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Just realized something unbelievable! Photos included...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:18 am
by agnieska
Hi Everyone,

Just like you I heave been getting the 11 and several other numerical prompts as well as many other signals. I have only been on this message board though for a couple of weeks.

Well, here is something I just realized. I have had this paperback book for a while now. I have been organizing my stuff lately so I took a closer look at it.

I found it a couple of years ago on a bench outside of work. I went out for a break and it was just laying on the bench, no one was around, so I looked at it and noticed it was one of those books you read and pass along. So, I took it home.

It is from something called and release! Always meant to read it but I put it away until I just ran across it.

Notice the title on the front is covered by a sticker so it didn't hit me right away. ... ook003.jpg ... ook002.jpg ... ook001.jpg

Not a typical angel book...but what are the chances of this happening?

Peace and Bessings,

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:53 pm
Dear Agnieska,
Hello and Welcome to you Here.
I just wanted to say 'Hi' as I have not met you yet.
I read your post and 'realized something' as well.
This is a book YOU are meant to read and then leave it on a bench somewhere for another to come across it.
After you have read it, you are to go to the website and fill in the info so that people can track where this book has been.
Look at the back of the book again: ... ook001.jpg
Please, if you do not intend to read it, set it free.
Maybe someday I will have the chance to pick this one up.
Infinite Love,

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:04 pm
by blue nova
how cool !! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:19 pm
by ChildofGod
When I lost weight, my girlfriend handed me down some of her blue jeans and one of them had "Angel" written on them.

Love and light


Child Of God