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AC and weird dream after what could it mean

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:29 pm
by Nikki88
I started meditating again just a few weeks ago and after what seemed like forever I was finally able to relax today (I'm only working with track 1 currently). After I finished my meditation I was really relaxed and comfortable in bed and at some point I started to drift off. I felt this weird calming feeling as I started to drift off and I started hearing singing couldn’t make it out very well though, not even sure it was in English but I’ve heard singing as I’ve drifted off before. Anyway I guess at some point I fell completely asleep my dreams weren’t very vivid and didn’t seem to be of any importance when I first woke up, but then suddenly one dream that happened before I woke up stuck out to me a little more than the others and I had almost forgotten it.

In this dream I was being guided down a road briefly by an African American women we stopped at a cross roads and she said to me cheerfully “Girl you gonna be just fine…” the scenery all around wasn’t much to look at. It looked like it was plain and the surrounding area was hard to make out almost blurred, I couldn’t see down any of the roads very far. Besides the road the lady walked me down there was a road ahead and a road to the right and left I didn’t really see the road to the right and left very well the road ahead seemed to stick out slightly more to me even though they were all hard to make out. The last thing I remember was her hugging me and saying something to me but this is the part of the dream I don’t remember. (I sure wish she had told me which way to go :lol: .)

Anyway any thoughts on what this could mean? I do remember going into meditation I wasn’t sure about my current path and if it was the best way to go do you think this dream answers that question somehow or should I just simply brush it off as a coincidental dream that my mind made up on its own?

:loves Nikki

Re: AC and weird dream after what could it mean

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:10 am
by Sandy
Hi Nikki,
I have never heard the beautiful singing (at least not yet. :finger: ) but I have heard others like Sarah speak of hearing it before. What a joy that must have been. I suspect you are doing very well in your meditations.

I am not gifted in dream meanings...but your dream certainly seemed a positive one. I loved what you were told...
“Girl you gonna be just fine…”
It made me feel good and it wasn't even my dream. :D Maybe, just hold onto that statement no matter which road you choose to take. :sunflower:

Re: AC and weird dream after what could it mean

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:48 pm
by Nikki88
Does the singing mean anything or is it just my brain making it up as i drift off?

Re: AC and weird dream after what could it mean

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:08 am
by Sandy
Hi Nikki,
I can't say for sure, but I doubt that your brain is making it up anymore than my brain is making up the voices and conversations I hear at the same time, as I am drifting off or waking up. One of these conversation that occurred years ago was about a member on the board and her abilities to hear the messages from the celestials. I heard her real name at that time and it was very unusual so I hadn't a clue for a month who this person was until George let it slip in a post...something he didn't remember doing later, yet, it was there long enough for me to see it. To make a long story short, she was supposed to hear this conversation and I was able to pass it on to her to her benefit. I do not think my mind could have made up something so elaborate and based in fact. So I tend to lean towards a simple belief that what is beautiful and good and loving, what uplifts you and brings you peace and comfort, is most likely from the Divine and our very wise elder celestial siblings.

I hope someday to be able to hear the singing myself. What a blessing that would be! :happy

Re: AC and weird dream after what could it mean

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:15 am
by Geoff
Dear Niki,

I think that was a meaningful dream, and the message is to not worry, and just follow the path that feels right to you.
