Question about 'voices'

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Question about 'voices'

Post by Nicolaco »

Hi All,

I have been REALLY slack with my meditation over the last few months for various reasons, but last night as I was putting my daughter to sleep I thought, right, seeing as I'm lying here, why don't I try to meditate. I knew I'd probably fall asleep (6 months pregnant, always knackered!), but thought it's better to at least try. Well of course I did fall asleep, but I was woken up about 90 mins later by a loud bang and a clear voice in my head saying 'hello'.
I actually got up, and went to find my husband to ask him what the bang was, and he said there was no bang, you must have dreamt it.
Well maybe in the past I would have presumed so, but this voice was not part of a dream and got me just at that point before waking, when I know others of you have heard voices.

I am perfectly prepared to accept it could be a guide or midwayer, especially as it coincided with my 'intention' to return to my meditation and make contact, but something threw me, and it sounds silly so I thought I'd ask for your experiences.

The voice I heard had a very definite profile, in that it was male, had an english accent that I could pinpoint as south eastern and without wanting to sound mean he sounded quite geeky, a bit like Mr Bean (if anyone gets that reference). It was a very warm and friendly voice and the way he said hello, was like he was saying it to an old friend he had not seen in a while. It was definately not a voice I recognised though.

I guess I'd never thought about what a guides/midwayers' voice would technically sound like, I guess I'd imagined some disimbodied, ethereal voice that spoke with great gravitas, and what i got sounded sooo human and down to earth. I could almost picture the face attached to this body. Sounded like a lovely old fella, who was a member of the lawn bowls club and had lovely round friendly face and wore glasses!! Like someone's grandad..

So to anyone who has had ever heard a voice, what did it actually sound like? Do Americans hear american voices, Aussies hear aussie accents?
What do the midwayers sound like when they speak to you George? Do they have accents?
My thoughts are this wasn't a midwayer, unless they were having a laugh with me, but could a deceased human be a guide? Either way it kinda made me laugh and I certainly wasn't freaked by it, just slightly puzzled.

Look forward to hearing any responses.

Love Nicola xxx
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Post by SheraX »

I heard a voice the other night,was woken up by a loud ring/beep like sound. It came to me very fast and high pitched.Suppose it was the only way I can recieve it at the time.

Made me giggle a bit when you said you went out to ask your husband what the bang was.I used to wake up to loud bangs all the time and ask my hubby,what is he doing and why are you banging like that. He would look at me so strange.heheheh
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Post by MichelleP »

Hi Nicolaco

That was neat thanks for sharing. Not just the voice but that a visual also came through too. I personally havent heard really more than just my name but it is usually in a wisper and in American english. My assumption is that they tailor their voice to us so they can be understood by the listener.

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Post by blue nova »

Hi Nicola,

I'm not one to hear voices but I'd guess that like Michelle stated, they would use speech so the person would understand them best.

Out of curiosity do you know if you're going to have a boy or girl ?

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Post by gypsie »

Hi Nicola
I went into my AC meditation today thinking of you and there was the voice "Hello There' not Australian but like a BBC radio presenter..

In my AC I was lifted onto the table, I really wasn't happy about it as I want to be the healer but 3 of them in the lift I had no choice. Two hooded and very tall and a small one almost to my knee. He was male and in charge as his hands held my temples. I came out with a boomer of a headache but it's gone now. Then the voice, clear as day, even opened my eyes to check no one was there.

George may have more answers for us... how is that little bundle going?
My Yasmin's Amelia is a joy, so tubby with a button nose and full lips I adore her. We call Yasmin the source as Amelia will not take her eyes off her Mum for a second as she happily licks her lips..

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Post by 11Prizms »

I have heard swedish and irish.

I am Irish and its hard to understand...Caert is actually Kurt.

If you have a hard time with the accents, respeak what you think you are hearing...sometimes it helps in discerning through the accents.

It gives them a chance to make sure you are hearing it right too.

I am.
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Post by Nicolaco »

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your thoughts. I noticed interestingly that my original post was made at :53. Now this is a HUGE personal prompt of mine, I get inundated by it at times, and I have always felt it was my guide dropping by. So maybe the voice and the number are linked. Who knows? I hope I get to find out more.

