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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone,

It is raining again today...steady slow rain, which I suppose, after a week of it, is better then steady fast rain. We are fortunate here in the Illawarra as we have escaped the unbelievable amounts of rain that the Sydney and northern areas have received. While our creeks and tributaries are running high, they are flowing easily to the sea as we have not had any king tides to push it back. I feel for some people in these areas who in the course of a year and a few months have dealt with drought, bush fires, covid and now floods.

I like the idea/method that you foster., Kim... balance in your dealing with wildlife affecting your gardening. I know it can't be always easy and so many people consider "culling" as the easy alternative of choice. I think in this world where animal life is being diminished at a rapid pace, we may be better served to invest in long term plans that do include balance and give in take. But it is a complicated problem and some people's lives and livelihoods depend on the crops they produce. There are no easy answers, unfortunately.

I am thinking about your little "clay modeler" and all that the two of you accomplished for your fairy village. Are you using the colourful clay that can be formed and dried, self hardening without an oven .. or does it need baking to set it? My sister-in-law many years ago made the most adorable complex creations with a clay of this sort and I could see it would be wonderful for children to explore their creative imaginative natures.

Still no word on George's computer. Have been operating on the "no news is good news" mentality but if I don't here something today I will need to call them. I hope it can be fixed without loosing any information.

Glad to hear you will soon get your vaccine, Kim.

Hi Sammy Jo. I hope you feel better soon. How often do you get these injections to help with your carpal tunnel?

Okay better keep moving I am behind a bit. Had a sort of "flat day" yesterday and found it hard to rouse myself. but as usual a prayer and a good night's sleep changes the next day's horizon.

Take care everybody. :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

Sandy - Any luck with George's computer?

Kim - I hope you had a great day with your grands yesterday (although I suspect everyday with your grands is a wonderful day)!

The sun is shining here today and the wind has calmed, so after a trip to the grocery store in my hazmat suit and a nice walk for Brody I will get to meditate in the sun. :sunflower:

Holy Cow I was tired when I woke up. I haven't slept that hard in months! I don't remember dreaming, and I didn't have to get up even once to go to the bathroom! My eyes opened and it was very bright out, so tired I could barely lift myself to look at the clock, to my shock it was 7:30, normally I don't sleep past 6ish! I wonder if I was traveling last night, I still don't feel like I'm really awake.

The shot has kicked in for my left wrist and amazingly my right wrist feels fine this morning! :bana: Perhaps someone was working on me last night and it has left me tired? Is that a thing?

Last night Jack and I were able to schedule our first shots. It took us several hours of trying as we kept getting booted from the site. But April 8th we get our first pfizer shot. I was hoping to get the J & J, but beggars can't be choosers! I'm kind of on the fence with the vaccine thing...I feel like it was rushed and I don't like the idea of being a guinea pig, BUT I would also like to avoid a potential hospital stay :lol: I think with all the new variants out there I wonder if it makes the vaccine a mute point. :roll:

Well, I am off to enjoy this amazingly beautiful day, I'll be sending you all some love from my lounge chair later!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good morning to all you Northern Hemis and Good day and evening to the Southern ones.

It has been a busy day... and it is evening with me just getting to my computer.

Yes, George's computer is back and working beautifully. The very nice lady working there even gave me a ride home so that I did not have to carry it over hill and dale. As often happens when someone works on your computer, things were a little re arranged but I am finding my way again.

Yeah I think it is possible you were being worked on. Chris was speaking of this this past year having upgrades and what not leaving him tired. I am so happy to hear you have gotten some relief with those wrists. And what a lovely day you describe. I must say I had a good laugh at the hazmat suit kind of thing. It feels that way doesn't it?

I am still a month or more away from being able to get the shot. I think it will most likely be Astra zeneca. Like you, I would most like to get the Johnson and Johnson but I don't know if we will get it here. My daughter-in-law got it in Ohio about 3 weeks ago. With her autoimmune problems she thought that one would be best.??????

Okay I have got to run... write more later... :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

Sandy, I'm SO glad your George's computer has been revived! It must be a huge relief!

Last time I posted, Jack and I had been able to schedule our first vaccine - the next day we got an email saying that there was a glitch on the site and if you don't get a phone call confirming the appointment you aren't actually scheduled. Several days went by with no call, so we started trying to schedule somewhere else but all the web sites we're either booting us out or had full schedules. LONG story short, on Tuesday we drove over to our local Walgreen's and spoke to the pharmacist and his assistant. They said they were fully booked and would run out of vaccine on Friday and didn't know if or when they would get more. I asked if they ever have people cancel or not show up, could we come in every night and see if they had any extra. The pharmacist said "Oh! I started a wait list." The assistant grabbed the list (with only 2 names on it) and added ours.

