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My First Post - Feeling a little unsure about this

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:41 pm
by ekbar
Hi everyone,

I posted this on another 11:11 board I found yesterday but today I found you guys and this looks like just the place I want to join. I have been living with 11's for years but never really looked into it until lately. It's been getting stronger and stronger and the other night I had a freaky experience. Hopefully one of you can shed some light on what it could mean.

For years I have been seeing 11 minutes after the hour on digital clocks. It started after 9/11 happened and I would usually just see 9:11 morning and night. It really scared me into thinking there would be another disaster. I had a chance meeting with a psychic during that time and she told me it was just my guides trying to let me know they were there. I told her how worried it made me to see 9:11 all the time because of how I associated it with a disaster. Well, beginning the next day it switched to all the other hours of the day but still 11 minutes after. Maybe 2 or 3 times a day I would glance at the clock at 11 after. It would make me smile to know that my guides were with me and trying not to frighten me anymore. This has gone on for years.

A couple months ago I started waking up in the middle of the night very startled. I would always feel like there was someone in the room. Sometimes I would see shapes that seemed like they were rushing toward me. Very unsettling but I thought I was just having nightmares. But then a couple nights ago I was sound asleep and felt a firm tap on my left shoulder and it woke me up with a start. I looked to the left (my side of the bed) and I thought there was a figure standing there. In my mind I thought "oh my god this is it". I have no idea why I thought that. Then the adrenalin woke me up more fully and I couldn't see anything anymore. I immediately looked at the clock and it was 11:11 pm. I felt shocked and knew that whatever happened meant something but I don't know what.

I can't tell anyone about this because I would sound like I was crazy. Thank goodness for this board. I feel a little bit more sane today.

Sorry for such a long post but I feel like I need to get this told. Does anyone know what this could mean?

Thank you!

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:19 pm
by ChildofGod
Hey there ekbar!! Welcome and you've found the right forum and we all welcome you will open hearts and arms.

I hope you find all the answers you are looking for and I'm sure they'll all come to you in time and at the right time.

Love and light.


Child Of God

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:32 am
by justylonging1111
Hello Ekbar!

Welcome to this most amazing place of sharing and all in the name of Love! I look forward to more soon!

Here is the FAQ's link!

God Bless You and Yours! :sunny:

Love Tannis

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:44 am
by rachel657062
ekbar, I find your experience so interesting. Potentially scary for sure, but lovely all the same. I have someone around me (a soul I would say) who admits that he has waited a long time for me to wake up. So while you feel like your experience is unbelievable, I believe you. I saw 11:11 am two days ago. I didn't know what prompted me to look, only that eventually I would have needed to look at a clock for cooking purposes. The night before I had read about this type of soul and how there's a 11:11 connection. The article has merit because it's just so accurate with my experiences.

So...long story short, I value your experience (as frightening as it must have been). Feel free to write back.

P.S. As far as meaning is concerned, I would say you're being tipped off. It's obvious for sure, but that's how it goes.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:04 am
by Geoff
Dear ekbar,

Welcome to our site.

11:11's and other numbers are initiated by celestials that will avoid scaring you. But its a fine line, as just about anything scares us humans. However there are also other discarnates, less evolved who don't mind scaring humans. They can't do anything, but they love to see us fearful. And the problem is, all eleveners have some propensity to see or hear discarnates.

So, what you need to do, is control the fear, and get a handle on who is doing the waking of you. You can assert your right to be left alone by any being that does not have your highest good in mind.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:06 am
by Geoff
Dear rachel657062,

Welcome to our site.

love Geoff.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:56 am
by Bella11:11
Hi Ekbar & Rachel :hithere

Welcome to the Boards !

Enjoy the stories and the Experience, We all on this together xx

God Bless

Love & light

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:49 am
by ekbar
Hi again everyone and thank you for the warm welcome. I spent a couple hours reading through all the faq's and other threads. Wow! So many experiences were similar to mine. I considered the fact that it was a playful spirit just messing with me. I usually put our house in a white light before I go to sleep but I've been lazy about doing that lately. I think I better get back to doing that again.

This site and all the information has now made me feel excited about this experience. I read most of the threads at work today. When I got in my car to go home I thought to myself that I was really going to make an effort to meditate as suggested. I looked over at the clock and guess what? It was 3:11. I literally let out the loudest laugh and said "okay I hear you". So I guess I'm on the right track. This is so interesting. I just had no idea that it was happening to so many other people.

Geoff, thank you for the advice about how to handle the fear. I will make my wishes known! :-)

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:00 am
by rachel657062
I woke up a little while ago and had something unexpected happen. First there was the undeniable fact that I was being spoken to (both before and after waking) -- I don't know what jostled me awake (I just heard 'we did'), ~4 seconds later my computer restarts on its own, and then I see it's 1:16 a.m. (The lights didn't go out; it was just isolated to the computer)

There are couple more minutes of communication and then I internally see a collection of white, misty particles leave through my bedroom door. I must say this is a first, but also that it's supposedly ok to share this (through the forum). Life's just so odd sometimes.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:46 pm
by blue nova
Hello eckbar welcome to the site :hithere

ur not crazy my friend....experiences like yours happens to many people... :D it helps to talk about them....

Rachel wrote:
There are couple more minutes of communication and then I internally see a collection of white, misty particles leave through my bedroom door.I must say this is a first, but also that it's supposedly ok to share this (through the forum). Life's just so odd sometimes.
one persons oddness is anothers reality (mine ... :D :wink: )

welcome to the site :hithere


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:06 pm
by SheraX

Fear of the unknown,makes it scary.

Lots of prayer helps.

Heather xo

Welcome New Friends

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:42 pm
by TheAwakening
I was prompted to go to this site this morning at 10:22 and got tingles when I read your post...

Welcome again and enjoy your true purpose in life as it now unfolds.


Your brother


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:35 am
by Sandy
Hello and Welcome Eckbar,
I have enjoyed reading your posts and the others responses. Glad to hear that you have decided to begin practicing meditation. It benefits all parts of the human body as well as nurtures the soul.

... and a hello and welcome to you too, Rachel. I love listening to what you are experiencing... so please continue to share...You will find as you read through the threads, especially in this forum, that what you are experiencing is easily accepted here by others who also also have experienced something similar. I like to think that as the world wakes up and becomes more spiritual that people like the ones who post here will be the norm instead of the exception...its happening even as we speak... :)

Nice to meet you both.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:04 am
by rachel657062
Last night wasn't dream-oriented. I was told I needed to rest mentally, so that meant falling asleep before 8 pm and recuperating in some way. But the day before, I experienced a second thing. This one was a dream. I was driving toward a destination I had gone to several times and shortly after getting on a ramp there was a divided tunnel. One side was wide enough for ~2 cars and the other side only one. This wasn't apparent to me until virtually the last minute. Inside the tunnel was dark on both side. The wider side had some yellow and black striped tape making it more noticeable, but I chose the smaller lane and hit the tunnel divider; I didn't have enough time to align with the lane. The knowledge that I impacted woke me up. I didn't stick around for the ramifications. The time upon waking was 7:00 a.m. and my alarm was set for 7:22 a.m.

The dream has to do with choices. A source has told me that I'm choosing the less traveled path, but have yet to fully align myself with it. My impression is that I'm straddling both. (source: "That's exactly what you're doing")

Well, anyways, that's my sharing for today.