Gypsie and Anne, my pregnancy is hard work this time around, but at least the hideous sickness has stopped (at christmas time!). I have a lot of aching and fatigue in the ole pelvic area, but I can cope with that and have invested in a bar stool for the kitchen so I can manage to cook, as standing up for any length of time is very painful. I'm nearly 25 weeks now, and due 8th May.
I don't know for sure whether baby is a boy or girl, my feeling is it's a girl, but baby was laughably uncooperative at my ultrasound, literally had it's legs crossed and it's hands over it's bits!!
Gypise, I know you had a feeling/vision it was a girl, do you still think so?

I had a thought and don't know whether anybody would be interested, but I had a pretty horrible labour last time around, and eventually ended up with an emergency c-section. I therefore am a bit (a lot) nervous this time around, and was wondering about trying to spend some time in the AC while in labour?!?
Do you think that would be possible? or am I being ambitious?
I was wondering if time allows, that I could let you guys know when I went into labour, and you could maybe send me some thoughts and prayers for as swift and easy labour as possible. I was thinking of requesting Dr Mendoza as a doula, ha ha!!
Imagine being in your AC's and seeing me give birth?! Maybe not for the faint hearted! What do you think guys?

Love to all!!

Nicola xxx
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Post by George »

Nicola writes:
What do the midwayers sound like when they speak to you George? Do they have accents?

Their transmissions are distinctive. My wife can tell (by my voice) as I put the Celestial message on tape, just who it is of the 28 or 30 Celestials we know that has a message for us.

If she is unable to say who it is, it's generally someone new. Midwayers are distinctive in their voices, at least to me, but I'm generally looking at them when I transmit, unaware of JUST WHAT is coming through. I can tell the style if I happen to listen to (my voice on) the tape later.

Strictly speaking, they do sound like themselves each time, and only the little Cherub, "I'll be Frank" likes to sound like 6'6" 280 pounder. :lol:

On another note: I used to guide a lot of women through painless childbirth in the 70's and 80's, and I would advise you might get ready for some professional instruction by using part 2 of your Akashic Construct CD for some "mantras" to get ready for one or two sessions with a therapist.

Painless childbirth is "Magic," I was told many times.


PS. Your Midwayer friend, #53, was likely fooling with that funny accent.
BTW. They all look to be about 28, or 30. They don't age.

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Post by gypsie »

How wonderfully sweet you are, Yasmin was worried also with her second as the first was a emergency cezar. I have had all 3. Ist: nightmare delivery with forceps, my eldest sonn was amazing, his father was on drugs somewhere so I said it's you and me kiddo. Half was through I sat up, his head was out then he opened his eyes (looking directly into mine). "hello" I said "well you can't stay there forever" then he arrived I was 21 jumped of the table to have a shower. The twins well, after they broke the first rib (trying to fit) then the second I knew cezar land was close.

I had the emergency op and it all worked out, I guess what I am trying to say is every delivery is as unique as the child. My friend who has a yoga school buddies many on the birth journey and she explains each soul is unique. how clever to let us know when the moment has arrived, I will sit with candles until your baby is born. I know when my friend was sick last year a Doctor in sprit was with her, our Doctor I am not sure but you have many who love you. The voice is possibly your angel telling you I'm here' the fear is something most women feel prior to giving childbirth it is something even the mosy alternate and evolved women have' :lol:

Know you are loved and I for one would like to be told as labor approaches, I will be with you...I'll PM my email so it is easier,,,

Much love and yes I still feel a girl, but I have been wrong 20 thousand times :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Nicolaco,
A voice said, "Kim." just the other day in meditation. It was a female voice with an American accent. A few weeks ago someone said, "Hello," as I was walking up the steps. I believe that one was a male. Usually though I think it's been female.

My first delivery was emergency c-section, my second was a v-back and easier than my third. Gypsie is right, they are as different as children are. What ever you can do to ease your fears would be helpful. I'm sorry you had a bad delivery last time. That can really stick with you. Learn as much as you can about where you are going to deliver, visit, and ask questions. The more comfortable and safe you feel, the better. The more you meditate now can only help right? Make sure you really trust your coach and he/she has a heads up about your state of mind before the delivery. I would definately be sending prayers your way if I was aware of the time. Good luck!

George I really like the sound of a painless delivery. Where were you when I was having babies?
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Post by George »


Kim writes:
George I really like the sound of a painless delivery. Where were you when I was having babies?
In Australia, as now. I remember being there 4 times with the mothers, initially. Later, neccessity caried the therapy just as well. I hated the sleep depravation, enjoyed meeting the babies firt up.

