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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:31 pm
by blue nova
PSI~Jen wrote:
i am wondering if this is just a "hello" thing or what I was working on at the time has anything to do with it??

Doreen V. # 1 means: Watch your thoughts and only think about your desires instead of your fears, as you will attract what you're thinking about.

Doreen V. #2 means: Keep the faith and don't give up hope.

If those don't seem to resonate then it was probably a "hello darlin', we're here "... :D

The latest prompts, for me, I just start giggling ! I'm under the assumption that they've been the "hello, we're here" prompt.
Sometimes I think that it's God....just reminding us that He's behind every one of our thoughts....and that He's saying..."don't forget I'm right here for you Love"...

That's a lovely thought eh ?



Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:49 pm
by SheraX
Got a lil laugh out of this one. All in fun.


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 pm
by Marcel.
Hi there,

In the past I was a memeber of this forum posting under the name 'Dutch'. My wife collapsed in January this year due to a nervous breakdown and for some weeks I had to take care of her 24/7.
Since the birth of our youngest daughter on November 13, 2005 she has been loosing weight. She has developped some fears due to the dramatic circumstances in which both our daughters were born. HELLP syndrome, a broken womb and emergency c-sectio both times ( unconsciously) are still causing problems for my wife's physical and psychological health.

We are getting medical and psychological help in order to improve my wife's condition and at this moment she's doing alot better.

We have experienced the 11:11 prompts regularly and I want to share these 2 examples:

A few weeks ago on a Saturday we were going out to do the weekly shopping. My wife and daughters were just recovered from the flu and although my wife still has to cope with her problems as described above, she decided to go with us to do the shopping.

In the third and last shop we had to visit we met my wife's brother, my brother in law, who was doing his shopping aswel. Although we live in the same street, we have never done our shopping at the same day and time, it was the first time we had met him during shopping.

He went home while we continued to do our shopping but later he came back because he had forgotten to buy something. We were behind him in the line and when we got out of the shop my brother in law was still in front of the shop chatting with a friend.

I loaded the goods in my car and wanted to go home. I started the car and......nothing. The car wouldn't start.
My wife, fearing such situations , remained calm this time. I said to her : 'look at it as somekind of a test, look at the time' and the clock showed 11:11

I opened the window and my brother in law was still standing in front of the shop. The solution of the problem was already there: he took my wife and kids to our home and later he helped me with the car. He had to be there this time........

the other example:

On January 30 this year my boss was very busy but I had to see him because I wanted to tell him that I was going to leave the company.

At 11:11 he walked into my office and I could tell him that I was going to leave the company!

I started on March 1, 2008 with a new job!

and with a new IP I could join again. :D

Good to see you people ,

Take care,


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:37 pm
by ChildofGod
:D Welcome Marcel:

Welcome back. Thank you for sharing those two lovely stories with us. Something is always there to comfort us and let us know that everything will be okay. That's the way I feel all the time..if I worry too much then I create a wall and then it's harder for them to reassure me...just believe without any doubts or fears and the rest will be taken care of. Love and light.

Liz :D

Child Of God

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:28 pm
by CathyLynn
On my way home this morning I happened to look down at the odometer and it read 22222 - I thought that was just so coooool!

About a minute later I looked at the clock and it was 11:11!

Just a few minutes ago I looked at the clock on my computer and of course it was............1:11!

What a day!

Love to all,

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:49 pm
by lilaslight
This came up while installing new hardware yesterday.
today.[img][img] ... is/111.jpg[/img][/img]

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:23 pm
by ChildofGod
lilaslight wrote:This came up while installing new hardware yesterday.
today.[img][img] ... is/111.jpg[/img][/img]
That's awesome!!!
Liz :D

Child Of God

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:28 pm
by peacockplume
It's great when you see them....

love your new pic Liz,,,,you're looking great!!!

my prompt,,,,this a.m. coming out of meditation,,,,I looked up and saw 12:22,,,,,it fit....

love pp

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:32 pm
by ChildofGod
peacockplume wrote:It's great when you see them....

love your new pic Liz,,,,you're looking great!!!

my prompt,,,,this a.m. coming out of meditation,,,,I looked up and saw 12:22,,,,,it fit....

love pp
Oh thank you very much...much much!!


