Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

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Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Seeker13 »

Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative
Miriah Carey's song 'Hero' played throughout this meditation. Having been a long time since listening to it, not remembering the title or lyrics, after recording this meditation I went to YouTube to listen to it. It struck me how appropriate it was to be paired with this particular meditation!

Began in The River. Placed George, Elaine, Charles and Virginia(they were together), and Laura in healing orbs and they drifted on the current downriver. Sandy was in one also floating beside George.

Went up to bridge, there was no teacher waiting for me, thought I might go then to my Library, but began floating upward. Found myself at Babaji's fire again. Instead of feeling I didn't belong there, I asked if I might have help overcoming some persistent health issues I'd been having. Words came into my head, reminding me that all my problems stem from holding onto fear. Of course I know this, while contemplating this concept Eric, Sandy and George appeared around the fire.

Babaji's image remained in the background of our thoughts throughout the meditation. Like he was monitoring our experience.

Seeing George reminded me of his latest celestial message, Sins Of The Fathers-3. Remembered reading it and holding my breath, feeling so deeply saddened that the lives of so many depend on the decisions of so few. I thought about the warnings we'd had since last year that a world changing event was coming. Knowing this it seems we held our breath until it's realization. Now we may have a new threat looming. Instead of holding my breath in fear, I asked what I/we could do to prevent this next decimating onslaught of negativity to grip our planet.

It seems lately more often as if my teachers and guides are not rushing in to teach, more like waiting to see if I/we will take the initiative on figuring out what I/we should do. Realizing this I tried to figure out what we could do to have our leaders understand the all pervasive consequences of their actions toward each other and their countries. Not proud to admit on other occasions I've visualized all their guides and TA's binding and gagging their charges leaving them motionless on the floor.

This morning I thought of the leaders individually, what brought them to power? What ever molded them into being the people they are today, they are all individuals shaped by the culture they were raised in, as are we all. They brought with them all the bruises, scars and fears we all carry around with us, and responsibility for our words and actions. With that perspective, I know that negative words or actions will not influence any person to listen to another. Instead it forces them to wrap themselves tightly in the insulation of their own defensiveness... leading of course to negative retaliation.

Imagining the leaders now standing in front of me I thought, “If only they could experience the wholeness,... the comfort of feeling balance.” If we all could shed the fears we cling to, we could see the world and our place in it through an entirely different lens! Different feelings lead to different actions and reactions, perhaps even grasping a better understanding of what others are going through.

Aware that spirit cannot act unless it is requested from us humans. I asked permission for this from all the TA's of our world leaders. To talk to their charges, and reinforcing through opportunities placed in their path to let go of fear, finding wholeness in their lives.

Along with sending out healing in the beginning of every meditation, including group meditations, I will again and again ask for this as my way of taking initiative without waiting for celestial guidance.

Here's to the 'Hero' that lies in all of us.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by happyrain »

almost a year later and im finding even more relevance on a personal level with your meditation.

could this be the magic of "no time"?

=) thanks kim, for sharing your experiences
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Seeker13 »

Magic in 'no time' indeed! And perhaps this can be included in the message, "There are no limits."

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Vu Nguyen »

Hi Kim, I'm revisiting this "11:11 Angels Message Board" after having initially signed up in 2009, obviously something has drawn me back. So I'm just working my way through the posts now to be an observer and hear about other peoples' experiences, so thanks for sharing yours on this occasion. Hope you and everyone is keeping well during these confusing times. Looking forward to connecting with everyone on here.

With gratitude,
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Sandy »

Hello Vu,
I wish to thank you for posting on this thread. Sometimes we do not fully understand the far distant out workings of what we do or say and in your actions...posting on this thread you have inadvertently encouraged me to reread it and ponder Kim's wise words on a subject I suspect many of us are struggling with right now. Her inspired words are good medicine for many who feel hamstrung by the events rapidly unfolding across the nations and worlds.
So once again, many thanks to you and to our beautiful Kim on this sunny Monday morning in Oz.
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome back! Returning to this site after a lapse happens very frequently. I hope you continue to find relevant insights and experiences on the board. :sunflower: Please ask questions or post experiences as often as you feel compelled to. We are all on our separate journeys... together!

Lol, I too am grateful for the bump to this meditation. All too often I've forgotten them completely, sometimes not too long after posting. :shock:
It's very interesting to me how relevant this thread is for myself. Just last night I went down a fear driven COVID rabbit hole. Thankfully, after listening to an Abraham/Hicks(my go to) video on UTube, I was able to reposition my perspective, releasing those fears once again. Coincidentally I've been reading and thinking about Babaji for the past few days.


