11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Time Prompts

Post by Mr. Bing »

I have just purchased "Healing With The Angels" by Doreen Virtue. The whole of chapter 12 is devoted to time prompts and their meanings. It covers combinations of numbers from 0-9. I have only had this book for a few days and it has been a great help to me in understanding what the message is behind the prompt. As George says, the angels will use whatever tools they have to work with. If anyone has any insight into the meaning of descending, or ascending sequences I would very much appreciate the information.

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Post by Mr. Bing »

Hi Guys

I needed to drop by to the Message Board, A.K.A. The 1111 Cafe , and have a talk with you. The past few days the time prompts have been coming at me :roll KNOK like crazy. I went to the corner store and the amount was $ 3.33. Yesterday the taxi meter said $5.55 . In between I have been hitting almost every xx:22,and xx:33 on the clock. Last night Chloe ( one of my Basset Hounds ) woke me up to go outside at 11:33 P.M. . When I got back into bed it was 11:44. She later woke me up again at 3:33 AM. I am getting a headache :stars: :meds: . I was starting to doubt myself as to what the heck is going on.

This morning my wife asked me "what is this Akashic Construct CD all about? Your not involved in some kind of crazy cult are you? With your imagination and innocent, childlike, gullibilty your not getting caught up in something are you? " Between the insisent prompts, and my lovely wife, I was getting a headache. ( YAAAAAhhhhhh It is 7:11 !!!!! :cyclopsani: )

I don't know why or what our "friends in high places" are attempting to tell me? But, I wish they could write it down. Hey guys give me a break will ya, I'm middle aged and I'm a male!!!! :lol: My wife has a theory that says at this stage I'm working with half a brain. I don't know. Maybe I should go out and buy one of those walk-in bathtubs . :lol: Did you ever notice that all the people in those ads are sitting in the tub with their robes on? Some of them don't even know how they got there. In the old days the Eskimos just put the old guys out on the ice flow. " Bye Dad, have a nice trip!" And the old guy would just sit there and wave good-bye with that half a brain smile on his face. :hithere ( Help ! It just turned 7:33)

OK , I just came by to vent a little. If anyone has any ideas let me know what is going on. If not, hey, it is real nice to have a place to drop by and have someone listen and understand; pat me on the back and let me know that they have either been there or are going through the same kind of thing. I'd especially like to hear from the half a brain married guys. :lol:

Thanks a lot for listening.

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Post by Geoff »

Dear Bing,

Yeah lots of folks have been bombarded. And no we aren't a cult. We dont order you around, and we dont want all your money.

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Dear Geoff

That is great news :cheers: :lol: because my employer is closed for the season and I am on unemployment insurance. I will be on "forced vacation" until May 1.

I am enjoying my time off and catching up on a lot of projects in my life. This is definitely at the top of my list. I am looking forward to being happier, enlightened and more spiritual. I just did my first AC. :) It was quite the experience. Here is to many more successes in the future. Thanks to all the group for the support. It really means a lot.

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Post by Brewster7111 »

Hi Bing!...i can certainly relate to how your feeling....and ya if i was still married i am sure i would be hearing the same. I have been married...a couple of times...still good friends with both but dont share this experience with either. there are only a few of my close freinds and all four of my daughters who i can talk about this with, because they realize that this has been going on with me for so many years now , that there is something that has truly been happening with me. I cant share this with my Mother or brother and sister because I would see the "exorcisms are us" minivan in front of my apartment the next day and be greeted by the "holy rollin intervention squad"......I have met some really great folks here to share this with. Its why i feel compelled to come here just about every day at least to try to catch up with what goin on. I agree its hard not to be impatient when all you want is answers, but when I step back and relax about it , and just live a bit, I realize that i am getting answers...they just take a while to materalize in whats left of my half brain.....your are not alone.......Love Bruce
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Dear Bruce

Thanks for the laughs and for listening.
god Bless
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi guys,
Just thought I'd let you know what happened to me, after seeing all these prompts, and wondering what did they mean....
I too have a couple of Doreen Virtue's Angel books, one of them is called Angel Numbers, they really get the msgs across,,,,
but seeing all the 11:11's, the 3:33's and 22's, they kept coming quite alot, and I kept thinking well, what am I supposed to do,,,,,
well duh, says me, to me, if you have a prompt, go into a stillness meditation, and ASK,
ok, so I get a prompt,
went into a meditation, and asked, and got told to do an AC meditation,
and a healing took place.

so I'd say, when you get a prompt, it's like the phone ringing,
hello, are you ready to go to work????
then it's up to you....

at least that's what I figured out for me....
love to all
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Post by Brewster7111 »

Hey Peacock Plume !...Yes I think you are right. I think that is what you are supposed to do. Not being the most disiplined person, i go through periods where i just dont make the time...am i ready to go to work today?...i hope so......Love Bruce
Man..I don't know...But I'm fixin to find out!
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Post by Mr. Bing »

Hi Peacock

I did my first AC the other day, and what an experience that was :!: I'm going back today.

The wind and rain storms in Vancouver this winter must certainly be ruffling your feathers. Stanley Park has taken quite a wallop! Thanks for the idea. That's what the 1111 Cafe is all about;talking with friends.

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Post by blue nova »

Bing wrote:
I did my first AC the other day, and what an experience that was I'm going back today
That's one-derful Bing !

Peacockplume wrote:
so I'd say, when you get a prompt, it's like the phone ringing,
hello, are you ready to go to work????
then it's up to you....
Hi Peacockplume..sounds like things are going well for you sweetie. :thumright:

Big hugs all around.

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Brewster7111 wrote:I cant share this with my Mother or brother and sister because I would see the "exorcisms are us" minivan in front of my apartment the next day and be greeted by the "holy rollin intervention squad"
Thanks for that know-exactly-what-you-mean belly laugh there Brucey!! :lol: :lol:

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Post by Morning Light »

Oh Wow :o
My wife has a theory that says at this stage I'm working with half a brain. I don't know. Maybe I should go out and buy one of those walk-in bathtubs . Did you ever notice that all the people in those ads are sitting in the tub with their robes on? Some of them don't even know how they got there. In the old days the Eskimos just put the old guys out on the ice flow. " Bye Dad, have a nice trip!" And the old guy would just sit there and wave good-bye with that half a brain smile on his face. ( Help ! It just turned 7:33)
You are hilarious Bing! My husband has started getting the prompts so I'm not getting the whole 'roll his eyes' routine anymore. There have been times when my kiddo's have patted me on the head, like poor ol' eccentric mum who sees patterns in numbers like Russel Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind" :lol: Although taking the risk and sharing with them has helped to open thier minds... now-a-days the kiddo's say... 555... was that a 555 for me, or was that a 555 for you... If it's for me... I wonder what's ganna change etc. 8)

I cant share this with my Mother or brother and sister because I would see the "exorcisms are us" minivan in front of my apartment the next day and be greeted by the "holy rollin intervention squad"......
That's a huge ditto for me too :bom:

Ahh well... I'm in such excellent company.... makes me feel sorry for the 'sane' ones :tongue:

Warm Hugs All Around! :cheers:
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Post by Brewster7111 »

Hey Mo and Petra.....It is really quite sad in a way isnt it?...I love my mom and my brother and sis., but i know their feelings and beliefs and i know i wont be able to make them understand what all this is about. Jesus...yes...Micheal, Monjoronson, Chief Bzutu?????? nope....thats messin with something else....I dont even go there....what is the point....I just try to have faith that in the end we are all on the right roads given what we are given.....Love Bruce
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi all,
I'm still having difficulty keeping these separate threads separate,,,,I get lost from forum to forum, end up wondering how I ended up somewhere, there's so much wonderful info, so I came back to where I started tonight...trying to put it together to make some sense, I've been practising Reiki and Quantum Touch for a couple of years, and it was one of the gals in our classes, who kept mentioning 11:11, sure I was seeing it, but the ding, didn't go off for a long time for me, perhaps it was my friends inquisitiveness, that got me on the search, now here I am in what feels like sometimes, waaayyyyy over my head....
My husband doesn't think I'm crazy, (he knew that in the beginning), and I must feel blessed that I have a husband that just takes a breath and says ok, carry on, and has totally supported me in all my outrageous endeavours....my mom (were she still alive) would have said, "whatever makes you happy dear" and dad (were he still alive) would probably have liked to lock me up and throw away the key....so now I'm left with my only sibling and her children, who nod to each other and say, oh there goes Auntie again......
so with all of that, I truly feel blessed to have found such a group, where no one thinks I'm crazy, cuz we're all in the same boat.....
finally, isn't that such a breather, to be able to talk to people who think, and feel the same way???

