The Starry Crown

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The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Last year I found the song Down to the River to Pray and it struck a chord with me. It was stuck in my head for a long time and I listened to it often to try to get a deeper understanding of the message it had for me. Then one day I experienced a strange sensation while listening to it. The sensation happened during the lyrics “and who should wear the starry crown, Good Lord show me the way.” And what I felt was sort of like static electricity or pins and needles all around my head where a crown would sit. It was as if a starry crown was placed upon my head.

I didn’t know what to think of this. I thought that these lyrics were referring to Jesus wearing a starry crown, and I am certainly not Him. But the sensation was real and I wondered what it meant. It wasn’t until months later that I came across this passage from the Urantia Book: “God has made man a little less than divine and has crowned him with love and mercy” (131:2.6). Though I hardly feel worthy of being crowned, I realize that this is not how God views us. We are all his children, therefore we are all members of the Universal Royal Family. Should we be successful in becoming finaliters, we could very well become the rulers of worlds in the outer space levels. Of course this would be eons away but it really does drive home the teaching that what we are becoming is far more important than what we are at the present moment.

“It is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity.” (111:1.5)

I researched a little deeper into this song recently to discover that the composer is unknown and the earliest known recording of the song was in 1867 under the title The Good Old Way. The corresponding lyrics of this version were “When YOU shall wear the starry crown, Good Lord, show me the way.” In one interpretation the starry crown represents the path we must navigate through the stars, with God showing us the way. Having taken the username Starwalker, this resonated with me. Also, the words “the good OLD way” made me think that though I am interested in new age beliefs and spiritual progress, “The Way” is actually ancient as God is changeless.

Love and light,
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Any discussion of crowns in a spiritual sense is not complete without mentioning the crown chakra. It’s very likely that this experience was my crown chakra starting to open. This only occurred to me after I posted last night. I’m not an expert in this field by any means, but I have noticed a shift in my life since this experience. My mental health has improved considerably as I am generally in good spirits these days. I find that feelings of joy bubble up in me quite often. I still have negative thoughts sometimes, but they are shorter lived and I am able to regain peace more easily. It is nice to be able to have a quick look back and see how far I’ve come in the past year. I turn 40 next month and I hope this will mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

I came across this passage from the Urantia Book that I believe ties in with chakras:

“3. Spirit-reception series. There are three groups of mind design as related to contact with spirit affairs. This classification does not refer to the one-, two-, and three-brained orders of mortals; it refers primarily to gland chemistry, more particularly to the organization of certain glands comparable to the pituitary bodies. The races on some worlds have one gland, on others two, as do Urantians, while on still other spheres the races have three of these unique bodies. The inherent imagination and spiritual receptivity is definitely influenced by this differential chemical endowment.” (49:5.19)

This would indicate that many spiritual experiences are a result of our own brain chemistry. I think this is amazing. If anyone needed further proof of spiritual realities, the fact that our brains are wired for spiritual receptivity certainly points to the spiritual nature of the universe. And how intelligent must be the designers of our bodies, especially our brains? And to think, this all started with single cell organisms that mysteriously began functioning in communities to make new and more complex organisms, which then continued to evolve until culminating in human beings. Yet many still want to believe that this is a cosmic accident. Oh the folly of our world! But I digress.

Another funny thing happened today related to the crown theme. I was browsing the forum and felt drawn to a celestial message titled “These Three Gifts” by The Beloved, received by Lytske, which starts: “An opening of the inner mind – the sensing things unseen – is a sign of progress within the soul of the believing mortal. This is the ultimate proof of your growing faith in Me.” Since I read this after thinking about the crown chakra, I took it as confirmation that I was on the right track. Also, the message ends with the words: “This becomes the crowning glory of their lives well lived.” I love how Spirit works!