The next day at noon, both my phone and Jack's was the hospital confirming our originally scheduled vaccine, then Walgreen's called and said we could come in and get our vaccines! From famine to feast :D We actually had to make a CHOICE whether to get the Pfizer or the J & J! Might have been the toughest decision I've ever made. Ultimately we chose the J & J, but I now wish I had chosen the Pfizer. Either way, I am grateful to have gotten something!

We have a beautiful sunny warm day today and again tomorrow and we have some guys here who are going to start re-plastering our pool. They uncovered the pool this morning and it made me SO happy to see the water again. SPRING HAS SPRUNG :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning family! :sunny:

Sammy I am so happy to know that you and Jack have your vaccine. Whew! :sunflower:

In Australia we have had a glitch getting all the AstraZeneca vaccine which the government was heavily relying on.. It will be awhile before we will get production rolling out of this vaccine made in Australia. I think they are looking into possibly getting some of the Johnson and Johnson which is what I am hoping to get. It will now be a lot longer before I can get the vaccine. Thankfully there is almost zero spread here now... but I will need a vaccine before I can travel back to the US. Well, going with the flow...

We have a beautiful day, but it is sunny and cool. :) The wind is blowing which it often does with cold fronts out of Antarctica. I am soooo in the mood for an apple pie. LOL There is just something about fall weather that makes me "hanker" for apple and maple syrup products. My kingdom right now for a yummy maple doughnut. :bana:

I missed my walk this morning so am a little off kilter. Think I will walk closer to sunset this afternoon.

Kim, how is the house doing after the fire.... have the workers begun fixing the back siding and porch? Something weird happened a few days ago. I was awakened in the middle of the night with this loud alarm kind of noise. It was coming from the George's office smoke alarm that was sitting on his desk. There was absolutely nothing going on to cause it to go off. no smoke electrical heating up... zip. I took the battery out and because dawn was a short time away I went ahead and started my day (in the night). I keep forgetting to get new 9 volt batteries for the smoke alarms when I am out. will do that. I wonder if it began beeping quietly because the battery was going and I didn't hear it in my sleep because I think if it isn't changed it gets worse and worse. Well will try harder to remember this very important little job.

Well, I think, I am going to spend this beautiful day for the most part indoors working on tax information gathering... :roll <--- That is the way I feel. It would sure be a lot more fun going to the beach don't you think? :mrgreen:

(((((Love and a virtual Hug for all of you)))))
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm right there with you with the :roll feeling. It's slow going on the house, as we expected. The cleaners could only work one day as they had a funeral to to to on Friday. The outside could take months. However! It has become my full time job! Dave fills the truck, and I spend the next day washing stuff and doing laundry(42 loads and counting).

I could spend a lot of time listing all the crazy things that have been thrown at us this past two weeks, but when everything is said and done I'm grateful for all our blessings and the strength God has given us to deal with it.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hang in there Kim. I am the poster child I suspect for :shock: and "Why the heck did this have to happen on top of this!" Last night after my sunset nearly dark walk when I went to close the garage door (It is a manual operation... good for the ole arms I suppose) it went kaput. I mean how can I break a garage door?!!! It's not like I am a body builder or anything! But so there is the next thing on my list. Notifying my land lord.... sigh...'

But holey moley!!!! 42 loads of laundry!!!! :shock: :roll Are you living back at the house now?

It is cool this morning. I am enjoying it but I can feel the whines stating. remember you guys are supposed to put me in my place when that happens. LOL I can only imagine how cold I will be when I am reintroduced to Ohio winters. :shock:
I did my morning trek but almost stayed in bed . It felt so snug and warm.

Well, I am getting hungry and off to find something for breakfast.
You all stay safe as we are not out of the woods yet.
I'm keeping all of you close to my heart.
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

Cloudy and threatening rain here (after several BEAUTIFUL days).

Kim and Sandy - "The Lord never gives you more than you can handle" - I think if I were in either of your situations I would have a little chat with him/her and say "ENOUGH'S ENOUGH!" Seriously, I would be a bit out of my mind with all you have going on.

Sandy - I am right there with you with fall weather and syrupy baked goods...specifically Dutch Apple Pie! Oh! The brown sugar topping!!!

