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Hello, I'm new.. need some advice

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:31 pm
by matteo81
Hello. After so many time I have been experiencing this phenomena, and searched the web for information, I finally decided to ask for advice on this forum.

I'm an italian man, 28 years old. I started experiencing the 11:11 phenomena about 2 years ago. I keep seeing 11:11 in the morning or 1:11 at night, like something is making me watch the clock at those precise moments. I also keep seeing it in car numbers ahead of me when I'm driving, or sometimes walking on a street I watch the address number of the closest house/palace and it says 11 or 111.

But that's not all. I also find it on web articles I read, like "111 dead men" or "111 occurencies of this or that"... my work phone calls often end after 1 minute and 11 seconds.

But there's more, something different which I don't know if it's related.
Some time ago, I went to a pub with some friends, a pub where no one of us has ever been there before. When sitting at the table, I had something like a flash, I "imagined" or "saw" a scene where the bartender, when going to the counter to pay, would offer us the drinks. I got shocked when, one hour later when we left the table to go pay, that actually happened.

Still another time, I went to the cinema with friends, as we usually do at least once a week. That day, when sitting on my place, I "imagined" this thing, where some other people came there with our same place numbers, but they got the wrong day. Needles to say, the exact thing happened moments later.

I'm very confused about all this. What should I do?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:31 pm
Hi Matteo,

Welcome to the board.

Your stories are amazing. I had the 11:11 for a few months last yr before I found this site and I still experience it now too. However for the last 3-4 months 22's are very prominent in my life.

I have never had the experiences which you have had about foreseeing something but I do have "feelings". I always know when something bad is going to happen. I never know what is going to happen or when, I just know something is "not right". I have always had these feelings, since the age of about 6 or 7. I never have feelings when good things are going to happen.

Two days before my brother died, I dreamt that I was sat on his grave and about 3 months before my mom died, I dreamt that she was floating out to see and waving goodbye. I call these my "significant" dreams.

I hope you may find a few answers to your questions on the boards.

I have got a book by Doreen Virtue called Angel Numbers and it is amazing. You may want to buy that.

I have also recently purchased the Akashic Construct CD which is on here under a separate thread and I must say it is fantastic.

Hope you have a lovely day.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:49 pm
by matteo81
Thank you for your answer. I hope to hear from more of you people, because I really need to get a hold of this situation.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:58 pm
by sammy
Hi Matteo!

Personally, I have never heard of the number sightings relating to death.

I started seeing 2's MANY years ago. Just a few years ago I started seeing other combinations. It was at that same time I started having a great series of synchronicitis occur that has lead me on a wonderful path of spiritual growth.

Here are some links that may help:



Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:30 pm
by luvinlife
Matteo, enjoy your prompts and also your gift. That is how you should look at a gift. Just know that you are loved.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:58 pm
by matteo81
I never thought of them as something related to death.

I am very frightful for certain matters, can't watch horror movies for instance, etc.. but these prompts never scared me at all.

I just wanted to know more, and know if I am supposed to do something, or if there's anything I can do at all. I just don't want to ignore something that is clearly happening to me.

Maybe I should try out those methods, although I don't have really the place and time to perform them.

Also something else came to my mind. It happens quite often that city lights go on and off when I pass under them. Another curious thing, in the place where I always lived until this february, my mother's home, I was at apartment 111. Always lived there. Maybe there's a connection?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:27 pm
by justylonging1111
Hello Matteo!

Lovely to meet you! :hithere :loves Yes! all these things are linked... The streetlight going out is very common to many of us!

The Midwayers who are prompting us are electically charged beings.. They are making the music I am listening to pause as confirmation, Now! lol

Matteo is one of my favourite characters in a movie called In America... Is that your real name? Or perhaps from the movie?

I am happy to meet you Matteo, you have come to the right place... I feel..

God Bless, We are One! :sunny:

Love Tannis

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:55 pm
by oneworld
oh yeah...the streetlight thing...definitely!

Rebecca :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:01 pm
by hmm
Just had a strong urge to come on here and see what going on and I noticed the about post was post at 5:55 getting a lot of those lately!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:28 pm
by Geoff
Dear Matteo,

Welcome. Gee your English is pretty wonderful next to my Italian!!!

