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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:57 am
by peacockplume
Hi Kim,

I keep forgetting, the 'gift' that you and Aleah have,,,,

and somehow there is a difference,,,,between our celestial spirits, and the earthbound spirits, that like to antagonize and be aggravating at best...

Aleahs, definitely got the right idea.

refuse to acknowledge,,,the 'nasties' existence, and they will howl away to where they belong,,,,

what does "flashing the light on them do" ????

just a question, I have no idea, not having this gift,,,,,sounds more like an unpaid job.....and yet very satisfying if you can accomplish the right thing to do...
I believe many of them are stuck and looking for direction, or just carrying on with their existence such as it is
or I guess, not 'flashing the light on them' but showing them where it is and telling them it's all right to go....

there's so many shows on TV about it, some of them, right off the wall, but others seem to have a touch of 'reality',,,,,and they're supposed to be really happening....

so when we read what you wrote, no I don't think your crazy at all,,,,,
but I wonder what the purpose is, say,,,,,why does it happen to you,,,
and not me???? (not sure that I'd want it to either, but that's beside the point)...

especially when their so visible to you guys,,,,,have mercy!!!!!

so,,,,in all actuality,,,,,smudging wouldn't do one bit of anything,,,,except take out some vapours after you had sent them to the light...

I definitely think you (as a family), have a definite special mission...

and see how well, you've already trained Aleah,

(good going Aleah!!!!!)[/quote]And because she was prepared, knew that no matter how much they bellowed, she sent them on their way

love pp

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:45 pm
by blue nova
GooOOd morning Kim :sunny:

Sounds like Aleah is taking this all in good stride, good for her and good for mom :D :wink: That's wonderful ! What you two share is amazing.

Memaw wrote:
Hi everyone, but is it possible the creeps or negative spirits come to you to be helped?
It sure is possible....During some of the "encounters" that I had as a kid I would sometimes have that thought. There was no other place that that thought would've stemmed from except from "them", I had no other source to help me figure out what the heck was happening, just me and "them". I guess that there was a reason for that..... :?
I guess I'm asking about the negative spirits and if they should be helped.?

Only if they want our help, I'm pretty sure that we may have a hard time otherwise. I look at it this way, if they were a negative type while incarnated they will probably be that way on the "otherside" too.

The man that lived in this house before us was an atheist and not "such a good kinda fella" , he passed away a few years before we moved here. He kept coming around (I'm pretty sure it was him) and one day while in the basement doing laundry I knew someone was there with me and I did not like what I was feeling, tones were going off in my head & ears, my eyes were seeing "something" in the rocking chair just a few feet away. As I grabbed my laundry basket and started up the stairs I was fully aware that this "person" was behind me now following me, I turned around and told him " HEY ! I work through God, until you find Him don't be coming around here, oh, and go to the light too !!!". He went right away, the tones abrubtly stopped along with yucky feelings too and the "lights" that were emitting from him instantly faded from my sight.

PP wrote:
I'm not a medium, might have something to do with it
It's my belief that we "see" our Loves on the "otherside" through our souls....we all have souls.... :wink: Some are just a bit more sensitive than others.

Big hugs :D

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:24 pm
by Seeker13
Hi, Anne!
It might be only my truth/reality, it's obviously not the same for everyone. I think it's time to share our experiences instead of keeping everything secret, worrying, fearing, trying to figure it all out on our own. This way all of us can benefit and learn from each other more of what it's all about, especially for the sake of our kids so they don't have to experience the same insanity and denial we did.

I've thought that people, who for whatever reason can sense spirit beings, give off a stong beacon of light. Spirits in darkness see/sense it and come to investigate to try to understand their existence. For the most part, for us, it isn't an intentional calling of spirit, it's them finding, happening upon, being sensed by, a receiver.

There are days Aleah, well all of us, take it all stride and others when we wish we were oblivious. It has been both a blessing and a curse. It's pretty confusing and embarrassing for a six-year-old to ask about the man standing there and no one else can see him. Imagine seeing your teenage friend's departed Mother at her side and not being unable to tell her because she's not ready for that information. Imagine knowing a family member is going to die soon. What would you do with that information? We are doing our best to gain as much knowledge as possible. I don't know if everything we are doing is right, or accurate, but I do know that the removal of fear is the goal.

Awesome job of sticking up for yourself! He may return again, only maybe a little more humbler, and if he's ready ask for some help.

There is definately a difference between earth bounds and celestials. Celestials are aware of God and are here to help us with our lessons. Again, this is only my opinion, not all of the spirits bound to the earth plane are in darkness. Some seem perfectly content, perhaps they are waiting for someone, stuck in a loop, simply passing through, learning something important in their own way?

I don't know why some people are more sensitive than others. I'm sure that it's not because some of us are more spiritually enlightened than anyone else. Geoff's suggested readings have really helped me with more understanding.

Concerning the really nasty one, I don't believe Aleah refused to acknowledge his existence. She refused to allow him to hurt her friend. It was basically a battle of wills. Mentally she didn't back down and disallowed him to have power over her.

