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Post by Geoff »

Dear Mo,

I am sure you are meant to be there, for some reason. And I am also sure you will rise to the challenge.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Mo,

I can imagine that your new job could be a demanding, but I know that you are amazingly smart and with that beautiful brain of yours, you will be able to accomplish anything your heart desires. It will fall into place and before you know it the job will seem just like childs play. .

You know I have an idea, in addition to the wonderful advice that Brenda gave...and I don't know if you have the AC cd, but I have heard George make this suggestion to people. In the second exercise, the relaxation exercise, where you are counting backwards from 5000 in tens...well instead of counting use some sort of mantra that you say over and over again. Something like "I will be confident in my new job"... well you best know what is needed there...

I have only been ice skating one time my whole life. It was such a hair raising event I never went back! :shock: I spent half the time clinging to the wall and the other half flat out on the ice. Lucky for me I was a well padded little thing! :lol:

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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Sweet Sis Brenda!
Thank You for reminding me how simple it all really is :wink: I talk with my guides every morning before work but I have not talked with them while I am in the thick of things at work :lol: They have been prompting me like crazy and I know they are with me every step of the way.. I just cut off the communication with my fears and ever frantic mind chatter :mrgreen:

I'll let you know how it all goes.

To All,
Kestin's face absolutely glowed as I read her all of your kind words! She was full of grins and giggles after that :D

We sent a letter to Jaydon and I am going to post her picture on my avatar so he can see her.

Warm Hugs to All :cheers:
Identify with Love, and you are safe. Identify with Love, and you are home. Identify with Love, and find your Self.
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All
WOW this thread is amazing I just love to read your posts!!!!!! :study: I don't know about anyone else but this thread gives me a feeling of being apart of something special :loves :loves

Of course the entire board is a source of spritual food but 'The Secret' thread for me is like coming home. I find it great there have been 6,255 views I do hope it comforts someone out there who may need to feel loved.... I know for me that is what I feel whilst here.....
You are amazing, tips on knowing you can do it well????? All you have to do is come here or if you are feeling a tad unsure at work think of us all here and you will cross our minds! Thats how it works for me I think of the people who love me and nothing else.... I truly believe when George speaks of love being the answer he is so right.... wow MO you inspire me that one day I too can get that job!!! You go girl!!!
You are just too kind, I think sometimes we are so alike, I also read this thread and it's like looking into each others lives with feeling and depth..
You are always there offering simple words of wisdom, thank you
thank you also for your input and yes MO is a tiger out there kicking goals
thank you for thinking of us, see MO when we think of each other the message is passed, I also think of you Justy and wonder how it is over there in Canada
Petra beautiful Petra
I knew you'd cry with Jack dear little boy who has had to grow up so fast... just to let you know he is doing fine and has been on a school camp did some bonding and burping with other boys and came home with a huge smile on his face, now is that man of yours back yet?
Aqualeaf (DEB)
You also bring such joy to this thread, you are always there to put out a hand of love when it is most needed...
Yes we are all so blessed (even if I sound corney) to have this wonderous place to lay our thoughts arn't we????? There are so many who post here it's impossible to say than you and hi to all, however I just love to read from everyone keep coming back!!!

On the Secret I wanted to give you our update on how we are placing the secret into our families daily life.... we have set up a family vision board with the rule to not laugh at each others picture or words...
It's a work in progress!!!!!
Oh and my beautiful Yasmin is having a baby.....
Much love to all Gypsie
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Dear Gypsy,

I was just wondering how dear Jack was doing. So he's burping with the boys! 8) :D Well thats a relief! So glad to hear it! That special little guy of yours has given all of us a lot of inspiration.

And Yasmins having a Baby!!! :sunflower: Terrific!... another grandbaby to love! I am so happy for all of you! When is her due date?

Well I am asleep on my feet tonight. Talk top you soon.

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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi everybody!!
Before I commence with the babbling...
Rob (uniquely common) says to tell everybody HI. He's been kind of busy and he'll be back soon.
I don't know about anyone else but this thread gives me a feeling of being apart of something special
Yep, Gypsie... I feel that way too. "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves"-Edna Buchanan
Big CONGRATULATIONS on the news about Yasmin!!! WOO-HOO!! :roll :roll :roll The vision board sounds like a neat idea. I have a 3 ring binder with pockets.

Sandy, is it turning into Fall there yet? I remember you saying how much you love it.

