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No more doubts...

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:40 pm
by Twinstars
I had doubts about sharing this, but if it helps to lift someone up, or helps to give an insight into the workings of the prompts, then that can only be a good thing.
Yesterday, seated at my computer, I heard, again, in my left ear what sounded like a very high pitched vibration, rather like a hummingbird paused in flight. Soon as it happened I had the overwhelming urge to head into town, so I did. My first stop was the local Goodwill store. I needed to replace my can opener. Well, I didn’t find one, but did find two items I needed more. The total came to $2.22. I left the store and drove around awhile deciding to look for a yard sale. This town is like yard sale central. I saw a yard sale sign, turned the corner and the first thing I saw was a sign, like a forsale sign, in the front yard of a house. The only thing on the sign, in LARGE numbers was “111”. Whoa! :shock: :D
I drove another block, stopping at the sale. I was there maybe five minutes, didn’t see a can opener so I asked if they had one. A guy rummaged through a pile of stuff and soon came up with one. Sold it to me for 5cents. As he handed it to me he mentioned his wife couldn’t use that sort of opener anymore because of an “on the job injury.” He then proceeded to tell me all about the horror story of dealing with the insurance company before finding the Doctor who, by the way, specializes in the type of spine surgery I have had. He said that after she found him everything turned around for them. Just then the wife came outside and we began talking. I learned things from her that she used, things that might just get my benefits restarted. She made a whole list of things I might never have known about had I not stopped there.
Anyway after returning home I was standing in my kitchen, deep in thought about all that had just taken place. It quickly entered my mind that it might all have just been coincidence when I caught a faint flicker out of my left eye. I turned to see what it was and saw the clock on my coffee maker was at 4:44.
I Have no more doubts. Thank you Angels, thank you Midwayers.

Love to All,
John :loves

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:01 pm
by jfarris
That is too cool, John! 8) 8)

I beleive that when we get it right, or get into the flow or whatever, life is just effortless and beautiful. Its those moments like when it all hits you :loves , and you realize that all there is is the infinite love of the First Source and Center. Unless we have cut ourselves of from it. :lol:
I have had some truly humbling moments or recognition like that. :D

Lighten Life,


Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:01 pm
by Sandy
Hello John 8) and hello Jody 8) ,
Both your posts have my little heart "a singing" tonight. 8) Once again I am reminded how blessed we all are. :D
I beleive that when we get it right, or get into the flow or whatever, life is just effortless and beautiful. Its those moments like when it all hits you , and you realize that all there is is the infinite love of the First Source and Center

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:29 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Wow, so cool John! :shock:


Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:17 pm
by Petra Wilson
Well I'm very glad that you ended up sharing your experience John. It's those overwhelming urges that should never be ignored, I think.

Keeping you (ALL) in my prayers!

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:06 pm
by Twinstars
Hello All, and many thanks

Been off takin car o biznuth.
Had another cool thing happen yesterday. Was out TCB, trying to get applied for my benefits and getting Nowhere. All "Sorry we can't help." or "No, we don't do that." I was just about to leave my last 'hope', and paused to say a little prayer for the nice lady behind the desk. I started my car and my phone rang. It was the first lady I had spoken with early in the day. She was calling to inform me that she had had a "...change of heart..." and using her "...special powers..." was able to make the tinyest of changes to my application, which opened a Huge door for me. :roll After thanking the Universe, I started the engine again and as I started to drive away it happened again! The third "No" lady was calling with almost identical news!!! So, today I am breathing a little easier. Think I may go buy a Lotto ticket... ODG I think my neighbors house is burning!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:05 pm
by Twinstars
Well Darn, hoped I was only joking when I saw the smoke coming past. Not so.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:15 pm
by Sandy
Oh No John!!! Was anybody hurt? Hope not... :(

I am so pleased you are getting the help you need. Don't know how any of those ladies could have turned you away in the first place! :wink: :D

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:22 pm
by Twinstars
Hey All,

Happy Day. :hithere

Sandy you're so funny! But now that I think about it, Me either! :scratch: :lol:

No, noone was home, someone walking past said they heard something inside explode. Everyone here is really ticked. We live on a lake and the fire trucks RAN OUT OF WATER!!! There is no hydrant out here and they didn't have a pump truck. The Fire Chief told me the city has been planning to put a hydrant out here for years, but that it is still in the design stage. Their design stage sure didn't do Mr. Bailey's place any good.

Yep, you think right Petra, urges should never be ignored. Even the urge to stand atop a mtn. and offer one up. :wink:

Love to All,

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:32 am
by Sandy
Hi John...Glad to hear Mr. Baily is okay. I hope the poor man had insurance to help cover his losses. Still there are some things that simply cannot be know all those personal things. (Can you tell I am a pack rat in this area? :roll: )

I hope after this that someone gets thier act into geer and puts in a hydrant. I know it may be expensive and it may be a rare occurrence that one needs it...but it is invaluable when you do! ... could be the difference next time between life and death!
Take care bro.. :hithere

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:08 pm
by Petra Wilson
Dear John, I'm sorry to hear of your neighbours home! That's such a shame. I agree with what Sandy wrote there ^
Even the urge to stand atop a mtn. and offer one up.
LOL! You know John, that's just what I had....I was looking at the summit from where we were going to sleep and had a huge urge to see the sun set....again! It had already gone, so when we got to the top, we saw it set finally into the sea!

Love, Pet xxx

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:27 am
by Sandy
:D I was thinking about you and your wonderous adventure on top of the world when I wrote that Pet! :love

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:29 pm
by blue nova
good to hear neighbor was not at home....prayers for mr bailey and prayers that they remedy hydrant system...or at least obtain pump truck.

thank did not spread !!!
