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Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:23 pm
by Petra Wilson
Robob, you ol' dawg you!! (Always had the biggest crush on our Robob and his Samurai outfit!!, Ya never did show us, hehe Wicked girl I am, absolutely wicked!) France is a great country and I love her people too, but it's not where I can feel at home...Still, can't have everything, kid's are loving it at least!

Well, I have had a wonderful Celestial hug from no less than 2 Celestials yesterday. I was just staring into the sun, but with my eyes all squinty so's not to burn out me retinas, haha, and I was in a nice warm alpha state when i noticed swirly like smoke in he corner of my eye, when i looked there directly it disappeared. After a while these swirlies became human shaped ad quite tall. They felt familiar and then They touched me and I was all a glow and tingly. I've had a Celestial hug before, quite unexpectedly so I know what it feels like. It left me a bit of wreck but in a positive and good way.

I love reading and then rereading your posts Guys! Sandy, PP-Lynn, Kelli, Laura, Gypsie, Wingsie, AquaDebs, Sarah, Lilly, Anne Oh all of you are simpy the best! I'm sorry for being a moany-ninny and I really do feel good things will happen. Like PP said, a rollercoaster adventure is about to occur and I'm lacing up me boots and looking forward to it.
(My clairvoyant Nan once looked me up and down at the age of 5 and blurted out: "Keep an eye out for that one Glyn, she'll be the first to have kids and will never be happy unless she's moving around!" True, haha!

Laura, I didn't see your PM at first, sorry...will take a ganders now.

{{{{{{{11:11 Family}}}}}}}


P.S: Rob, I hope you ain't gone for ages again? {{{hugs}}}

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:30 pm
by Uniquely Common
Hello Nasra, Gypsie,

How are you lovely ladies doing? I won't bore you with details on my currents, but only that I've been traveling and busy. Family is well and thanks much for asking.
About Petra, well...if I could hold her and promise her things would be fine; I would. :wink: But truly, if I were in France, I'd give her a big hug and then proceed to slap her silly....:shock:

"Petra's happiness will always rely on her ability to make everyone else happy. I hope she hasn't forgotten." :love

Love and Truth,


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:55 pm
by blue nova
Pet wrote:
Well, I have had a wonderful Celestial hug from no less than 2 Celestials yesterday
That's great Pet, what an awesome experience !!! Woohoo I am doin' the nana dance :D :D :wink:
I bet the whole room was filled to the brim with loved ones just waiting for their turn to give our sis some big huggin's.....

HellooOO Rob :D
Good to see you bro !!!!!


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:26 pm
by gypsie
The family is caring for our darling


Oh what a special visit you had, mine was yesterday in therapy of all places, a massive Angel came down and covered me then my therapist inlove just pure love...
I am going to attempt to bring over the part of the book I posted on the meet up thread: if I stuff it can someone help??Please :sorry: :sorry: :sorry:

I love you all so much Gypsie

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:41 pm
by peacockplume
Hey Pet,,,

Just saw your last number of posts made

4440 now hows that for telling you, your surrounded by angels...

yea, I really means....

but I likes the angel message in it....

also I went into my control panel,,,and sure enough, my computer time was off the half hour....

and I ain't got no Newfie in me..... (no offence to my newfie bros and sis's)

anyway, I fixed it...

gypsie, what part of the Mothers thread did you want to bring over....

you can just copy and paste it into a new message, it'll work that way...

loves ya...


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:46 pm
by lilly
Hi Gypsie and Pet, Lynn, Anne, Laura,
I keep seeing this Indian just about every time I meditate now. He is really tall and I can feel his healing vibes. My back and legs have been very bad from old injuries, it has settled down without pain relief.
Today in the car I saw 0808 then virtually straight away ABC. :D
Went to visit my Mum today she is 77 in July and I was taking photos of her, she hates it and I was making her laugh, got a couple of nice ones.
I'm going to put one as my avatar and show you what she looks like. God Bless her she was really pleased with her new two door fridge. She's a fantastic cook........ getting very psychic in her old age and felt her Mother who died when my Mum was only seventeen, for the first time last week. She helped Mum find her glasses.....Lol
Love lilly xxxxxx

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:15 pm
by blue nova
Hi Lilly :D

That's wonderful ! Re-aquainting with a love from Home & feeling his healing, a great visit with mom & you're mom having a great day !!



Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:37 am
by Petra Wilson
Rob: Oh you little git! :cry: :cry: :cry: I wish I could make you as happy as you have made me!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:55 am
by nasra1996
Dear Lilly, what a beautiful photo...!