Spring seems to be almost here. The last of the frozen septic pipes has thawed which means I don't have to hike up the hill to the barn to do laundry. YAY... though I will have to find some other form exercise to takes its place... hehehe :lol: The snow piles are almost gone which means I can see the leaves on the ground that I didn't rake last fall. But that's okay. All the doggies are doing pretty well... got 1 fat boy (nickname: GetYourNoseOutofThere) on a diet which means he'll knock you down in the big race to the kitchen. I have a black lab on a bland diet which means he, too, will knock you down in the race to the kitchen. The shepherd mix thinks all the food in the world belongs to him and he usually leads the race to the kitchen and then stands guard at the food bin and the empty dishes. Racing to the kitchen is fine... except we usually end up in the door way all at the same time. The beagle pup just discovered squirrels and can usually be found in the back yard jumping straight up at the tree branches. Too funny really.... I sooooo want to be like the Dog Whisperer guy.... walking through the woods with my 17 doggies walking along and playing nice behind me.... BEHIND me.... What a lovely dream... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Petra, are you doing okay girl?

I agree with everybody who has said this thread is so much fun. Like sitting at the table having a tea party... hehehe

Love you all,

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello you Lovely's, Hello All,

I wondered what had happened to 'our Robob', thought the old git wasn't coming back!!
Gypsie, you're gonna be a gramma? You look old enough to be a mother...just! And don't you give it another thought about any corniness on this thread. Infact, it ain't so much corny, as touching another's life, soul...well, mine anyway! What's corny anyway? Certainly not what I'm reading on this thread!!!
:lol: Stoopid thing happened today! I was so busy today that I was late feeding the an hour! The pigs are okay with that, but the bulls are never! They were mooing like a bunch of starving sacrificial lambs to the slaughter...making a right racket! There was no way I was going to bother to try and face them. So I had this great idea to tippytoe through the field with their sweetmix, (get them unawares) while they were waiting for me by the usual entrance! Big mistake!! The field, (especially where they have been trampling) is all sticky-muddy. So, as I crept up behind them where they still couldn't see me, I suddenly got stuck. My wellies were stuck fast and it took a lot of effort to pull each wellie out for the next step. I was getting really annoyed after 10 minutes of this, and had to let off some steam, (only a little bit) but enough for the heifer to hear me and come a-looking what was going on.
There I was, bucket of sweetmix in one hand and forcing my way toward the trough in the most stickiest, suckiest mud you can imagine, she pops her head around the wall and moo's really loud! I drop the bucket and tell her: "Shhhhh! Shut up, you silly cow!" a minute later, Mr. Huge Horns pops his head around the wall. It was the way Mr Horns popped his head around the wall that made me laugh. Then the other 2 bulls stuck their heads around the back sides of Ms Gingernuts and Mr Big Horns, and I remembered Phil telling me: "Never approach them in the field! Dunno why, but they'll go for you!"
So I ran! Well.....I tried to run. And you know that familiar dream where you are trying to escape but you feel like you're running in very sticky glue,....or mud??? that was me! I managed to leg it to the fence, I threw myself over it rather than jumped, got up and did a 'yahoo!!!' which was very short-lived, because right then 16 pigs came screeching around me like a scene out of Hannibal, and actually threw me off balance, till I landed face down in a huge pile of beep-beep and mud! I cut my hand too and I remember thinking frantically: "When was my last tetanus jab??"
With a face full of muck, I staggered to the bulls barn and they rushed over to me like little children anticipating some sweeties and I barely noticed them. I barged past them and walked to their trough. Mr 60004 (the steer) was butting me from behind and I just suddenly started to find everything so ridiculous and funny. So I laughed and laughed and laughed some more. He still butted me and shoved me about with that hard head of his. So what! I didn't care, because I was finding the whole thing so ridiculously funny.
You know what? I sat there, laughing and crying at the same time, not caring what the heck would happen, with the bucket of sweetmix they so desperately wanted, and they took their turn feeding from the bucket, and the uncastrated one, Mr 60004, actually nuzzled up to me like a pooch would do. I ignored him at first....preferring to make the most of a rest in the pile of soft hay, watching the sun set. But he continued, until I stroked his nose, and then his solid forehead, and then his ears...before you know it, he was letting me pet him like a dog. I gave him a kiss on the snotty wet nose before I walked off.

I hate them and yet I love them. That's it! Perfect balance in my life. Keeps me on my toes and keeps me happy!