I'm reading alot lately about left brain, right brain, ...merging...
so Bing,
there's hope for us all, doesn't matter which side you're using, it'll all come together, and quicker than we think....
you mentioned getting Doreen virtues book, Healing with Angels, she also has one called angel numbers, and it goes from 0 to 999, then you can add the last digit and put the two messages together....quite amazing...

my prompts have been changing too, at first I thought, geez I must be getting off track, so it was nice to see/hear from all you out there that it's just a progression....time to pay more attention and do more meditation, as that's when the answers truly come...

geez, sorry guys, just a blabbering on,,,,
love to you all
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!
It's beautiful people like you, on this site, that make it feel like a home. LUV2 Truly, what an amazing and diverse group of people we have here! :loves Soo funny :geek: and wise 8)

Big Luvin's to Ya :cheers:
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hello all

Post by peacockplume »

Thanks Mo,
I felt that hug.
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Back at You

Post by Mr. Bing »

Hi Guys :hithere

Mo,Bruce, Peacock and Morning light it has been a while since I chatted with all of you lovely people. Well, quite a lot has happened since we last chatted. This 1111 Progress Group has gained quite a few new members. I am much more relaxed with the prompts now and I miss them if the day passes and there are only one or two prompts.

Dear Peacock and Bruce don't worry about what the relatives think. Just tell them that you have been prompted by invisible friends ( the mid-wayers) and angels. :roll :alien: :shock: That should remove any feelings of insecurity on their part about your mental status. :lol: :lol: :lol: I think that George went through something like this at one point as well.

You should check out Geoff's site www.New-Birth.net . It is very interesting and you will learn a lot. There is a prayer that was channeled at the beginning of the last century by Jesus and it is really very beautiful. Check it out.

I hope to hear from all of you again and listen to any new adventures that you have had. Throw some love into the wind :loves

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I see them all!!!

Post by jeanette_mora »

Everyone, George, anyone! I see them all. Last night I woke up at 2:22. the person whom I am in love with and I want to reconcile with sent an e-mail at 3:33 and there are continuous patters that come up when I am in this thought process or feeling. I've dreamt the numbers 555, 11:11, the vision of the universe, and 333!!! The license plate next to me have shown various patterns, 111, 1111, 333, 444, was 555. My car clock said 10:10. Each and every day I see 33, 333, 555, 777, yesterday I saw 7777. 888 or 8888. I see 11:11 almost every day. I see 911 all the time as well. All these numbers prompt me. Even my CD playing, I happen to look down and the time position of the track is 333! My life path number is 33. I've always known that my intuition is stronger than most. I see what many people don't see. I feel what many don't feel. I accomplish what many say can't be done. My instincts and compassion are so strong that it consumes me sometimes. I've learned about the power of the Universe, chi, prana. I looked up Reiki and it validated some things even more. This all seems to be a journey of something higher and I am just overwhelmed. Knowledge of things fall on my lap that I don't know what to do with.

I use Ashiak Construct every night. And the 11:11 messages that I periodically get usually have a direct message to a current situation in my life.

Where do I go from here and what is my purpose with all of these visits from the midwayer friends. How can they help me.....or have they been with me all along all these years?
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2:22, 3:33, and 5:55 again and again today 7/17/07

Post by jeanette_mora »

In the last hour, I got the 2:22 twice, 3:33 three times, and 5:55 twice. The third time I saw 3:33, I laughed and said, "ok, you got me, I'm at your mercy." There is something brewing and the celestials are trying to tell me something! I feel it at the core of my being. I really want to understand it all. Any thoughts? George?
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Post by Geoff »

Dear jeanette_mora,

Welcome to our site.

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Thank you

Post by jeanette_mora »

Thank you for all of your warm welcomes. I woke up at 5:55 am and was prompted again. No sooner a frequency ringing in my left ear began. I feel at home already with all of you! God Bless!
-Jeanette :lol:
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Post by George »

Hi Jeannette,

With all the 22's and 33's you are getting, it looks like our crew (Mathew and Bzautu) are much involved.