Try this thread, it should help explain things. The first forum - FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) has lots of good stuff.


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:52 am
by gypsie
Hello Matteo

Welcome aboard, street lights going off and on sounds like someones giving you a message. Welcome :cheers: As Sammy mentioned FAQ are a great place to start...

Love Gypsie

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:09 am
by lilly
Hi Matteo
Nice to meet you!! All is well, no need to be concerned, in time you will come to understand.
Love lilly xox :D :D

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:37 am
Hi All,

No, my numbers have never related to death. What I was trying to explain was that from a young child I always had a "gift" of knowing something was wrong and then I progressed to my two dreams before my brother and mother died. I never saw numbers! 16 months ago, I found the Angels :D

I just wanted Matteo to understand that his "gift" was nothing to be scared of and that other people have different "gifts".

It has only been the last 16 months that I have started seeing my numbers.

Sorry if I have scared you Matteo, that was not my intention.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:12 pm
by matteo81
Don't get me wrong. Nobody scared me.

It feels so strange. I am an atheist, I don't believe in god, in the church or whatever. But I feel there is something, I always felt that for all my life, then 2 years ago those signs began out of nowhere. In certain periods they are more frequent, and sometimes they are very occasional.

I read some comments of people using the arkhasic construct, but what I read feels so strange.. I mean, do they really meet up with these beings during meditation? Or is it all something they make up in their minds?

It's just so incredible, I can hardly believe that. I mean, I want to believe that, but my rational mind tells me it's just too absurd... I don't know what to think.

And sorry for my english if it's not very good, it's not my main language.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:02 pm
by sammy
Matteo - your English is GREAT!

I've just started the Akashic Construct, and am still working at releasing fears (that seems to be step 1), so I've not met any "celestials" there yet. That being said, I have had messages, but not "seen" any beings. I've had 4 occassions where I HEARD a voice in my head. (It was just like hearing through my ears, but I could tell the sound came directly into my brain rather than through my ears.) Each time was an important bit of information. 2 of them warnings, and 2 directing me toward enhanced spiritual growth.

I have also had messages while meditating in the form of what looks like clouds of energy that take shape into images. The vision that really drove home that "this is REAL" rather than either my imagination or coincidence happened last spring. A few weeks prior to the Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico I had a vision of a pig flying. I remember thinking "what the heck was that flying pig all about???" Then when I saw it on the news I realized "OH!!! SWINE FLU - flying pig - SWINE FLEW!"

The only advice I can offer is to be open to what you receive. Eventually you will find the importance of the messages, and see they are real...and NO, you're NOT crazy :lol:


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:06 pm
by oneworld
sammy wrote:Matteo - your English is GREAT!
I agree wholeheartedly!
sammy wrote:The only advice I can offer is to be open to what you receive. Eventually you will find the importance of the messages, and see they are real...and NO, you're NOT crazy :lol:
I agree here as well. Try to just experience and "BE" with it. Take the messages in and let them simmer. You will take what is your own truth from them and leave the rest. That's all that's meant.



Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:11 pm
by matteo81
Thank you all. It's just that I am getting no messages, just the prompts.. and they are not very frequent lately.

Maybe I should really try meditation...

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:23 pm
by Twinstars
Hello Matteo,

Nice to meet you. What a mixed bag we all are. You are athiest, and don't believe in God. I am an essene, and live for God. Isn't it wonderful that the Universe keeps turning no matter What any of us thinks.
As far as the Akashic Construct, and people coming out of an elevator, they are as real as you being in an office building seeing someone entering and exiting an elevator. Because it happens in the mind, and you are not open to it makes it no less real. We are all simply on different levels of developement.
Recently I was stuck in traffic waiting at a traffic light. Ahead of me, in a spanking new Mercedes automobile sat two older white business men who, clearly, were dressed for success. On the side of the highway, in the grass and facing the opposite direction, sat two older black men in rickety lawn chairs and tattered clothes, also business men who were selling brochures. At the exact instant the driver of the Mercedes, and the man in the lawn chain closest to him, turned looking into each other's eyes. As well, the business man in the passenger seat of the Mercedes, and the business man in the far lawn chair each leaned forward looking into his counterpart's eyes. The whole scene lasted only three or four seconds, but, at least to me, speaks volumes about the various levels of developement we are All on. Who is to say who is more successful?
WOAH!! My brother-in-law is watching the news. Just now I glanced up at his television to see an 11:11 flash onto the screen!!! Which lasted for maybe one second! :shock: 8)
Okay then, that's good enough for Me! :lol: I guess I have nothing more to add.

