Quantity of prompts increased rapidly! Why? (Poll!)

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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How often do you see the digits per day in average (please remember days with high activity)?

Poll ended at Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:51 pm

1 - 3 times
4 - 6 times
7 - 10 times
11- 20 times
Total votes: 13

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Quantity of prompts increased rapidly! Why? (Poll!)

Post by SoL333 »

Hello community :D !

In the last days I will be prompted very often. I get most of these prompts, when I'm driving a car or a motorcycle through the traffic, in form of license plates around me (surely in perfect harmony with the mileage indicator or prices on advertising posters and the thoughts in my mind meanwhile). Yesterday for an example, I was in traffic only for a half hour. In this short time, I've got more than 15 prompts of all kinds (2222, 3333, 4444, 6666, 5555 etc. etc.)
In the last days and weeks, the quantity and quality of prompts has increased enormeous.
This leads me to the following questions to you:

1. I found here in this board a list of possible meanings of these digits (http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?t=4) written by Doreen Virtue. I think, it was an interesting approach of a theory. But there would be one problem: if the numbers are changing in short times in a wide range like in this case, than you would be bombed by many different statements in seconds and minutes, this can not be understand by a human mind. I think, that this could be a indication, that those kinds of theories (seeing the prompts not as a sign for a real "person", seeing them as different statements like: look here...., think about...., be carefull, because...) are unfortunatly on the false way. What Do you think about those kinds of explanations?

2. Another path of theory seems to be, that the digits represents individual beings, the midwayers or angels, like a visiting card. If this is the truth (and many people here are convinced with it), would the strong improvement of prompts in the last time mean, that many different angels are contacting me in rapidly ways all over the day? If this would be, what could it mean? Perhaps I'm a tourist-attraction in this time? I think, this would be possible, because no face can look so surprised dopey like mine. Angels need entertainment, too. :-). But serious, what could they do with me, that there are so many angels are working more and more? How often are you prompted per day in average? Which quantity is "normal"?
We could use this data of quantity to imagine, where on this planet is much activity and we could ask us and them: why? And have you already done so: what was the answere? :-)

3. Do you know any scientific investigation about this pheneomen? How known is it in the scientific world?
If I would start a statistical analysis over my experiences objectivly and under all rules of art (sure, the creation of a valid and reliable test would be more than difficult), the results would be definatly signifikant.
But I think, the midwayers and their boss are no friends of evidences, evidences are not good for your belief. So, what would in theory happen, if I would analyse it?

I thank you for your thoughts, brothers and sisters :D
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello Sol333,

They, the midwayers, visit you, us to try and make contact with us, if you learn to meditate, you could possibly hear them talk to you also.... :lol: I see the 11's the whole day long these days, with every action i do they appear, they are a part of my life now, the most frequent one is when i take off from my house or arrive at my gates, i always, everyday arrive home on 11's... :shock: :)

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Peace and Serenity

Post by jeanette_mora »

Within a couple of hour's time frame I woke up to 5:55, then saw 9:11 which I see often, then saw 10:10, 11:11, 12:22, 222 on my secureID token, 444 on a license plate, 888 on another license plate (not looking around...just prompted). Got a prompt at 12:33 and looked up at my cable...on channel 33. When I was doing the Ashiak Construct one night, the section that said, ..."what frequency you are on either 8 or 9, my cable box clicked off and turned back on...on channel 8.

The messages are multiple and I often wonder is it that what I want will manifest itself? Will I succeed in my current goal? Will I complete my current path? Is it that what I am asking for will manifest itself? I am certainly on the right track (222=ascending, moving forward?), and whatever it is will be a major change or manisfestation, 555. 888 comes up often, a new beginning, light at the end of the tunnel? This too shall pass?

To me all the prompt messages can, indeed, tell one story if you focus on what it is that is on your mind most at the current time. On top of that, what is it that your heart is telling you? What is it that you are yearning for, wanting, looking for? All of these prompts are giving me a certain feeling of PEACE and SERENITY on whatever issues that surround me right now and how I can bring peace and love to others around me. A year from now, certainly it will be something else and the angels will still be with us, I'm sure..

I don't know...just some thoughts, but good questions. God bless and hope we get more insight..
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Post by Maku »

Greetings to all!

Myself personally, I've used Doreen's number guides for years now.

I remember when I first came to the site and read that they may indeed be personalities, I thought that was interesting. Nonetheless, I told my angels/guides to communicate with me through Angel Numbers, a very complete book by Doreen Virtue and Lynette Brown. I got to the point where I had so many numbers 'memorized' that I was in fact having conversations on my way to work each day. Yes, it can be sometimes confusing with all the variety of numbers, but you have to remember: we humans have a tendency to either take on too much at once or feel so overwhelmed that we drop a great deal.

Either way, one thing is true. We tend to work in cycles, or phases. I believe that is in fact what the angels help with. There's really no rush to make changes, we have to go at our own pace, one step at a time, but when we have too much on our plate our digestive enzymes tend to run out, so to speak.

For instance, since returning from my Shamballa activations, I've witnessed a lot of 595, 955, 599, 959, etc. which tend to all imply in one form or another, according to Angel Numbers, that I'm making changes in my life that are boosting my life's purpose beyond what I originally had planned. How or what that is, I'm not sure yet. Lately I've also been seeing a lot of 222, since I've been between a rock and a hard place in regards to finances for about 3 months now. 222 basically means not to worry because everything will work out just fine. It brings me comfort.

There are those, like you said, SoL333, that view the numbers as personality signatures. Myself, I don't know who's who in relation to the numbers, and it doesn't worry me too much. Regardless of who it is at the time giving me the message, I have faith that it's all in the name of progress, in the name of help. It must be nice to know who it is dropping in, but you can always find out through stillness meditation or the Akashic Construct, as nasra1996 said.

By the way, I see the prompts upwards of 20 times a day usually, it doesn't stop, and like jeanette_mora said, I find it relates to what I'm thinking about at the time a lot, or the first thing that pops into mind.

As for the science aspect, it would be interesting to see brainwave activity monitored when we receive the prompts, as sometimes when we get them we also get info. packets dropped into our brains for later use, when it is appropriate. One thing is for certain, once highly intelligent individuals reach a certain level of education, even if they were atheist, a large number tend to believe in the more esoteric side of life, the magic and the wonder comes back. Interesting, no?

Well that's my two cents' worth, hope you enjoyed my short story :lol:

Many blessings.

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