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George a question on CD

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:55 am
by memawlaura
:D George on the 2nd track when your having us count is this to keep our mind from wandering and than when should we stop. I'm sorry and I have seen this answered before but I can't find it. Also why are there 3 different types of meditation? I know the first is to help visualization, the others though I'm not sure.

Also, if a person still does not see anything but imagination are there any other tools that can be used, like trying to draw a picture of your workshop? My drawings are pretty bad, does anyone know a program that would put what I know is in my workshop in a picture form, kinda like Sims? I know I can visualize but its hard for me to see anything but black.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:58 am
by George
MeMawLaura writes:
George on the 2nd track when your having us count is this to keep our mind from wandering and than when should we stop. I'm sorry and I have seen this answered before but I can't find it.

One presumes that you are still in Beta when you start track 2, and you arrive at Alpha . . . like only just. When you start counting (concentrating on the numbers) the suggestions of relaxation go to the subconscious mind and you really can't "fight" against the subconscious lowering your metabolism further.

I usually give up counting when I get confused about what number I got down to, and enjoy the suggestions of relaxation and drift with them.
Also why are there 3 different types of meditation? I know the first is to help visualization, the others though I'm not sure.
The second is to take you down as deep as you can go. This, over time, allows you to become stable at a slightly higher level, like 9 or 10 Hertz. IOW cycles per second of the metabolism of brain and mind.

The third is THE program for learning healing and receiving messages.
Also, if a person still does not see anything but imagination are there any other tools that can be used, like trying to draw a picture of your workshop? My drawings are pretty bad, does anyone know a program that would put what I know is in my workshop in a picture form, kinda like Sims? I know I can visualize but its hard for me to see anything but black.

If you are not visual (as yet), imagine that you imsgine, that you imagine. That's good enough. I taught a young blind lass the Akashic Construct, aqnd she became a great little healer, that sprite.


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:13 pm
by SheraX

I was wondering the same thing. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:29 pm
When in Track#2 of AC/CD I was also wondering how long we should continue to count-down. I do return to 5,000 when I get confused, but then I'm not really sure How Long To Keep Counting.
Thank You Memalaura for asking the question .
George wrote:I usually give up counting when I get confused about what number I got down to, and enjoy the suggestions of relaxation and drift with them.
This Helps, Thank You George !!!
;+) +Greg+ (+;

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:38 pm
by blue nova
George wrote:
I usually give up counting when I get confused about what number I got down to, and enjoy the suggestions of relaxation and drift with them.
I do this too, for me it's the best route for staying relaxed. Just relax and go with the flow...let yourself go......


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:01 pm
by memawlaura
:D Thank you George,

I figured many new AC participants were probably wondering that same exact thing and it helped to hear your explanation. The best I can say is you know how you read and get nothing and than you read it again later and now you understand it, so thank you for the explanation.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:20 am
by George
MeMawLaura writes:
Some people have great lives with no major dramas or mishaps, they have no concept of what it's like to have these blocks, although I don't think there would be many.
You bet! 8)

And a whole bunch of other questions. :)


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:11 pm
by Nikki88
[quote]I figured many new AC participants were probably wondering that same exact thing and it helped to hear your explanation.[/quote]

Yes, I was wondering the exact same thing. I have another question similar to the one you asked memawlaura when meditating using the AC do you see things from someone else’s point of view or do you see as you normally do in everyday life?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:13 pm
by Nikki88
Sorry about the quote thing, my computer is rebellious lol.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:44 pm
by memawlaura
:lol: :lol: Nicki88,

I was just telling Peacockplume the same thing on The Secret tread, we are some electronically challenged energy and I always have problems. Last night I was trying to update my Myspace site because my family has been poking fun at it and now I'm having different problems with my computer. Everytime I visit that site it seems to change settings, so I will do what I always do and reboot it :lol: :lol: .

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:25 pm
by George
Nikki88 writes:
I have another question similar to the one you asked memawlaura when meditating using the AC do you see things from someone else’s point of view or do you see as you normally do in everyday life?
One of the first things I saw after meeting the Chief was a Destiny Guardian standing behind me. I saw that angel THROUGH his eyes, while I was looking INTO his eyes.

