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Does sharing your experience have an impact?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:15 pm
by ar55
I have been prompted by 111 and 1111 and others regularly for the past two years. It started shortly after I began practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM). I have been hesitant to share my experiences with my family and friends based on my concern that A) they will not understand, B) knowing about my experience will not necessarily improve their lives, and C) that it may only be my ego that wants to tell people in the first place... look how special I am and such. Can anyone share their experiences with sharing this interesting gift with those who may be spiritually closed off and has your experience changed once its out there? Thanks.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:42 pm
by Geoff
Dear ar,

Welcome to our site. Sharing this with others who are neither spiritual nor see the numbers does not work. At least spiritually minded folks tend to be pretty open.


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:21 am
by lilly
Hello ar55,
I've thought about the same thing myself and am lucky to have a receptive family and a couple of close friends who get prompts. The main thing is we are getting communication from our unseen friends. Some people would just close off at any mention of midwayers or angels visiting. Sometimes I come here to tell my experiences with like minded people. Welcome!!!
Love lilly xox

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:13 am
by Sandy
Hello ar55,
When I first found my footing on my own spiritual path... I immediately thought that everyone else would also feel the same and appreciate my newfound discoveries. :lol: Whoa was I in for a shock! I scared the daylights out of my best friend who was much more contented in following a more traditional and religious type path to the Creator. Several years ago a very wise man advised me to listen first to the person I am with...listen to what they need. This involves reaching out TA to TA or Higher self to Higher self... by listening I have often found greater insight in the wonderful diversity that is humanity and help and lessons important to my own spiritual well being.

Welcome to the message board.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:54 am
by Angels 11:11
I have to say that just putting it out there, and allowing others to believe it or not believe it seems to work.

My husband has never really believed in anything spiritual (so unlike me) and within days of me finally confessing the 11:11 prompts I had gotten for months, he started having them himself! It was a bit hilarious.

I think on a subconscious level he was open to the possibilty of it, and so it occurred for him. I think he doesn't know what is trying to be said to him, but it;s amusing to hear him declare that 11:11 happened, or 12:12 or something else. He asks me what they're saying to him, and I just say the messages are for him and he will have to discover that for himself.


Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:14 am
by Mystichaze
greetings all,

I think this is a really touchy subject. I also agree that it really depends on the individual.

I have shared some of my spiritual experiences, views and thoughts with a select few. They seem to be really open minded about this sort of thing.

I have also made the mistake early on of sharing it with someone alot more closed minded and I got the "deer in the headlights look" hopefully you know that expression. I think for a brief moment she thought I went off the deep end or something.

All in all it is very nice to be able to come here, if nothing else, for you will surely find people who understand and really do want to here what you have to say...

Love, Mystic

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:55 pm
by AJ
It can work though. I have shared with several people and if they are open they too begin to get the prompts. Then it is up to them whether they let it to continue or not. However some people will just think you are are a bit bonkers and those people I feel bad for. No matter what you choose to do, don't let the actions or comments of others affect you. This is for you and you alone.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:20 pm
by Daddy - O
I agree. You'll have difficulty trying to explalin these kinds of things to someone who is close-minded and not spiritual. I believe that if a person is spiritually minded, you'll get a "feeling" they will be receptive to your thoughts & ideas.

Daddy - O

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:33 pm
by Amigoo
It's easy to relate to the experience of receiving responses of disbelief or even insinuation about ego dysfunction. However, I believe that we simply need to keep sharing the experiences and let our celestial friends provide the ultimate influence on the recipients.

One rule-of-thumb seems important: stop sharing when explicitly asked by the recipient - they are not ready (prepared) for the awareness. Until that occurs, they may be digesting the experiences, waiting for other personal corroboration - even if they don't seem to respond. Lack of response is a good caution to not overload someone with information ... but don't stop trying. New opportunities for sharing keep occurring.