Love All,

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:45 pm
by CutieKenge
Welcome, Matteo! So very nice to meet you! :hithere
matteo81 wrote:It's just so incredible, I can hardly believe that. I mean, I want to believe that, but my rational mind tells me it's just too absurd... I don't know what to think.
It's funny, but many times our "rational mind" keeps us from seeing what's really out there! For example, our mind sees a rock and tells us that it's solid, but in actuality, the rock is made up of billions of tiny moving particles! (And we could go even deeper down the 'rabit hole' into the whole metaphysical properties behind it all, but we won't bother lol :lol:)

Beliefs can (and often do) change over time. I'm not saying to change anything you believe. That's not what I mean. What I mean is that the more open you are, the more incredible things you will experience!

Thats why I think it's great that you've opened up the the number prompts. It's something you can't explain away, but rather something of a journey - something you experience that has the ability to grow and change over time.

Everything in it's perfect time and place! :D I look forward to seeing you around the board!


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:02 pm
by Uniquely Common
Voleno solo dire ciao e sapere como si stava facendo. Portrai trovare buoni amici qui per aiutarti. Rimavere e godere della loro compagnia e imparerai un sacco.
Quando si e fatto, arremo un drink. Piacere di fare la nostra conoscenza.

Hey Matteo,
That took 5 minutes of research so don't make me do anymore :lol: :lol: :lol: My Italian is confined to my extremely limited knowledge of Latin. Parliamo in Inglese, se vi piace.
You have excellent folks here to ask. Enjoy and delight in their knowledge. Later my friend.

Truth and Love

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:28 am
by ofek
something like that happened to me today in class
i had a vision of the teacher writing something on the board about 3 seconds before he actually wrote what i saw in the vision kinda weird isnt it

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:57 am
by Geoff
matteo81 wrote:It feels so strange. I am an atheist, I don't believe in god, in the church or whatever. But I feel there is something, I always felt that for all my life, then 2 years ago those signs began out of nowhere. In certain periods they are more frequent, and sometimes they are very occasional.
Dear matteo,

Well celestials think we are all pretty stupid, so I guess they really aren't that concerned about what we believe in. If however YOU are prepared to listen, they will tell you truth. Buts that only if you are prepared to listen.
matteo81 wrote:I read some comments of people using the arkhasic construct, but what I read feels so strange.. I mean, do they really meet up with these beings during meditation? Or is it all something they make up in their minds?

It's just so incredible, I can hardly believe that. I mean, I want to believe that, but my rational mind tells me it's just too absurd... I don't know what to think.
Yeah well its quite amazing even to folks like me who accepts all manner of stuff. I mean its a mindal place, created by us, yet others turn up there? It does blow the mind.


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:01 am
by George
Matteo81 writes:
It feels so strange. I am an atheist, I don't believe in god, in the church or whatever.
Fortunately for you, God still believes in Matteo81. How do I know?

I just asked God !!!!!!!!! :wink:

God bless.......

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:16 am
by matteo81
Thanks again for all the comments. Today something strange happened again..

I went to the hospital for a check regarding some hearing problems. After the check, I got a prescription for an exam. I go to the reservation office, I take my waiting ticket... well, my ticket said

People before you: 11

And guess what.. when I got to the counter, the employee told me that the first spot available for my exam was on 11/11 at 8.00 am...


Driving to the office after that, I was thinking about it, when suddenly a car popped out before me, and it's plate said 444
Just after this one, another one with plate 000

I wonder...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:25 am
by George
Can't resist this Matteo81, but

You may be getting extra prompts because you're hard of hearing.

God loves you..... :lol: