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Post by SheraX »

Heather, I dont remember seeing that name the Condrans, but yet I never see my married name anywhere but in Louisiana, I think they made it up . Well, if I find any I'll have to let you know.
hehehe ok! :wink:
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Post by peacockplume »


What's up, I can't find you're mention of being homeless,,,,,

are you guys on the move????

more adventure there girly,,,,,just more adventure....

I think we've got these computers 'happening' :finger:

love pp
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Post by Petra Wilson »

PP, we're frikking going to be without a roof over our heads by the end of April, but I really could not give a shi@ anymore after weeks of worrying about it!
anne (Bluenova) has mentioned that it will turn out allright, as did Thalia, so there you freaking go! That's what I contend with!
Phil got a job hereabouts in a metal factory, just so we don't starve and I said ever so loverly: "Ah Phil! Well, this beats being a farmer with a 3 acre farm, getting up at 10, eating eggs which were laid earlier, feeding your animals which you had trained to get up at 10 in the morning, ay Instead of getting up at 6 and making coat hangers and other rubbish things, cutting up your hands to shreds for a pittance Just so we can live in FRANCE???"
and he answered: Laughing his head off: "Yeeeaah! But we're free!"

Oh that's all right then, of course, I forgot about the freedom!! Well, at least I am not nagging him. I shall stick by his plan and drink myself to oblivion with the lovely red wine in this area LOL
Pet xxx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Pet,

and they're both right, (anne and thalia),,,,it will be all right....

I have a girl friend (50 yrs worth),,,,and she worry's over everybody and everything....ALL THE TIME.....

so I'm glad you're not going to worry about it....just by letting it go, gives the universe the opportunity to bring in 'something new'....

but if you're always frettin about 'what if' "it" can't get in....

I think the only thing I'd worry about,,,,,would be if and when the sun didn't come up.... a big if and when.....and that's all,,,,
there is 'nothing to worry about'.....just enjoy whatever it is....

everything else takes care of itself, if you let it...

and since you can't drink the water,,,enjoy the wine...

If I recall, most Europeans don't drink water's too polluted, unless it's bottled of course....

I rather enjoyed drinking the wine.....and although I didn't like 'red', it's the best for you, because of it's antioxidant content....

so start enjoying the 'moments' every moment of 'now',,,,

forget the past,,,,,don't worry about the future,,,,

it's the today you have to think about....

and if the sun comes up.....all is well....

much love..pp
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Post by kellimaier »

I love The Secret.
I have had an enormous amount of success in using it for interaction with my daughter who has been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder. She has also been tested and has a high IQ.
So she can be very ...interesting to parent.....she not only thinks she can do it better at age 7, but has just enough mental ability at this point to be dangerous to herself. She has the thinking power of a 13 year old. That can be great when doing math, not so great in making sound judgments. She thinks she is an adult but not anywhere near. Plus she simply has a very dynamic personality and wants to be boss.
I have determined that I am so grateful for peace in my home and family. I really, really make sure I FEEL it.
It has by passed a lot of mental junk and opens the door for me to be her parent without a battle.
I'm going to watch it right now!
I need a boost.
My only problem with it is they made too much effort at entertaining..I know it helps get the idea across....but it made me a bit leery at first that I was getting a "pitch".
I am very analytical about philosophies, and do not just swallow anything handed to me. In fact this site and that DVD are the two that I trust the most.
And I think I was led to The Secret by a thread here! It was briefly mentioned.
Enjoy watching it again and again...I learn something new every time...!

Doh! I didn't realize this post was more than a year old.
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Kellimar,

It does not matter that this post is a year old, so dont apologize. I thought I would pass some knowledge along that may help you with your daughter. I dont know if you have heard about Oprah's webinar with Echardt Tolle's "The New Earth", it actually has a section on parenting children. The biggest problem for all of us is our Ego and it addresses this for parenting children. If you cant get the book you could view the webinar at As I know The Secret will unfold knowledge for you I know that this new awakening will with "The New Earth". Glad to see you found our coffee house and we hope you stop by more often.

Pet, I sent you a PM before I saw your most recent post. Please remember that the universe will look out for you and yours. You are all such wonderful loving lightworkers how could it not :wink: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by kellimaier »

Thanks Laura...please call me Kelli.
My name is Kelli Maier. But no need for such formality.

Although I have been known to ask people to call me Mrs Maier...generally those who gawk and judge because I am so much younger than my husband. :roll:

Just my bit of humor.

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Okay Kelli it is and we hope you visit this great big thread as we do almost daily. Its a place to share all kinds of conversations and it started with The Secret which is how powerful being positive can be for anyone individual. We get what we put out there. See ya around.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Pet,
It's good to get things off your chest, it would feel scarey to be in the position you are in. What everyone has said is right and I feel you will be cared for so stay open and strong. I'd leave that wine alone, it won't help you in the long term. I know you were only joking , but just in case you weren't. :drunken: sorry.... :roll:
Take care Pet, give your hair a nice brushing every night and as it acts as an antennae, think about all the wonderful things you want to attract. Ask, believe , Receive. Love you, lilly xxxx
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Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,

Laura..(I am trying to get used to calling you that..Isn't it funny when you get used to calling someone a certain thing it is hard to call them anything else later....and I've always called you memawlaura :lol: anyway..." Laura," It is so good to read your posts again on the board...You too PP.
I am thrilled to pieces that you and your husband are sharing such a positive experience by reading A New Earth together. You are blessed lady! :D I hope to get to it eventually too, as well as Oprah's webinar. Right now, I am getting ready to read 'The Autobiography of a Yogi'...I feel I am being led to it. Anne mentioned it originally to me a few weeks ago and since then it keeps popping up in different of them being a thread in the book section. The love all the thread posters shared about this book and its beautiful author, Paramahansa Yogananda, touched me and clinched it for me... Anyone who can inspire so much love had to have great understanding of the Creator himself. :happy

Hi Kelli, I am glad to see you on this thread. It is an "oldie" but it seems to be gathering speed as at times it is difficult to keep up with all that is said and discussed. I do understand what you said about the DVD. It may have turned some people away because of the very reason you mentioned. I think. It did sound a bit more materialistic than did the Secret book which covered more of the basis but in some ways still left some important things out. I guess it is sort of like the way each of us feels about our mission or vision of our lives in regards to our growing Spirituality. We each have our own unique way of expressing ourselves and the love that is in our hearts and it is all good ...all fine... :lol: (sorry George) Some will get what they need, the encouragement, the information, the hope from one book, one person, or one post, etc.... and in the end we will all arrive together at the same place... You sound like a wonderful, and very patient mother... Learning to be good parents is probably the best gift we can give our kids. So my hats off to all you loving and understanding Moms out there!

Hang in there darling Pet :kiss: ...We love you to bits and are praying like crazy for something fabulous to happen for you and the family! "Let it Be" ..I just heard that Beetles song in my head... I think its meant for you sweetie!
Let it Be
The Beatles (Lennon/McCartney)

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be. Yeah
There will be an answer, let it be.

And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Well must go check the laundry. It is such a gorgeous day here in OZ! The sun is out and there is a gentle breeze...Hope everyone is happy and at peace where ever you are on this big globe of ours..

I love you all, :loves

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Post by memawlaura »

:loves Sandy,

Well, I thank you for saying I'm blessed and I do feel blessed that I have someone close to me to share this journey with me. Its been a wonderful exciting year on this journey of mine and I cant wait to see whats coming next. I know what you mean about reading this book or learning this or that its quite enormous sometimes processing all the information. I have so much I want to read and learn, but this brain is no computer, yet :lol: :lol: . It sounds lovely in the land of OZ and I've been thinking about you and George quite a bit lately. I see we have some webinar's of our own coming this month I just know they will be successful.

You can call me either name because I love them both.

I really enjoyed your post to Pet and just loved re-visiting the words of the Beatles, it did a little stirring for me :D .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by gypsie »

Hi all

Just a quick hi :hithere as I am on the mental run and can't reply to each of you one on one :(

So in therapy today I go under, like totally and I hear him ask what can you see? Well he was taken back a bit I think well I sure was..

"I see an Angel as tall as this room and wings almost the same length the wings are surrounding me or now us.

After going back to an issue and more rapid eye actions, what could I see? The Angel told me he was there for the therapist and would meet him in a forest in a few weeks.

My God what an amazing healing experience :cheers: to feel such love I truly thought I would faint.

As I'm leaving we make the next appointment, we will see each other on the 11th is 11am ok? we just laughed, now if that wasn't a prompt :alien:

You are all wonderous and magical I am looking for that CD Lily it soungs great. I'l try and grab one this week.

Pet is that really your postal address? if so skirt will be coming your way :bike: OK I really need to go....

Much love Gypsie

OH Lily the waggon my grandfather was born in is in York yoiu can actually see it online it was made by another relative Bill Wright, it's beautiful :kiss:
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Post by nasra1996 »

Sandy, did you here that song by any chance on American Idol... my daughters were watching it last night and one of the contestants sang that Beetles song which i believe was there last recorded song together ( my fav is "the long and winding road" )... I never thought how deep the words were to "Let it be"and was meaning to take a look today, but you posted them for me already... well for dear Pet Lol ... thanks they are lovely, these words mean so much to me at the moment, going through some trials at the moment too....

Dear Pet, PP is right, don't ever fret over things, good always comes out of it in the end you will see.....

Love Sarah ha ha ha 11:11 am
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Post by kellimaier »

Just quickie Laura..

I went to the Opra website and watched chapter 1. It was interesting.
But you know how we talked about being led to what we are suppose to learn?
I am pretty sure what I was led to that website for was the "Course in Miracles" exercises.
I began crying with joy when I found the first one and read it.
It contained something that I think I have been looking for, for a long time.
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Post by Sandy »

Hey Sarah,

No I didn't hear Let It Be on Idols. Our T. V. barely works but maybe that's a good thing we'd probably be a couple of couch potatos otherwise. I used to enjoy watching that show a few years ago and would get so caught up in helping my favorite contestant make it to the next round.
Oh I love the Beatles too...I boo hoo every time I hear the song 'War Is Over' around Christmas time. Very powerful that song!

I have some creative angels who sometimes throw in songs appropriate for my thoughts or what is happening in life at the moment. Maybe the words were meant for you today as well as Pet. (Whmmm an angel double whammy! :wink: )

When I found the words to Let it Be I was quite moved too now that I think about it... In fact, they seemed to speak to me today as well. Looks like "they" hit a triple perhaps... :lol:

love to you all... I am off to bed I think. Good night everybody.
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Post by memawlaura »

:happy Kelli,

Now you can see how our angels guide us and I'm so happy that you found something that you were needing. All I know is I've been directed like this since I came and I now understand how the one-way communication has now opened into a two-way understanding :wink: . Your journey will now take on a whole different meaning.

Sandy, it was a quadruple whammy from your angels because it was something that really churned from within when I read those words to "Let It Be" :D .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Petra Wilson »

I love you ALL XXX You are so lovely and kind and like family,

ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by Uniquely Common »

I hear rance is quite lovely this time of year....
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I meant France....sorry
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Post by gypsie »

Sorry Petra I did not read before I posted and then when I saw Let it be I read the thread OH Petra :cry: I know exactly how you are feeling or at least close to how you are feeling, we lost our home last year and it brings up all sorts of feelings.......
The great news is I have this wonderful place to come and share the mixed emotions and feel very loved and safe with our beautiful,wonderous 11:11 family, this is for you sweetheart...

I loves ya sis and am taking you into my AC holding you and giving you all the love you have so freely given us all in some of our dark moments. The sun will shine again, I saw your post on the 11:11 meet up thread try and visit it because I have no idea how to paste the words from 'In the Company of Angles here for you to read. Hint Hint I know some of you are good with the tricks on this board. Petra I have no idea why but i really do see you, Phill and the kids here in Australia one day :cheers: :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :kiss: I just love you to bits and more bits...

Love Gypsie

Hi Uniquely Common Rance is good and how cool is it to see you again :hithere how are the family? Are you still not in real estate?

PP yep I missed your call darn as you in Canada would say :sunny: Spring is on the way for you and we have winter just around the corner, imagine no more hot flushes :oops:

Oh and Pet WE ARE YOUR FAMILY, FAMILY OF CHOICE IS THE BEST I'm going to hug a tree and imagine the roots going all the way to a tree near you :cheers:
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
I'm sending some Love to you All. Thanks for being there, sometimes life can get very perplexing and even though we've created the circumstances on some level..........ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Lol we are willing to change and that makes a huge difference. Living in the now........I forget to, then remember, then forget again...I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Knowing you are all there makes it easier for me. Can't thank you all enough.
Sometimes I feel like I've gone back to square one, but I haven't, I've momentarily forgotten to Be Still no matter what is happening around me.
Love lilly :loves
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Post by peacockplume »

Whoa,,,,,what a rush, catching up on this thread, and only from yesterday????? couldn't believe it,,,,,had to go back and count...17 posts,,,,

what's up,,,,with us's an incredible influx of energy,,,that's for sure...

Oh, I know what's one week,,,,,we have not only the full moon....but the spring equinox.....

hang on to your hats,,,,,it may be the only thing that holds our heads together......

Everybody......breathe......nice and slow.......bring in that Divine Light,,,,right through the top of our heads,,,,,right down into the earth,,,,

and meet up with all those tree roots.....we are all one.....

I just have such a sensation of everything 'spinning' and not out of control either.....just a lovely spinning,,,,creating a beautiful golden swirling mass of loving energy,,,,that reaches out to every one.....

Breathe everyone,,,,,breathe......feel it within you.....close your eyes and melt into it.....

breathe out all the stress and anxiety,,,,,just let it go.....the breathe in more Light.....what awesome Spirit Beings we are.....

(sorry about loverlies,,,,,it just came out :roll: :roll:

Gypsie, I wish I could have seen the look on your therapists face....
actually, I think I did see it......and I loved the 11 on the 11th....

I'm sorry I'm missing commenting on all the lovely posts...

ha's 2:11 a.m.

love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

So where did that half hr disappear to?????

honestly, my computer clock said 2:11 but when I saw the post come up, it said 1:43 a.m.

it's only Newfoundland that's a half hr difference.....

wonder how I can check that out????

any ideas????

really,,,,,got to sleep now....going to a "Rock and Gem Show" tomorrw,,,,
with a focus on fossils.....

and this ole fossil needs some sleep.....

love to everyone....

xoxoxoxoxo pp

EDITED,,,, ok now it's 6:58 a.m. and now it says it was posted at 1:48 a.m.

so somethings, up. Gremlins in the time thingy on the board..

love pp

no it's happening here...

last night my computer times was the same as my clocks,,,,

but now, it's 7:30 a.m. but my clock says 6:59 a.m.

hmmmm best I check out my computer time.

by the by......Pet Your last post was a 4440 post for you...


love. pp
Last edited by peacockplume on Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi Uniquely Common, i'm not sure, but are you the Guy with the brown hair and bright eyes.. who always described himself as a "Lucky bst"...? Oh yeah, i remember, is it Robob...? :lol:

If so, nice to hear from you again.... maybe you can cheer up Pet again she's going through crisis... :)

Love Sarah
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
Loved that last post and am doing as you suggested right now. Thanks for your wonderful energy boost.....feel better already......Lol
Love lilly :D xx
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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