Material and Spiritual Poverty

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Material and Spiritual Poverty

Post by Geoff »

Idaho, US of A, January 20, 2004.
Machiventa Talks.
Subjects; "Material and Spiritual Poverty."

Received by Sandy Montee.

Machiventa: "Hello my dear friend and student. This is Machiventa who has been making your ears ring for the last hour. I am glad you are finally paying attention to my prompts. I have a timely message on this cold night in January where you live.

"However, please let us talk about all our Master’s subjects in the world, and let us discuss all their needs and wants. It is with great sorrow that I observe the many children, who are not receiving their very basic needs. And it may be difficult for you to imagine that there are many that are unable to even get a drink of clean, fresh water every day.

"Consider their having to ration both food and water, and to save just a tiny bit of leftovers in case they cannot find enough nourishment during the following day. There are millions whose basic needs are seldom met from day to day. And indeed, not a great deal of progress will come about on our planet until such time as we witness a more equal and just distribution of the prime necessities of life.

"And then there are many people who have wants to the point of their never being satisfied. They strive to gain more and more material wealth, thinking they will be happy when they "get it all." Here we witness a disheartening spiritual poverty.

"Many mortals go through their entire life to never acknowledge God the Father. In fact, some do not have the chance to hear that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them. They live a life of not knowing they will be lifted into the Father’s arms when their earthly trials are over.

"To live without hope or faith represents the greatest hardship many people have to go through. Those of you, who know that no matter how you have to live you will enter into the Kingdom when you retire from this brief terrestrial existence, are the fortunate ones by far.

It is a much richer life when the doing of God’s will is your sole purpose in life. Contemplate your "needs" and "wants" and know the difference as you serve the Eternal Father and your Brother/Father Michael. Reflect on these words and determine where, when, and how you can help in these times of enormous changes.

"I take my leave. This is Machiventa."

The 11:11 Progress Group.

11:11 Spirit Guardians
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Spiritual Wealth.....

Post by Zao »

(An Inspired Message)


Do something Grand,
Do something Small;
From God's View
It doesn't matter at all.
For all is small as He would see,
Yet hand-in-hand it yet might be
Something more that you think it is,
For beyond Horizons, the View is His!

Who among us fully Gives that which we are Given? Such Graces as "spiritual sensitivities" are less about connections and transcriptions of messages from celestials and more about fusion with the essence of those messages. This statement does not mean to dismiss the service of "connecting and transcribing" but underscores that there is more required of us than being vehicles of the thoughts and words of our UnSeen Family. The difference between "transcribing" and "fusing" is supremely evidenced in human experience by our Choice Actions.
Pointing toward truth" and "being Truth" are as different one from the other as an encyclopedia is from the Life of a person whose biography is printed on it's pages. Our UnSeen Family yearns to Inspire us to Join/Fuse with the Truth they Know - that we might rise to supreme levels of choice action in ourselves, and inspire the same in our fellows.

It is so exciting to transmit as well as to hear the inspiring words of celestials and other UnSeen Realities! Indeed, it is a great service to transmit and a great Joy to receive such words. From the mortal view such service may appear miraculous, tantalizing, and alluring to our own Desires to point toward a "better place," a "better way," a "better time." Yet, True Inspiration, indeed Truth itself is in BEING that Better Way, Here, in a Now "made Better" by the supreme choice actions we make in our daily lives, in this Time that is Forever Now. This Fusion of Inspiration with Action brings with it Great and Joyful Responsibility: To Those which much is Shown, Much will be Expected; and to Those of which much is Expected, Much more will be Shown.

For any of us, our First Inspiration is that One Within - that Communion to Source that enwraps every person - Person to person - Father to Child. It is that Perfect Model that we are Gifted with that Inspires the Vision to carry Outward that same person-to-person communion - that "receiving and giving" that emulates the Internal Truth, the Perfect Model: Parenthood from God. Such a Model cannot be Received without Implications: all other persons are our Kin, are our Brothers and Sisters; we are here to Give and Receive from our fellow members of the Family of God, the Family of Man. We are here to Choose the Supreme Action of loving our Brothers and Sisters as though they were our very children. To Serve them with that same Tender Care that our Father perfectly models through His Service to each of us. No Priority is Greater than this Joyful Responsibility for Supreme Action. Listen to your Brothers and Sisters - HEAR their Call to you. Reach out in Reception, and Give to them that which they Need. It may be as ordinary as a smile, a nod of recognition, or a kind word. Or it may be as sustaining and comforting as acknowledgement of the Heavy Load they may be carrying. Help them Lift their Burden. Show them you care just as that Perfect Model shows Father's Care for you. Give the Gifts of the Spirit. Inspire by Action, one by one, person to person. For this is the Supreme Way that we, His Children, Manifest and Transform Truth-Beauty-Goodness into the Inspiration that raises darkness into Light, misery into Joy, fear into Trust, and Earth into Heaven.


Brother-Child, I Caress you -
Oh, how I Adore Thee!
What Love is greater,
Than a Brother as a Son?
As your Beauty Spirals Heartward
Let us Pour ourselves, One into the Other -
That we might Know no Surfaces between.
Let my Tender Awe surround you -
Feel my Embrace Delighting in yours.
Receive what We are Given
That we might Rise, Together!

Brother-Son, Stand by my side
I Embrace you, your Weight Lifts me!
Brother-Son, Walk with me
Greeting Ourselves coming.
Friend, Play with me -
Our Abandon will Allure!
Heart of Other, Mind of my own,
Serve with me -
Our Fellows are in Need.
Son, Die with me -
The Horizon Beckons!

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to Zao

Post by steve »

Dear Zao your very vibration in this world off hunger and war is gods will you like many others hear and else were are keeping this world from faling into shadow you are with your beutifull words of wisdom sending thought forms made off golden light in to mans collective consiousness .If you are given a material job by god like helping the sick and hungry then that is your path but we are all parts of the whole that makes the plan work your poetry made me cry so nice thankyou from your spirit friend and brother Steve love and light.
By depending upon this boat like human form we can cross this great ocean of suffering, since such a vessel will be hard to find again, this is no time to sleep you fools.
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Thank you Steve....

Post by Zao »

...and your words bring happy tears to me as is Joy to have you here with us...and, in the World....!

InHeartful Love,
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Like a tree

Post by steve »

A man who was a divoute christian once asked of me were is your church steve and i pointed to my heart. he said to me you need the strengh of belonging with many spirituall freinds.Ireplied yes you do but do not cling to them my freind for as all the holy beings no everything eventually decayes all meetings end in partings. I said to this kind soul you are like the tree in the big forest sheltered from the harsh winds of life by your brothers.Your roots are not as deep as the tree standing on its own by the waters edge. Our paths are individuall but not entierly seperate when we learn this we merge with all existence. We are like the bubble floating in the ocean not relizing we are the ocean .Our minds in realityare like a clear blue summer lake undisturbed. Then comes a thought like a ripple on the surface. But deep down we are still Transparent and pure. Love resonates from this place deep in our heart mind We carry this dimond this vajra to illuminate our world may all who come to this place find peace and carry its light to all who seek.
By depending upon this boat like human form we can cross this great ocean of suffering, since such a vessel will be hard to find again, this is no time to sleep you fools.
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Ocean waves and lighting bolts.....

Post by Zao » close our HeartMinds are!.....the imagery you mention is and has long been so Dear to me....the smooth water surface...floating over the Inner Depths....and 'lighting bolts'...(vajras)..!!....for 'lighting' is not just the 'decent of energy' to is the union of that decent with the ascent of earth's rising to MEET and Join....!!!! We Raise our outstretched Hand...and Behold! is Grasped from Above! Joy!


Love is like the ocean,
we rarely see far below its surface.
In calm and windless lives
this watery film is but a mirror.
Though by gales, and windblown days
white caps twist and tease shallow images.
There, within the gapping Depths
we gaze into the eyes of God.

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Post by steve »

Wow zoe that poetry is wonderfull is it your own.
By depending upon this boat like human form we can cross this great ocean of suffering, since such a vessel will be hard to find again, this is no time to sleep you fools.
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Post by steve »

The supreme good is like water,wich nourishes all things without trying to. It is content with the low places that people disdain.Thus it is like the Tao . In dwelling live close to the ground. In thinking,keep to the simple.In conflict,be fair and generous.In governing,dont try to control.In work,do what you enjoy.In family life, be completely present. We shape clay into a pot,but it is the emptiness inside that holds what we want. we hammer wood for a house, but it is the innerspace that makes it livable. We work with being, but non-beingis what we use.
By depending upon this boat like human form we can cross this great ocean of suffering, since such a vessel will be hard to find again, this is no time to sleep you fools.
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Can you a contemplation

Post by steve »

Can you coax your mind from its wondering and keep to the original oneness? Can you let your body become supple as a newborn childs? Can you cleanse your inner vision until you see nothing but the light? Can you love people and lead them without imposing your will? Can you deal with the most vital matters by letting events take there course? Can you step back from your own mind and thus understand all things? Giving birthand nourishing, Haveing without possessing, acting with no expectations, leading and not trying to control. this is the supream virtue. Steve
By depending upon this boat like human form we can cross this great ocean of suffering, since such a vessel will be hard to find again, this is no time to sleep you fools.
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Money and politics

Post by JungShim »

If there are 840 million malnourished people and you round that figure to a billion and this figure is divided by the 100 billion plus spent on the war, then that equals approx. 100 dollars per starving person.

Looking around at my limited horizon here in America, it apperars that the war has not adversely affected anyone financially.

This country seems to be in the midsts of trading alot of high tech and manufacturing jobs for cheaper labor overseas. Alan Greenspan commented a couple days ago that alot of Americans will heve to re-educate themselves to keep up with this trend. If we can help other countries and other peoples, than personally. why not? However, by the time I go back to school and get a bachelors degree, will need to take on a couple lower paying jobs to support this effort.

It seems as though we are augmenting the upper class while creating a larger impoverished middle class.

Just comments
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Post by Geoff »

Dear brother Jungshim,

I missed your first post, but I am sure you are the Jungshim I know from elsewhere.

Much love,
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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