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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Mo,
I'm laughin' and babblin'!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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The Secret on Oprah

Post by Rabin »

I thought y'all may be interested in this info:

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne

I am thrilled to announce that The Secret is being featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show broadcasting across the United States this coming Thursday February 8th. This very special show dedicated entirely to The Secret will then reach the rest of the world over the coming weeks!

Appearing with Oprah are Michael Beckwith,
Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, James Ray and myself.
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Rabin...
Already got the recorder set up. Thanks for the reminder.
Brenda 8)
aka: "shedoesbabbledoesntshe"
And Kim, of course you can join... all babblers welcome! :D
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Post by Sandy »

Dear Kim,

First of all I want to apologize for saying what I did about hamsters. George too had the most wonderful experience with hamsters when he was a youngster and he too is appalled at my attitude toward such a tiny cute creature. I think the pet shop atmosphere is not the best place to develop a loving relationship. I am trying to place myself in theirs and I too would be a little aggressive and lash out in fear at a strange hand that periodically reaches into my cage and trys to pick me up. I got some nasty bites soon after I began there, in fact I still bear the scars that sort of made me wary of them. So I believe they sensed my fear from that and responded in turn. It all goes back to positive thoughts and love doesn't it. :D
Oh your fire extinguisher comment brought back a memory. I may like to cook, but to be completely honest I am not all that crash hot at it. One night many years ago and the day after I had made a huge pan of lasagne, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. Out of sight out of mind...I had forgotten the mess the lasagne had made in the bottom of the oven. :( Well, as you can imagine smoke was rolling out of the oven and when I opened the door it burst into flames! :shock: I'm squealing and dancing around the kitchen trying to figure out how to use the fire extinguisher! The calvary (My family) entered just in time to see me aim the contraption at the oven and shoot our little beagle who was standing behind me with a spray of foam! I had the darn thing backwards! :oops: She was no worse for wear and in all honesty needed a bath anyway. But as you can imagine in a family with teenage boys, I never lived it down! :lol:

The rolled meatloaf yummy! I think George will love it! He likes both broccoli and Swiss Cheese. Thanks bunches for the new idea!

Thanks to you too Rabin! I will be watching for Oprah's show here in Australia and have told others I know in the U.S. about the show on February 8!

Mo, Brenda, Petra, Kim, you babblers crack me up! Just for the record I love everything that comes out of your alls mouths!

Love and laughter to all,
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Post by Uniquely Common »

Oh Brenda my dear....on the contrary, I think your just
"babblelicious" :love
Babble on you "babbleluptuous babblelectable babblemaniac".

:wink: :wink: :wink: :loves

Babblelovingly yours,


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Post by gypsie »

Hi all
House hunting is now over!!!! :stars: KNOK my head is spinning around :roll and the prices are just over the top in Sydney!!! I figured if something is that difficult then maybe I am swimming aganist the tide, need to relax and get my soul a bit more settled and then practice my vision board without frustration :duh I kind of get the message the secret is about calm thoughts not a lunatic driving around Sydney running on my will... I liked the little rats as well but could never have one as Mr Wigs (our cat) would eat it in a minute.. Charlie buttons foxy personality would come out in the shop each time the rabbit hutches needed cleaning. He would stand there one paw up and ears on alert. I turned my back once and all hell broke loose, he's jumped into the box with the rabbits and it was rolling around the shop. Out the hopped with Charlie in hot persuit into Woolworths. There I was running around woolworths trying to catch rabbits with a foxy barking like mad. I can laugh now but at the time center management wasn't very impressed :spiderman:
that meat loaf sounds yummy I am going to make it, I'm hungry just thinking of it, emmmm..
Hi MO love your new aviator, where did you get it from?
Your's also is that a ghesia?
Hey brenda babble away I just love this thread!! :hithere International friendships and I don't have to leave home..
Also wanted to add I have been getting 2 different prompts this week, 444 and 333 I know there is a thread here explaining the different prompts just wondered if they gave another message from a different source. as always 11:11 is forever in our life here Jack is getting them almost daily now and wants to tell everyone at school about it, I have no idea how to explain this to him for show and tell :scratch: he is in a catholic school so it may be complicated, nice school though they play Ben Lee every morning which was so different to when I was being tought by the nuns :sorry: don't wish to offend anyone, Mother Theresa was the greatest nun as Mary Mc killop. Women of great inspiration, I once read a quote by Mother Theresa "If we just learned to love each other just a bit more and gave that love away to someone in need our planet's suffering people would no longer feel alone" Bless her
love gypsie
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Post by gypsie »

Hi there uniquely common :hithere so cool to see you on the thread, Billy calls you "the man who fixed him" :kiss: from Billy

Sandy PLEASE don't tell me it's today here in Australia the Oprah show is on :bomb I'll scream if I have missed it :( we are always behind in Australia PLEASE let it be in a week!!! can you let me know I don't even have a TV guide, can you all let us here down under know all about it, thanks Rabin for letting us know, this concept is changing my children's lives, Jack's teacher asked me this morning where she could get a copy she is very interested applying it to the classroom. A teacher who plays Ben Lee's "catch my disease" in the classroom and with children singing SET YOURSELF FREE is a ripper of a way to start the day.
I also wanted to say sorry for all the mistakes on my last post, I was chatting to a friend in need and may have to put in a healing request for Bianca later tonight.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all meet in person one day? vision board here we come love to all you beauties Gypsie :love
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Gypsie,
Tell the teacher to try ...

The fire extinguisher story... oh my.... tooooo much!!! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time... but it's hysterical now!! I can see it... poor little traumatized beagle... hehehe.... oh my...
On the cooking subject... FYI... Did you know that bacon will turn to black liquid if left unattended long enough? Yeppers. Nothing even remotely resembling bacon left in the pan.... sent the pan out the back door like a frisbee with a handle. And boy the meatloaf roll does sound good, doesnt it?
Love you all,
"babblesonandon" :D
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Post by Uniquely Common »

Hey Gypsie Girl,

Glad to have given sound suggestions. :kiss: There's one for Billy too. Anyway, though I've been pre-occupied, I've been reading the thread and this "Secret" thing has really got all you gals in a frenzy of sorts. May be worth checkin out then. Sorry, won't watch Oprah though, and don't ask.

FYI to all you ladies...bacon is sacred to men. It's on top of the major food groups far as we're concerned. Brenda, how dare you reduce our staple to a smoldering black sludge...brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I'm not one to cry over spilled milk, but damn.... :cry:

Have a great day you crazy bunch o glorious, lovely ladies, :love

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi All You Beautiful Babblers!

I just love all the bountiful babblistics bursting forth on this thread, and all your great stories and humor, and would like to add some more ingredients of my own to this on-going "beauteous babble-brew"! :lol:


It sounds like you made an excellent choice to go within and follow Sandy's wise advice to get in touch with your own truest feelings regarding your chat group. I prematurely jumped to the conclusion that you felt primarily negative about it when I answered your post earlier. In retrospect, I think a better response on my part would have been something like, "Follow your own heart on the matter, since you're the only one who can really know what your own intuition is telling you!" That's great that you were able to apply the principles of The Secret, focus on your shared beliefs rather than your differences, and create a really positive experience! I wish you and your group continued positive interactions.


Regarding the yoga, yes, I've used that same technique for tired/sore muscles as well, just being all the more slow and gentle as necessary -- in my experience, tired muscles (especially if, as is my case recently, they're tired from lack of regular exercise!) really benefit from being stretched, respond really well, and feel a lot less tired afterwards. In some cases, if a muscle is extremely sore because I've really pulled it badly, I might wait a day or two for it to heal before trying the stretches -- it comes down, once again, to that recurring theme here of being patient, gentle and attentive with ourselves.

Sandy and Gypsy Deb,

I've enjoyed reading your stories of your pet-shop jobs; that must have been fun, working so closely with animals! I love animals -- we had lots of different animals, as well as birds and fish, as kids. We never had hamsters, but we did have guinea pigs. They seemed not to be the smartest creatures; we used to make mazes of tunnels out of books for them to go through, and they couldn't seem to find their way out! :scratch:

Kim, Sandy and Brenda,

I've also loved all your tales of unusual inventive recipes and funny cooking stories -- in that category, my sweetie Ron and I have been looking around for online recipes and experimenting to come up with lower-calorie alternatives to fudge. We found and tried one recipe with food-processed lima beans in it, of all things, which I actually found amazingly good considering (although Ron likes it less than I do -- I will admit, you do sometimes get chewy little bits of bean skins in some bites! :shock: )


Conbabbulations on your babblificent word choices! I enjoyed your comments about bacon too! :colors:

Love to you all, and by all means, babble on, friends! :sunny:

Debbabble (notice how this word appends so easily and naturally to the end of my name!) :D
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Post by Petra Wilson »

mrscbvet wrote:Did you know that bacon will turn to black liquid if left unattended long enough? Yeppers. Nothing even remotely resembling bacon left in the pan.... sent the pan out the back door like a frisbee with a handle
Hey Babblebren, may I ask what on earth were you doing so long away from your bacon? Bet you were here on the MB eh? :wink:
I just fried some of our bacon for the kids. I wish computers had smell-mode! I'd have had you bacon-lover's drooling!

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Post by AJ »

you all are making me very hungry this morning.
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Post by November »

Petra Wilson wrote:I just fried some of our bacon for the kids. I wish computers had smell-mode! I'd have had you bacon-lover's drooling!
I l-o-o-v-v-v-e-e bacon! I can eat a bacon and cheese omelette with bacon on the side anytime :D
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Post by Morning Light »

I am doing the 9 day Isagenix Cleanse :shock: Yesterday I kept going to the fridge only to remember that I cannot eat anything... just drink the cleanse drink 4 times a day, take accelerator herbal supplements and occasional vanilla snacks... chalky little pieces :mrgreen: Don't get me wrong, I am not fasting for 9 days. It is 2 days cleanse 5 days drinking a special shake for breakfast a sensible lunch and a shake for dinner. Then another 2 day cleanse.

But I am keeping in the spirit of The Secret. I laid out some clothes that I want to fit into again and I've placed pictures of me at a weight that is good for me where I can see them.

Yesterday while in Alabama my husband was in a car accident. Apparently a man driving a dump truck was not paying attention to the road, could not stop and drove in between my husbands and the car next to him. Side swiped both of thier cars :shock: The people watching it unfold said he was headed directly for Lowell then turned a bit. He is pretty shaken up but feeling lucky to be alive today.

Yesterday I saw 111, 333, 555 and 777!

Hey you'all, that bacon is sounding really good! Of course yesterday a rock was looking mighty tasty... Now I'm on day two of the first cleanse :D

Okay I am thinking positive and vizualizing how good it is going to be and feel when I am at my perfect weight! I am so excited to see The Secret... I rarely watch TV but this will be something worthwhile! I'm stoked!

Big luvin's to all you babbling beauties and gorgeous men!
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Gypsy Deb,

I am picturing you in Woolworths chasing rabbits up and down the isle! Sounds like fun! At least if you are on the audience end of the escapades! Now come on sis, You know you had a good belly laugh afterwards! :lol: I love rabbits but we were not allowed to sale them. (The owners's decision. There was just too much overhead with their care)
I am not sure when Oprah comes on here. I was hoping that you would know. I'll buy a guide tomorrow and try and find out. It sort of read from Rabin's and Brenda's post that it will first be shown in the U.S. and then later be shown in other Countries, but I could easily be wrong.
I loved this quote of mother theresa's:
I once read a quote by Mother Theresa "If we just learned to love each other just a bit more and gave that love away to someone in need our planet's suffering people would no longer feel alone" Bless her
What a beautiful person she was. Truly lived a life of love and service to God and her human siblings.

Hi Brenda and Rob and Petra,

Oh I love the smell of Bacon! I used to eat a lot of that good smelling stuff when I was on the Adkins diet and before I became a vegetarian.
So much so that I sort of got tired of it. :shock: If you can imagine! Brenda the little kid in me wants to, all in the name of science mind you, try to fry a piece of bacon into liquid as well! :P It 's a wonder you didn't set your house on fire. Petra, it sounds and looks like (from the pictures Thalia posted) like you and the kids have had a great snow day!

Hi Debbabble,

My muscles haven't had a good stretch for months now, so I am anticipating a little soreness... that is if I ever get at those cards.(lazy) But perhaps by following the gentle visuals that your yoga teacher suggested that may not be a problem.
Guinea pigs are such wonderfully sweet animals. We had a fair number of them at the shop. You know that squealing they doo when they want something good to eat? Our resident African Gray Parrot picked that right up. It was rather comical to see a parrot sounding like a guinea pig. Gray's are brilliant talkers. They mimic the voices and accents nearly perfectly.

Okay it is time to say good night! Your alls turn to spread the love!
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Mo, November and AJ,

I just saw your alls post. Not sure how I missed them. I think I clicked and responded to the first topic reply notification for the secret instead of the last. Hope you guys are feeling Great this fine day!

Mo hang in there.

I have a cleanser regiment in our closet that I have never been brave enough to begin. I bet you are going to feel terrific afterwards! On second thought, I know you are going to feel terrific! :cheers: Oh I am glad that your Lowell is okay. Sounds like he had some pretty busy angels around him.

Love you guys, :kiss:
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Post by Morning Light »

Hey Thanks Sweet Sis for the vote of confidence :loves
Warm Hugs
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Post by Morning Light »

I can't seem to find Oprah in the TV guide :scratch: Can anyone tell me which station she is with.... ABC, CBS or NBC?

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Post by Gai*11 »

Dear Sis, that would be CBS! :)

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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Mo',
I sure am glad Lowell is okay. WOW. Good luck with the cleansing.
Oprah... CBS it's on in the afternoons here... don't know about your area.
Love you sis'
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Post by Morning Light »

:lol: I Love it! You both posted at the same time. I am loving all of this togetherness LUV2

Sweet Luvin's to the Both of You :cheers:
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Post by Morning Light »

Oh and thank you for your care and concern for Lowell. I wish I were with him right now.

I'll be thinking of all of you while I watch The Secret today!

winks :wink:
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Post by gypsie »

I am so glad Lowell is not hurt car accidents can relally shake us up so tell him to reassure his soul he is safe and the Angels were caring for him, so happy he is ok MO.
My girlfriend was in an accident last year a semi lost control and went stranight into the back of her twin brothers car. The witnesses said it was really unusual because the car became airborne and gently landed (that was the front end, the back was gone) on the footpath on the opposite side of the road. Mardi is a yoga teacher, man can that woman do yoga she built her humble yoga school from a few to to around 800. she just returned from India and said the highlight was teaching Monks yogo in some mountain ministery. I am one of her oldest friends and she still loves me even if I eat bacon, have a fag and am completly addicted to diet coke :roll:
Anyway back to the accident when she woke up lying on the footpath her twin said look Mardi, she told me she went stone cold as she was sitting in front of the old cemetry in Melbourne and both her and Mark could see their grandparents headstones, it was also in Bell street and that is the family name. One witness said it was like the car had been lifted and the accident investigation team still say it was impossible for the car to become airborne from that angle. Angels work hard don't they?
Mo you have gone from yummy recepies to a rock looking good to eat, I can't stop laughing, isn't it full on when we choose to change our eating habbits and the fridge becomes the most visited place in the house? gosh why can't I work out this quoting business :oops: I tried again with your post Mo and it didn't work!
The parrots are smart arn't they Sandy we had a parrot which would ring like the telephone harry would say "Deb you bird is ringing" one night Harry got up tho answer the bird!!!!
Super pleased Oprah wasn't on yesterday I will ring the stations Sandy to find out.
Woke to the passing of Anna Nicole Smith, I just sat there and cried, I never really knew much about her except the way the media would turn any mistake of hers into what at times seemed like a attack. I know she would have had her demons, I can't comment as I have a very big glass house. However I did say a prayer with my boys for her and the son who passed and the baby girl left behind, very sad :cry:
Much love to the gang gypsie
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Post by Morning Light »

:D Ahh Gypsie!
I am grinning from ear to ear after your post! You are so fun and your stories are magical and quite often hilarious :lol: I'm still laughing over this...
one night Harry got up and answered the bird!!! :D
Along with Sandy spraying her beagle in the face with the fire extinguisher :lol:

Anyhoo, thank you for your love and concern for Lowell. He is still pretty shaken up by it all. He's come to the realization of how easily you can be here, alive and breathing, and in the next moment checking out :? He said it was a real wake up call :shock: I am glad that he is not injured in any way... wake up calls are a good thing... me thinks :wink:

That is one amazing story about your friend and all of the synchronicities. The angels are pretty good at issueing wake up calls eh? She sounds like a wonderful friend!
I am one of her oldest friends and she still loves me even if I eat bacon, have a fag and am completly addicted to diet coke
She wouldn't be much of a friend if she didn't :wink: I smoked for several years myself. But I understand what you are saying.... health fanatics and judgements about what other people choose to eat, drink, smoke. I've been subjected to that on occasion and it all gets very wierd :mrgreen: It's a religion for some folks.

I am extreme for very short periods of time, in regards to fasting and getting back on track... eating more healthy, less caffiene, less wine, saturated fats... and yes I Doo Love my Bacon, less refined sugar, flour... ya know everyday fare :wink: I need a kick start but I will have to find a middle of the road long term diet... really healthy eating seems soo extreme. I often go bonkers after two or three months and binge on every possible no no food there is :pig:

My daughter in law and I watched Oprah today and it was excellent I am soo excited to see where it all goes from here :shock: Although I've known The Secret for 16 years and I haven't done anything that I would consider mind blowing... I seem to be a slow learner in that regard... but I do believe absolutely that the Law of Attraction works.

I agree, it is all very sad about Anne Nicole Smith, her son who passed away recently and her new born daughter. It could not have been an easy life... fame is not all it is cracked up to be 8)

Well I sure Love You Deb and Everyone!
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone!


Computer smell-mode, what a concept, I'll bet someone's working on that technology as we speak! :study:

November et al,

I agree, I love the taste and smell of bacon too! These days, we mostly just put it in salads since we're continually trying to improve our eating habits, but it sure does enhance other food, even in small quantities! By the way, great picture, November! :D


Wow, sorry to hear about Lowell being in a car accident, but it sure sounds like he was protected by angels, as others have commented; thank Goodness for their presence in our lives! :happy

I've never tried to fast myself, though I've heard others' stories of success with it. I'm holding an image of you being thrilled with the results of your fast! I took an herbal medicine class a little over a year ago, and the teacher, an extremely healthy person, recommended a liver-cleansing beverage that you mix up in the blender and drink first thing every morning for several days -- it has lots of raw garlic in it, though, so I've never actually gotten up the nerve to try it! :?


On the stretching again, it just occurred to me to tell you about this book I've used for years, called "Stretching" by Bob Anderson. It has cute little drawings of a whole bunch of different series of simple stretches to do for different activities, including many different kinds of sports, but also, just everyday stretch routines to do while you're sitting in the floor watching TV, or for walking, back tension, indoor and outdoor housework, etc. I haven't been exercising much recently, so I often do hamstring stretches and such here and there from this book in the evenings while watching TV.

Yes, parrots are funny; they can really mimic anything! My parents used to have parrots, along with three or four pomeranians who would all bark simultaneously whenever anyone came to the door. One parrot learned how mimic the sound of not just one dog, but specifically of several dogs barking simultaneously! :lol:

I enjoyed watching Oprah's episode on the Secret today too. Here are a couple of links I got from the Law Of Attraction newsgroup, for those of you who didn't see it yet but might be interested (you can try cutting and pasting them into your browser if they end up too long to be clickable):

1) A recap of the show: ... _101.jhtml

2) Video highlights of the show:

Well, it's late, time to go get some sleep over here!
Love and Blessings to you all, :loves

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