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New lesson on power of the apex

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:36 am
by bethsha211
I went to the AC last night.My celestial Siam was there to give me instruction....

He told me once again about the apex.He said that there is more spiritual strength when we raise our arms up above,but with our hands together.If we raise our arms above and spread apart and then bring them together,we bring all of the outward in and all the good becomes one.He gave an example of people praying with hands together and said there is more power than without. He was talking about it being an easier flight to the source of God.I did this and I saw the color gold flowing through and around my hands.It was a warm and loving feeling.

And with this message I feel it could do no harm and do all the good.
Thought I would share.


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:02 am
by alysmom
Vrey intresting Gloria. I will have to try it. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:27 am
by bethsha211
There is something else I would like to add.When you put your hands above in this way,you create a triangle.The triangle represents "As above,so below." In the Greek alphabet,the letter Delta being the fourth,is represented by a triangle.And it means union.So it all goes together well with what Siam was talking about.

Peace and love,Gloria

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:10 pm
by blue nova
Good morning Gloria,

This is a wonderful message thank you for sharing :D
He was talking about it being an easier flight to the source of God.I did this and I saw the color gold flowing through and around my hands.It was a warm and loving feeling
:loves Beautiful !!!


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:28 pm
by SheraX
Wow,thanks Gloria,I will do this.


Heather xo

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:58 pm
by Maria L
Thank you, Gloria.
I will remember this.

I always have my hands together when I pray and it feels like I receive energy or energy is created. So, it makes sense to keep my hands together before the healing moment too. In a healing situation I had hold my hands above my head, to receive and strengthen the healing energy that I want to transmit into the receiver. This is all new to me... I do not really know yet what I am talking about. I just do what my spirit guides tell/show me to do.

The last time I healed, six angels came down to me, and their wings moved the air. It was a very vivid image. I had three angels on each side of me, each of them holding a hand on my shoulders, supposedly to give me help; strengthen the healing energy. Are they common helpers? Does this resonate with anyone here? Any comment would be appreciated. Even comments that tells me that I must have dreamt. I want to learn, and not fool myself...

I am not really an AC student, so I do not even know if I am aloud in here to receive feedback and support. I do everything through stillness and it seems to work fine right now – despite some problem to get more structure. I can only contact my guides when I am in the right mood – no matter what my intentions are. The emotional state of my mind seems to be the key if I will succeed or not.

Any thoughts about my experiences are welcome. PMs are welcome too.

Love, Maria

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:10 am
by SheraX
I am sure you are very welcome to come in here and ask for help!


Heather xo

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:32 pm
by Maria L
Thanks Heather,
That is nice to know.

Love and Light,

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:00 pm
by atsguy
I am a little bit consfused, but i have a feeling i know what you mean. Could the hands together be in the lotis style when sitting up and having the hands in the middle. And also when meditating by lying on your back on the bead, having your hands above your head or over it.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:19 pm
by Maria L
atsguy wrote:I am a little bit consfused, but i have a feeling i know what you mean. Could the hands together be in the lotis style when sitting up and having the hands in the middle. And also when meditating by lying on your back on the bead, having your hands above your head or over it.
Dear atsguy. I am not sure if you adress me or Gloria...
But I love to share what I am doing, since helping others as well as hearing others reflect upon what I do or think, move me forward on my journey...

- When I am healing someone, I am doing it in spirit, I am in my energy body, not my physical body. I would love to learn Reiki and do healing in my physical body as well, but not at this point in time...

When this is said... Holding my hands together above my head, means, for me, that my "energy body"/ inner picture of my self in the healing moment, is in a position to better "collect"/receive healing energy from "above".

Although I am healing in spirit, I do think the position my physical body holds is important:

- I have noticed that when I pray and hold my hands together my whole body are concentrated on praying and therefore the feeling of contact with much higher energies are far more intense, just as Gloria said.

- I have also noticed that when I meditate and sit in an upright lotus position it does not really matter to me where I hold my hands, the most important thing for me (at this point) is that my spine is straight. If I lay down (when meditating), it is also important for me lay on my back with a straight spine. My hands are usually, but not necessarily clasped together.

- I do think, as it has been expressed elsewhere in this forum, that we do have the knowledge of how heal inside us. The God Spark, your Thougth Adjuster, will tell you, just listen to your intuition. :wink:
