Your Daily Saki

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Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

It seems someone has tampered with my Saki. Or simply, I've not been here enough to know better. Today we toast to the wisdoms of Hazrat Inayat Khan and sip from our Saki in Joy and Gratitude.
Fellow Seekers,
The soul is either raised or cast down by the power of its own thought, speech and action.
Image Bowl of Saki for September 8

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

One should say to the mind, 'Look here, you are my mind, you are my instrument. You are my slave and servant. You are here to help me, to work for me in this world. You have to listen to me. You will do whatever I wish. You will think whatever I wish. You will feel whatever I wish. You will not think or feel differently from my wishes, for you are my mind and you must prove in the end to be mine.' By doing this we begin to analyze our mind. We begin to see where it is wrong and where it is right. What is wrong in it and what is right in it; whether it is clouded, whether it is rusted, whether it has become too cool or whether it has become over-heated. We can train it ourselves, in accordance with its condition, and it is we who are the best trainers of our mind, better than anybody else in the world.


Each individual composes the music of his own life. If he injures another, he brings disharmony. When his sphere is disturbed, he is disturbed himself, and there is a discord in the melody of his life. If he can quicken the feeling of another to joy or to gratitude, by that much he adds to his own life; he becomes himself by that much more alive. Whether conscious of it or not, his thought is affected for the better by the joy or gratitude of another, and his power and vitality increase thereby, and the music of his life grows more in harmony.


The heart must be tuned to the stage and the pitch where one feels at-one-ment with persons, objects, and conditions. For instance, when one cannot bear the climate, it only means that one is not in harmony with the climate; when one cannot get on with persons, that one is not in harmony with them; when one cannot get on with certain affairs, that one is not in harmony with those affairs. If conditions seem hard, it shows that one is not in harmony with the conditions.


The most important subject to study in this whole life is ourselves. What we generally do is to criticize others, speak ill of them, or dislike them; but we always excuse ourselves. The right idea is to watch our own attitude, our own thought and speech and action, and to examine ourselves to see how we react upon all things in our favor and in our disfavor, to see whether we show wisdom and control in our reactions or whether we are without control and thought. Then we should also study our body, for by this we should learn that the body is not only a means of experiencing life by eating and drinking and making ourselves comfortable, but that it is the sacred temple of God.


~~~ The soul is either raised or cast down by the power of its own thought, speech and action.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Welles »

Those are wonderful, practical, pithy perspectives. I love nuggets of wisdom one can use straight away because they are so clear. Thanks!

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Hello Welles! :hithere

I haven't shared here in a while... Today I take a small excerpt from the works of Mr. Khan for yours and others consideration! =)

For the Sufi there is one principle which is most essential to be remembered and that is consideration for human feeling. If one practices in his life this one principle he need not learn much more; he need not trouble about philosophy, he need not follow an old or a new religion, for this principle in itself is the essence of all religions. God is love, but where does God dwell? He abides in the heart of man.

~~~ "Sangatha I, Khawas", by Hazrat Inayat Khan (unpublished)

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Eric! I not only found great value in your recent post but rereading the first post, ( "The Bowl of Saki") I have missed those little "nuggets of wisdom." :D
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy. My reality as of late is lazy and self centered(no worries :lol: )- Inayat Khans ability to describe this personality as being fearless of the hereafter is spot on. I also find his words as a source of inspiration,

Devotees by their power of concentration, by their purity of life, and by their divine love become wonderful healers. Their every tear and sigh become a source of healing for themselves and those around them. Devotion is the fire in which all infirmities are consumed.

I like that bit. Every tear and sigh become a source of healing for even themselves. This resonates with me.

Those who study mysticism and philosophy while omitting self-sacrifice and resignation grow egoistic and self-centered. Such persons are apt to call themselves either God or a part of God, and thus make an excuse for committing any sins they like. Regardless of sin or virtue they misuse and malign others, being utterly fearless of the hereafter. Yet they forget that 'strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life', as the Bible says. The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee and leads to spiritual freedom.


I've always been a little lax with life but understand the importance of practice and action.

Hope you're having a nice day.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Welles »

happyrain wrote:Hope you're having a nice day.

Haw! It's great. I'm being lazy and useless. Yay! I haven't had a lazy day in a while.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Devotees by their power of concentration, by their purity of life, and by their divine love become wonderful healers. Their every tear and sigh become a source of healing for themselves and those around them. Devotion is the fire in which all infirmities are consumed.