I'm discovering that an important first step to experience prompting is to believe that it can happen. Our sharing of our own experiences often helps someone else grow and nurture that belief.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:01 am
by peacockplume
Hi everyone,,,,

and welcome to Mystic and ar55

I seemed to have had a few of Sandy's similar experiences,,,,

yes shocker indeedy,,,,I felt the same way....and also think that when you are speaking with someone even someone you know,,,for the first time that her advice is sound.....very sound.....
Several years ago a very wise man advised me to listen first to the person I am with...listen to what they need. This involves reaching out TA to TA or Higher self to Higher self
somehow I feel,,,,it's really not so much about the number prompts,,

but what they represent,,,,,and our connection with Spirit,,,,

what are you getting the prompts for ???? have you taken the direction to go within and connect with your I AM presence....

there's where we find the answers and the guidance to help others who are seeing the same things.....

sure makes you feel good when you get them though !!!!

love and blessings

Thanks everyone

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:53 am
by ar55
Thanks for your great input everyone. So long as "they" are not scared off by me talking with someone about my experiences, I will listen to the person's needs and decide if what I have to say might improve upon the silence. Namaste.


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:29 pm
by blue nova
hello ar55,

im used to being thought of as strange or used to the :shock: looks that i sometimes get.....peoples reactions do not 'bother' me anymore...if someone needs to hear the Truth...than i go ahead and speak :wink:

i found myself in a rather 'tight' position one time...someone had lost a person close to them....they passed away...the widow was in such a state of worry about where her husband 'went' after his death and how he was this case, i had her answer so i took her to the side and had a talk with her...this is my mom in law.....the Truth in this case, helped settle her mind...

i find....that most of the time...the yearning to pass the Truth overrides the fear of what people think of me.

of course every situation differs....sometimes we must use caution, but i mostly put other peoples feelings in front of my own fears....

fear is not any form.

i am who i am.... :wink:


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:38 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello and welcome ar55-Andy!
I have been hesitant to share my experiences with my family
Me and my mother & sister no longer communicate because I mouthed off my beliefs. I put it down to fear in the end. And many other things from the past which made my spiritual beliefs a great excuse to estrange themselves from me. But I will never deny my beliefs again for the sake of family and friends!
My mum really likes gossip mags and my sister goes for WWW fighting mallarky!!! But I never used to have a fit at them because of it!
Well, who knows? Who cares?

I had a great message today while working.

Petra xxx

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:39 pm
by starchild
I think in the course of your daily life you run into people who are in the know, so to speak and you just know who you can talk to about such matters. I don't tell people as a rule about my 11:11 experiences, but sometimes they come up in conversations with others. For instance, my DH's friend Steve, he's a receiver of dimes, just like me, and one night it came up in conversation. It turns out that he's all an 11:11er and we talk about our experiences sometimes.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:53 pm
by Twinstars
Hi All,
I too am usually very careful about who I bring up the time prompts to. Ordinarily I will pause to feel if my head is tingling, which let's me know they are with me. Sometimes I might hear what sounds like a hummingbird next to my ear. Then I try to ease it into any conversation to see if anyone else is a receiver. Although the other day while at the local hospital I came right out with it to a group of 10 or more. To my surprise noone was turned off at all. Most even said they were open to idea of them. It possibly was because I was very charged and vibrating all day, as in happy and smiling, but I have not, to my knowledge, scared anyone with them and hopefully will not. Most of my close friends know me as "out there" anyway, which I choose to take as very open minded (uh huh :wink:). And, many have even begun asking questions, so I have taken to steering anyone with questions to this site.

Love and Light,

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:19 am
by blue nova
Most of my close friends know me as "out there"
i know that feeling very well too john :wink: but, they are beginning to realize...that i am not as out there as they had thought... :mrgreen:

there has been many passing-on's around me of the peeps who thought that i was 'out there'...came to me after someone close to her passed away...wanting to know how he is doing. after that conversation, i no longer feel any barrier between my friend and i.

people have a tendancy to fear what they do not understand, ignorance. we have to remember this.


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:51 pm
by Twinstars
Hello Anne,

I understand when you say they are beginning to realize. Yesterday for the first time a close friend opened up and began asking questions. I almost swallowed my gum! The one person I thought would never, who always looked at me as if I had spinach between my teeth. And, as you say, I no longer feel any barrier between us. This friend is computer illiterate but asked if I will help find his family a computer and show them how they can "go and check it all out." Absolutely! :D


"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." :)