I had a strange dream last night, it was SUPER long and detailed, and unfortunately some of the details have now faded. But the part that seems important was that I was chatting with my high school boyfriend and his dad (Len) when to my right I noticed 4 people. I knew they were people who had passed, but I didn't know them personally. I asked Len who they were and he introduced me. The names and faces have faded except for one face, a woman who I would guess was in her mid to late 60's, with black, kind of frizzy or messy hair cut just above her shoulders and glasses, she had a round face, I don't recall what she said. I turned to Len who (was eating voraciously) and asked (something that I don't recall) and his response (while still eating away) was something like "Do you know why Jesus died for us?....Because I can do it better than you" (That's not a typo, and it's wasn't like he was saying he was Jesus, but that's how he worded it.)

Jack's alarm went off and woke me. Boy do I feel drained, like I didn't sleep a wink. I am sure I will be thinking about this all day trying to recall more details.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hello 1111 family,
Can't remember who I've told that Aleah, Jorge and Mari have COVID. Jorge is having the worst time, :cry: Aleah is not far behind him as she had severe asthma when she was younger, but she's trying to look after everyone else. Mari is having much milder symptoms. I'm really trying to pour my energy into healing instead of worry, not worrying about when my family is suffering is my hardest challenge. Nova was sick all week, but feeling better as of yesterday. Rachel, the girls and I are all getting tests today. I was sick Friday and Sat, woke up Sunday feeling fine. It's not unusual for me to experience symptoms of others. I'm pretty confident I'm negative.

House cleaning has stalled a couple of times, first a they had a funeral to go to, now one sick. Dave and I are doing as much as we can. Saturday he and Ken hauled the porch to the burn pile, cleaned debris off the deck and back yard. I put in an order for new mattresses for all of us. Ken will do a pick up order today to replace all the plastic stuff, spices, all kitchen utensils. food that was in cardboard boxes or plastic. Darn will have to toss my grandma's rolling pin(... hhhh) I'm so glad all of the herbs I grow are in glass jars, except for the grocery bag of rosemary I forgot to take care of. :evil:

The universe is trying to insert humorous situations(that's the way I'm choosing to look at it) into our lives. Yesterday for an hour and a half everything I touched, went very wrong. The most notable was the washing machine(this thing is a beast!) put a hole in my air plane pillow. Opened the lid and it looked like there had been a blizzard in there! Dave and I simply stared at it, "How do we clean this?" I suggested, "Vacuum?"

Dave volunteered to clean it out as this was about the seventh thing that had happened to me. I said, "Ok, I'll clean the toilet, reached in the cleaning tote, my hand came out dripping. The toilet bowl cleaner had fallen over and the cap was open, the whole thing had drained out. Dave raised his eye brows, but knew better than to say a word. I took a deep breath, turned the the tote sideways and dumped the liquid into the toilet. It was time to fix dinner. I took a long slow breath while looking at the chicken breasts on the cutting board. I said calmly and loudly, "I'm cutting up this chicken,... AND THAT'S ALL I'M CUTTING." Meanwhile Ken walked by the laundry room and saw Dave rigorously pumping the Dyson up and down in the washing machine. Ken stopped, silently trying to process what he was seeing. Dave looked up, "What you never saw someone vacuum a washing machine before?"

By the way the chicken was delicious! Although, while cutting up the chicken, I did mange to bump the dishwasher door, restarting it to wash the dishes that had just finished drying. :roll:

Ok, have to get ready to go, keeping the faith!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Rachel, the girls and I all tested negative!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Rachel, the girls and I all tested negative!
:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: Thank you God! :cheers: :happy
That is wonderful news!
Now if we can only see some good results with the rest of the family.

Kim you all are so amazing... when the dust settles from this string of you will have the strength of atlas!
The universe is trying to insert humorous situations(that's the way I'm choosing to look at it) into our lives. Yesterday for an hour and a half everything I touched, went very wrong. The most notable was the washing machine(this thing is a beast!) put a hole in my air plane pillow. Opened the lid and it looked like there had been a blizzard in there! Dave and I simply stared at it, "How do we clean this?" I suggested, "Vacuum?"

