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Painful vibrations and "losing time"

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:32 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Hi everyone :D
Just wanted a bit of feedback about my experience with the AC last night.
I was drifting off nicely, getting deeper, but distractions kept me from connecting with my spirit guide properly (the cat jumping on me, itchy nose, noises from outside). My right arm felt fine, but my left arm began to vibrate intensely.. it was getting to the point where it was painful.. and i had to stop for a moment because it was hurting me and felt like my fingers were swelling up. :shock: Then i got back into it a little bit, but was finding it much harder than usual to make that connection.. That's the last thing i remember.. i woke up at 5am still on the couch, with the tv still on (i play the construct through it). I feel amazing today.

Re: Painful vibrations and "losing time"

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:37 am
Dear ~*Star_Struck*~
I haven't met you yet so I'll start with a 'Hello'.
I see you been around since 2004.
I just joined in Nov. 2007 and have the AC/CD and am trying for Celestial contact but have not made any as of yet.
~*Star_Struck*~ wrote:Hi everyone :D
Just wanted a bit of feedback about my experience with the AC last night.
I was drifting off nicely, getting deeper, but distractions kept me from connecting with my spirit guide properly (the cat jumping on me, itchy nose, noises from outside). My right arm felt fine, but my left arm began to vibrate intensely.. it was getting to the point where it was painful.. and i had to stop for a moment because it was hurting me and felt like my fingers were swelling up.
I feel amazing today.
I do get an all-over body vibration in meditation periodically.
I can only suggest that you rid all of your 'distractions' first before going into stillness/meditation. That way you can get a much better experience.
It could quite possibly be that the interuptions were the cause of the extreme vibs. on that left arm. I'm guessing here.
A couple deep breaths for me and I am able to shut out such things as an itchy nose.
At least you felt great today ! ! ! !

Hope this helps.
Keep us informed with your Akashic Construct work.
With Much Love,
;+) +Greg+ (+;

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:12 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Thanks Greg :wink: Glad to hear you've got the AC and are trying for celestial contact.. if you're struggling to contact celesials perhaps a good idea would be to practise the first two relaxation exercises as much as you can? I used the first two exercises daily for one week each before i moved on to the construct and this made it much easier. I still had to try a few times before anyone came through, but i generally see one person and one person only, my spirit guide Annette who is amazingly loving and supportive. :) The only way i can really describe what i feel when i'm with her is a "mother's love". It's completely unconditional.. i know she is there for me no matter what. :cheers: In the Akashic Library, i sit in my arm chair and she sits in a chair next to me.. she holds my hand, strokes my hair and calls me her "precious child". Sometimes i feel like i could burst from happiness when i'm with her. I run towards her as soon as the elevator door opens, and she hugs me.. She answers my questions with grace and gives me guidance.. LUV2

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:15 am
by memawlaura
:D Well Star_Struck,

The celestials do much work while your in your AC that you may not be aware of until a later date. George made reference on a thread that they also give us subliminal messages that will be used at later dates.

I have problems going into meditation when I have extreme anxiety. I always say a prayer and I ask Our Father to please take the specific burden(s) from me and when I relenquish them freely I can feel the burdens lift from my shoulders. However, being a human its not always a success.

IMO, if you really evaluate how you were feeling and what you were thinking yesterday prior to meditation, you may discover what you need to release.