Yes Petra i remember Robob's outfit, wasn't it called an Ida chi or something similar... Robob seems to always materialise when you are feeling low Pet... :D He's one of your earthly angels.... :wink:

Take care all and lovely to hear from you again Robert.....

Love Sarah

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:51 am
by lilly
Hi Sarah,
I removed my Mum from the avatar, she'd have a pink fit if she saw that.
Now your stuck with me for a while to give my little fairy one a rest.
My grandchildren are here raiding my fridge......wouldn't have it any other way...they have so much energy.....
My older son stayed last night and I had to stop him from eating their ice creams......Lol Do they ever grow up?
Better go and see what they are up to in the kitchen.......I'm scared to look..
Love lilly xxxx

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:22 am
by Uniquely Common
My Dearest Petra,

Something made me wake last morn and I just had to, my lovely friend has been feeling down of late, eh?

Well, that's not can't be true. Least that's not the Pet I know :roll: My darling friend would never brood :? , she's much stronger than that. :wink:

Holder of my "forum's heart", say it ain't so... :( a beautiful soul like yours succumbing to petty emotions reserved for the mortal Robobs of the world...oh hell, no bloody hell no! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dear God, let it not be a sign...if it's all true then the world must be ending. :shock: Nothing makes sense anymore! Oh God...I don't wanna die!!!!! Help me...Pleeeeeeeease!

Oh well anyway, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah, I miss my dear friend Petra. :kiss: Luv you much dear.

Love and Truth


Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:57 pm
by Sandy
Hello Everyone...

Hey Rob! Nice to see your smiling penguin again! :D Thanks for cheering up our darling Pet and making her smile again...This was beautiful and spot on! :wink:
"Petra's happiness will always rely on her ability to make everyone else happy. I hope she hasn't forgotten."
Petra and Gypsy I felt all teary eyed when you spoke of what you felt and experienced. And PP I too appreciated the mini meditation you led quite a few posts back now..Yep it is hard to keep up with everything on this thread. Thank you for the awesome feeling of togetherness I experienced! :happy

Lilly, I missed your mom photo. :( but I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave it up long without your mom's approval. Sounds like you are having a blast with your grandchildren. Some day... hopefully.... I'll know what it is like to be a grama. :finger: You mentioned seeing an Indian when you meditate. ...Chief Bzitu (abc-22) looks like an Indian...a tall one. Glad your feeling better and without pain meds! :D

Sarah, I seem to remember that samurai thread..Believe Brenda was in the thick of things too wasn't she? :lol: Get the four of you together on the same thread and look out! Be prepared to laugh yourself silly. :joker:

Anne, I am always in the mood for the "nana dance"! I think I'll join you... :lol:
Have a good day, evening or afternoon everyone,

:bana: Sandy XXX

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:58 pm
by gypsie
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats so funny Mr Rance :lol: :lol: :lol:

But with all the love we share for our Pet I kno :cheers: w all will be fine now your back Mr rance it is super cool tosee you again, can you post that photo just once for Petra :oops: guess I wouldn't mind as well :lol:

Much love to all you cheeky fairies :flower: :flower: :cat: :albino: :flower: :flower:

Gypsie :bana:

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:21 pm
by memawlaura
:D Man o' Man you cant leave this thread for very long or its near impossible to remember who said what :lol: :lol: .

Lilly, whats your indian look like? I see someone every now and again that has long white hair I really never get a face other than I seem to be aware that he's aged. I hope that you enjoy that great buch at your house, boy I sure miss my grandkids :cry:. Sorry I did not get to see your mom's photo.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:56 pm
by lilly
Hi Laura,
He's very big with his hair pulled back, I've had confirmation and it's wonderful. He looks like an indian, he doesn't look old to me.
Love lilly xx :D

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:18 pm
by November
Hi Sandy,