"Flashing the light at them," made me chuckle. As for my Dad. I believe it was a very gradual process. Maybe it's a matter of releasing whatever issue is keeping them stuck. It's not showing them the light, it's their realization that it's there for them! My Dad had to truly forgive himself for all the misery he'd caused. Then he was immediately able to accept the celestial hand that guided him to his next destination.

Whew! That was a long one! I hope it helps.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:46 pm
by blue nova
Hi Kim :D

Darlin' you made me smile reading your post !!! Much of it has been on my mind. Isn't it awesome being able to share our experiences and thoughts :D What a wonderful release.
Imagine knowing a family member is going to die soon.
I was thinking about this "ability" just a while ago, about why I know these things and other people don't. I've been "having a feeling" about someone for the last year and I found out yesterday that what I had seen is starting to happen. So now I am going through my mind trying to remember everything "I've seen" about people who are close to me. When I do this I seem to get more. It can be a bit scary at times.
I've thought that people, who for whatever reason can sense spirit beings, give off a stong beacon of light. Spirits in darkness see/sense it and come to investigate to try to understand their existence. For the most part, for us, it isn't an intentional calling of spirit, it's them finding, happening upon, being sensed by, a receiver.
I've pictured the same exact thing !!! Even when I was a youngin'.
I keep telling myself go with it, I know what's happening really is happening, I am seeing what I am seeing.... :wink: Gotta get rid of that self-doubt.

Thank you darlin'.... :D

Give Aleah hugs for me

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:17 am
by Seeker13
Dear Anne,
I'm glad you smiled! :D You're right it is a wonderful release to be able to not have to hold it all in, it's been so many years! When my kids started coming up with the same things I did as a child, it was scary to have to admit that it wasn't all in my imagination.

I do want to set the record straight. Aleah, my oldest son and sister are the real seers of spirit. My brother just recently revealed that he has done this since childhood also. Mostly I get shadows, scents, quick body movements, although my meditations are very vivid. I seem to pick up on animals more visually than people, except I see faces. I'm laughing of course because this IS CRAZY! I know some other people do this too though. They are everywhere, in the carpet, patterns in material, textures on walls, bark of trees, clouds....

A few years ago there was a cloud in the sky that looked like a perfectly sculpted Precious Moments little girl. She was praying. I saw it and became engulfed with grief. Pointing it out to my husband and Aleah saying, "There are a lot of very sad people in town tonight." We watched the cloud formation for about fifteen minutes as we kept driving. It stayed exactly the same, then suddenly the sky changed to a beautiful pink, lavender, and orange. The little girl cloud had turned into a woman angel and then disappeared upward. We found out on the next Monday that the Mom of one of Aleah's friends had been killed in a motorcycle accident. It was a loss that touched the entire community. Her death was in August. In June I'd seen her picking her oldest son up from school and had one of my, "How long will you live?" messages flash in my head. I was appalled at myself, rolled my eyes and asked how could I be so morbid! Every time I'd catch a glimpse of her that summer it was like, for an instant she would move right up close to me, I'd blink and everything would be normal. It's very frustrating that I don't have any control over receiving these messages and bewildering as to what I'm suppose to do with them.

It's kind of funny because all of our senses seem to be stronger when we are together, and we complement each other. My sister and Aleah will get the visual, I will see a movement, get an image of the person in my mind and will know who the person is and explain it to them. I always know when Aleah sees someone even if she doesn't tell me.

Please believe me when I say, "The more I learn the more I realize I don't know a thing." But I believe there is a reason all of this is happening. And we are all trying to gain a better understanding of it here and now. I've been hiding and running away from this for over forty years. Why now would I stop being so frightened, thirst to grow in understanding, feel the need to share it? I really don't have the time right now! Maybe Aleah and I were suppose to have these experiences and share them with you because like you, Pet, and all the others, have the same kinds of kids and need to know that this is really happening, and know that you are not alone.

You said, "I've pictured the same exact thing !!! Even when I was a youngin'. I keep telling myself go with it, I know what's happening really is happening, I am seeing what I am seeing.... Gotta get rid of that self-doubt."

If we have faith, what do we have to fear? Why is it so easy to doubt what our senses are telling us, over and over again? Wow! This brings back so many memories! I went to a psychic about three years ago. It's not my belief that we need a psychic to tell us what to do with our lives, sometimes they get it wrong, or have a lesser, no not lesser, different, understanding than we do. I knew I had to go because the message would change me. I was terrified and had put it off forever( I can be... a bit... stubborn sometimes). What if she told me I really was delusional? I almost chickened out at the last minute and was ready to walk out when suddenly there was my Mom's favorite book on the shelf in front of me. It was almost like I had aqdmitted that this thing was bigger than me. Mom was there before the poor woman had time to prepare. The psychic said there is a woman behind you who is jumping up and down saying, "FINALLY!!!!" Aleah smiled. The psychic asked if she could hug me. I knew it was a hug from my Mom. She said, "Thank you for being such a wonderful Mom!" That was all the message I needed to melt my last resistence and trust myself.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:30 pm
by Petra Wilson
Love this thread Girls!! I was thinking on the same lines Kim, you know about having been so in-tune with (what I then referred to as) my Guardian Angel...who saved my life as many times as the proverbial cat!! I heard my Angel as clear as a bell, yet explaining this to some of my family was a mistake. Mum, my brother and youngest sister dismissed me completely as delusional, but dad and elder sis Sue did not. So, that was something.

A few years back, I was staying with my youngest sister Denise and she invited me to a friends hen party, told me: "Yeah...the only reason I invited you is 'cause one of the girl's believes all that psychic babble and she went to loads of them but they were wrong! So, I told her you are a psychic and she wants to 'have a word!' " I told Denise I wasn't a bloomin psychic and I wasn't going to be some freak at this party! But after a couple of wines I'd changed my mind...besides my other sis Sue encouraged me. I told Denise quite clearly that I had no intentions of predicting anyone's future and I didn't even want to know who this girl in question was.
As soon as we got there, I got a strong feeling from this young woman and after an hour she shyly came up to me and thrust her palm in my face and asked for a reading...bearing in mind we were in a noisy pub/restaurant. "I don't do that sort of Gypsy-Lee stuff," I said. But suddenly the atmosphere changed for me. I heard no more raucous laughter and noise, but a voice was telling my things as I held her hand and I simply repeated them. When things cleared, and I was back to 'normal', the girl was staring at me with her mouth agape. I barely knew what I had said to her and she backed away from me like a frightened mouse.
Days later, Denise told me roughly what I had told this girl. They were all her fears and a reassurance that the holiday home she and her boyfriend had bought in Spain was above-board and not a con, and that they would have many happy moments there.
Last I heard it all came true and she's still having happy moments in Spain!
I've had this happen many times and now both of my daughter's do it.
I asked Thalia how she feels when she has premonitions and she told me when she's in an excited state, whether it's fearful, euphoric, angry etc. But mostly, when she's by herself, thinking and quiet (i.e: in Stillness!)

Phil just says we're very in-tune with our instincts, but I say it's much more'n that!

Thanks for letting me share, Pet XXX

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:21 pm
by Seeker13
Love to hear you share Pet!

For me receiving isn't 'predictable', sometimes things pop out of my mouth without even thinking them. I hear them the same time everyone else does, usually these have been personal predictions, not global ones. Many have been in dreams, and in meditations. The sad ones are always accompanied by deep feelings of sorrow. When I see that person, or someone they're close to, they'll suddenly appear very close to me and I'll ask the question, "How long will you live? in my head." With accidents I get very nervous and have the shakes until realizing who it's about.

I guess the celestials didn't want to be left out because my friend has suddenly returned. These are messages really. I'll have a tingling sensation about the top and side of my head and face, have this overwhelming urge to get a message to someone. Also feel it as an affirmation, that the message is correct....HHHHH, I have so much work to do on this. A couple of years ago I'd worked very diligently on receiving a specific sensation in a certain spot so I could tell to whom I was communicating. I would get them only in meditation.

Since coming to these boards it was like I was starting all over again. Mostly the sensations stopped as I'd ceased relying on them and realigned my thinking so to speak. As of a month ago the same celestial has been returning. This is the first time he's been back not associated with the original incident. Guess I'd better close and start asking some questions.

Love you guys!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:30 pm
by blue nova
Phil just says we're very in-tune with our instincts, but I say it's much more'n that!
It sure is Pet and it's more than "just our imaginations" too... :wink:

Kim wrote:
As of a month ago the same celestial has been returning. This is the first time he's been back not associated with the original incident. Guess I'd better close and start asking some questions.
Have you been able to get more on this visitor ?


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:13 pm
by Seeker13
Hi, Anne!
As far as I can gather he's twentyish, is named Jim, wears a suit jacket, a tee shirt, jeans, and has flames on the sides of his tennis shoes. My first encounter with him I had the impression he was a messenger, or perhaps more connected to the person I needed to get the message to, but am convinced now because he's been back so many times, he's more than that. More personally connected to me I think. He's back now, of course as soon as I opened to this thread.

My meditations since then have been spotty and not very productive lately, been so busy with life. I also hope he's patient. Even now I'm sleep deprived and have to get ready for work. Jim is definately connected to the progress group. He was very persistent last month in making sure I got a message to someone on the boards and a few others as well. I thought he would leave because I'd delivered the message but he persisted, and I felt a strong urgency to tell others about my message experience. Whenever I talked or PM'd friends about the message he would return. This has all been very exciting for me, but it's also been the busiest school year of my life! So, it's frustrating that I can't simply drop everything and get it all figured out. I have been working on 'cleaning out the cobwebs' so to speak, whenever I can.

I'm going to try and do some serious meditation this weekend. Right now duty calls! Have a good day!


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:31 pm
by blue nova
Hello Kim :sunny:

I think that Jim's shoes are a perfect use of reminds of the messenger avatar used with FTD, the fella with the wings on his heals.
My meditations since then have been spotty and not very productive lately
Mine have been too least is seems that way...although I have been keeping myself at a good stillness/awareness level.
Have you noticed that your awareness is growing more keen ?
I have noticed my sleep too, it seems as though my "soul" or God spark has been working and being productive during my "sleep hours".
