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Akashic Construct and losing time

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:39 pm
by bethsha211
Hi all, I was doing the Akashic Construct cd yesterday and something happened that maybe someone knows about.Now, I have to tell you that I didn't receive any instructions,but I wasn't too worried about this as I have never had problems with "going other places".The first time I did the cd I met who might be my guardian,so no problems.I ws excited to say the least.I have done the cd since,but I had distractions.Yesderday,it was very quiet here so I took the opportunity to work with it.I had gone all the way and was about to enter,when the next thing I knew I was hearing George's voice saying to return.I wasn't asleep.It didn't feel like that,but I wasn't there and don't remember what happened when I came back.I know that something happened! Is this normal to go through?
By the way,I have since seen on here that there are instructions,but they might have stripped them away on it's journey to Texas.
Thanks for ny info.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:24 pm
Dear Bethsha211,
I'm just a little jealous of you :) as I have not made visual contact yet.
But, I did copy this link for you.
I don't think instructions are shipped with the purchase of the AC/CD
At least none came with mine here in CA.
With Love,

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:27 pm
by bethsha211
Thanks Greg.I will check it out!

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:13 pm
by memawlaura
:D Hi Gloria,

I would PM George or Sandy and they can send you the instructions. They use to be on this site, but I'm not sure where they can be found now.

Yes, you reached a deep alpha state and all you need to do now is ask to remember what you are learning. George sent an email out not long ago about subliminal messages and so everytime I meditate I know that I receiving something to help me down the road. One day you will read or see something and you will get the answer to a question with not effort on your part. Keep a journal of your meditations, what you request and as you read back down the road you will see you got the answers and sometimes exactly how they came to you :wink: .

I have traveled amongst the stars, seen images, meant with celestials and many times just felt great after my meditation and thought I did not receive anything, but I personally believe its never a waste of my time to spend time with Our Father.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:54 pm
by bethsha211
Memaw,Thanks for the reply.I guess I could ask for instructions.Another thing is that I need to sit more upright and not be so comfortable and maybe that will help me be more alert.I have been so busy working lately that I have not done the AC since this happened.Off tomorrow though.
Love,Gloria :D

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:43 pm
by memawlaura
:D Gloria,

PP and I were discussing that the other day when she asked how my meditation went and I said I think I fell asleep. She asked if I felt like we do when getting up in the morning, and I did not. I actually felt very alert.
As before sometimes they work with us without us needing to know they are doing such, perhaps were not quite ready.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:38 am
by peacockplume
Hi Gloria, Greg and MML,,,

I hope G & G have their instructions by now...

It doesn't seem to make any difference to me,,,,sitting up or laying down, if I do the 'blip' out just happens....and I find the less I do the meditation,,,,,that when I do it again,,,,that's when I blip out more...

Sitting up, unless I'm propped up,,,my head will drop and jerk me out of it.....or my neck just gets too strained.....if I'm laying down,,,and as long as I'm not overtired,,,,I'll remain more conscious....

what I don't know is if this will change or not.....but when I go into my AC and walk around,,,,it's like I'm seeing it,,,,and not really being in it....

I know I'm there,,,,but I'm conscious of being here....

does that make any sense???? should it be that way....????

I know if I try to impose what I think it should be,,,,then it isn't...

So the little message I got the other day seems to make sense,,,

Be open to what is.....

no expectations,,,,,no limitations.... easier to say than do,,,

because I know, when I go into the AC,,,,I expect something to happen...

and lately it hasnt been happening...

take my own advice I will,,,,,,breathe Lynn, breathe....

love pp