How's Lacey?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:37 am
by Petra Wilson
Hey Robob, so someone tole ya,
That Petra dear was feelin' melancholia,
She's in a bad place, and wanting to die,
But found her good friends on the 11:11 message board and thought 'sod this for a game of soldiers!' I wanna live and LOVE! and then I sigh: "I love you all so much!" :lol: :D
Well, that's right up there with the poem:
Roses are red Violets are blue, You are so ugly and so are I !! :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:07 am
by Petra Wilson
I remember when I was in Woolies last summer. Two Aussies came in and they came up to me and asked: "Have you got any thongs?"
Only, I understood, tongs! So I says: "Yeah, course we've got tongs!" and took them over to the kitchen department.
I unhooked some tongs, handed them to them and said: "There ya go!"
The man said: "Are you all right in the head mate? I asked for thongs!"
All confused I said: "Yes! Tongs!" and finally he said: "Thongs love, ya know thhhhongs!" he glanced at his wife and she gave him a frowny look back.
"Ohhh! Thongs? " I said, and glanced briefly at them both, (they were about 70 if a day??) "We've got some Valentine's Day thongs. I'll have a look-see if they're still there!"
So I went down to the stock room and took a load of valentine's day knickers and bras and thongs to this old couple.
I showed them a pair of furry-lined knickers with a backside that looked like tooth floss! And on the front bit it read: "Hello Big Boy Come and Get Me!"!
The bloke looked at his wife in horror and all but shouted: "What the hell are you doin' mate? We asked for thongs!! They're foot wear!""
I thought for a minute and said: "Ahh, you mean flip flops?"
He answered, to his missus: "Fack knows what she's gonna show us now Mavis!!"
And I took them over to the cheapo sandal dept. They took one look at our flip flops and said: "You actually wear these things?? Fuc*in' hell!"

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:09 am
by peacockplume
well Pet,

that one was your 4444 post,,,

then we get to the thongs/tongs...

hope you're feelin a bit better...

love pp

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:21 am
by Petra Wilson
Ahh you didn't like the swearing??

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:00 am
by peacockplume
Hey Pet,
I don't see where I even mentioned 'the swearin'

you's misunderstanding,,,,

I was referring to your 4444 post being one of you deciding to
I wanna live and LOVE! and then I sigh: "I love you all so much!"
you must be knowin something I don't know....

much love to you
pp xoxoxo

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:20 am
by Sandy
Hello there good friends and siblings!

I feel like the weight of the world has fallen from my shoulders as we just passed our latest flat inspection. :cheers: So I can be messy for another 5 months and 28 days and then clean like the dickens just before the next one! :roll: I'm not really quite as bad as that try to keep the place picked up and somewhat clean...since you just never know when our very kindly landlord may drop in for a coffee. We had a scary moment when the inspector said..."So, the garage is yours as well?... I felt the blood run from my face. Just plain didn't give it a thought with it's boxes piled hither and thither and sawdust on the floor from where George has been sawing...But she let it go when George..always quick on his feet and mouth said that it was only for storage and Bill (landlord) had items out there as well..which he does! Whew... cleaner soaked hands are ready to do a little typing tonight. :)
Pet...I knew what was coming next with your story after talking to my next neighbor. She loves to correct my AM english. I always called those light and flappy little bits of foot wear..flip flops meself, but here they are called thongs as well as the uncomfortable but fluffy little undies you mentioned. I must admit...Flip flops or Thongs are built with style and durability here. I do have a rather sturdy pair of hiking "thongs" (The foot wear, people! :roll: ) that I brought with me that have stood the test of time and almost constant wear here. Anyway I can just imagine that couple's face at Woolies when you showed them the lovely if she didn't know what they were or perhaps even owned a pair or two in her lifetime! Geez! She's not fooling me! :wink:

Hello November! Thanks for asking about Lacey...Did I tell you why they call them Ringnecks? I just found out! Because you often want to ring their "sweet little necks"...Naw she's good...We still have our moments but we are developing a slow understanding. I have a lot to learn about bringing up a baby parrot though. She is really taken with my next door neighbor and acts all lovey dovey when she comes over...I'm not green :mrgreen: ...well maybe a little...just a little...sigh....

Well enough from me for one post... Hope everyone is happy where ever you are today. :sunny:

love you all....

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:45 pm
by Mr. Bing
Hi Ladies

I have been away from this thread for quite some time. Well you are now up to 50 pages.

Petra: I am going to be a little bit stern with you my darling sister. You, like me, are a Sagittarian. Your Grandmother was spot on!!! You know that we love to travel, if possible, and if it is not we do our travelling inside our heads. We have that crazy imagination that keeps us as children all of our lives. We are not childish, we are childlike. To paraphrase Christ " you're not going to make it in heaven if you can't be childlike." What is this nonsense about crossing over. You have a job to do here. What is your hurry. We have a world to uplift and bring to light and love. Don't be in such a rush my lovely. Don't forget my little poem "never fear Christ/Michael is near". Yes, depression can be a real bugger ( been there on the floor more than once myself), but as always you have us and the angels. Living in this dimension gets harder for light workers as you become more enlightened. I guess that you could call it an occupational hazard. Spreading happiness, love and light is like spreading jam; you can't do it without getting some on yourself. Never, ever forget to take some time in your day for yourself. Forget about the world and your daily chores and make an appointment in each day for yourself. That is YOUR time!!! The rest of us will survive for an hour without you to cheer us all up. You remind me sooo much of my darling wife. She'd give the world away just to make people happy. I have to watch her and keep her batteries recharged with lots of TLC or she'd run herself into the ground. You are both Saggy Bums and true followers of Saint Brigid. You should give her a look see and pray to her for help.

