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Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:40 pm
by Geoff
It is doubtful if this is a "spiritual" book, but it is an important book none the less. It is a book by a scientist, reviewing the masses of scientific experiments that have been done to verify "psi". I had no idea that firstly so many have been done, and secondly that the results, while perhaps not as substantial as I would have hoped, nevertheless have astoundingly high probabilities of being valid. I could have used this book to flatten the regular skeptic one finds that keeps on throwing the mantra - science has not yet found a single shred of evidence - because its false. In fact I loved this quotation:
Thomas Etter wrote:When a belief is widely held in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we call it superstition. By that criterion, the most egregious superstition of modern times, perhaps of all time, is the "scientific" belief in the non-existence of psi.
Published in 2006 by Paraview Pocket Books. ISBN 978-1-4165-1677-4