Dave volunteered to clean it out as this was about the seventh thing that had happened to me. I said, "Ok, I'll clean the toilet, reached in the cleaning tote, my hand came out dripping. The toilet bowl cleaner had fallen over and the cap was open, the whole thing had drained out. Dave raised his eye brows, but knew better than to say a word. I took a deep breath, turned the the tote sideways and dumped the liquid into the toilet. It was time to fix dinner. I took a long slow breath while looking at the chicken breasts on the cutting board. I said calmly and loudly, "I'm cutting up this chicken,... AND THAT'S ALL I'M CUTTING." Meanwhile Ken walked by the laundry room and saw Dave rigorously pumping the Dyson up and down in the washing machine. Ken stopped, silently trying to process what he was seeing. Dave looked up, "What you never saw someone vacuum a washing machine before?"
Now I'm picturing this as I am reading and I burst out laughing and scared my little bunnies to death who are inside and not far from me.
I am so glad you can see the humour in some that is happening. Maybe there is a lesson in this for all of us... seems difficult situations sometimes can become more manageable with a little humour inserted for good measure.

You know often when I am having a day full of mishaps I hear a little song in my head... "Mamma said there'd be days like this. There'll be days like this my mother said..."

Hope today is a good one for all of you. Let's just dance our troubles away, eh? :bana:

Love you all to bits,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

{{{{{HUG}}}}} What a great song to start my day! I'll be dancing all the way to the laundry room and back. :bana: :sunflower: :bana:

Jorge did not go to the hospital, :D had a virtual appointment with his doctor. While Dan and Rachel picked up prescriptions for him. He needed to slam electrolytes. I gave Ken $20.00 asking him to get as many Gatorades as he could with it. Aleah called me laughing, he left three bags! Explaining when he got back, "You said to get as many as I could with the twenty dollars... and they were on sale!"

Aleah called this morning. I think they're all starting to feel a little better, they've started teasing each other again... Hey! maybe it was the Gatorade! She said, "I was feeling better then went on Facebook and Aunt ______ made me mad, now I'm drained again. I told her off!... WHA! I'm sick and have no filters!" Let this be a lesson folks. I never go on Facebook and my sister-in-law doesn't make me mad.

I'm not sure how much strength I have, think maybe it's because I've had so much practice. I used to be a professional at stressing out and loosing sleep from worry or fuming. In the end everything always works itself out, always. Anger, fear, disgust, are simply wasted energy that I bury in my body making me sick. Generally I'm able to see the value in the experience. Hopefully one day, if I get good enough at letting negative situations and people roll off my back, maybe, just maybe! I'll have moved on from having to go through them!

Time for me and the washing machine to begin our dance I do hope everyone has a multitude of wonderful moments today! :bana: :bana: :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh what a relief! Kim, thank you for the good news about Aleah and Jorge. I had a good smile at the three bags of Gatorade delivery. :sunflower: Seriously though, an one really have too much Gatorade? :mrgreen:
Hopefully one day, if I get good enough at letting negative situations and people roll off my back, maybe, just maybe! I'll have moved on from having to go through them!
This is the hard lesson I think I am supposed to be learning...never have I seen so many ways to mess up the flow of a life then what I am experiencing now. :shock: I am trying extra hard today to allow and follow through as best as my intuition can guide. Maybe with practice I will finally get better at this letting go and letting God thing. (I mean we all know what an absolute terrible driver I am in the first place. :bike: )

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Gatorade? :x, not a fan, but if it helps, we'll invest in another round. Especially if it's on sale!

I think the state of our lives is proof that The Correcting Time is in full swing. Thank You Lord for helping our progression! "What would I have learned if not having obstacles to over come?!" I'm hoping if I say it enough, I'll believe it and stop resisting. Meanwhile, there's YouTube and Mr. Dancing Banana Man!
Sandy wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:40 amnever have I seen so many ways to mess up the flow of a life then what I am experiencing now
... I'm thinking you are not messing up at all, more like it's... checking items off our Progression List! Remember, "Mama said there would be days like this." Feels more like many, many days strung together, but each and everyone of them will pass,...right? :shock:
Sandy wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:40 amI am trying extra hard today to allow and follow through as best as my intuition can guide
Another song popped into my head!

Here's hoping today is better than yesterday.

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

I am being accosted by 711! (And any combination there of! :lol: 11:17 1:17 etc. etc. etc.! ) 711 was my dad's number, it's also Sandy's birthdate, and reversed, the date of George's passing. I've been seeing these combinations for well over a week several times a day :sunflower:

Doreen Virtue's "Angel Numbers" says this:
1's and 7's, such as 117 or 771 - This is confirmation that you are doing great. You are on the right path, so keep going! This is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and that you should focus more steadily on your objectives. Be sure to add appropriate emotions to your thoughts; for instance, feeling grateful for the gifts you have in life. Gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations

Ironically, or perhaps synchronistically (I might have made that word up :lol:) this is EXACTLY what I have been working on. So THANK YOU for the prompts, I was really in need of some confirmation!

