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Not sure what to make of this event.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:26 pm
by imustnotsleepinclass
I was telling my mum and my friend last night after dinner about the whole 1111 thing, the dream that I had a while ago and the fact I now believe there are angels. She was quite shocked, she told me she had similar experiences though out her life, and my friend told me a storm about when her Grandmother was dying and an angel appeared to her and told her to stop clinging on and that it was her time to go. So they both pretty much accepted that, after a long conversation about it, about the expenses etc something a but weird happened, we were sitting around the table and if we’re having a meal my mum always dims the lights a bit and lights the big candles we have on the table. The 12 hour clock we have pointed to 11:11pm, there was a breeze though the room but both the doors, and the windows were all closed and the flames on the candles burst up in height very sharply and then died back down again.

Considering the time and the conversation topic is does anyone think its something trying to contact me or just a freak occurrence?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:42 am
by lilly
Hi Imustnotsleepinclass,
It sounds like someone is trying to say hello...and the timing of it makes it all the more likely.
Love lilly xox :D