Thank you,
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by happyrain »

Hi Jonathan,

I think you're a beautiful person too. You know, your first post made me think of Kim and the River she often envisions us healing in. We have a thread here, ... &start=700 and I hope you'll join us in meditation Sunday evenings. I want you and others to know that we have members of other forums joining in around the timeframe. I'm usually trying to jump in around 7:30PM central nowdays. It doesn't always happen, but there's no requirement other than joining in the group practice- even if it is on your own time. :hithere

Wow, what an amazing experience- the tingles and the opening of the crown. I definitely think the beautiful unseen partner is actively guiding you. I appreciate the wisdom you've garnered in the process. Something I am learning is... Sometimes, even without knowing for certainty, it is good to take the reins of your experience with conviction towards what is happening. In other words, you know something is happening. You believe it is happening. And Spirit will find a way to communicate in kind, it is a very special and personal relationship. This intelligence is able to expand our own perception through a medium most suited to our personality. How amazing is that.

I love these sort of things! Wishing you a beautiful day. =)
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

The experience of the crown opening was.. different. I have been getting tingles in various parts of my body, or whole body for a very long time. Words and actions which demonstrate truth, goodness and beauty usually do that to me. Sometimes to the point of tears. And when I call out words of worship in my mind I can sometimes feel them echo into eternity. That’s what I tell myself it is anyway. The crown opening was somehow different, yet I lack the words to explain it. I feel like I was asked to post this experience. And it wasn’t until after I did that I realized what it was about. I think perhaps I was gifted clarity for sharing my experience. Hopefully it helps someone who has experienced something similar.

Also, thank you for inviting me to join in on the group meditation. I attended. This might sound funny but I actually felt a little social anxiety, which made it more real for me. I started my meditation a little earlier to get comfortable in my Akashic workshop. But when I ended the meditation I looked at my clock and it was exactly 9:30 eastern. So I was there for a full hour, which is unusually long for me. While there I saw a field of endless yellow flowers and completely submerged myself in the river of healing. But most of the time I was sitting in a circle around a large crystal. Everyone was holding hands and I found it much easier to reach stillness like that. I also saw the face of a man with dark hair and intense eyes. We just looked at each other for awhile but neither of us said anything. It was intriguing. This was a different experience for me, that was overall very positive. I will be sure to make it a regular practice.

Peace and love,
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by happyrain »

Wow, what a wonderful world. Do you mind sharing or maybe I can carry this over to the other thread? I am hoping Kim gets a chance to read it. For my self I joined in late- Well, I did a small meditation earlier in the day and then again around 10PM central before bed. I didn't have visuals but I was becoming increasingly light headed and it felt like people were talking to me- I was no longer my thoughts but that words and energy were still being directed and it was like from a detached perspective there were unseen entities having a conversation. I might try again and if it happens I'll hone in... Sometimes that energy isn't always pleasant though, like I need to tune my receiver to a proper channel. :shock: :lol:

Man I really admire the visual! I believe you had a successful contact experience. Yes, we're all helping the other in some fashion. Whether we realize it or not. :lol:
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

Yes, I will start sharing my experiences in the thread you posted. I hope you successfully tune your channel. That’s a high tech electrochemical system you are working with there. Better consult the owners manual! :D

As a side note, I just noticed that the description of this section asks us not to copy celestial messages here without the owners permission, so I am wondering if I broke the rules by quoting “These Three Gifts.” I’m not sure exactly how to ask for the receivers permission but credit was given so I hope that’s fine. Admin can feel free to remove it otherwise. Some clarity on the issue would be appreciated either way.

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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by happyrain »

Oh, yes, I'd like to know that too... I've been sharing the channeled messages with full credits and links back to its source.
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

I think it should be fine to quote them in this context as long as they are used respectfully and credit is given. The section description is probably asking that we do not post whole messages that aren’t our own to avoid copyright issues. But it can’t hurt to mention it in case there are sensitivities. If it was an issue, I’m thinking my post might have been blocked. This has happened to me a few times lately. I tried to post something about where I live and I got an error twice. Then I thought there might be something there that I shouldn’t post so I reviewed it and the only thing I could think was that perhaps I shouldn’t reveal where I live, so I removed that part and was able to make the post. In another post that got blocked, I removed some deeper contemplations about a celestial message and was then able to post it. Perhaps I’m totally off base on this one though. I know that there can be glitches in websites without celestial interventions. But better safe than sorry.
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

I felt like I was being a bit neurotic after my last post. Why would a celestial block me from posting here? Wouldn’t that be an infringement of my free will? But then the thought occurred that since I pray that it is my will that God’s will be done, I have given my permission for that to happen. But I’m likely overthinking this. I exhaust myself with thinking sometimes. But it’s just how I am.