Kim - I hope everyone is better now. How is the clean up going?

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Wonderful number prompts!!! :bana: :bana: :bana: :sunflower: Interesting coincidence with the dates. I believe being a member of this board gives us great leeway with our language! We probably should notify Merriam-Webster we're coming up our own version of the dictionary!

Clean up is a long slow process. We're having to do a lot of it ourselves. As it is with these situations, always takes longer than you like. We'll get there eventually!

Had a flu like reaction after my second dose, as people have been saying. Down for the count for a few days, feeling better this afternoon, nothing compared to going through COVID! Jorge and Marisol on the mend. Aleah not there yet.

Keep having fun with those numbers!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I have had some "synchronistically" interesting things happen to me this week... ;) :mrgreen:

Sammyjo I like that word and plan on using it every day... :lol: Really though, I must be dense but it didn't occur to me that George's passing was all part of my first prompt number (birthdate etc.) and now it's your doing great prompt. 8) I guess it just didn't register.

I asked the Divine for guidance yesterday.. Really poured my heart out as things are piling up and I need some direction. And then today something strange...I had an email from someone I never met (or asked to subscribed to) with a gorgeous picture of an angel who proceeded to give me one of those personal messages with your name on it. Normally I don't pay attention but I noticed that it seemed specifically (more so then normal) geared to what is going on in my life. I asked for direction last night and I insisted that I needed it sort of like "The writing on the wall" kind of thing and I think the Universe provided. I plan on delving into the suggestions in the email and doing what you have been practicing Sammy... gratitude.

But along with Tosha Silver I think I might actually make it through this. (Okay I still need to work a little bit on the ole Optimism still, eh? LOL ... "I will make it through this! " ;)

Kim, How are you feeling? Are you continuing to feel better? I am concerned about Aleah too. Is she okay?

I was wondering if you guys staying at the hotel while you re getting the house cleaned from the fire?

My flat right now would set you and Aleah off as the bunnies have been inside the flat for nearly 2 months. I love having them inside but they have hay in their indoor cage and it can make everything dusty. They ae so cut though... and they are such cheerful messy little critters.

Well, I missed Group meditation today but will try to reach out in no time a little later. I hope everyone has a good start to the week. :sunflower:
Love to all you,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Synchronisticallity, there should be an emoji for that word!!! :bana: :idea: :roll

I was wondering how you were doing. :sorry: life is so overwhelming and just keeps continuing to be so. Seeing that angel must have felt like a dream come true. Just what you asked for, right? A bit of a respite in the middle of the torrent. :kiss:

I had the kind of the same happen to me. Generally I'm able to ride the storm, we've been through a lot and always know everything will turn out all right in the end. "But I tell ya!" My life boat was threatening to sink this past few weeks as things have been going from bad to worse. I called out, "God? I need an attitude adjustment." Went to You Tube and an Abraham/Hicks session popped up. The first word out of Ester's mouth felt like she was talking directly to me! I had goose bumps through the whole thing. Gratitude is certainly the word and action we should strive for. Lol, Monjoronson must agree. He flashed his symbol as I was writing this.

I should know better! I do know better, but as issues pile on top of each other my spiritual practices, those things that help balance and help me cope, fall by the wayside. Sandy I think we both should be repeating continuously, "I HAVE made it through this!" :lol: The Little Engine That Could sprang to mind.

Yes, were staying in Dan and Rachel's rental house, which is lovely and just up the hill from the mote. It's a real house, with full kitchen, laundry room, lots of space(I AM GRATEFUL!!!). I think Nova especially is going to be greatly disappointed when we move back.

Aleah is finally feeling better. She went back to work yesterday, but still gets incredibly fatigued after a short time. Instead of going out to the house as planned, I went down to help her for a few hours. Rachel had her second vaccine yesterday. Spiked a fever last night and all through today, terrible headache and body aches. I might have the girls this weekend. Dan has his second vaccine tomorrow. It's so common to feel like you have the flu for a couple of days.

Fortunately the weather has been mostly wonderful. Forsythia, daffodils, primrose and now tulips are all in full bloom. So early! April? It's unheard of. People are finding morels already!

I do hope the week turned around for you Sandy. Give the bunnies a snuggle from me. Sending loving healing light to my wonderful friend down under.
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Good Morning Family!