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Post by gypsie »

Oh Brenda
You have me in screams of laughter with the black lab :lol: we had a lab called Rosie and food was her mission! nothing else!!! food and licking Charlie Buttons our foxy to death.
One day Harry left his rib fillet on the coffee table to get some bread to make sure not a drop of gravy was left at the end of his meal (you know what they say pets and their owners are alike :roll: )... well I had included gypsy the redhead poodle into the family and she decided (poodles are super smart, not quite like our lab) to have that rib fillet. Up she must have jumped grabed the steak and made a lovely trail of gravy along the floorboards, Harry roared like a lion when his steak was gone. He followed the trail only to find a sad looking poodle covered in gravy and a fat happy labrador licking her lips!!! :sorry:
Harry was furious and of course it was that poodles fault and I suggested maybe it's a sign to start that long awaited diet (HEE HEE)!!! We now laugh our heads off telling friends that story over a Aussie barbie. Thanks for the memory and bringing a smile to my face this morning. Your home reminds me of my days working in the Pet Shop, Sandy you would relate to the madness of a Pet Shop hey?
Yes I am going to be a granmar again!!!! :kiss: The due date is November the 9th (my birthday) poor Yasmin is as sick as and I just give her green tea and say it will pass.
After all the adversity our family has been through I heard my grandchilds heartbeat two days ago and I knew I wasn't alone in the room... My ears buzzed and a very soft voice said "I love you" I often wonder if it is Andrea? something tells me it is her who visits.

The Wayside Chapel raised over 100k for their service to the homeless last week at a fancy black tie doo. You know there are so many moments when i think "if I introduce that person to this person maybe something great will happen" My darling friend Camilla Connolly (the artist who is an open book about her name and past) spoke at the fundraiser and said the next day "Deb you were apart of this happening" but we know it really isn't us, is it?
Is it the Midwayers steering us towards greater good for mankind? Is it our Angels who bring it all together and make these miracles happen? Is it visualisation and the final manisfestation which is how it beomes more than just a dream or a thought? So many will be helped from that money, warm blankets to sleep on the streets, food in their stomachs and now they can set up a better computer room so the many who have given up hope can start the baby steps to empower themselves and become the person who is somewhere behind those lost eyes...
I know all of you have warm and kind hearts I can feel it sitting here ( I am so overwhelmed with love and am not alone in this moment) it's like we are joined and ultimately blessed to have found each other....
Much love Gypsy :kiss:
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Post by gypsie »

Petra must have been posting at the same time?? :scratch: missed yours and just read it you are a scream!!!!! lucky Mr Horns and co to have ya girl!!!
Love ya Gypsie :bike: What about a trail bike?
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Gypsie, I've always wanted to learn how to fly a small plane! There are 2 schools what am i waiting for?

That, and horse riding!! They are both like flying really, eh?
Two things I've always wanted to do! And nothing is going to stop me except death...and even then...? 8)
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Everybody,

Brenda Gypsy and Petra,

Yep it is Autumn here, Brenda. In our vacinity you'd never know anything has changed. The trees still are very much the same and most here do not loose their leaves. There are some Northern Hemishere, imported trees, that some people have planted and I was just told this week that those trees do change color and drop their leaves for a time. This same person told me that Canberra, Australia's Capital, has many of these trees in that area so it might be fun to take a drive that direction and just see what we can see. You know, I just said I saw no visible signs, but something came back to me. Yesterday afternoon I was walking across the yard and there was something a smell ...not sure ...but something intangible signaling change was in the air. It felt like September in North America. Okay, I know that is not much of a description. but for this Fall loving individual it gave my spirits a boost!

I loved the tales of feeding time at your all's places! Oh all you guys had me rolling in the floor! I too had two big lovable but demanding dogs...and one of them was also on a doggy diet so he lived for his mealtimes. I didn't dare get in between him and his food dish when he was eating. My Golden Retriever was young and the bounciest, most happy-go-lucky dog I have ever seen! Nothing upset him nothing phased him. These two were the best of friends I believe in part due to the fact that there was no real competition for dominance or affection between them. The older dog, my lab, was the undisputed leader. (It also helped they were both missing an important part of the male doggy anatomy :oops: )

Oh Petra, You have got to write a book with your farming and life experiences! I keep telling you it will be a best seller! I could just picture you frantically pushing yourself through the mud sneaking your way to the barn and that silly "big mouthed" heifer giving you away! I tell you, if I were your neighbor, I would be out there every day recording your activities for posterity! Thanks for the wonderful smiles and laughs this morning all you guys! It felt so good to let em rip!