Returning to the crown theme, I saw a vision of Christ on the cross wearing the crown of thorns during a meditation a couple days ago. And I envisioned myself on the cross as well. It was a solemn moment that brought tears. I cried over it again last night. But I find I can quickly regain my composure these days. I think it was a reminder that if we are to follow Him, we have to be willing to give our lives just as many of the pioneers of Christianity had to. I would like to think that we have progressed enough since then that this won’t be necessary, but I’m not entirely sure of this.

I am reminded of these words of the Master:

“Because my Father is a God of love and delights in the practice of mercy, do not imbibe the idea that the service of the kingdom is to be one of monotonous ease. The Paradise ascent is the supreme adventure of all time, the rugged achievement of eternity. The service of the kingdom on earth will call for all the courageous manhood that you and your coworkers can muster. Many of you will be put to death for your loyalty to the gospel of this kingdom. It is easy to die in the line of physical battle when your courage is strengthened by the presence of your fighting comrades, but it requires a higher and more profound form of human courage and devotion calmly and all alone to lay down your life for the love of a truth enshrined in your mortal heart.

“Today, the unbelievers may taunt you with preaching a gospel of nonresistance and with living lives of nonviolence, but you are the first volunteers of a long line of sincere believers in the gospel of this kingdom who will astonish all mankind by their heroic devotion to these teachings. No armies of the world have ever displayed more courage and bravery than will be portrayed by you and your loyal successors who shall go forth to all the world proclaiming the good news—the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men. The courage of the flesh is the lowest form of bravery. Mind bravery is a higher type of human courage, but the highest and supreme is uncompromising loyalty to the enlightened convictions of profound spiritual realities. And such courage constitutes the heroism of the God-knowing man. And you are all God-knowing men; you are in very truth the personal associates of the Son of Man.”
(Jesus, The Urantia Book, 143:1.6-7)

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

I don’t think I’m capable of even imagining the weight upon the shoulders of Jesus. Especially when he was hanging on the cross. There He was, the greatest man to ever walk the earth, dying in such a torturous manner. Yet He actually felt pity for the people who put Him there. He was true to His teachings in life and in death.

Many on our world put much emphasis on the birth and death of Christ. The coming of the Christ child is truly something to be celebrated. It marked the start of the greatest honour to be bestowed upon an inhabited planet in an entire local universe of 10 million worlds. And the crucifixion is also an important event, since upon His death, he was granted all power in heaven and on earth by being crowned the Master Son of Nebadon. But let us not forget that the years in between these events are of greatest concern to creatures of our order, since He came to show us the way home.

The entrance to this path is wide enough that all may enter, but one must be willing to wear the yoke of the kingdom to make progress on the path. He taught us to love our Father in heaven above all others, and our neighbours as our selves. This may seem challenging at first, but eventually you realize that not living this way is a lot more difficult. The way of the transgressor is hard, and the wages of sin are death. But this is always by our own choosing as our free will is paramount. But make no mistake, its love or bust, ride or die!

To me, the greatest benefit of reading The Urantia Book was that it made me fall in love with Jesus. And it may take me a long time to become a fraction of the man He was, but I’m grateful for the example He set. He didn’t just show the way, He was and is the way. And should we continue to follow the path, we will one day stand before Him as first stage spirits, ready to wear His insignia on the continuing path to Paradise.

All praise to Christ Michael! God!
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Sandy »

I am benefiting from your straight to the heart words in this forum, Jonathon.
I want to be a better person and sometimes the way seems soooo long. But you encourage me to stay the course to allow spirit to direct my path. Thank you! :happy

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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Sandy,

I’m glad you were able to benefit from my writings. I know I’m just a fledgling when it comes to this work, but we all have to start somewhere. I know the path seems long but I think the adventure of the journey itself will be the winds in our sails. By the way, I was in Toronto recently and there was a tall ship docked at the harbour there. It was named Empire Sandy, which made me think of you.