I like that bit. Every tear and sigh become a source of healing for even themselves. This resonates with me.
That resonates with me too... :D
I love it too that Divine Love meets us where ever we are...whatever spiritual belief lights our fire. With devotion, this unconditional love will lift us to heights yet unseen. :bana:

happyrain wrote:
Hope you're having a nice day.

Haw! It's great. I'm being lazy and useless. Yay! I haven't had a lazy day in a while.

Image Welles
I cannot imagine anyone ever thinking of you as useless, Welles. It is good to know that you are enjoying peace and rest after a busy series of "projects."
I hope that peacefulness extends into your Sunday too! :sunflower:

Our week end is over but there's still time for the rest of you...Enjoy!!! Celebrate life! :bana:
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

So as long as you don't mind, I found this excerpt very helpful. Today's Saki,

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

The other day I lectured in Paris and after my lecture a very able man came to me and said, 'Have you got a scheme?' I said, 'What scheme?' 'Of bettering conditions.' I replied that I had not made such a scheme, and he said, 'I have a scheme, I will show it to you'. He opened his box and brought out a very large paper with mathematics on it and showed it to me saying, 'This is the economic scheme that will make the condition of the world better: everyone will have the same share'. I said, 'We should practice that economic scheme first on tuning our piano: instead of saying D, E, F, we should tune them all to one note and play that music and see how interesting that would be -- all sounding the same, no individuality, no distinction, nothing.' And I added, 'Economy is not a plan for construction, but it is a plan for destruction. It is economics which have brought us to destruction. It is the heart quality, it is the spiritual outlook which will change the world'.

Very often people coming to hear me say afterwards, 'Yes, all you say is very interesting, very beautiful, and I wish too that the world was changed. But how many think like you? How can you do it? How can it be done?'. They come with that pessimistic remark, and I tell them, 'One person comes into a country with a little cold or influenza and it spreads. If such a bad thing can spread, can not an elevated thought of love, kindness and goodwill towards all men spread? See then that there are finer germs, germs of goodwill, of love, kindness, and feeling, germs of brotherhood, of the desire for spiritual evolution, which can have greater results than the other ones. If we all have that optimistic view, if we all work in our little way, we can accomplish a great deal'.


Many have been cross with God for having sent any misery in their lives -- but we always get such experiences! Becoming cross one says, 'Why, this is not just', or 'This is not right', and 'How could God who is just and good allow unjust things to happen?' But our sight is so limited that our conception of right and wrong and good and evil is only for us -- not according to God's plan. It is true that, as long as we see it as such, it is so for us and for those who look at it from our point of view, but when it comes to God the whole dimension is changed, the whole point of view is changed.


hope the family here is doing well :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

I am so glad you shared this, Eric! I too found it very helpful and it has lightened my heart this morning. :sunflower:
Please feel free to share the Daily Saki whenever you wish...for that matter share whatever you find helpful, encouraging and beneficial. We all can use a little Saki. :cheers:

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Our greatest enemy is ourself. All weakness, all ignorance keeps us from the truth of our being, from all the virtues hidden in us and all perfection hidden in our souls. The first self we realize is the false self. Unless the soul is born again it will not see the kingdom of heaven. The soul is born into the false self; it is blind. In the true self the soul opens its eyes. Unless the false self is fought with, the true self cannot be realized.


If a man has control over himself, he will smile and be patient even if he is exposed to rages a thousand times. He will just wait. He who has spiritual control has great control; but he who has it not can control neither spiritual nor physical events. He cannot control his own sons and daughters, for he never listens to himself first. If he listened to himself, not only persons but even objects would listen to him.


There is a poem by the great Persian poet Iraqi in which he tells, 'When I went to the gate of the divine Beloved and knocked at the door, a voice came and said -- Who art thou?' When he had told, 'I am so and so', the answer came, 'There is no place for anyone else in this abode. Go back to whence thou hast come'. He turned back and then, after a long time, after having gone through the process of the cross and of crucifixion, he again went there -- with the spirit of selflessness. He knocked at the door; the word came, 'Who art thou? ', and he said, 'Thyself alone, for no one else exists save Thee'. And God said, 'Enter into this abode for now it belongs to thee'. It is such selflessness, to the extent that the thought of self is not there, it is being dead to the self, which is the recognition of God.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Eric,
This hits it 's mark today. :D I will think about this topic in meditation as well. Hope you have a wonderful week end!
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Todays Celestial Message and Bowl of Saki

Post by happyrain »

Today I found a perfect harmony between the TA's Receptivity topic and Inayat Khans wisdom on selflessness.
"Until the heart is empty, it cannot receive the knowledge of God."

