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Just a quick question

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:51 pm
by Ikki
I just have a quick question…

My question is in regards to practicing the AC how do you know when you have reached the Alpha state, is there anyway i will be able to tell that I’m in the Alpha state if so then how?

Also, I’m sorry if the answer to this question was posted somewhere else if it is please let me know and feel free to delete this post when needed.

Thank you very much :)


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:03 am
by vivrider
I'm glad you asked this Ikki, I've wondered that too. Is it the same feeling as when you are meditating and, as they teach in TM, have "transcended"?


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:04 am
by SheraX
Don't worry about it,sometimes we can't find the info we are looking for and want to know! hehe

For myself,I feel very relaxed ,my body has a heavy/light feeling if that makes sense? lol

Also I think you will really know,when it happens and things start to sort out the way you are hoping for.


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:10 am
by SheraX
Of course, your mind will be still and there won't be (much)mind chatter...just where you want to take yourself.... :)

lol keep editing.. don't get fusturated! Let it flooooooooooow! :D

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:49 am
by George
One of my colleagues, Tamara Chelsey, used to say, "When you can hear my voice, and you are so relaxed that you could not care less as to what I'm saying, you are already at 8 or 9 Hertz -- deep in Alpha -- Alpha starts long before that."

There are small, handheld bio-feedback gadgets I played with in the past. They can teach you to "hit" Alpha in seconds.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:14 am
by Prodigal_Daughter
Not really sure what you mean by being so relaxed you don't care what is being said. That's a good question: how do we know we're in alpha.

For me, I feel like what another poster stated - a heavy/light feeling - when I'm listening to the relaxation part. The other feeling I have is like rocking or wafting like a feather floating to the ground. I just have had difficulty visualizing the rose garden but I've been experimenting with different images with roses. The other thing is that sometimes my mind wanders so I wondered if anybody had any tips for that.

One thing I must say is that I have more energy now and now I can consciously relax during tense moments at work.


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:58 am
by peacockplume
Hi George,
There are small, handheld bio-feedback gadgets I played with in the past. They can teach you to "hit" Alpha in seconds.
got any of those on hand?????

you suggested once to me awhile ago,,,,when I described a certain feeling I had when something 'happened' just remember that feeling and I'd get there again....

the thing is,,,,,recognition,,,,when it happens.....and if I'm mentally thinking about it,,,,it just doesn't happen....

but like you said,,,,,practise, practise, practise....surely paves the way...


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:30 am
by George
PD writes:
One thing I must say is that I have more energy now and now I can consciously relax during tense moments at work.

That makes perfect sense. As you practice "dropping into" Alpha, you also manage to lower Beta, Theta and Delta with it . . . permanently. IOW it takes a lot more to make you lose your cool when in Beta you go over 21 Hertz . . . which equates with temporary insanity. :shock:

3.5, 7, 14, and 21 Hertz approximately defines the very top of Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. 2, 4.5, 10 and 18 Hertz respectively is attainable, and it represents LIVING, rather than just COPING with life.

The Akashic Construct will always "take you to" where it is most needed at first, and lots of folks remind me of now having better sleeping patterns, first of all -- before anything else happens.

More than 50% of us do not sleep efficiently -- one of our greatest health problems -- and only because we tend to finction at too high a level in all four main modes.

Theta, especially, is important for a "stocktake" of physical requirements. If you deprive a person of Theta sleep, he or she does not know what to have for breakfast . . . does not know what is needed.


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:37 am
by George
PP writes:
got any of those on hand?????

Not any more. I had an EEG machine, but I gave it away to my Rotary Club.

It's in Erithria now -- too far to go! :lol:


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:38 am
by peacockplume
Well at least I now know why my eating habits are all askew...

it's now past midnight for me,,,,so I better try to attain some Theta sleep.

love pp

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:36 pm
by peacockplume
Hi George,

well, I guess that's only confirmation that we don't need the 'little machines' either do we....

we have it all,,,,we just need to learn how to use it...


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:36 am
by George
Hi PP,

I remember someone getting out of bed, regularly in winter, to stoke the fire. That would break the progression of 90-minute sleep cycles, each consecutive cycle with more Alpha sleep.

and related Theta sleep. :?:


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:24 am
by peacockplume
Hi George,
yes,,,hmmm,,,,well,,,,I guess I could stay up all night,,,no that wouldn't work,,,because I still have to stoke the fire in the day too....

even more so this year....

didn't we talk about a 3 hrs sleep being ok before one 'has' to get up...???

if I time it right,,,,and ask for a wake up call,,,or set my alarm,,,

I might even be able to manage a 6 hr sleep....and the stove would last that long....

would 6 hrs be ok???

love, pp

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:28 am
by George
It gets a little complex, PP, but it can be done.

The "I don't know what I feel like eating" and the "emotionally on edge" feelings stem from the fact that the 90 minute sleep cycles are not identical.

If you break the continuous 7.5 hour sleep period (the 5 x 90 minute consecutive cycles), you tend to repeat cycles 1, 2, and 3 after a break following just 3 hours of sleep.

You tend to repeat cycles 1 and 2 after a break following just 4.5 hours of sleep.

Basically, your body (mind) tells you that you have begun a new series of 5 x 90 minute cycles, when in reality there are just 3 or 2 cycles to go.

In the past (some many years ago) I did train lactating moms to "order" the follow-up cycles (with longer Theta and Alpha duration) when new-born babies wrecked their sleep patterns, and that post-hypnotic suggestion (part of painless childbirth training) worked well, with great results I'm very proud of.