Tell Yasmin to hang in there Gypsy! Poor little thing. My mom used to eat soda crackers too to help calm her upset tummy at this time. Just a few...not enough to make you full or anything. I am so happy you can be with her and are no longer clear across the country like you were at one time. Life is good isn't it!

Love you guys!

Oh Brenda, please tell Rob I said hello too if you talk to him soon and to hurry back. (Well when he can anyway) We miss him!
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Post by November »

Sandy wrote: I loved the tales of feeding time at your all's places! Oh all you guys had me rolling in the floor! I too had two big lovable but demanding dogs...and one of them was also on a doggy diet so he lived for his mealtimes. I didn't dare get in between him and his food dish when he was eating. My Golden Retriever was young and the bounciest, most happy-go-lucky dog I have ever seen!
The story of getting between a dog and his food dish reminds me of Marley, my mother's dog. Different dog and circumstances than yours, but she adopted Marley (a german shephard) from the pound. He was almost starved to death and if you touched his food, he would attack. With lots of training, he has turned into a lovable guy and he lets me scratch his tummy, which he didn't before. Unfortunately for my mom, Sammy, her golden retriever whom she also rescued from the pound - he was tied to a doghouse his whole life and not even housebroken - he passed away last week. He had 5 great years with her though. Image
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi November...
I'm so sorry about Sammy, but you're right, he had 5 great years with your mom... probably the best 5 years of his life. I think pound puppies and rescues make some of the best companions. They seem to be so appreciative. I work at a farm and my office is in a wooded area and I saw the first cardinal of the spring the other day and I thought of you right away. Not as fluffy as the one in your picture but a beautiful sight just the same. Give your mom a hug from your dog lovin' friend...
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All
Just a quick note Sandy you can go up to The Blue Mountains and watch fall like you may remember it very soon. The colours of the leaves and the crisp air are astounding!!! Have a google about Katoomba and the three sisters, I know their Autum festival is coming soon..
this tread is just wonderful!!!
Love Gypsie :)
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Everybody,

November, I just have to tell you that I cannot see a beautiful bird without thinking of you and your love for them. Thank you for educating us about so many of them through your Avatar. :D Oh I am sorry your mother lost Sammy. I am glad he had such a good home for the last 5 years of his life and was very much loved by the sounds of it. Strays and pound puppies often do make the greatest of pets. About 6 years ago my son came home with a little dog who had crawled underneath his car while he was out fishing. I wish you could have seen the look on his face when he came to the door and said, "Mom, I have a problem!" My heart sank as he led me to the car. I was afraid he had backed into something or been in an accident. When he opened the door and I first layed eyes on "little Mitzi" I was so relieved that this was the problem he was concerned about! The poor little dear was half starved from being on her own so long. But in no time we had her fattened up and well on her way to adjusting to being loved and cared for. It was about this time that my parents came for a visit. I knew Mitzi and my parents were getting along well together but I was still very surprised when Dad said they would love to take Mitzi with them if I could bear parting with her. It was definitely a match made in heaven. She is such a furry little blessing...I've never seen a dog with so much love packed inside such a tiny frame. The three of them are practically inseparable. And to think we narrowly missed finding my parent's "treasure of a lifetime."

Brenda, it sounds as if you have a perfect work setting. Whose the little cutie in the picture with you?

Thanks for the Autumn tip Gypsy. I will look Katoomba up as soon as I get off of here tonight. Sounds good to me!

Petra If you want to fly a plane and ride a horse, I just know you can do anything you set your mind to. How did feeding time go today?

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Dear Sandy, Gypsie, Debbie and the whole bally beautiful lot of you...

How did feeding go? Well, I take each moment as it comes now. Thalia insists on coming with me now...every single time. The girl is fearless and simply stands there, both arms ahead of her shouting merrily: "Hey hey hey ho ho! Stay, stay staaaaaaay!" (Like they're pet dogs being trained to do basic commands! works though). And I skiddaddle off, and empty the sweetmix in their troughs. Soon as I give the command, Thalia let's them go and they run towards that trough drooling and everything! Then we put a whole of heap of hay out for them and most of the time while we're chatting about this and that, along comes LoonyToons Mr. 60004 and is so used to Thalia, he lets her tickle his ears, and stroke that huge forehead. Yesterday I nervously watched as she handed him fresh hay and after he took it and chewed it thoroughly, he sniffed right up to her face and licked her mouth and nose! Which pleased the heck out of her.
I looked into flying lessons and all I need to get my licence is about 3 grand and a I'm working on the £3,000...
As for the riding lessons? Much cheaper at a reasonable £15 an hour....

I love hearing about our pets and kid's. Thank Goodness for this thread, I love it! Let's me let off some pent-up stresses from feeding time. Haha!
You know, I'll probably start to miss it after a few days. Ain't life strange? Or maybe it's just me... :? :geek:

Love Pet XXX
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Post by gypsie »

Petra I just love your stories and feel great after reading them, Jack could of used Thalia when he spent the weekend with his friend in Murwillumbah (first place the sun touches Australia in the morning) anyway Jack was incharge of doing the knot on the gate after they had seperated the wet from dry cows (have no idea what that means) poor sausage couldn't understnd how to do it so the 80 or so cows turned around ran at him and the gate reopened..... "Mum" he yelled thank God your here lets go and fast... all I could hear was cows mooing and a jackaroo swearing hi head off,, we laughed our heads off..
wouldn't it be wonderful if one day we could arrange a gathering of us all somewhere someplace sometime, I am putting it onto my vision board!!!

Caught the last 15 minutes of Opera today and smiled within myself when she said imagine if children could understand The Secret? I thought of Jack's gratitude list and billy giving a little boy his skate board and though Operah they already are!!!! My boys are starting to put the secret into their daily lives... we are writing a menu at the moment and suggesting dishes of what we'd like from the universe, so when anyone feels a bit down we will pick up the menu and place an order!!! Today will be great ....
hope you had a chance to google The blue Mountains Autum Festval it realy is quite a beautiful place....smelling the lemon myrtle, lillypillys and the endless supply of falling leaves you will both have a special time just meandering through the villages or walking the backstreets of Leura whose gardens are a vibrant explosion of colour YUM
Still waiting for some cooler weather here :scratch: can't understand why it's still hot, could be my age hey?
My mother is here, she broke down on the phone about the type of housing she had been given, it was really sad. Harry grabed the phone and tod her to jump on the plane and come and live with us until we find something, it's strange all my baggage is gone (it got too heavy anyway) and now I see a woman who is frighted about aging and looking to us for those basic needs like shelter... Maslow explains it clearer. I picked her up from the airport and she needed a wheelchair, as i pushed the chair the tears rolled down my face (mum had no idea) and thought this is what it's all about - the simple act of love regardless of any history - to help a person feel loved I think is the ultimate gift....
I do love you all so much gypsie
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Post by mrscbvet »

Good morning everybody!!
I just loved Sandy's story about Mitzi... awwww :loves How sweet... And then followed up with Gypsie and her mom.... Oh my ... these just made my day :D .... however I have absolutely no clue what a lillypilly is.... hehehe!!

The little beauty in the picture with me is Breanna, my "adopted" granddaughter. In the picture she is showing off her two missing teeth. She's so proud :lol: :lol: I had forgotten what a right of passage that is for a child!! She was very excited about the pending visit from the Toothairy... NOT the Tooth Fairy, mind you, ... but the Toothairy... :lol: :lol: :lol: Little trouble with the F's.... toooo cute really. Aren't kids just the cutest things sometimes?
Hope everybody's day is good...
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Post by November »

mrscbvet wrote:Hi November...
I'm so sorry about Sammy, but you're right, he had 5 great years with your mom... probably the best 5 years of his life. I think pound puppies and rescues make some of the best companions. They seem to be so appreciative. I work at a farm and my office is in a wooded area and I saw the first cardinal of the spring the other day and I thought of you right away. Not as fluffy as the one in your picture but a beautiful sight just the same. Give your mom a hug from your dog lovin' friend...
Brenda 8)
Cardinals are one of my favorite birds. I just love that flash of brilliant red in the tree. The females are cute too.

Sandy - I love that story of Mitzi! That is one lucky dog!

Thanks to both of you for your kind words about Sammy :D
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"The Secret" article

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Post by gypsie »

Also Deleted by me and did it myself finally I'm learning my way around this board however I did ask for some help from my Angels .........
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
love and light Gypsie
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Post by mrscbvet »

Dear paradoxa and gypsie,
I was just asking.... I didn't mean to cause any problem. I will remove my previous post. Sorry.
Love to you both,
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Post by George »

Deleted too!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Intent is ALL that counts
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