Bowl of Saki, March 28, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Rather fond of the TA's statement's elaborting on eating healthy and mental clarity,
“Many are ‘mal-nurturing’ their body with junk food that fails to adequately boost their energies and zest for life. As well, they indiscriminately subject their mind to a variety of low vibratory nutrients, mindlessly broadcasted by electronic devices or dispensed by other unreliable sources. Due to the Law of Cause and Effect, theseare detrimental to your wellbeing if they catch you off-guard and you develop an addiction to them.

“It all starts within your thinking process. How do you use your mind? What is it dwelling on? Your thoughts produce your emotions and your feelings drive your decisions and actions.
One of the hardest lessons for me to understand is what Hazrat Khan says here,
There are many ideas which intoxicate man, many feelings there are which act upon the soul as wine, but there is no stronger wine than the wine of selflessness. It is a might and it is a pride that no worldly rank can give. To become something is a limitation, whatever one may become. Even if a person were to be called the king of the world, he would still not be emperor of the universe. If he were the master of earth, he would still be the slave of Heaven. It is the person who is no one, who is no one and yet all.

The Sufi, therefore, takes the path of being nothing instead of being something. It is this feeling of nothingness which turns the human heart into an empty cup into which the wine of immortality is poured. It is this state of bliss which every truth-seeking soul yearns to attain. It is easy to be a learned person, and it is not very difficult to be wise. It is within one's reach to become good. And it is not an impossible achievement to be pious or spiritual. But if there is an attainment greater and higher than all these things, it is to be nothing.


All the great saints and sages, the great ones who have liberated humanity, have been as innocent as children and at the same time wiser, much more so, than the worldly-wise. And what makes it so? What gives them this balance? It is repose with passiveness. When they stand before God, they stand with their heart as an empty cup; when they stand before God to learn, they unlearn all things the world has taught them; when they stand before God, their ego, their self, their life, is no more before them. They do not think of themselves in that moment with any desire to be fulfilled, with any motive to be accomplished, with any expression of their own; but as empty cups, that God may fill their being.

I don't think I could ever achieve this level of selflessness in this lifetime.... I am hopeful.... Seeing with a glimpse of detachment from even my own actions, blessed enough to reassess and approach a similar experience differently....

Even eating healthy is a struggle for me but has been an awesome pursuit! Even harder is catching your negative thoughts directed at someone- be it a stranger, a friend or family member. The message is clear though, empty your self for the level of receptivity the TA speaks of.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
I do enjoy reading these "Bowl of Saki's " and your thoughts on the subjects they speak of. It is interesting to me how this week the messages that have come to me from various sources are promoting a better lifestyle...with more thought given to the choices we make in every department rather it be via the computer, TV or by my mouth. That last one being the more difficult of the three. LOL Yet, I am inspired along the way by the path other's have trod and their highs and lows which seem to come with almost every avenue we trod. And it encourages me that we, as human beings, are all in this together as we always have been from the dawn of time whether we realized it or not. This shared experience of being human, despite our differing ideals, beliefs, politics, size shape etc..., when tapped can provide, I suspect, answers when none seem forthcoming. If thoughts can travel, cannot the answers to the questions flung far and wide to the universe? In our planetary infancy, are not the solutions "out there" (as Captain Kirk was fond of saying) and within our grasp? It seems I've strayed from the original topic a bit but in reality I think it is definitely the emptying of the heart as to where these answers are found because it is in this state that we mortals open ourselves to the Divine, where we can communicate via the heart with our God within and with other mortals and celestials alike. Well, that is what I am thinking this late morning in Australia as a cockatoo asks for a treat from my railing. My brain says, send him on his way but then when I look into his eyes I am lost. :roll: :) And all reasons go out the window. Silly wonderful birds they are. How I love them. Have a wonderful evening up there. I'm off to make G a very late breakfast. :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Sandy what an awesome reply! Describing this human experience as a shared one, you've intrigued me. ALSO the cockatoo! I didn't know you had wild cockatoos there and how cool that the little fella is hanging out. I imagine him bobbing his head up and down and being humorous. Hope breakfast was good! Cheers :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
We have a large variety of wild parrots here in Australia with the large white Sulfur Crested Cockatoo being one of my favorites. With that said, they have a large beak that so enjoys crunching wood... so you can imagine that while waiting around, hopeful of getting a treat, they might entertain themselves chewing on your railings or even your roof edgings. Most of the small groups that visit me are well behaved but there is one huge group that is wild and crazy. They are the ones I observed once chewing off bits of branches over our road and dropping them on passers by and cars. :shock: :lol: Well you do admire their ingenuity, eh? :lol: It is the head bobbing and the feather rustling that always gets me. How can you say no to that especially when they add a sweet chirp of recognition? But you should! JUST SAY NO! LOL That is what I keep telling myself, anyway. To date it hasn't worked very well. :roll:

Thought energy is very intriguing. There is definitely an energy created by our thoughts. So those adept at receiving and interpreting thought energy may very well be able to easily pick up ideas and such from the either. (Whether they know it or not) There is a simple experiment we can do that shows that our thoughts and feelings generate energy waves.

It goes something like this...

Untwist the handle of two wire coat hangers until you have 2 straight wires. Shape them into an L about 12 inches long for the main part and five inches long for the handle. Cut a plastic straw in half and slide the straw over the handle part of the wires. This should allow the wands to swing easily. You can bend the wire at the bottom to hold the straw in place.

Now hold the wires in both hands out in front of you like they did with guns in old western movies. They will flap all over the place at first but after a few moments they will settle down...

With your eyes straight ahead, think of something very unpleasant from your past. Depending on the intensity of your emotion the wires will either stay straight ahead or point inward tip to tip. (This happens because they are following the the electromagnetic bands around your body (Is this your Aura energy?) which has contracted because of the frequency of your unpleasant thoughts and emotions.

Next think about something wonderful and positive. You should see the wands expand outward as your energy expands following the positive energy flow.

This part is tricky, but keeping your eyes straight ahead, focus your attention and thoughts on an object to your far right or left. The wires should follow your thoughts.

Cool huh? :D

(This energy experiment comes from a book I recently read by Pam Grout -E-Squared Nine Do-It Do-Yourself energy Experiments.)

Well, I'm off to get breakfast again. :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,
Sorry it took me a while to get to this. I'll have to read over the experiment bit again... Just wanted to say I've been getting into bird watching more and more... Here we have some common birds like doves, crows, sparrows and mocking birds(my personal friend)... Recently however I've noticed blue jays, robins, red headed woodpeckers- I've even seen some road runners in the city LOL. I've also noticed that my favorite black butterflies with gold streaks are dancing about yet again.

Well, I just thought this sip from Saki was perfect.. Up a bit later then what I'd like to be so before I knock out I want to share this:

The awakened heart says, "I must give, I must not demand." Thus it enters a gate that leads to a constant happiness.
Bowl of Saki, June 28, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

An unhappy person, being himself unhappy, cannot make others happy. It is a wealthy person who can help the one who is hard up, not a poor person, however much desire of helping he may have. So it is with happiness, which is a great wealth; and a happy person can take away the unhappiness of another, for he has enough for himself and for others.

Earthly pleasures are the shadows of happiness; because of their transitory character. True happiness is in love, which is the stream that springs from one's soul. He who will allow this stream to run continually in all conditions of life, in all situations, however difficult, will have a happiness which truly belongs to him, the source of which is not without, but within. If there is a constant outpouring of love one becomes a divine fountain, for from the depth of the fountain rises the stream and, on its return, it pours upon the fountain, bathing it continually.


Why does a mystic attribute such great importance to harmony? Because to a mystic, his whole life is one continuous symphony, a playing of music, with each soul contributing his particular part to the symphony. A person's success therefore depends upon the idea he has of harmony. Very few people in the world pay attention to harmony. They do not know that without it, there is no chance of happiness. It is only the harmonious ones who can make others happy and partake of that happiness themselves; and apart from them, it is hard to find happiness in the world.


The method of attainment is to endeavor always to make others happy and by experiencing happiness in the happiness of others. In the terms of the Sufi, it is Suluk. Any selfishness prevents us from appreciating another's happiness and therefore we shall be kept back, for the happiness of others is the gate to our own happiness. Real happiness is entering the gate. We must feel satisfaction in another's satisfaction ... If a person needs a certain thing and we can supply it, we should be happy, how ever small the thing may be.


Suluk... Interesting.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Some friends come and go and that's fine. Sometimes it's hard to make sense of things but we certainly have social constructs and today I am seeing the meaning behind todays Saki clear as day.

Each one has his circle of influence, large or small; within his sphere so many souls and minds are involved; with his rise, they rise; with his fall, they fall. The size of a man's sphere corresponds with the extent of his sympathy, or we may say, with the size of his heart. His sympathy holds his sphere together. As his heart grows, his sphere grows; as his sympathy is withdrawn or lessened, so his sphere breaks up and scatters. If he harms those who live and move within his sphere, those dependent upon him or upon his affection, he of necessity harms himself.

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
Well, that was odd. I was typing away here and almost finished when thee website disappeared with no way to return. There was no way to go back or return to what I was typing. Oh well, I was just remarking on the last URL you posted. It was full of all sorts of wisdom..the kind of things you could spend days contemplating individually. Thanks for sharing. The Sakis are always a wonderful read. I've booked marked your latest as I want to read some more.

I've discovered that when you start watching and noticing birds.. they start to watch and notice you. It is almost like they feel your intent and respond in kind in some way. It is a blessing that seems to grow as you persist, too. There must be no greater pleasure for a bird lover then to be considered part of "the flock." To that end, my Magpie friends try to communicate with me and invite me to "bellow" with them (sort of like a yoddle) but it is beyond me how they make those wonderful sounds. :scratch:

Well, I'm off to run some errands.
I hope to catch up with you over the week end. Been thinking of you and hope all is well and then some! :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Welles »

I love the Sufic wisdom in this thread, Eric. Keep those cards and letters coming!

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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

hey guys, im glad your diggin this info here. im about read from that site, Volume VIII - The Art of Being Health and Order of Body and Mind

Chapter XIV
Self Control

sandy, i know what you mean. that used to happen to me a lot when i'd post from my parents computer. it used to bug me then i'd shrug it off- oh well. :lol: interesting note about the birds. i really think the mocking bird has noticed me from time to time, more like he acknowledges my thoughts or spirit. don't really have any explanation and don't really care to make one- i've taken this bird as a personal totem. if i ever decide to get my tattoo, it'll only be one and it'll be the mocking bird on a branch and hanging from its feet/the branch will be the sufi symbol sideways maybe as a banner. i'm not sure yet- i want it to be organic so i was thinking of ways to play with the heart symbol. i imagine the tattoo would be on my back around my left shoulder... still not sure. but anyway, tomorrow i have the opportunity to get some good bird watching in! all this talk about birds has me thinking about a baby crow i could have saved :cry: sad stuff. i remember the crows were so furious they attacked me and a coworker. sometimes i still think they know heh.

well this stuff aint gunna read itself.... a little sleepy here, resting to peaceful music. Sandy, Welles- hope you guys are having a nice day! :hithere
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Hello Eric,
I am sitting here sipping a cup of cinnamon tea as I read your latest post. It is late afternoon which means since we're in the throes of winter the sun is setting as 5:00 pm approaches.
I remember the baby crow incident. Crows are very intelligent and have good memories so they may know more then you'd like to think. ;) :)
Still Perhaps if you give a token gift and show how deeply you regret you had acted in a timely manner to prevent the tragedy... that , of course is assuming they "know." :lol: Hmmm Of course my parrot never forgave me for moving her from George's office to the living room next to my desk. (She was a "daddy's girl" :roll: )
I grew up enjoying mocking birds. They are the Tennessee state bird. I like your ideas (trying to picture it) for your possible tattoo. It would sort of be your personal "signature" in tattoo art form. :thumright:
Well, speaking of birds I have two Willy Wagtails calling me... better go check it out...
You have a great week and let me know how the job is going when you have some free time.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

your tea sounds soothing. i got to see two cardinals yesterday they were mates. some other birds and a squirrel getting fat off the bird food LOL

yeah it's a good idea... i think i read crows like gifts too :lol: many times i have been inconsiderate to smaller forms of life... even this morning, an earwig freaked me out when i pulled out some cauliflower from the fridge. i should of set him outside but i quickly disposed of him without giving much thought to my actions. and worse i didn't think to end his suffering quickly. :oops: ... poor feller, i later read they're quite harmless.

well i'm bumping this because of the unique timing from Kims reply to me from another thread and todays message from the bowl of saki.... Hopefully you see this Seeker, your message seemed to correlate to Inayat Khans all on the same day heh...
Seeker13 wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:50 pm Until I stopped blaming everyone else for problems in my life, seizing my own life reins, I couldn't achieve or accept happiness.