I haven't posted in so long I thought reviving this legendary thread would be the place to start :lol:

Kim, are you back into your house yet? I hope everyone is feeling better. And Sandy! What lucky bunnies to have found you! :loves

I've been consumed by prepping for my mom's 80th birthday celebration. It's a happy/sad sort of thing. Sad because I love to come up with creative surprises and every time I think about what to get her all I can think is how bringing Dad would be the best surprise, and then I get weepy thinking how much she will miss him as he was the life of every party!

But what fun I've had going through a mind numbing number of pictures to make her birthday video collage, and a photo book...You can create your own hardcover photo book on's SO cool! I'm pretty tickled with how the video collage came out. I chose Sweet Caroline for the song (because her name is Carol and dad used to sing it to her :D ) Lot's of work though because I get obsessive on finding the exact right picture to go with the words of the song.

Next I need to do a bit of research on how to do something...I have a video from our last trip to Aurba where mom and her sister had a little too much to drink and started singing the Sister song (something like Lord help the man that comes between me and my sisters). I want to use their singing from the video and put pictures of them to them singing :lol: The party isn't until Aug. 7th, so I should have plenty of time to figure it out!

Here's a link to the sweet caroline collage if anyone is interested:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Morning Sammy,

Now I'm bawling my eyes out. Despite that, though, the smile and happiness while viewing your photos is there because it is good tears. Your Mom is going to love it! :sunflower:
You are just the best daughter to do this for her. And what a fabulous job... I laughed out loud when the sorry mom picture came up...don't we all have one of those photos lying in "black mail" out there somewhere in someone's photo collection? :lol:

Thank you for recommending shutterfly. I made a simple, quickly thrown together hardbook, a couple months after George passed at Kmart but I was new to this kind of thing and pushed as people were waiting for the machine so it could have been so much better and more inclusive. I believe that an online book put together "thingy" that I could come back to repeatedly until done with no pressure would help.
so I would like to do that reflecting our life together here in Australia.

George's computer rotates photos from a particular photo file as wall paper and last week I decided to try my hand at changing it. I found a particular photo file that had some close up sit down photos of him and when I saw them for the first time on George's gargantuan monitor, it was like I was looking right into his eyes and he was right in front of me. In this large mode you could see everything like he was right there again. I was happily blown away!
Would your mom enjoy something like that of your Dad? Or would that be hard for her. This sounds silly but I go into George's office sometimes and talk to him while looking into those eyes I know so well. It helps me. But, of course, all people are different.

Lat night my daughter-in-law called me after Midnight. This is not unusual on my Sunday night and we often talk for well over an hour. I was having a late night myself comfortably sitting in G's chair and like a little kid not really wanting to go to bed yet. So my sweet little bunnies were still out running around, and as the night got later they began jumping and leaping trying to get my attention (again, just like little kids LOL) They were so cute but when I finally put them back in their "indoor hutch" ( I never say cage in front of them even though it is a huge cage.) they were exhausted and ready for a snooze. it made it almost worth staying up past our bedtime just to see the "show."

I was thinking about all of you last night in my prayers. In that quiet place you guys are never far away. :kiss:

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »


OH! Happy tears for you! Close up pictures, what a great find for you! I do that with my "dad videos". I blow it up to full screen and pause the video on particular picture where you can see his beautiful soul through his gorgeous eyes. Who would have guessed when I made those videos that one day they would bring such comfort. Mom watches them quite often and regularly listens to his mysterious last voice mail...Hello Doll Face! :D

I whole heartedly recommend shutterfly. And the process of making such an album is kind of therapeutic. :loves

I love your description of your bunnies jumping around...MOM! Pay attention to me! MOM! MOM! MOM! :lol: Hmmm, I wonder if my mom would like a bunny. She talks about getting a dog, but taking it out to "do it's business" at night, or walking it in the rain holds her back.

The photo album is almost done, just waiting on a couple pics from my brother. I ended the album with this great pic of mom taken a few months ago, posing like a model dressed in a classy black dress. Next to it is a re-written song....Back story - when Jack turned 30 my parents wrote and sang a song to him, they titled it "Ode to be 30 Again". It's quite lengthy so I'll share just a couple "Ode to be 30 Again.....Ode to be 30 teeth come out at night, my wife's such a fright, Ode to be 30 again...........Ode to be 30 Again...Ode to be 30 Again...Have to sit in a chair to put on my underwear, Ode to be 30 again" (by the way, I just noticed they signed the bottom "From 2 OLD F A R T S" - that flashed me back to the message you got from my Dad :D ) This is how I re-wrote it:

Screw Being 30 Again
Screw Being 30 Again
Don't sleep for c r a p
But I get to nap
Screw Being 30 Again

Screw Being 30 Again
Screw Being 30 Again
Do what I want
I even eat fondant
Screw Being 30 Again

Screw Being 30 Again
Screw Being 30 Again
Got me some gray hair
I don't really care
Screw Being 30 Again

Screw Being 30 Again
Screw Being 30 Again
I might be achy
But I'm ROCKIN' 80
Screw being 30 again!