You're doing well to get so many prompts AND messages.

God bless.....
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Post by jeanette_mora »

And another 333 prompt today at lunch. What should I be doing when I get these prompts? How do I know what the message is?
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Post by George »

Hi Jeanette,

It's likely you are most suited to receive messages from Celestial Teachers.

Take a look at the forum: Messages from Celestial Teachers

http://board.1111angels.com/viewforum.p ... 7e3f2a3cdd

You appear to have great one way contact, and meditation or the Akashic Construct will get you onto a huge learning curve.

God bless.....
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Post by CroatiansWithGuitars »

Hello... ;) I am kind of quiet here I know. LOL But I am always reading on here about others experiences and try to input where I can.

I received alot of :22 prompts today as well. I left the house to go get my hair done. On the way I passed by a bank and its sign clock read 1:22. On the way back from getting my hair done I passed by that clock and it said 4:22. Then all evening I was getting that same :22 prompts with different hours and then prompted again 20 minutes later with :42 on several occasions. Then some other double digit prompts showed up as well.

I have been getting palidromes for days on a daily basis so many times I can't count all this week. I would catch them almost every ten minutes hourly.

I had another interesting thing happen to me this morning.

I have another number sequence I got this morning that just confirmed alot for me. I just felt overwhelmed with prompts this week. Seeing them so much and all. So Friday night, I was asking them to please slow down. I don't know what this all means or what they are wanting me to see but I am overwhelmed. Sometimes you see them so much it seems you begin to feel like you need to slow down or you second guess yourself again about what you are seeing. So I said please so down please... the night before.

But instead of that...this morning I got this overwhelming number prompt via a voice message on my phone. I was in bed sleeping phone woke me up. I did not answer the phone in time so the answering machine picked up. so I listened to the message as I laid there. The message addressed me by name and asked me to please call and my account number was 11221112. (dont worry its a important financial account number or anything LOL) The 1112 part of that number is also the begining 4 numbers for another sequence of numbers I have for something else I am a member of. Pretty much thought to my self what are the chances that that sequence would happen again like that in another number. And of all the account numbers it could have been, it was those numbers...again.

Back on March 22 of this year was the day that I 'got it' about the number prompts and it all became 'revelation' to me and I realized what was going on. 111 is the sequence that opened my eyes. But the numbers that were prompting me that all that morning was a continous flow of confirmations of 11's and 22's and 1's and 2's in different places. Then the 1112 (and even 112) sequence has been very prominent many times in different things besides the two mentioned above as if to keep confirming to me it was not just coincidence or me.

Now this latest prompt with an account number being exactly those set of numbers again so continous like that to make it so overwhelmingly obvious to me. I am amazed sometimes how paitent they are with me on this. o.O LOL

And this happened once before as well. I remember another time back in May, I was so overwhelmed by it all. Thinking about it so much reading and researching it all. I said before I went to sleep, It's driving me crazy please stop I don't understand. That next morning instead on May 22 to be exact, I got a 111 prompt on something that was so obvious that in no way it could be coincidental or it was happenstance. The 111 prompt coincided on something that made it very synchronous to me personally that it was very obvious I would understand where it was coming from.

I guess they can use things like that? Use something very personal to you and they will stick a prompt on it that they know is significant to you and they will use it to let you know it's not an accident or your imagination or anyone else doing it.

Anyone else ever have this happen to them like that? You start feeling overwhelmed about it and you then get this overwhelming confirmation so obvious like that you cant ignore it?

I just wanted to share that with ya'll. I have friends that I talk to about this, but they don't get prompts like this. They listen to me and don't think I am crazy. They have had simular experiences with other things that enables them to understand where I am coming from. But I still feel kind of alone or not totally understood when I try to explain it all out in detail with the prompts when they are not experiencing it too.

Maybe they are wanting me to step up to the plate and take it it a little deeper now I am guessing. Time for me to move it up some.

Anyway... thanks for listening/reading. I hope it all made sense. LOL
~~~Maeve xo
"All of your life trying to be, you are the one you cannot see" 1:11
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