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A baby

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:03 pm
by SheraX
I have been getting back into my meditations and I am just casually getting used to it again.

I did get deep,my body became very heavy but perhaps light as well...I know I am not setting it I used to get this feeling when I was a child,while I was falling alseep. I used to describe it as feeling like a sponge! Hehe..ok

Like I said I just casually went back in to visualize my rose bush ,,,etc.

I still have a hard time getting my elevator to appear and keep my mind on it,but I had a lady that I could not see come out with a baby. I wasn't sure what to do but I felt she wanted me to do a healing. I didn't know how really..that is where this is going. When you do a healing for someone, do you do what comes to you?(<-that is usually what I do.)How do you do it? I just visulized a healing light around the baby.

Heather xo

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:37 pm
by SheraX
*blowing wind~~~~~~~~~ O there goes a hay ball*

:lol: :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:11 am
by peacockplume
Hi heather,,,

well, in the AC ,,,I just try to let happen whatever is supposed to happen...

I still can't 'see' this elevator, but as I walk around in my room, sometimes someone will just walk in,,,,,or all of a sudden someone will be on the healing table....

I remember thinking once,,,,now what do i do,,,,and had the sense of my hands being overshadowed and led over the persons body, which I couldn't really see either....

just let it flow.....when you're in there, ask for help,,,,call on MNO8, or Archange Raphael,,,,or whomever of the healing team happens to be there....

just remember to ask,,,when you don't know what to do.....even if we can't see them.....I'm sure they're there...

love pp

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:30 am
by Bella11:11
Wow, i have to get the Ac cd, its a must.

All the best with it sherax

Love and Light


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:52 pm
by Sandy
Hi Heather,

Yes, just go with the flow when you are in the AC. Whatever seems natural to you and what comes to mind. As PP said you always have help around you. You are never alone.

I remember my first patient in the AC. I had asked for a friend of mine and as the elevator rose I could see it wasn't my friend so I sort of panicked... didn't have a clue what to do since it wasn't my friend so I closed my eyes and prayed, asking God for healing for my friend. I was surprised when I opened my eyes and there right in front of me was this woman that I had completely forgotten about. :oops: I thought well... maybe she should lay down, but for some reason I had not planned a medical table in my AC. I was shocked and very surprised when I looked by my desk and there leaning against the side was one of those fold-out cots. I asked her to lay down and I ran my hands several inches above her body. I felt an energy and I was done. I was still a little disoriented but for some reason felt I should give her something... Once again I looked at my desk and there was a cup filled with these huge flat striped suckers or lollipops. :oops: Well....she seemed to enjoy it...So just let go and allow God to work through you in whatever way seems natural and comfortable for you.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:42 pm
by SheraX
Thanks Sandy and PP.

I have told myself I have to learn for myself, but hearing others experiences helps for sure. :) Sometimes it validates what I am thinking. :)

Yes Bella,you will enjoy it..the more you stick to it, the better.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:59 pm
by MichelleP
SheraX wrote:*blowing wind~~~~~~~~~ O there goes a hay ball*
I have been away a bit. Funny Stuff Heather. :lol:


PS: I would answer but I haven't a clue what to suggest to do. You'll figure it out I just know it.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:46 pm
by peacockplume
Welcome back Michelle,,,

I thought you were being a bit silent.....being away explains it...

a rest is as good as a change.....

but nice to see you back,,,,

love and blessings pp

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:45 am
by MichelleP
Awe Thanks PP. That was really sweet :love I've actually been more busy away then fun away. Fun away is going to occur in a month when I go to Vegas but thanks for making me feel loved. :D


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:31 pm
by SheraX
Michelle Petkus wrote:
SheraX wrote:*blowing wind~~~~~~~~~ O there goes a hay ball*
I have been away a bit. Funny Stuff Heather. :lol:


PS: I would answer but I haven't a clue what to suggest to do. You'll figure it out I just know it.
Hehehehehe :wink:

Yes,I will get it..sometimes I just need to be reminded of that seems. :oops: :lol: