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Midwayer Brusque - PTSD email - discussion question

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:40 pm
by minxyd1111
Anyone read the midwayer Brusque email about PTSD this morning? I found it helpful, interesting and I agreed with what was put forth.

I have been diagnosed with severe PTSD years back from childhood events (abusive) that apparently I replay over and over again in my head. Some memories were forgotten, some not, then some were re-triggered during an abusive relationship situation. Now I replay both childhood and adulthood traumatic memories. With a very caring healer therapist, I was able to release some of these and they went away FOREVER.

I don''t want to "discover" the source, as M. Brusque says this is maybe not helpful, I just want to release these things or move past them. It just happens and I can't stop these movies. They are usually triggered by something else, maybe similar happening in the present? I'm not sure. I will ask my Celestial helpers to help me release. I now know, when I talk to them, ask for guidance and ask how I CAN HELP, this is the way to the path. Things do happen for goodness.

But what does it mean when you can't forget and you want to move forward with time and the movies keep replaying instead of protecting you from such harm inside yourself.

Any insight, advice or experience is helpful on the topic.

I hope this made sense.

Love to all.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:15 am
by Bella11:11
Yes Min

I did Read that yesterday, It was Really helpful to myself also.. & I am greatful it has helped you too.
As i was Diagnosed with this Also From Things that Happened in my Child Hood, I have been Asking the Angels alot about it .. To help me with this, As i find it hard to understand what is going on.... & Just when i was asking this Transcript Came through... :shock:

I Can understand exactly what they are saying, & i take the advice on board.
I have blocked many things from my memory also .. over time things have come back to me .. & im not to much worrying about the source Now...
Its taken Many many Years for me to Remember, otherwise i suppose i would not have survived as i Am Today.

I Thank the Angels so much for supporting me during these times... & now i have a much better understanding of Post Tramatic Stress.
I can let go of some ideas i had before & this gives me an opportunity to move forward in my life... & I am safe to trust what happens to Protect myself.

Love & Light
Bella :happy

Re: Midwayer Brusque - PTSD email - discussion question

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:38 am
by Bella11:11
Thats great to hear that your healer therapist has helped you realease some of these things.. And So happy for you that they have Gone Forever.

Some advice i was given Minxyd Is when you are going through PTSD ... Feel your Feet on the Ground... Press them on the Floor.. look at things in the room like a nice picture ... & remember where you are.. That you Are not There anymore. place your hands on the table or Chair, Hold On to them ....Knowing that you are In a Safe place, where you Will Not be harmed.
It has helped me ..... I Hope this helpes you.
Anyone read the midwayer Br usque email about PTSD this morning? I found it helpful, interesting and I agreed with what was put forth.
It Really Helped me Imensley Min x

Some things will be triggered by things unknown to us ...others in times we will know... Ask the Angels, They will give you Safe Answers, I do Min.. & they have slowly Helped me.... If you feel you need to know.

I Use to think about the Source Day in Day Out..Consuming.... Trying to Remember... But I have learnt That you will remember What you Are capable & What is Safe.. Not to Force ...And to Let it Be.

I believe Time will Heal Us Min...Keep Sending your prayers & thoughts out to The Angels and Jesus to Release and Move past them. This Is Very Powerful...
In Times like this Min.. Its very important we Ask Of this.

But what does it mean when you can't forget and you want to move forward with time and the movies keep replaying instead of protecting you from such harm inside yourself.

I am really Not Sure on that Min... One thing that has helped me .. Is Asking for DR MENDOZA To come and heal me whilst During my sleep.. You will start to notice Change Quite Quickley.. Ask him on a Regular basis, As much as you Feel you need too....

He has been there for me in healing This....

I hope this Helps, and you understand xxxxx

Love & light

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:49 am
by George
To give you some idea . . .

Back in December of 1987 I was mugged and my neck was broken at C2 and C4. I actually died (That felt great!) and had to be revived (Not so good - very painful).

Shortly after I carried on treating folks -- and PTSD was one of the areas I excelled in -- from about 1972 till 2000.

I did not know what had happened to me in 1987 until 1992. Finally that assult was clear in my mind.

Shortly after, a colleague told me it's PTSD, George! Wow! I was treating it regularly . . . and smack in it myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To give you some idea . . . it needed time to heal. Until then, my mind did not allow me to remember all kinds of things.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:04 pm
by Bella11:11
Wow .. I wonder what that feels like George!!!

Must have been amazing to have passed over for a while, What did you experience??

Thankyou so much for you insight, It really is hard going through all This....and you are so right .... Time apart from God is the biggest healer.

Love & Light

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:38 am
by George
I was at the ceiling, Bella,

Looking at my body. I heard two guys discussing the idea of bulldozing my body into a nearby garbage dump.

It mattered not a bit to me. I felt about my body as one does about a worn-out shirt still hanging in the closet. I knew that body, but it mattered not. I felt goooood! :happy

I was dead for maybe 1 minute. A Midwayer revived me and two others held the conspirators with their arms clamped by their sides until I managed to get away. The attack happened in a flash. The Midwayers just could not be there in time to stop it.

:bigsmurf: .

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:31 pm
by nasra1996
That's truly amazing George. They must have been really freaked out with the unseen beings holding them... :)



Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:48 pm
by George

I doubt if they were allowed to know. Although I walked back to my office, came back, verbally abused them, then walked out, they stood there like a pair of stunned penguins looking down at where I had been !!! 8)

They never moved! For about 3 or 4 minutes, I guess, while I tried to call the cops, but I could really only see shadowy numbers in the phonebook.

Immobilized they were.

No idea how I got home tho. :shock: But by that time I no longer knew what had happened -- PTSD.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:20 am
by oliabi
How do you know you were dead?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:34 am
by George
Hi oliabi,

By experiencing it first of all, and having it confirmed later.

It feels just great, but don't try this at home. :)

God bless.....

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:34 am
by Bella11:11
What an amazing experience George.

So glad you are still with us!... & So glad those two men were Scared out of their wits, They had it coming!!!! :wink:

Love & Light

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:55 pm
by George
So glad those two men were Scared out of their wits
One man, one woman. :shock:

Let this be a lesson to you. Don't talk about Midwayers, because some will hear the word "demons." :roll:

Can't tell you much more tho.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:25 pm
by minxyd1111
Thank you all for posting of your experiences here. All if this comes through as love, support and blessing.

George. WHOAH!

From George's story, I know think this has shown me that whatever is troubling me still has not been revelead. THIS is the protection.

I did not understand the last comment about talking about the Ms and the "demon" comment....?

Love to everyone.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:26 pm
by nasra1996
No, no one ever understands George..... :lol:

Love Sarah

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:33 pm
by minxyd1111


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:10 pm
by justlittleme
hi all,

ah, but i understand.............he means if one talks about midwayers........... some people think we are nuts

just my thoughts

justlittleme :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:08 am
by minxyd1111
THAT, I get. Thank you for clarifying. I do not speak of them but to the people here in this forum and the ones who "know" or can "see" . He is right.

Thank you for clarifying and translating the translator! :D


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:17 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
justlittleme wrote:hi all,

ah, but i understand.............he means if one talks about midwayers........... some people think we are nuts

just my thoughts
:lol: Yep, i'm pretty sure some of my friends think i'm strange. I tend not to talk about it, either.. it's something very special to me and i wouldn't like it to be mocked. I know how out-there it seemed to me at first.


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:50 am
by Norah
I heard something different in George's story--that some people who have evil thoughts encounter Wrathful Deities, whereas people with good thoughts can be helped by Peaceful Deities -- this is kind of putting it into Tibetan Buddhist terms, where both Peaceful and Wrathful exist and have the same purpose, to keep us on the road to complete understanding of our vast and perfect Buddha selves (enlightenment).

And another thought--the world is losing many of the practitioners of different kinds of magic who used to live throughout Asia and in Native cultures everywhere--but these shaman sometimes display that power, to "immobilize" a person who is doing wrong. For example, I heard of a teacher who could put a "spell" of some kind on his most precious spiritual aritfacts, so that if a robber tried to touch them, the robber would fall down and remain paralyzed until released. Then surprisingly I came across the same "magic" in the book "Fourth Uncle in the Mountain" (brilliant book, by the way--true life of a Vietnamese acupuncturist growing up in the mountains of South Vietnam)

Of course the Midwayers can do this--and probably with no memory remaining in the minds of the wrongdoers!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:03 am
by George
Dear Norah,

They were Midwayers, all three. MNO8 who revived me, ABC-22 and MNO-6 who held the conspirators.

I'm surprised about your comment of "evil deities."

This is the Correcting Time. The bad guys are gone.

God bless....

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:25 am
by Bella11:11
Wow Heaps of information! Thanks Everyone xxx

George A Woman :shock: I suppose nothing should surprise me anymore....

And it totally went over my head about the demon part :scratch:

Love & Light