Try giving yourself a daily foot massage with some rubbing alcohol. Put some on your legs as well, although not if you have just shaved them :shock: :lol:; then put a little cream on them. It will make you feel fantastic and rejuvenate you. I suggest that all of you ladies do this. It is like a mini vacation that you can give yourself each day. You can also do a foot soak in some warm water and Epsom Salts. Another little trick to pick up your spirits is something realtors do when they are trying to sell a house. Put a little cinnamon and cloves on a cookie sheet and place it in the oven ( turn it on of course :roll: :lol: ) and it will fill your home with the aroma of fresh cooked pastry. It will make you feel relaxed.

As well, dear sister, now that you live in France get yourself some lavendar plants from Provence and grow them. They have the best lavendar in the world !!! There are literally fields of these beautiful plants. If you take a run up to the region during the harvest season you may be able to get yourself some fresh lavendar oil. Go to a local bee keeper and put some lavendar in some fresh honey. Let it sit for a week or two, then put it in your baking or on some fresh toast. C'est merveilleux!!! :thumright: Start yourself a little flower and herb garden. Plant some roses. You are in a perfect climate for some great flowers. It will keep your mind occupied and give you a reason to get up in the morning. That is what gardening is all about. It gives your brain a rest and helps you focus on the spiritual side of yourself. You will also find that when your mind is quiet our "friends in high places" have an easier time of getting through to us. Get a bird feeder as well and keep it full. You will be amazed at what and who shows up in your back yard. If you do this put in a little bird bath as well. It doesn't have to be fancy, just something like a plastic garbage can lid with a few pebbles and some water in it so the birds can splash around. You will bring yourself sooo much happiness and laughter. It is great to watch all your new "kids" playing around in your little corner of heaven that you have created. It is something like my name, it brings laughter where there was none before. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is freezing rain today in my little corner of the world, but I have wild mallard duck kids in my back yard this morning. Today there are approximately 60- 75 of them eating away on the 1/2 pail of bird seed that I put out for them. My nyger feeder attracts the finches while my mixed seed bird feeder attracts Cardinals, Blue Jays and Chickadees as well as Nuthatches. You can spread more love throughout the world and feed all of God's little children in your little heaven. Your children will love it as well. I have my little kids all winter long and their songs fill the air with sunshine while the snow covers the ground. It is like having spring all year round.

I also want you to know that you are on my daily prayer list, so you can't bugger off and ruin our chances ( mine and the angels) to perk you up. Don't you know that you are soooo loved? I can hear your tears my dear and I want you to know that as you are reading this I am surrounding you with blue/white light that is being infused into your spirit and body. Breathe it in spiritually and physically. I can see you as plain as day. Now, go and run along and play in the sunshine and hug all of your lovely children for me. :love

:loves Throw some love into the world :loves
God Bless :sunny:

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:51 pm
by nasra1996
Dearest Bing, you are amazing.... awe i loved your post to Petra...

I don't think Pet will be able to rub alcohol on her feet though... :lol: me thinks it will hit the mouth region and has been too often lately... hmm Pet.. am i correct...? :)

Bing is right, Petra you are loved very much by us here... this place would be dull without your presence... so go and sort yerself out fast Mrs...!!!!

With Love


Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:30 pm
by lilly
Dear Pet,
You are strong and a winner! This is temporary and every fibre of my being tells me that you will use that inner strength you have to keep yourself from harms way. Anyone who has been through what you are going through would chuck a major wobbly. You are dealing with a huge upheaval which has brought all your stuff to the surface..... I'm no psychologist, but I know that this experience would be like a 9 on the richter scale for earthquake. So you have a reason to be upset and until you adjust we are all here for you and your family.
In the last few months I experienced a terrifying state where I couldn't stop wailing and screaming from the huge amount of work stress which took its toll on my nervous system. Thankyou for all the help I received from some of you here.
Love lilly xxxxx :loves