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Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:19 pm
by Cher
hi everyone......

i just joined the 11:11 group on facebook.... at the time of writing this the group had 179,116 members!!

sooooo many people all saying the same thing on the group's wall... omg! it's not just me!! they can't believe how many others see 11:11 or asking if other number sequences mean the same etc.

i posted a link to this website to help some of the people have their questions answered :idea:

cheers & :) for everyone!!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:37 pm
by jfarris
Hi Cher :hithere

I didn't know about the facebook page for 11:11, but I will definitely check it out.

Welcome to the board. I know that you will be blessed by here!
:loves :love :kiss:

have a wonderful day! :queen:

Light and Life,


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:39 pm
by jfarris
P.S. I love your avatar!!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:51 pm
by hmm
I have joined the 1111 group on Facebook as well but I haven't really seen any point in it. But then again I really don't get why Facebook is such a big deal anyway.

Me too

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:14 pm
by luvinlife
Me too, hmm! I don't get the point of Facebook. I always figure, if I want to talk to someone or show them a picture, I'll send them an e-mail! I thought that was "modern"....instead of the old-fashioned letter in the mail! Go figure.... :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:21 pm
by hmm
Yes and the thing is this too, most of the time what people put on there I don't care about. I don't care that you are tired, sleepy, angry, drunk etc. I don't care what you did in Mafia Wars, what stupid political poll you just took and I don't want any of their gifts either. There are some things about people that I really don't want to know. I don't want to know what your political beliefs are because if they are not the same is mine we will wind up arguing. I don't want to know what religious beliefs they have either. Once again what I don't know will not hurt me and I am perfectly happy with my own beliefs and the way that I live should speak volumes to people. I really do think people have way too much time on their hands and could spend it doing something more positive than that. I apologize to all those who love it but I just had to rant for a minute. :grrr

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:38 pm
by brianm
I had an account on "facebook" until just recently, when it dawned on me how much time I was wasting there sifting through all the "gifts", games, pols, messages, annouincements etc., afraid of missing something of importance.
The things of importance were very rare and could have been emailed to me just as easily, I think.
Anyhow, I'm getting much more done in a day without it.......

Cheers, Brian

Totally agree

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:44 pm
by luvinlife
Hi guys! I totally agree. I love this site, though, because I LEARN something every day and it's about sharing love and healing, etc. I have a job at an office, which isn't very busy. That is how I'm lucky enough to be on here as much as I am!

Love, Clare

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:10 pm
by nasra1996
I'm not into face book neither, not into idle chat really.... suppose its good for meeting up with old friends etc...

Love Sarah

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:43 pm
by CutieKenge
Which group did you join, MJ? I typed in 11:11 and found a whole bunch of things...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:47 pm
by CutieKenge
Nevermind. I found one :)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:32 pm
by jfarris
IMO, the name of the game is communication. Or more to the point, a "connectedness". The feeling that you are not alone. To quote FLEA from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who was talking about their music, "Anything that makes people feel less alone is a good thing"

or something like that... :kiss:

Light and Life,


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:36 am
by Bluebelle235
I think I'm just too old :cry: :wink:


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:50 pm
by brianm
brianm wrote:I had an account on "facebook" until just recently, when it dawned on me how much time I was wasting there sifting through all the "gifts", games, pols, messages, annouincements etc., afraid of missing something of importance.
The things of importance were very rare and could have been emailed to me just as easily, I think.
Anyhow, I'm getting much more done in a day without it.......

Cheers, Brian
I'm back in :roll:
Actually, CutieKenge has just accepted my "friend request" there :D Didn't recognize anyone else from here though.....

Re: Facebook

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:45 pm
by gypsie
Gosh Brian

I hear what you are saying, my daugther just told me today not to post any pictures of her children on Facebook as they might be in danger, she did explain the friend request names to look out for so I will be careful from now on.
Clair you make me laugh snail mail, there is nothing like getting a hand written letter :love much nicer...

Hello Cher :cheers: welcome love Gypsie

Re: Facebook

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:03 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Family, I joined FB because I've family and friends all over the globe and it's, for me, a good way to show off my photos etc, and it takes very little time. You can change your settings so only friends can view the pics. I had set my account up so tight, sammy couldn't even find me in the search box, ahahahaha!
Personally I don't think my kid's are in danger if I post pictures of them. I doubt most of my friends look closely anyway....they're all too busy on their virtual farms hahahaha! I never bother with the apps, why? I love that I have bonded with my nephew and nieces since we've connected to FB. Telephone?? I'm phone-phobic, hahahaha!
Yeah, to sum it up, I keep in daily touch with relatives and a few special friends. Saying that, I did take the stoopid test, "What will you be doing tonight?" and the result was having a fight!!! Too old for that crappola! I did make a very nice friend playing scrabble last year. Her husband knew my dad...awesome or what? (Unless she was lying...ya never know, huh?? I believe everyone! 8) )

Seeya, Pet XXX

Re: Re:

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:06 pm
by Petra Wilson
brianm wrote:
brianm wrote:I had an account on "facebook" until just recently, when it dawned on me how much time I was wasting there sifting through all the "gifts", games, pols, messages, annouincements etc., afraid of missing something of importance.
The things of importance were very rare and could have been emailed to me just as easily, I think.
Anyhow, I'm getting much more done in a day without it.......

Cheers, Brian
I'm back in :roll:
Actually, CutieKenge has just accepted my "friend request" there :D Didn't recognize anyone else from here though.....
I'm Petra Wilson-Creser and I trust ya Brian, hehe!

Re: Facebook

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:24 pm
by lilly
I just deleted my facebook When any of your friends click on an application...all your info and photos go there as well. I wasted far too much time on there. Time best spent here or actually doing something constructive. It did serve some purpose but that has ended. For people who like to keep in touch with relatives and friends it's very convenient!!
Love lilly xox

Re: Facebook

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:40 pm
by CathyLynn
I just joined Facebook, and I think it's great for what it does. I was able to get back in contact withn two folks from high school. One I didn't know moved to the town in Florida that I'm in! I don't understand why people post that they're tired or going to bed -- frankly those details I can live without. So for me right now it's nice. But I won't be on it for the long haul. I'd much rather be here!

Re: Facebook

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:07 pm
by Petra Wilson
....and then some dreaded ex asks to be your friend and you feel guilty refusing! LOL Well, I didn't!! :lol:
I'm on it less now you've gone Lilly! :lol: P'raps it was me taking up too much of your time, :sorry: :lol:

Love, Petra xxx

Re: Facebook

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:17 pm
by lilly
Never, Pet! I'll always have time for you, but here....instead!! lol :lol:

Re: Facebook

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:39 pm
by AJ
I have one and I rarely communicate with anyone on there because it is just not my thing. I mainly use it now for networking connections with a lot of other young professionals in my area. I am friends with Pet though just in case I ever need to track her down but that would only be if something happened to our wonderful 11:11 board which I am quite sure nothing ever will.

Re: Facebook

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:52 pm
by Petra Wilson
AJ wrote:
I am friends with Pet though just in case I ever need to track her down but that would only be if something happened to our wonderful 11:11 board which I am quite sure nothing ever will.
Yeah, I noticed you're seldom on it. I read a cool book called Blind Faith by Ben Elton, it's in the same vein as 1984, but I found it eerily prophetic.

Love, Pet xxx