them), and it is amazing how often my prompts appear on even these clocks. In the kitchen, there are two of these, and I'll notice that when one says 12:34, the other says 11:22, and so on. They nearly always both prompt at the same time. How and why should this be possible? Must be a sign. ;)

What has interested me the most, while we've learned that the Chief prompts with 22 (ABC-22), Midwayer Mathew prompts with 33, and so on -- is that at the bottom of all this, it's clear something is going on. ADD or no ADD, in time, if you try connecting to these beings, you'll start to feel differently. And it can absolutely take some patience -- I'm with overmind on that one. But there are subtle changes we witness, even without the loud bangs and smoke and all that -- and those changes really go a long way. ;) Some places on this site, others have said that :44 means your own guides saying hello.

With your own guides prompting you so often right now, maybe they are calling you to sit in silence and connect to them (and the Midwayers). You really might enjoy trying George's Akashic Construct CD which he has for sale here on this site. It's very soothing -- his voice is so calming -- and it's like Meditation for Dummies ;) . No matter how hard it is for a person to sit in silence, he makes it really easy!! I always am amazed at how he knew just exactly how to approach the problem, for people like us who find meditation a challenge. ;)

Good luck and enjoy the prompts!! NIce seeing you around the forum. :roll With love, Michele :loves
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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by pointman19 »

others have said that :44 means your own guides saying hello.
This is so incredible you posted this!! Two days ago, i went to my private spot on the beach of Lake Erie. Its where i go and talk aloud with no one anyone around, it looks like im talking to air (like a split personality) but im actually just trying to talk to whatever presence is around.

I wasnt going to post this because its kinda too unbelieveable, but after i was done with my soul bearing, i took a picture of the Lake...always calming.

Later i went to my tablet and opened the pic, the file name was at the top when it said "HELLO_i44".......At first it scared the hell out of me...shock more than anything" i wish i could prove it, if i uploaded, imageshack or photobucket would give it their own file name for forums reference

i promise you im not making this stuff up or trying ot draw attention to myself. but this is the most active forums ive been to and i feel comfortable telling these expeirences. I feel i wont be judged here...but you can understand how hard it is to talk about these things. Theres another site i LOVE to go to, such great insight and ideas to all of this...but replies and activity are far and few. Even though ive really come to admire those people over there. It takes a lot to come out and try to talk to others when other people tell you its all in your head. It gives a whole new appreciation to those people on those forums, and especially the ones here :)

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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by Sandy »

Hi pointman,
What an awesome experience from the beautiful shores of Lake Erie. :sunflower: I'm glad you shared it with us here on the board.

I had a very dear friend of mine who used to see the 4's too. She always said she was being prompted by her full compliment of angels. And she would often talk with them out loud in the car or in private because as you said, this kind of thing is considered acceptable by many people. But we don't have to prove our experiences to anybody else do we? We know what we experience and that it is good and even healing.
I know it seems today like you may never be able to communicate with the beings giving you these prompts...but honestly I have seen this turn around by many people. Sometimes the trouble simply lies in our own expectations... how we think the communication should unfold. Finding a form of quieting the mind and discovering the peace that lies beyond and within is unique for each of us. But we have been told that even when we think we have failed, for instance with your falling asleep, good things are happening. Most of us who have done George's cd can attest to that as often the first bit that happens is we fall asleep. Then eventually and before long, we are able to listen with alert ears and heart. George has said that the meditation cd goes to where it is first needed and sometimes when we sleep like this a form of healing is happening.

Anyway, I don't think I have given you any more to chew on on these wonderful 4's but please be patient because someone is definitely trying to reach out to you.
In all honesty, it took me over a year. Partially because I was a little lax with my daily meditation. :oops: :roll: But when I began doing it daily and not limiting myself with my expectations things began to change for me...the best part was how much more centered I felt when meditating in some way every day.

It is nice meeting you Welcome to the board, pointman. :hithere
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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by pointman19 »

I'm truly humbled by everyone's advice and insight. I found a YouTube video that's an hour long and helps with meditation. Everyone's responses has motivated me to pick myself up, brush myself off and give the meditation another shot. I plan on payday to hopefully order Georges CD.

Thanks everyone for the inspiration. I've always been the one to never give up!

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Re: Could someone help me with a number that keeps showing u

Post by 11light11 »

Thanks for sharing your experience sitting at Lake Erie, Jason! I know what you mean too well, about feeling like perhaps others will say you're making things up, if you share that the name given to your pic was HELLO 44 ! I think when I worry about that, myself, it shows me that I, personally worry I am making it up! LOL. But that's just me. It takes a lot to digest all these changes, and to accept that you really are seeing these things, because it simply shakes you out of your old world view! But in a good way. ;)

Enjoy your search!!!

With love, Michele
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