Moments later, I saw a picture of Primary Midwayer Andrea, again by looking into his eyes, but in this instance "the picture" came from his memory, because Andrea was continents away.

For those who have an Advanced Thought Adjuster -- they may well be seeing what the Adjuster is looking at -- or even what one Adjuster portrays to their Adjuster, and from there to the human mind.

There may well be one hundred other ways I cannot even imagine, but the three I described, I know are used.

Overall, I can tell you that I know precious little of how it all happens, but mind-meld is a term that is often used -- sharing a mind.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:37 pm
by Earth Angel
George said:
mind-meld is a term that is often used -- sharing a mind.
Are we to be like the Vulcans on Star Trek but add a sense of humor?
Sorry I couldn't resist! It just sounded funny.

Love and hugs,

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:49 pm
by George

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:20 pm
by Nikki88
Thanks George, yep it helped! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:55 pm
by memawlaura
:D Thank you Nikki,

Thank you for asking your question, I imagine so many of us wonder how do we see our AC or those that visit us. What a revelation to find we will see beyond our visit to the AC through the eyes of another. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream world and I can just kick myself for waiting so long to begin my journey. Oh well thats water under the bridge I'm here now!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:24 am
by George
MeMawLaura writes:
Oh well thats water under the bridge I'm here now!!
Yup! I often wondered about my missing many clues (especially between 1987 and 1992 when I was in a lot of pain), but it all happens in God's own time, usually later in life.

Often when young mothers are prompted, it's the child that may well become the prime Midwayer (Celestial) contact, and the parent is contacted for her/him to familiarize the child with the process.

There were, over the years, some 8 or 10 cases when this parent/child "thing" was confirmed, but prior to that, in each case and at least for me, it remained 'a possibility,' 'a potential,' never a fact.

Let the Celestials make the claims, solely. We can only theorize.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:02 am
by memawlaura
:D Well than George does that mean I was awakened for other than guiding a child. I know I speak with my daughter quite a bit and I can see she's coming around and being more positive with her thinking. I do this not only for her but for my grandson.

Of course, I have this gnawing feeling that I'm going to be an activist for something specific. Most of my life has been correcting wrongs but primarily only for myself and now I want to do this for others. I see such injustice that at times I have to watch so I dont get depressed.

Often I feel I'm being shown how to do this is a positive way. I cant confirm this but its often on my mind, especially when I'm thinking of returning to work. I have asked the midwayers and my higher self to show me the way, so I guess we wait and see.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:20 am
by George
Dear Laura,

Probably ALL of the above. You are 11:11 prompted, and that means Progress with a capital "P."

Back in 2001, the Chief, "We give you only short transmissions. We get to the point. You are Progress. You have much on your slate being Progress."

That's how it goes. Bite off more than you can chew, and chew like crazy. :lol:


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:58 pm
by Redshift
Earth Angel wrote: Are we to be like the Vulcans on Star Trek but add a sense of humor?
Sorry I couldn't resist! It just sounded funny.

Love and hugs,
Lol, I think I read somewhere that George isn't really into Fiction so he probably isn't aware that "Mind-Meld" is from Star Trek and seems to have become part of the regular English language. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:28 pm
by memawlaura
:D Thank you George,

I guess I still have not totally wrapped my mind around the purpose of Progress and Correcting Time. Like I said its very much like a dream state that I live in when confronting all of this new information. IMO what I have gathered thus far is that I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing, by letting the information in and applying it to help myself and others?

I wish I would get more answers when I meditate that I actually realize at the time, it seems that the midwayers instill the information and one day I'll be pondering something and Bam! I learn a lesson. The only reason that I feel I'm learning lessons this way is because I really can't remember the last time I felt I learned anything or really even cared.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:24 pm
by George
MeMawLaura writes:
I guess I still have not totally wrapped my mind around the purpose of Progress and Correcting Time. Like I said it's very much like a dream state that I live in when confronting all of this new information. IMO what I have gathered thus far is that I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing, by letting the information in and applying it to help myself and others?
Yes! You are.

Think of it this way: This world has been SOOOOO "wrong" for so long, it's going to take ages before we can be seen as a normal world.