After my last post I realized that something I wrote was not entirely true. Of those of us who choose eternal life, not all are Paradise bound, as this requires fusion with a Father fragment, the Thought Adjuster. It is not until this occurs that we become ascendant sons of God. Those who are not able to fuse with their TAs may receive Spirit fragments with which they can fuse. These persons remain at the local universe level to serve in its evolution with Christ Michael. I am hopeful that these mortals will also be called to Paradise in a future universe age. There are still many things that are unknown in the evolution of the master universe.

I have also given more thought to seeing myself on the cross in meditation. I think it symbolized the death of the old me and that I am to be reborn in the Spirit. I feel like my beliefs are more religious than spiritual in many ways. I wear a gold cross around my neck and kneel to pray in a traditional manner. I have decided that it is ok to be seated when I pray. Also, today I took the cross off of my chain and replaced it with a golden bald eagle in flight that was given to me many years ago. I noticed that when you turn it upside down it looks like a five pointed star. The two bottom pieces are longer, which make them look like legs. It’s like a star that walks, a Starwalker. The eagles talons form the top point of the star, which resembles a crown. You really can’t make this stuff up!

Peace and love,
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

On second thought, I think I’ll remain on my knees. I don’t think I’m ready for that scaffolding to come off. And perhaps I never will be. It feels right to kneel. Plus, I tried to pray in a sitting position and felt something flutter in my knees. I think it was the gentle correction of spirit. Kneeling to pray is a beautiful gesture and probably more appropriate for a lowly creature as myself. I bow before the King of kings and ask for mercy for my soul.
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jonathon,

I smiled when you spoke of exchanging the cross for an eagle. George called his Thought Adjuster, "The Eagle" and that symbol represented his TA for him. ( It is 11:11as I look at the clock just now. :) ) Your journey is your journey and what feels right and leads you forward in love and admiration and longing will do you right by the Divine I think. We are parts of everything we ever have been. It has led us to the moment we are right now. I too often kneel too as it feels right somehow and helps me to become quiet before God. :happy

Tall ships are so beautiful. Makes me smile to know out there is a ship with my name. ( Obviously named for someone else but still lovely)

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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Sandy,

Thank you for sharing that with me about George. I think I may borrow that name for my own Thought Adjuster. Though I never met George, I was one of his biggest fans and he had a big impact on my life. I often wonder where I would be if I hadn’t found this site. His work inspired me to pick up the pieces of a broken life and forge ahead. Perhaps one day I’ll tell that story. But hopefully it will just be the first chapter of an extraordinary tale. I may need to develop my superpowers first though! :D

Light and love,
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by happyrain »

Dear Jonathan and Sandy,

Wonderful stories- and what a wonderful message shared on the forum by I AM.

Jonathan, you say you can't make this stuff up? In regards to your super-powers, I beg to differ. Only, it might be more appropriately suggested that you indeed are creating. One of your multifaceted superpowers. And look how our Heavenly Father responds in kind. How He Acknowledges All.

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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jonathan... Hi Eric,
Thank you for sharing that with me about George. I think I may borrow that name for my own Thought Adjuster
I am sure George would approve and be pleased.
Though I never met George, I was one of his biggest fans and he had a big impact on my life. I often wonder where I would be if I hadn’t found this site. His work inspired me to pick up the pieces of a broken life and forge ahead. Perhaps one day I’ll tell that story. But hopefully it will just be the first chapter of an extraordinary tale.
I have discovered, since my George passed, times when I thought I could not get past the grief. Some people would think it silly coming from someone who fully understands and has experienced the reality of life's continuance after death. Yet, there it was... George had moved on to another place/morontia life after a very full mortal life. I missed his physical presence so much and hadn't realized how much I had grown to depend on him being here. But I told him I would be okay and that it was safe for him to let go of the shackles of this life and meet his new life and so he did. If I wasn't going to be okay it would seem I sort of lied to him in our last physical encounter. So I decided to move forward hard as it was and to be kind to myself, knowing I had never done much of this before and I am bound to make mistakes. With lots of love and support and encouragement from all of you, I am here facing one day at a time which is enough for me to handle right now. :)

We are never out of God's when we feel lost and broken and unfixable...the Creator who provides the matter of Star systems knows exactly where we are, what we need and how to fix us if we will only allow open to it.