Child Of God

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:36 pm
by peacockplume
Your welcome Liz,,,,

appreciation,,,gratitude,,,is a loving thing to give and often 'just makes another's day',,,,

love pp

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:39 pm
by ChildofGod
peacockplume wrote:Your welcome Liz,,,,

appreciation,,,gratitude,,,is a loving thing to give and often 'just makes another's day',,,,

love pp

money in the meter

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:21 pm
by lafisher
I put money in the meter and my time expired printed on the ticket was 11:11, I moved to another location put money in and the new expiration was 1:11.

I get woken up regularly at 11:11 pm.

i went to the to two separate stores my totals came to 74.38 and 74.83

this is really getting to be an OCD behavior.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:37 pm
by clairia
yeah I had a strange dream, and I was aware I was dreaming, and I woke up too my number 11:07....and I allways see it everymorning my birthday is 7/11.. but I read it backwords strange huh?

this is the dream in my more detail if your curiouse

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:40 pm
by hamster whisperer
I fell asleep last evening and woke up suddenly thinking "Do Your Taxes!!!" and when I looked at the clock it said 11:11.
Thanks angels for the reminder.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:16 pm
by peacockplume
Oh Jill,

That was a really good one!!!!!

love pp

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:51 am
by nimi
Helloooo All, i'm getting 7s all the time lately.
Nimi :shock:

Any answers welcome

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:59 pm
by sinner
Hi all,
I get the prompts, or signs very frequently. But here is the strangest one;
A few months back i was talking on the phone to someone. Anyway, that morning while i was talking i mentioned the strange 11:11 signs which had started to increase. In the course of our conversation the phone started to crackle and the line broke. When i took the phone away from my ear to re-dial, there it was 11:11. And what was even weirder was that the screen went dark then flashed the 11:11 a few times to make sure i saw it.
I don't know whether it was a sign to cease contact with her or not. But i'm still getting signs, mostly when i'm in a good mood.
Thanks for reading this my friends.
It's a funny old world,
Sinner. :)


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:16 pm
by lafisher
crackling phones always get the spine tingling.....

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:11 pm
by peacockplume
In the course of our conversation the phone started to crackle and the line broke. When i took the phone away from my ear to re-dial, there it was 11:11. And what was even weirder was that the screen went dark then flashed the 11:11 a few times to make sure i saw it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

sounds like they want you to 'pay attention'....

welcome to the mb....


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:25 pm
by sinner
They have my full attention!! :lol: I hope they guide me to do what they want me to do.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:29 pm
by peacockplume
I think they already are..... :lol: :lol:


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:32 pm
by clairia
I started stillness exersises yesterday night with the heater running I consentrated just on the sound...wen I stoped doing the stillness exersises, I saw 1:17 (yeah I was up late :roll: ) btw 1:17 is my number I get all the time. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:02 am
by peacockplume
maybe it's a confirmation number for you...

keep it up..

love pp

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:50 pm
by Mr. Bing
Hi Everyone :hithere

I have to add this one to the list. I was going downtown today to buy a countertop for a new vanity for the bathroom when I thought ( being a male this doesn't happen very often :lol: I know all of the wives will love that one) that I'd put on my 11:11 t-shirt. ( time is now 3:44) When I turned around to leave the bedroom I was prompted to look at the clock. Guess what time it was? You betcha! It was 11:11. :thumright: Now that is just too cool for words. 8) I said a big thank you to our unseen friends. HIGH FIVE TO ALL THE MIDWAYERS FOR THAT ONE!!!! :cheers: :love

:loves Throw some love into the wind :loves

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:50 pm
by sinner
Nice one Bing! :) As they say on your side of the Atlantic...bada-bing!
I think they say hey presto on this side. :)