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Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:43 am
by vivrider
I admit, I have not been diligent about using my Akashic Construct CD. So far nothing has happened. But there's a person who I really want to help, and this is giving me motivation to try some more. When you are in your clinic, do patients just show up, or can you ask to heal a certain person?


Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:01 am
by Sandy
Hi Viv,
I have done it both ways. Sometimes I have asked for someone and they showed up and at other times I have asked and they have not... no matter how much I wanted to help them. That happened with the first experience I had in my AC. I wanted to invite a dear friend of mine who was battling MS. I prayed about it first hand and was all prepared to see her..but when the elevator opened. It was another woman not my friend and so I was stumped and not sure what I was to do for this other woman. I panicked for a moment and closed my eyes as if to shut her out. ( :roll: some healer huh? :lol: ) But when I opened them again she was still there. So I decided what the heck...I'll give it a whirl. The funny thing was, that in all my preparation for my workshop I had left out one very important thing...A table of some sort. So I thought, what in the world and I going to work with her on...and then to my amazement I saw a fold out cot resting along side my desk. I didn't put it there but what a relief that someone else was with me..someone obviously understanding the needs of the situation and able to guide me. That knowledge assured me and so I went with the flow... Can't remember what exactly I did now..waved my hands across her outstreched body and thanked God and his helpers for their assistance. I felt sort of like I should give this woman something for being my first patient and such a good sport and once again I looked at my desk and there sitting in a lovely container was those huge swirled lollipops or suckers ..the kind like they sale in candy shops and at fairs. :lol: (Luckily it wasn't her teeth giving her the problems. ;)
More often then not most of the time the people in my akashic workshop were people I did not know... But you know... maybe give it a try Viv, and see what happens. :finger: This patient whether he/she shows up or not will be better for your loving attention directed his/her way.

Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:25 pm
by vivrider
Thanks Sandy! You are so funny (shutting your eyes to make her go away.) I will start trying, along with the praying I do for her. Now, would some celestial like to help me find my CD, lost in the move? Just in case, I'll go order one right now.

Love, Viv

Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:14 am
by Sandy
The cds on its way, Viv and should get there in a week to ten days. :D perhaps even sooner... :finger:

Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:34 am
by Braenda
:hithere Good to see you Viv. Thank you sandy. You are always so helpful.

Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:07 am
by vivrider
Thanks Sandy! And hi Braenda and Clare!

Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:38 am
by mbtarheels
Hey Sandy,

I got my CD a few months ago and have noticed that it skips alot. I thought it was my CD player, but I have tried it in numerous laptops and now know its the CD. Who should i contact about this.

Re: Can you choose someone to heal?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:33 am
by Sandy
Hi MBtarheels,
We'll send you a new one. I'll check and see if we still have your address and pm you to make sure it is correct in a few minutes.