That fire to be stoked, is your 'persistently crying baby.' Your present regenerating sleep pattern will look "ugly" until you can order a resumption of the correct sleep pattern, rather than experiencing the first 2 or 3 cycles again.

Cycles 3, 4, and 5 contain increasingly more Alpha and Theta sleep, which you need.

I hope I made that clear. Use segment 2 of your Akashic Construct CD to give yourself that suggestion, I propose.

You'll experience a greater peace of mind, and pick-out for breakfast what your system knows you need.


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:27 pm
by Ikki
O.O wow I never thought that my question would get so many replies, I’m glad that it has been a useful question. Sorry I have gotten so behind on keeping up with posts. I’m in the middle of moving right now which means all kinds of craziness.

“The other thing is that sometimes my mind wanders so I wondered if anybody had any tips for that.” Thank you for posting this question Prodigal_Daughter. I could also use tips on that exact same thing.

Also does anyone have any advice on how to stay consistent with the AC while going through something like a major move? Im having a hard time being consistent with so much going on.

Thank you for the replies George, peacockplume, SheraX, vivrider, and Prodigal_Daughter. :D

Ikki ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:27 am
by vivrider
Hi everybody,

Ikki, what I have always done before meditating, and now before going into AC, is take a little time to think with my eyes closed. Like I tell my mind, OK, here's your chance, think all you want. Think about what to cook for dinner, who has baseball practice tonight, do I have any clean clothes for work tomorrow. . . . and gradually my mind calms down with all that out of the way. Hope that helps.

George, is there someplace we could learn more about sleep cycles? I know that you went into some detail, but I don't really understand the basics. How cool that you were able to help new breastfeeding moms! I wish I could do that in my practice. Oh, and I'm really enjoying In The Service of 11:11. I'll be happily awaiting number 3!

Love, Vivian

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:16 am
by George

Hello dear Vivian,

I was there with more "freshly born" infants than you have fingers and toes. Even got one of the little racals called after me, hehehe! But that's an altogether different story.

The "bonus effects" of painless childbirth therapy are plentiful -- little bleeding, minimum stitches if any, relaxed newborns, and the mothers producing just the right amount of milk. Less post-natal depression, I think, but I don't know this -- sample too small and no follow-up.

It gives you the feeling that this is precisely as it should be, tho. I taught doctors how to do it when I was tired of racing off to the hospitals in the middle of the night. :roll:

Sleep patterns lend themselves to boldly being graphed. Can do, but I'll need to send it off to Geoff for him to put it on the MB.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:56 am
by vivrider
George, maybe someday I'll visit you and you can teach me how to do it too. I'm in a clinic in a busy HMO and rarely see moms before the baby is born, unless I'm already the doctor of other children in the family. Not an ideal place to start doing "alternative" treatments, but I'm feeling more like following my own instincts all the time. So many moms have a hard time with breastfeeding. Some of the closest relationships I have formed with new moms began with this problem, leading to lots of time spent working on it together. But it would be nice to spend the time beforehand and avoid the pain and frustration!

Thanks for getting more information for us about sleep. I can tell when I've done it right, but I haven't quite figured out what it was that I did.

Hugs to you too! Vivian

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:39 am
by George
I'll find time to do the drawing and type out the explanation, Vivian.

Painless Childbirth therapy is one of the most rewarding therapies to get involved with. There was one exception, Melissa:

Patient previously treated for OCD: "I know what you said, George, and I told you I wasn't interested, but now I'm more than a bit scared."

George: "when are you due, Kiddo?"

Melissa: "Tomorrow!"

George :shock: : "Holy Dooley! Why didn't you come in tomorrow?"

I said lots of prayers thinking about the expensive new carpet in my clinic. :lol: She was fine the next day. I recommend starting sessions after the sixth month, tho.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:08 pm
by vivrider
You are so funny, George! I hope that I can learn Painless Childbirth therapy and put it to use, as I find ways to practice medicine in less traditional ways. At least, less traditional than the US system. It sounds like there in Australia your work is quite accepted.

I know that you're very busy, and I really appreciate your time in teaching us more about sleep, whenever you get a chance.

Love, Vivian

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:14 pm
by peacockplume
Yes George,

That explained alot....
That fire to be stoked, is your 'persistently crying baby.' Your present regenerating sleep pattern will look "ugly" until you can order a resumption of the correct sleep pattern, rather than experiencing the first 2 or 3 cycles again.

Cycles 3, 4, and 5 contain increasingly more Alpha and Theta sleep, which you need
I should consider my good fortune and be able to ignore the stove (it afterall,,,doesn't need a diaper changed)

but I never knew that we needed 5 of those cycles for optimum health...

why 5 cycles though ????? Beta, Alpha, Theta , Delta,,,,,what else counts????

thanks for your explanations.....

I think I wouldn't want to see my sleep pattern graphed,,,,but I bet it would be really interesting,,,,when comparing it with what goes on in a day.... I might try it...

loves pp

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:55 pm
by George
Hi All,

I've drawn the graph, but I have to send it off to Geoff, and ask him to post it.


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:49 pm
by vivrider
Thank you! :love

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:03 pm
by peacockplume
Hi George,
Thanks alot,,,will be looking forward to seeing it,,,,

I managed 6 solid hrs last night,,,,,improving?????

6 hrs seems to be the most I can do in one stretch,,,,it's been that way for quite awhile too,,,,

is there a possibility as we get older we don't need the same amount as when we're younger????

loves pp

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:29 am
by George
Hi All,

Geoff put the drawing here: ... 890#111890

Just scroll up a little for the roughest bit of artwork I EVER produced.

God bless......