An Introduction

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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An Introduction

Post by selena11 »

Hi! I am really excited to have found this board. I wanted to introduce myself and maybe get a little feedback. I have just recently started seeing the 1111 prompts. Before that it was 1221 for years. I ignored it and called it coincidence even though something inside told me it wasn't. I've had a lot of things happen in my life to help direct me on a certain path even if I didn't see those things for what they were at the time. It took me years to try to find the meaning behind the 1221 signs. For a long time I just thought of it as my "lucky number" When I moved to a new town and it was issued as my telephone number I took it as a sign that I was in the right place. One time I was in a book store looking for a particular book. It wasn't in stock but the man behind the counter said he could order it and call me when it was in. I gave him my phone number and he just looked at me for a moment and then said "you have a magical number." I just said "really?" I thought he must be a little off. Then he winked at me and said, "I'd check that out if I were you." I put it out of my mind because obviously he was a little nuts. After it started showing up more and more frequently I finally gave in an googled it. It took me to a numerology site that said that it was the spirit world telling me that I was on the right track, basically. Recently I started meditating. Meditation is something I've always loved in theory but struggled with because I have one of those brains that just won't turn off. After I started meditating I began seeing 1111 everywhere. Even more than the 1221. I still see 1221 but I see 1111 more. I finally looked it up and found this site. I am very excited to be here and I am looking forward to reading all that has been written before and learning more about what is happening to me. There is a lot more to my story but I feel that I have rambled on enough for my first post. I tend to have a problem with that! I am just happy to know that I am not crazy (or if I am then I am not alone! ;) ) Thank you so much to all who have shared here. Peace and love.
Busy Bee
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Re: An Introduction

Post by butchir »

Hey Selena

Sounds like you've been living a good life if you keep getting told your on the right track all these years.

Welcome to the board, you will get a lot of love, help and support here.

I am relatively new here and to the prompts but by reading and asking questions I have learnt so much.

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Re: An Introduction

Post by selena11 »

Thank you, Ian. The prompts started for me about 5 or 6 years ago after my husband and grandfather (who raised me so was more my father) passed away within 3 months of each other. It was a really hard time for me and made me really question my life, myself, my place in the world. Things were turned upside down for me and my children. I left the only home I'd ever known in search of something. I guess probably myself. I'd always very much depended on both of these men and suddenly felt very alone. I'd love to say I've always lived a good life but unfortunately I've made many many mistakes on the way. It just seems that when things get too far off track for me someone pops up in my life to help me get it back together. When I moved away after my husband and grandfather died I moved to another state and lived in a renovated barn with my children. I chose that place first of all because I could afford it and secondly because it seemed so peaceful. Once I moved in and got to know my landlords, who also lived on the property, I found that the woman I was renting from was a yoga teacher and spiritual healer. She helped me trememdously while I lived there and taught me so much. Anyway, Thanks so much for the welcome. I am happy to be here.
Busy Bee
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Re: An Introduction

Post by butchir »

Wow what a story.

I am sorry to learn of your losses I cannot imagine what you must have been feeling during that time. It was very brave of you to change your life so drastically so that you could give you and your kids a new start. You must have felt great comfort in being told the prompts were saying you were on the right path.

My story is on the boards but I feel like you that I started to get prompts when circumstances in life make you look for answers to what has happened and what the future may bring.

I still have questions but the support and answers I have found on this board has got me through a very tough part of my life.

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Re: An Introduction

Post by selena11 »

Thank you, Sandy. I'm glad to be here. :)
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