Oh this has been FUN! I so miss being able to be creative, this was much needed craft therapy! I wish I enjoyed meditating that much :|

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy & Sammyjo,
:kiss: :hithere What a perfect way to wake up this thread!

Your efforts to give your mom a happy birthday are touching and precious. The video was great!!! I bet she will treasure her thoughtful gifts. Looks like your mom was also the life of the party.

After that I don't even want to talk about myself, but here goes. We moved back mid-June. Wouldn't recommend the whole fire experience. With that, kids and wedding planning it's been a busy summer! Things are almost back to normal. Still can't use the toy room, or ping pong/pool table room, but soon we hope. Contractors are starting next week to fix the south wall of the house! :bana: :bana: :bana:

Girls still wanted to have a fairy village though, it's scaled down from before. It's in my bedroom. I was getting claustrophobic. Now they each have a 2'x 4' table to decorate as they please. I am allotted the bed. Did I tell you about the fairy houses Aleah was given? Lol, don't remember if I did. She went to a yard sale in our subdivision. An elderly lady lost her husband and was going to be moving. She really liked Aleah and kept offering things to her, asked her to wait and fetched something from inside. She came out and asked if Aleah knew anyone who would be interested in three very beautiful handmade fairy houses! Aleah exclaimed, "Yes! I do!" Of all people to ask about fairy houses. They are very delicate, so grace the top shelf of the bookcase. We take them down from time to time to marvel at them.

I hope your family has a wonderful time at your mom's birthday party!

I would love to see your book about George. It's not silly at all that you go into his office to see his picture and talk to him. I pray it gets easier for you. I'm glad you have a wonderful daughter-in-law to call and talk, and bunnies to keep you company.

Did I tell you Dan and fam have chickens? You would love the way they treat them. Only one left from last years brood(crafty fox), so they picked up a dozen more this spring. They selected very, very beautiful breeds and have unique names for all of them. Yolanda is the grand dame left from last year. Rachel was devastated when she ended up missing. She is the only one they allow to free range now because she was so used to it. They found no evidence the fax had gotten her, she was just gone. Rachel had dreams every night that Yolanda came to her, but was just out of reach then disappeared. Suddenly I received a text, "My chicken came home!!!" She came up to the fence when the other chickens were being fed. The bird ate, then kept wanting to get out of the pen. Rachel finally let her out and followed her. She'd made a nest, laid twelve eggs, and had been sitting on them under a bunch of lilies in the back flower garden, about ten feet from the back door. My sweet daughter-in-law knew the eggs were not going to hatch, so she went and picked up four day-old chicks. They carefully moved the nest into an enclosure in the garage and put the chicks under Yolanda hoping for the best. They tried to replicate the environment as close as possible, even placed some of the lily plants around it. Over the next 24 hours the old eggs were gradually removed. You could never tell that hen wasn't their true mother. Rachel sent videos! Yolanda has kept a very watchful eye, and has cared for her little brood in the best motherly chicken fashion possible since June 24th. All she wanted was her own babies! They have a separate enclosure outside now and will join the other flock when they're big enough.

I could write a whole series of stories on their chickens alone. Bobby is a small hen that likes to perch up as high as possible. They had to splint one of her toes because she dislocated it when she was a little chick. Their chickens have been held a lot and get a good deal of attention. The other day Nova and I went out to visit, when Bobby flew up on to a tree branch just to say, "Hi." Cinnamon thought that was a pretty cool idea and did the same. They were hopping all over that tree! I sent a text to Dan and Rachel because I was worried they were going to jump over the fence. They'd not seen that trick yet and came running. The fence has been moved since then to prevent any mishaps.

lol! So much for me not wanting to say much! Sorry it's been awhile, wanted to catch up.

I hope everyone is well and that Carol Loves her party!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I loved the chicken stories Kim...I wish Sadie, my chicken, could find a home with them. I must at some time find a home for her when I move back. I keep hoping to be able to contact her former owner but so far no luck. I was sad to hear that most of last year's brood didn't make it. Not easy being a chicken in a world of predator's like foxes and raccoons...that's a lot of brain power between them.