Even now there are times, it's infuriating when I can't learn that lesson and move on! Usually it's not when immersed in the retraining, but looking back, I appreciate the progression. Experiencing the prompts and 'coincidences', sure help as a reminder that someone out there recognizes our efforts and is rooting for to stay the course!

Have a happy Fourth!

While man blames another for causing him harm, the wise man first takes himself to task.

Bowl of Saki, July 4, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

more can be read from todays drink clicking this link
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by Sandy »

Hopefully you see this Seeker, your message seemed to correlate to Inayat Khans all on the same day heh...
AWESOME! I love it when that happens!

This message seems to also correlate in some fashion with a message that Welles posted today.
In the article this was stated...
The vast intelligence that orders the cosmos is available to all. The beauty of life, the wonder of living, is that we share creativity, intelligence, and unlimited potential with the rest of the cosmos. If the universe is vast and mysterious, we are vast and mysterious. If it contains innumerable creative energies, we contain innumerable creative energies. If it has healing energies, we also have healing energies. To realize that we are not simply physical beings on a material planet, but that we are whole beings, each a miniature cosmos, each related to all of life in intimate, profound ways, should radically transform how we perceive ourselves, our environments, our social problems. Nothing can ever be isolated from wholeness.
And Hazrat Inayat Khan says...
By a study of life the Sufi learns and practices the nature of its harmony. He establishes harmony with the self, with others, with the universe and with the infinite. He identifies himself with another, he sees himself, so to speak, in every other being. He cares for neither blame nor praise, considering both as coming from himself. If a person were to drop a heavy weight and in so doing hurt his own foot, he would not blame his hand for having dropped it, realizing himself in both the hand and the foot.

There seems to be a common thought that we are all a part of each other and the vast universe. :)

Thank you, Eric, you guys have given me something to contemplate.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

One of my favorites

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Someone once said to a Brahmin, 'O ignorant man, you have worshipped this idol for years. Do you think it can ever answer you?' 'Yes,' said the Brahmin, 'even from this idol of stone the answer will come if your faith is real. But if you have no real faith, you will get no answer even from the God in heaven.' ... The first necessity is the belief that there is such a Being as God, in whom goodness, beauty, and greatness are perfect. In the beginning it will seem nothing but a belief; but in time, if kept in sincerity and faith, that belief will become like the egg of the Phoenix, out of which the magic bird is born. The birth of God is the birth of the soul. Every soul seeks for happiness, and after pursuing all the objects which for the moment seem to give happiness, it finds out that nowhere is there perfect happiness except in God.
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Re: Your Daily Saki

Post by happyrain »

Sandy wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:32 am
Hopefully you see this Seeker, your message seemed to correlate to Inayat Khans all on the same day heh...
AWESOME! I love it when that happens!

This message seems to also correlate in some fashion with a message that Welles posted today.
In the article this was stated...
The vast intelligence that orders the cosmos is available to all. The beauty of life, the wonder of living, is that we share creativity, intelligence, and unlimited potential with the rest of the cosmos. If the universe is vast and mysterious, we are vast and mysterious. If it contains innumerable creative energies, we contain innumerable creative energies. If it has healing energies, we also have healing energies. To realize that we are not simply physical beings on a material planet, but that we are whole beings, each a miniature cosmos, each related to all of life in intimate, profound ways, should radically transform how we perceive ourselves, our environments, our social problems. Nothing can ever be isolated from wholeness.
And Hazrat Inayat Khan says...
By a study of life the Sufi learns and practices the nature of its harmony. He establishes harmony with the self, with others, with the universe and with the infinite. He identifies himself with another, he sees himself, so to speak, in every other being. He cares for neither blame nor praise, considering both as coming from himself. If a person were to drop a heavy weight and in so doing hurt his own foot, he would not blame his hand for having dropped it, realizing himself in both the hand and the foot.

There seems to be a common thought that we are all a part of each other and the vast universe. :)

Thank you, Eric, you guys have given me something to contemplate.
Sandy wow thank you for the post. Especially that bit you posted from Welles. Very humbling and inspiring
The unlimited potential
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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