One of the mothers: "Is it happening, or what, George?"

Me: "Cripes, you're just about there now!"

Two seconds later: "Be-e-e-h!"

Me: "What d'I just say?" :lol: It goes THAT easy! :shock:


PS. I have another job now. :)
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Post by Nicolaco »

Thanks George for your info on what you hear when you are communicating with the midwayers. I think you may be right about a midwayer having a laugh with me, because I guess they know me better than I do myself, in that an ethereal strange voice may well have made me a bit edgy, whereas this one really grabbed my attention and made me giggle.
I'll wait and see if I get to hear anything else (all in good time)

On the whole painless birth thing, the mad thing is, with my first pregnancy I was totally aware and into the idea of it, and paid for a course in 'hypnobirthing' where I was taught various relaxation and visualisation techniques. I can honestly say I had NO fear about the process and felt nothing but excitement at the prospect of labour, totally convinced I was going to feel only 'pressure' instead of pain.

Unfortunately I think what went wrong was that my waters broke early and a midwife gave me an internal exam, afterwhich she said 'I'm sorry but that might make your contractions a bit more intense'.... woah was THAT an understatement!!
Basically I got no slow build up where I could practice my relaxation and get control over my body, they were instantly unbearable and very frequent, and I just lost it and couldn't do the techniques I had learnt.

So this time I'm gonna give it another go, and I'm not letting anyone near me until I have to, if I can help it!!!

I'm thrilled and overwhelmed that anyone would consider 'being there' for me, so thanks guys. I'll post on the board if I get the chance when the time comes. Gypsie, bless you, I don't expect you to sit and wait the whole thing out with me ( it was 24hrs last time...) but any time spent would be a great gift, so thank you!! I am still cringing at you breaking ribs in labour??!!

Love Nicola xxx
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Post by George »

Hi dear Nicola,

I was taught a negative-to-positive array of suggestions like: "The busier it gets to be all around you, the more clearly you can concentrate on the program as you were taught."

"The more you might fear for anything at all to go wrong, the easier it will be for you to relax your lower body." (Totally, from the bellybutton down.)

There was more, lots more. The overall therapy worked great!

Not a single mishap in 25 to 30 clients, but all were pushed RIGHT DOWN to Delta, and most would know nothing of the therapy, if they did "get" some of it, they were snippets only. That was to stop them from sabotaging themselves.

Yup! They functioned like "automatons," really. The best way to do it.

Most of my work though was with trauma cases and suicidal folks. . . and some of these were pregnant moms coming in for the childbirth "thing" at a later time.

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Post by gypsie »


Because I can't physically be there and have a baby shower for you I am going to be with you during birth in sprit. I know Sandy, PP, Nova , Petra and Seeker will also (if I left anyone out it is a simple mistake please remind me who will be in the circle, it's important.)

I have four candles blue for water, rust for earth, white for wind and red fire (strength) each candle will be lit when word comes and the love will come to you,

I love a good old birth and if I was closer I would support you for every second so I will support you but my soul will fly to you, hope that is clearer :shock: I'm such a romantic

love ya
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Post by blue nova »

I am going to be with you during birth in sprit. I know Sandy, PP, Nova , Petra and Seeker will also (if I left anyone out it is a simple mistake please remind me who will be in the circle, it's important.)
:hithere I'd love to be there :D :D

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Post by Nicolaco »

Thank you SO much. I feel very privileged to have so many wonderful souls with me. Looking forward to it!!
Speak soon.

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Post by George »

Nicola writes:
I think you may be right about a midwayer having a laugh with me, because I guess they know me better than I do myself, in that an ethereal strange voice may well have made me a bit edgy, whereas this one really grabbed my attention and made me giggle.
In this Dr. Mendoza used a language OTHER than English to awaken me, and heal me.

He confused my "dreamworld" by using Dutch -- a language I have trouble using now. Sure, it's all still there, but it's hard work for a day or more to become fluent again.

MNO8 REALLY woke me up!

An accent is not unusual, to let you know the thought or sound did not come from you.

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey there Nicola, I've given birth 5 times. Thankfully all were normal births, except poor Thalia's...I broke her collar bone because I jerked my body up so far and the Midwife and Phil had to lie on top of me to keep my bottom on the table. I have an xray photo of the broken bone.

Anyway, give us a shout about dates and I'll be there for sure.