Same with the individual: All of us have been subjected to doubtful programs and it will take patience for us to come around, bit by bit, one person at a time.
I wish I would get more answers when I meditate that I actually realize at the time, it seems that the midwayers instill the information and one day I'll be pondering something and Bam! I learn a lesson.
Yup. No doubt of it. I had at least 30 years of mostly subliminal stuff, only occasional meetings with the 1,111 and others until 2000, when "in exchange for" teaching some 80 US citizens the Akashic Construct face to face, I gained a greater insight into Alpha channeling. Prior to that, I never trusted it (Alpha channeling) one bit.

I worked in Delta -- basically as a medium -- not knowing a word of what I said, ever, but I trusted my being guided to perfection.
The only reason that I feel I'm learning lessons this way is because I really can't remember the last time I felt I learned anything or really even cared.
I used to wake up mornings and describe the patient I'd be taking care of that evening. Second cup of coffee at the breakfast table (still waking up, doh!):

"Now kids, there'll be a skinny lady at the door tonight with red-brown hair, looking unhappy. Turn on the outside lights and open up the clinic for her if I'm home latish."

Later: "That lady's in the clinic, Dad."

Me: "What lady?"

The info had been passed onto my kids (by me) while I was still waking up, slowly, after having been informed about the woman whilst asleep.

THAT's how it was for years . . . years !!!!!!!!!

I trusted it. It happened over and over again. I think this will "ring a bell" with you.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:06 pm
by Sandy
Hello dear Memawlaura,

I have been reading your many posts these past months with much joy and delight....You will soon have been here a year and I remember those early days...There was something about you then and there is something about you now that is so beautiful...a genuine love that cannot be disguised or hidden....It glows with every post. We are not able to see our own soul growth as it is truly unrelated to either our intellect or our spiritual experiences. It is something within each of us that must be felt as our heart opens bit by bit to pure love from the Father. .. and as we subconsciously absorb and retain this love, our soul swells and glows ... Okay that is my somewhat childish spin on what I perceive is one of the most complex happenings in the universe. :wink: But I have to say... that when I see your face, feel your light ,and read your posts I perceive a spiritual giant.

Much love, :love

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:45 pm
by memawlaura
:D Thank you George,

You wrote:
Think of it this way: This world has been SOOOOO "wrong" for so long, it's going to take ages before we can be seen as a normal world.

Same with the individual: All of us have been subjected to doubtful programs and it will take patience for us to come around, bit by bit, one person at a time.
I take this as being where I'm at with my progress that I just need to be more trustful and practice even more patience.

You wrote:
I used to wake up mornings and describe the patient I'd be taking care of that evening. Second cup of coffee at the breakfast table (still waking up, doh!):

"Now kids, there'll be a skinny lady at the door tonight with red-brown hair, looking unhappy. Turn on the outside lights and open up the clinic for her if I'm home latish."

Later: "That lady's in the clinic, Dad."

Me: "What lady?"

The info had been passed onto my kids (by me) while I was still waking up, slowly, after having been informed about the woman whilst asleep.

THAT's how it was for years . . . years !!!!!!!!!

I trusted it. It happened over and over again. I think this will "ring a bell" with you.
Not sure why you state it should "ring a bell" with me. George could you elaborate what you were meaning or was that meaning I'm understanding that I'm receiving guidance in my sub-conscious?

:D Sandy, I truly appreciate your words of encouragement. I know I've grown this last year and my intention is to continue to grow ever more. As we all know its always harder to see something in ourself as others can see. The measurement I use is my feeling of hopelessness I once experienced has now been replaced with hope, love and anticipation to live my life the way I deserve.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:18 am
by George
MeMawLaura writes:
Not sure why you state it should "ring a bell" with me. George could you elaborate what you were meaning or was that meaning I'm understanding that I'm receiving guidance in my sub-conscious?
You are getting frequent subliminal positive input, and it will surface at any time. Once Midwayers are "allowed to work with you" -- because you invited them into your life -- they will work with you, progress you.

I maybe taking in (channeling) their messages every second day, but I also still get subliminal stuff that is later, suddenly realised.

You described that by saying: ". . . it seems that the midwayers instill the information and one day I'll be pondering something and Bam! I learn a lesson."

Hugs . . . me.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:57 am
by memawlaura
:D Thank you George, I thought that was what you meant. I sure do appreciate all you do for us, thank you.