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Mirror Prompts 12.21,13.31,14.41,74.47,10.01,34.43,15.51

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:00 am
by Juox Aeon
Hello everyone,

Since final 2011 I started to see very persistently number sequences in a mirror form or in a reverse way, many of them are familiar to me because I use the Book "Angel Numbers 101" by Doreen Virtue.

But my intuition tells me that there´s something more in this new kind of prompts, but at the moment I am not sure what this can be, it´s a new way to prompt used by the Angelic Realm or it´s a system that I don´t have recognize yet?

If somebody has information regarding this kind of prompts any help will be appreciated.

♥ & ☼


Re: Mirror Prompts 12.21,13.31,14.41,74.47,10.01,34.43,15.51

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:08 am
by True
Someone posted a thread here a while ago about mirror prompts. If you get a chance go through the threads to see if you can find it. I will search for you as well.

Re: Mirror Prompts 12.21,13.31,14.41,74.47,10.01,34.43,15.51

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:14 am
by True

Re: Mirror Prompts 12.21,13.31,14.41,74.47,10.01,34.43,15.51

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:39 pm
by jack6251
Ah, you guys call them mirror prompts, very nice :) I always thought of the word "symmetry" upon seeing these, but from this day forth, mirror prompts they shall be hehe :D

Re: Mirror Prompts 12.21,13.31,14.41,74.47,10.01,34.43,15.51

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:11 am
by Juox Aeon
Hi True and jack6251,

I have look over other treats regarding the mirror prompts, but I have to admit that I am felling not enough convinced with what I have found here, my intuition tells me that there´s something more and that I have to ask more and keep researching.

I am sorry that I am not a telepath or something like that in order to ask directly, to my guides :sorry:

So if I found a new clue that can satisfy my curiosity regarding this specific sequences I will coma back to this post and I will share with all.

In meantime thanks for all.

in ♥ and ☼


Re: Mirror Prompts 12.21,13.31,14.41,74.47,10.01,34.43,15.51

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:58 am
by True
Looking forward to it.