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Post by Nicolaco »

An accent is not unusual, to let you know the thought or sound did not come from you
Thanks George, This is spot on! As soon as I read what you said above I KNEW that was what had happened. I just felt absolutely certain. I love it that I'm getting more tuned to my 'feelings'.

Got loads of 53's yesterday too.

Petra, thank you for your support, it has really changed my mental outlook knowing I've got my wonderful 11:11 sisters with me.

Big love
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Post by George »

Dear Nicola,

We heard from Samuel yesterday. Both of us knew (sensed) it was Samuel after just a few words, however . . .

. . . Samuel is a million miles away, and thus what we are getting here is a perfect reproduction of Samuel's overall demeanor, voice, attitude, that is retained in the mind-meld process between Samuel and the Midwayer facilitator . . .

. . . and on this end by the Midwayer and the receiver.

So, when you hear a "funny English accent" you are locking on. :thumright: That mind-to-mind exchange, or mind meld, is working for you. 8)

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Post by Idaho »

Dear Nicola,

Welcome! I was so glad to hear that someone else has heard a voice saying their name. It wasn't a voice I knew, but it was so clear and calm, it reassured me instead of scaring me--which it shouldn't. Haven't I been asking to hear from my guardians and midwayers? It sounded like--love--a feeling is all I can describe it as and yet it was a sound as clear as someone standing next to me.

In dreams and in the AC I have seen woman wearing a veil draped over her head and lately I have been drawing her face in my journal as well as writing down messages. I am still working on stillness and learning to turn off my mind and just "listen"-That was one of the first messages--"Quit working so hard and listen". :)

I notice that you are due the same day as my first granddaughter is due, May 8. I will keep you in my thoughts then as well. I had two natural childbirths using breathing techniques and wish you well in whatever method you use.

George, you are always getting large transmissions. Is it ok to only get fragments or single sentences? More often I just wake up feeling calm and knowing what to do. I always say "Thank you"
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Post by George »

Hi dear Idaho,

You wrote:
George, you are always getting large transmissions. Is it ok to only get fragments or single sentences? More often I just wake up feeling calm and knowing what to do. I always say "Thank you"
Good grief, mine are not long ! Actually they are short -- typically progress -- and if they are longer than 1.5 pages, as on occasions, I chop them down in size.

Churches transmits go on forever -- 6 or 8 pages. :shock:

Both Sunny and I might well get instructions in one sentence or less. Occasionmally we hear from 3 or 4 Celestials in a row, but what goes to the lists must be to the point. They know I won't post "epistles."

Also, I might have just 2 of my own transmits for the lists each week, but 3 or 4 lots of contact each day and 12 prompts or more.

Still, if you want transmits you can share, you need to ask for them. Years ago I was told "Not yet, private lessons come first."

Hope that answers your questions.

God bless.........
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Post by Idaho »

Thank you George for your reply

It sounds like I am still in the "personal lessons" phase. I like the learning curve though!
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Idaho,

The 'only' time I ever heard my name called, was shortly after my Mom's passing...

I had walked out across the deck to the hot tub, and just off to the right, up in the woods, I heard her call my was her voice, I had no doubt....I didn't answer her back, perhaps I should have,,,,I was just in awe to have heard her....I felt hearing her call my name was just a confirmation letting me know that she was 'still here'....

Coming out of an AC awhile ago I heard.....The great river that runs from the north to the south.....and still haven't made hide nor hair out of that one....

Then just a few days ago, when I was having problems with the AC.,,,someone advised me to just do Stillness,,,(think it was Pet, thanks Pet)....So I gave up or should say, gave the AC a break....

I went to bed, and decided to just do stillness, and started to have a grand oneway conversation with Mother Nebadonia....just was yakkin away, but I felt like both my spiritual parents were listening...and I was having one of those 'spilling the insides out',,,,anyway, during a pause, on my part, I remembered,,,oh yeah, this is supposed to be a Stillness, and I'm supposed to be listening,,,,,and I shut up....

and I heard, a soft female voice I've never heard in the near distance say... either,,,It's all right, child.....or It's ok, child.....whichever, I definitely got the 'child' part....then I got talking again, giving thanks for the understanding....and eventually fell asleep...

the next day, I realized what had happened....and I've been ever so more thankful...the next time though, I will be more 'silent'.....

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Post by peacockplume »

It's just amazing, the little 'snippets' of information, that we can glean from each others conversations.......

thanks George...

love pp
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