Man I am rattling on this morning aren't I? LOL I must be feeling some better. :)

I find it interesting you guys too mentioned super powers. Last night, my fellow covid positive son and I were banished into his room to eat our dinner so we could not infect the rest of the household. We were watching a show where one of the characters had developed superpowers. Well actually she had developed them but had lost them and was trying to get them back again. I find it interesting that since then, I have heard that phrase several times. That usually is a good indication we should think about it and any meaning for our own lives a bit more in depth. So that is hat his ole gal will do soon as I am getting rather tired already and need to lay down a bit.

Off for some meditative contemplation... two very big words which may just wind up meaning, "sleep." :roll: :lol: :hithere

love you guys,
Oh...I think I just figured something out... but too tired to explain now. No worries it wasn't like a fantastic epiphany or anything. lol
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

Yes, it was a wonderful message. It just so happens that this exact topic was on my mind recently, about how some of the creators of superheroes and science fiction may have had celestial input, even if it was unbeknownst to them. But it’s nothing unusual for me to think about the topic of a celestial message before reading it. I think I am being primed for them sometimes to make the message stand out more in my mind. But it will likely take some time before anything comes to fruition as the onus is on us to tap into these powers. And the mundane still takes up much of my time and energy. But we will get there, one day at a time.

After posting last night I began seeing a bald eagle very clearly in my minds eye. It eyed me keenly for awhile before embracing me with its wings. I have been picturing this eagle throughout the day and it has become somewhat of a construct for me to remember my Thought Adjuster. I woke up this morning with the words “just for now” echoing in my mind. Then later today the thought occurred to me that I could use “The Eagle” name but it would be “just for now.”

I think it’s totally understandable that you are grieving George. Even though you are confident that he lives on, it is still a big adjustment for you to live without him. I’d say his death left you feeling very empty. But they say there is value in emptiness because it can be filled. No one could take George’s place in your heart, but I think you have a big heart and perhaps there is a different place there that could be filled. I’m sure you will bounce back when you are ready.

Sorry to hear that you and your son have covid. I hope you have a good supply of vitamin C!

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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »


Yesterday, when I was envisioning “The Eagle,” it morphed into a beautiful horned owl. And today, my colleague told me that if I was a bird, I would be an owl. I think I have discovered my own name for my Thought Adjuster, “The Great Owl.” Thank you again for sharing “The Eagle” with me. I pray that you and your son have a speedy recovery.

God Bless,
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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Jonathan.

I am just now reading your wonderful adventure in discovering the name of your TA. Don't you love the visuals? :happy When I first moved into the flat where G lived, we often stood outside at night getting quiet and watching the huge flying foxes pass by. We soon began to notice something else rather large that was flying about too. You had to look quick and be observant as it flew silently. It was an owl on the hunt for its breakfast. :) I was thrilled as it was rare in the US where I lived to see an owl.

I wholeheartedly believe that messages and even information can be provided through what is often deemed fiction. It may very well be a glimpse into other worlds, ways of being, ways of overcoming what we are experiencing on our world etc... They definitely pass information along via music so why not other forms of communication? :) We just need to be observant to see the owl flying about us eh?

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Re: The Starry Crown

Post by Starwalker »

“I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.” Isaiah 61:10

I came across this verse today and it made me think of the song “Down to the River to Pray” and this thread. I am reminded that He has a robe and crown waiting for all of us if we are willing to wear them. I’ve spoken much of the crown, but have neglected the robe. How does one wear the robe of righteousness? By being righteous, of course. By always choosing the right course of action, the path with the most love. When we wear the robe we are free from shame and guilt. Nothing can disturb our peace as we know we are the regal children of our loving Creator. Sure, we may still stumble and fall, but we must always rise again, fix our crowns and march ever onwards, ever inwards.

Sandy, thank you for the story about the Owl. I have been studying them a little lately. They are fascinating birds. The horns are actually designed to amplify their hearing. Also, if our eyes were the same proportion to our bodies as owls’ eyes are to their bodies, our eyes would be the size of oranges. These features make them expert hunters. In a sense, I feel that I am the prey in this situation. And there is no escape. But that’s good, that’s fine. The Great Owl is welcome in my inner life. And hopefully one day we will fuse to become a new being.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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