I would love to see the fairy houses. maybe a picture sometime? :mrgreen: You know... there must be a reason something so extraordinary happened with Aleah getting the houses. Is it a signal. A reminder maybe to look in the fairy direction? Well, who knows. I know you must be exhausted with wedding plans and house straightening from the fire. Just think y this time next year you will have a new son-in-law.

Hi Sammy,

Bunnies are great but they can be messy little critters if they haven't been litter trained. Hutch cleaning and what not can be a bit involved and then sometimes they want to chew so you have to keep an eye on them. Our first rabbit, Stewie, came as a stray but his former owners had potty trained him well and he listened to simple commands like get in your hutch etc... These two will respond but in their own time. LOL

I laughed out loud reading your rearranged song for your mom. Your family has so much fun together.
You know I still have your video on my computer and your Dad's last phone message. It is very moving. I'm glad your mom can hear his voice. I am fortunate with being able to listen to G's voice on his cd. I also found some tapes where he is at a get together at Geoffs where they were talking with a group of people about the Midwayers. I like the idea of enlarging some of the photos so the face and eyes are clearer. I will get onto that after some of this tax work is behind me.

Okay, time to think about supper. Nothing exciting comes to mind but it could happen. :)
My kingdom for a huge piece of Birthday know the kind with inches of buttercream icing and then these huge icing roses that turn your teeth their color. But alas, its a stick of celery for me. :?

Hugs all around,

PP if you read this Love you! :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Kim! Once this wonderful wedding is behind you, you REALLY should make time to write. It's entrancing! I find myself wanting more each time I read one of your experiences! Who would have guessed chickens could be so entertaining? And being allotted the bed :lol:

Sandy, How was your celery? :lol: Thanks for the heads up about the bunny messes, not to mention the munching on things. Mom is super tidy and has a house full of plants. She has quite the green thumb, orchids that bloom continuously, a Christmas cactus that also bloom steadily...She might have more plants in the house than outside! Bunnies would be well fed anyway :lol:

Have I told you that Scott is moving? And taking Brody :cry: He's a safety manager at Amazon here, they are opening their 2nd largest facility in Syracuse where he will have the responsibility of safety for 820,000 s.f. of people. He is in the process of buying his first house, should close August 13th...Oooo...I hadn't noticed that until just now...Friday the 13th :shock: His live in GF (soon to be fiancé if all goes as planned) will moving with him...this big ole house is going to get way too quiet to quickly. I sure wish we could get some decent weather on the weekends before they leave...we do firepits with them and catch up on each other's weeks, but we've been having too much rain to bother setting one ablaze. A nice firepit to set them on their way would be so appreciated. I sure am going to miss them! That said, we can FINALLY replace the upstairs hallway carpet that has 30 years of pet disasters reeking up from it :lol:

I'm off to do more Birthday planning! OH! I tickled myself pink yesterday....the song I mentioned....I figured out how to play it on the piano and was even able to put some simple chords to the tune! I'm SO tone deaf, I couldn't believe how easily it came together :D Ya' know, all these little blessings are coming to me through the planning of mom's party, I really needed the reminder that I am still useful. :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

SammyJo, you are one of the most useful people I know. Now don't forget that! If anybody gives you grief you send them to me and I will tell them what you have done for me and everybody here over the years. That goes for you too, lady! :sunflower: :love

I am in awe of your musical skills... I can't sing a note nor play one on any musical instrument despite my parent's best efforts to the contrary. Poor dear patient Mrs. Justice (My long suffering piano teacher when I was a kid) Bless her... I will never forget her patience. She's in "heaven" now but I hope it earned her a cart load of some of George and Geoff's "Melchizedek bars." :D

I am happy to hear about Scott's exciting upcoming changes. But as a mom I do feel for you and understand the longings that distance promotes. Somehow love gets past it, though, and finds a way to manifest in new ways. This from someone who still has tearful days and refuses to cut that last "apron string" ;) it's a process and gets easier as you see them making life their own.
Oh I love a fire pit or camp fire along with toasted marshmallows, smores, blackened hot dogs. Yum! I hope the rain stops so you all can makes some more memories that the kids can take with them.

Man it has been windy the past couple days! I am hoping to go for a walk as I have observed I do better after a nice walk. But the wind seems unrelenting. Well, still plenty of day light left so we'll see... maybe later.

Have a good week end everybody, :hithere
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