The Secret

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The Secret

Post by gypsie »

Hi Just a quick post as I am still coming to terms with what I just watched. Has anyone watched 'The Secret'? I just sat through it with a beautiful girlfriend who I have know for 30 years, we were speachless!!

I found it amazing to think if I have a thought like 'ONE DAY I WILL HAVE' blocks the process. In the DVD you do a meditation where you connect your feelings to your thoughts and it was a powerful experience. I found it interesting also that 'Miracle Man' was a speaker on it..
They claim the scribe was burried for over 2000 years and is a key tool to connecting and manifesting our thoughts positive or negitive into reality. I also found it interesting they expressed a Anti War Rally only added fuel to War, where a Peace Rally creates peace quantim energy.. Just wondered if any 11:11ers had experienced "The secret"? Geoff if this is not the correct thing to post on the board I'm sorry, I just felt it was spritually rewarding for all. If you need to edit I will understand...
Much love to all deb alias Gypsie :kiss:
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Post by blue nova »

Very interesting gypsie, excuse my naivity :mrgreen: ..this is a movie that's out on DVD ?
They claim the scribe was burried for over 2000 years and is a key tool to connecting and manifesting our thoughts positive or negitive into reality
WOOOW !!! There's a part of me that's always wondered if there's something out there like that.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Deb,

Its fine. I just could not believe they would call it "secret". Its never been a secret to any of the sources I read.

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Post by gypsie »

Hi Nova Blue
Yes it's a DVD I think there are two; one you watch and one you listen to at home or while driving. I am trying to get myself a copy. Geoff I knew you would know about this, I guess I have all along also, much of the DVD I nodded in awareness. the thing which I enjoyed so much about it was it gave positive directions on how to send the energy out in the way you want it back. Positive affimations have been around forever, we know that, it was the fact even the slightest negitive thought would manifest itself. I have lived to experience manifestation, I did it with my old Queenslander however,what this video showed me was my low self esteem would never go away if I allowed the anxiety to live inside me. I woke up this morning and dropped the milk, normally I would go :evil: but I said today is going to be a wonderful day :loves no doubt it was the time for me to be spritually reminded and I feel that is why this DVD came to me. As for the name 'THE SECRET' who knows why they called it this? No idea but I just loved it! :kiss: love Deb
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Re: The Secret

Post by RR »

Yep, I've watched the DVD of it. I noticed the law of attraction in smaller occurences in my life.. and one time, I almost "indirectly" won a maserati spyder. I had wanted that car for quite some time... then as the months went on, I stopped thinking about it. Turns out my dad ended up being in a free stockmarket game and the winning prize was a maserati spyder.. the same model of the car that I wanted... and that car is fairly obscure compared to a lot of other sportscars. My dad was in the top 2% of candidates to get the car but he didn't win it...

I had a picture of the car framed over my bed.. but to be honest I stopped thinking about it several months before that.. and even when my dad told me he was in a contest to win the still didn't dawn on me. I never told him I wanted that type of car, it's nothing we ever talk about. Surprised me that he would even mention it.

Maybe if I put more energy into wanting it, and acting as if the car was mine...who knows.
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Deb,

Yes, I've watched "The Secret," (very motivating and inspiring!) and have been in a newsgroup based on it for two or three months. Many people on that group recommend watching the DVD over and over and over again to really internalize the beliefs. I've watched it two or three times so far (often in bits and pieces while working out on the treadmill!) I hadn't heard about the audio version yet -- that would be really useful!

Blue Nova, yes, it's a DVD that's out. It may be available from several different sources by now, but I know for sure you can watch it on-line at your computer for $4.95 U.S. at . After you view it, they give you the chance to buy it for a $5 U.S. discount -- that's where I got my copy.

RR, Welcome to the boards, and cool story about the Maserati!

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The secret

Post by cozmicray »

Yes a great film/documentary I have recommended it to many people, it's on a similar line to what the bleep I thought. I agree with what Geoff said
Its fine. I just could not believe they would call it "secret". Its never been a secret to any of the sources I read.
It really is no secret it's stuff we knew all along, and what we have been working with all these years, that's how we ended up on this forum. I must say though I did get a good feeling from watching it, it kind of reaffirmed a lot of what I think personally. You know the kind of stuff the normal (not saying were abnormal) people think your nuts for believing in. These kind of films are great for getting the general population talking, and if it does that, then it's doing a good job as far as I'm concerned.

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Post by gypsie »

Thankyou, thankyou Aqualeaf I knew someone here would know more about it, I spent the day with my 25year old daugther and I explained how it worked, well as much as I understood. She came rushing into the house and said "Why don't I ever have nice things happen to me Mum?" I answered repeat what you just said, Yasmin did and I told her this is why; what you put out to the universe you receive....
She then went into a rampage about having no money, not the happy relationship, why do my friends get to have weddings and I'm a almost single Mum and will never get my (muslim) relations to my wedding anyway..GOSH the list went on and on.. I sat her down and said you can change anything from this moment. Now this girl grew up with a partly hippy urban Mum and knows about the law of positive thinking, I gave her 'Women who run with Wolves' for her 13th birthday. But i get the feeling she needs to see it to think it and therefore feel it :happy
If you know what I mean? Gosh DO I? Anyway I loved the link and am now going to follow this one. I agree Geoff it really isn't a secret but to have it explained in this manner may reach people like Yasmin, kids who just can't get it through books, websites or meditation tapes, I believe this DVD will be in a language she understands... She can't wait to watch the DVD and I know for her this may be one of the ways for Yasmin to get it! She did a quick meditation with me today and i yelled "FEEL IT!" then she burst into tears because her visualisation maybe for the first time in her life felt real, finally she felt what it was like to have some of the things she has always believed were out of her reach. As for me what a task to monitor the negitive thoughts after all we have 60,000 thoughts a day. But to start with 'I am' instead of 'I will have' and it forever remaining in the future is a new concept. I thought today imagine really understanding this to the point where it is the norm and being in contact with my celestial friends will bring the endless restlessness and anxiety which are at times deep rooted within me. Childhood baggage has been mentioned before but to start fresh and know this particular DVD came my way for a reason is like a puzzle coming together..

Then of course I had a vision of George doing a DVD and became quite excited at the concept of this because many people today like to watch something, just a thought George if you happen to catch this thread..
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Debbie!
I have the DVD... thanks to a very dear friend of mine. I Love it! I know it is not a secret to us... but I do think it is not well known to the masses.

I Love the book 'Women who Run with Wolves'! How did she like it as a 13 year old? We have lots in common Deb!

Hang in there with the kiddo's your doin great :wink:

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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Deb, Hi Mo'...
Saw "The Secret", thought it was fascinating. If it is a secret now, it won't be much longer... word is that Oprah is having a show about it on Jan. 31st.
Love you,
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Post by Morning Light »

Wow Brenda!
That is excellent news :shock:
Big Luvin's to You :wink:
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Post by gypsie »

How exciting I had lunch with a friend today with a great old mate
(BOYS STARTED SCHOOL :bana: :bana: ) and tried to explain the concept of just by having a negitive thought it gives it fuel, she thought about her situation and went "that is so simple but I have never thought about it like that" Off we went to watch the Queen I cried my eyes out, just loved The Princess of Wales but also enjoyed the movie. It was quite amazing to relive the impact her passing had on a global level, I remembered Mother Thersa passed the same week and she was also mentioned on 'The Secret'.
My daugther Yasmin loved the book MO' I just got her back after a 7 year battle so we spent 2 years living in a old Art deco unit near the beach in Sydney. It was bliss :kiss: and yasmin would lay at the end of my bed as I read the stories to her, her favorite from memory was th seal skin story. Yes, Mo we do have so much in common and I am not supprised you have the Secret, I will soon also can't wait for Oprah, imagine if the masses could be given this gift of positive love :happy Much love to all deb X
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Post by mrscbvet »

Good morning Debbie and Mo',
I got this in my email this morning... thought I should pass it on. Guess we'll just have to wait.

OPRAH UPDATE: The Oprah show on The Secret will not air live on January 31st. Oprah wants to make sure the show provides the most impact that it can, so she decided it would be best to tape and edit the show instead. We won't know the air date until a few days after the taping on January 31st, but we'll be sure to keep you updated as soon as we know.

Have a great day girls!!
Brenda 8)
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Deb!
I loved the seal who turned into a woman story also :wink: I am so glad that you and your daughter are now reunited. I am sure that it has not been easy but it sounds like you are raising Yasmin to be a strong and independent woman! You go girl!

Yeah, the whole Oprah thing is very exciting to me too!

Wow and thanks for the Update Brenda :shock: I am glad to see that she is taking it all so seriously.

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Post by starchild »

I've been practicing the secret as well. I'm always trying to be more positive. Sometimes I think that the world is against me, and I realize that if that's what I put out then that's what is happening. So I'm trying harder to put out only good thoughts. Life does present a challenge to that though. I think I can do it.
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Post by Seeker13 »

Thanks all for bringing this movie to light. I want to watch it with Aleah. It's funny, I was just talking to her this morning about not getting stuck in the negativity web that's been surrounding her friends lately. "Positive affirmations! Repel the negativity!"

8th grade is kind of like having a root canal... every day! It's one of those times in your life when being empathic isn't so easy.

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Post by Petra Wilson »

<<star child says: So I'm trying harder to put out only good thoughts. Life does present a challenge to that though. I think I can do it. >>

I love that starchild. I don't think you can do it, I KNOW you can!

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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Seeker!
Sounds like a great idea. I keep forgetting to watch it with my kiddo's.
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Post by lcowles7 »

Hi Everyone,

I first heard of "The Secret" back in November from a neighbour but have not watched it yet. I researched it on the net and also found "What the Bleep". A funny thing happened just before Christmas - I have 2 sisters - one asked me if I heard of The Secret and the other asked me if I heard of What the Bleep. My sister gave me a copy of "What the Bleep" and I love it - the possibilities are endless! What a coincidence that they both asked me about the movies I was trying to get to watch!

Thanks Deb for giving me a little more info on The Secret. I will also say "I am" instead of "I will". My sister is trying to get me a copy of The Secret and can't wait to see it!

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Post by Sandy »

Hi everybody,

This just came to George yesterday and might help all you Australians out there who would like to view The Secret.
Hi Everyone,

To anyone who has not yet seen “The Secret” it will be screened on Channel 9 at 10.30 pm this Saturday night. This movie is taking the world by storm. For anyone with connections interstate it is being screened in all capital cities at the same time.


Love and Hugs,

I haven't seen it yet and I can't wait after all the wonderful reviews I have heard about it. I am afraid I am guilty too of being, just a little... okay, a lot, negative. I used to say with a smile that there was always a little black cloud following me around and there probably was with that attitude! (Of course as dry as it has been around these parts that might not be considered such a bad thing. :) )Anyway, time to change all that!
Kim, when you spoke of your daughter Aleah, it brought back old memories of eight grade for me. It was probably one of the most emotionally difficult times in my young life. It was one of those transition years between being the free spirited child I always was and wanting to conform to what was expected of me as a teenager from my girlfriends. Having a root canal is a good way to describe it! :)

Love to all you guys,
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Post by mrscbvet »

Hi Sandy!
Well it finally turned cold and snowed... currently 11 degrees and we've had about 8" of snow in the last week.
FYI... The Secret can be seen on in 4 parts. Each part is about 22 minutes long. (Listed by "mindswell". )
In the search box just type in (just like this) "The Secret Part 1"
It takes a little while because of the buffer... best to let load the 1st time through then replay it...
When it comes up there are links to the other 3 parts listed on the right.
Hope all is well with you!
Love to you and your family,
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello everyone!

Ray, I am going to take what you said about that "The Secret" is a film to get people talking! That is exactly what I've been needing for a group of chatters I have come to know really well. They regulars in a religion room oh yahoo chat. I wasnt sure why I was there for quite a while. The room is full of atheists and christian, mostly. They are contantly bickering back and forth and actually sometimes they seem to get joy out of this.

Ironically, most of the atheists are former Christians but found that there were discrepencies in the bible. I'll tell you, I have never read the bible, so I have really come about this naturally, so to speak. Actually nature does have a lot to do with it.

Anyway, these people are angry, it seems. I have told them about my spirituality and somehow they accept that. I have thought about different ways I could try to get them to see things the way I do, but it seems not an easy task. This video you are talking about may be just the right thing. I will mention it to them. Ty all for the "TIME"

any other suggestions would be appreciative!

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Brenda, :hithere

Eight inches of snow sounds wonderful to me! I could use some of that back breaking exercise that snow shoveling brings! The closest I've gotten to snow and ice this year is when I had to defrost our refrigerator freezer. (Not my favorite job and I always put it off way too long! ) When I can't chip the milk out of the glacier that has formed I know it is time to get out the chisel and the snow shoes!
Thanks for the information. I'll give it a try in a bit.

Hi Justy,
It sounds like quite an interesting group that you chat with there. Bet there are some "lively" conversations! Hope The Secret helps you and gives both groups some food for thought.

Sandy :loves
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Post by Pete Sesplankis »

Just watched the Secret and I was blown away. I've always been positive and upbeat thinking "things are going to work out in the future" Little did I know that I was sabotaging myself with that "FUTURE " word. By the Secrets definition that way of thinking would only keep my prosperity in the Future!!! To think my thought process has been wrong for so long. Same with the construct, I keep saying to myself "I'll get better at making contact in the futeure, there's that word " future" again! Anyway thanks for the thread, it's been very helpful!
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Post by starchild »

Petra Wilson wrote:<<star child says: So I'm trying harder to put out only good thoughts. Life does present a challenge to that though. I think I can do it. >>

I love that starchild. I don't think you can do it, I KNOW you can!

Petra XXX
thank you Petra, I know I can do it. I am doing it, every day. :)
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