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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Sandy »

Kim :hithere
Coincidentally I've been reading and thinking about Babaji for the past few days.
Babaji has come up for me too this past week... interesting. :scratch:

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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Seeker13 »

Hmmm, maybe I'll ask if wants to join us tonight.

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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Sandy »

I was thinking th same thing.... Group meditation is in just a few minutes I think so I had better get a move on...
see you soon! :bana:

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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Vu Nguyen »

Hi Sandy & Kim,

Thank you for the open-arm and warm reception. I feel as if I have 'matured' over the years (11 years to be exact) and it's time for me to fully embrace this 'calling'--especially with the things going on in my life currently. I also feel like there's much work to be done on myself and progress to be made but I'm patient and have simply just been committing to my Akashic Construct practice daily, sometimes even twice a day if I can manage it. I'm actually surprised that I was able to find the CD--still intact and unscathed! :lol: I know that this a journey in itself but it's one that gives me great hope, especially after having revisited this forum 11 years later and seeing that it's still going strong and that it wasn't just another fad in my life, or in someone's life for that matter. [Please don't condemn me for being sceptical....]

Thanks again for the warm welcoming, I greatly appreciate it, and I look forward to a continued conversation.

Sandy, is this group meditation you speak of something I can join in on? I would love that greatly...

With gratitude,
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Sandy »

Hello Vu,

:lol: no, we won't condemn you for being sceptical. It seems there's a little something in side us that wants a connection of some sort...sometimes we haven't a clue what it is or what to do about it but we pray and search and look and read and follow the elusive trail or seemingly endless breadcrumbs "it" drops with the light and the goal always just ahead of us. LOL That is a melodramatic way of saying we have all been there and in fact sometimes what we investigate and leave acts as a guide post to our true spiritual calling...that which lights that inner flame such that it can't be ignored or denied any longer. It's all part of something bigger then ourselves and hard to explain its worth to those who haven't experienced it... But it is all good.

...and How awesome that you are practicing the Akashic Construct so consistently. (George will be smiling from ear to ear. :) )Consistency is a key regardless of what spiritual method you practice. It shows dedication, desire and a real effort on your part to reach your spiritual goals. I am so happy for you. :sunflower:

You asked about group meditation. Yes, we would love for you to join us... :bana: Everybody is welcomed and the way it is set up you can participate and not even have to say that you are if you prefer it that way. There is absolutely no pressure what so ever you just meditate in what ever form feels good and right for you with an intention to be a part of the group meditation. I Hope that makes sense. We've been doing this awhile now with the official time to mediate 7:30pm Sunday night Central Time in North America. Now with that, we know people on this board live all over the world so if that is an uncomfortable hour when translated to your area's time then by all means meet up with the group meditation in what we call "no time." You can meditate whenever the spirit calls you and set an intention to meet up with the group meditation and so it happens, simple as that. :) The official thread where we speak of our group meditation experiences can be found in this forum as well.
We have had similar experiences and lessons given in different ways but the feeling rests in unity. It feels good to connect as love is not limited in time and geography.

Okay, enough jabbering out of me... :hithere
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Vu Nguyen »

Hi Sandy,

Thank you for not condemning a 'disbeliever' as such... I love what you said though:
...which lights that inner flame such that it can't be ignored or denied any longer.
I had a thought just now and would like to add to that: no matter the level scepticism, if it's true and meant to be, the Truth will undoubtedly it has in this case for me. :D

If someone asked me what my one "secret power" was, I would tell them "consistency"! I trust in the process, and my thinking is as long as I'm putting in the action towards my spiritual growth, that's all I can control right now. And I would be elated to know that George would be proud of such efforts. I'm sorry about our loss, Sandy, I read about his passing on another post... Indeed a great loss for us here in the physical world but a great gain for the spiritual one. Send you much love and hugs. :loves

Got it, thanks for welcoming and allowing me to join in. :bana: I just checked out the translation of that time for me and it works out to be 10:30 AM Monday morning Melbourne time, and that's perfect. All locked into my diary!

Thanks again for elaborating on the group meditation and showing me to the thread Sandy, and thanks to EVERYONE--presently here or not here, seen or unseen--for letting me be part of something bigger than myself. I appreciate it immensely.

With gratitude,
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Sandy »

Hi Vu,
I like what you wrote here and I suspect it is spot on...
I had a thought just now and would like to add to that: no matter the level scepticism, if it's true and meant to be, the Truth will undoubtedly it has in this case for me.
I am thinking that Spirit never gives up on us and leads us through a path of opportunities and it doesn't matter if we embrace or decline somehow something helpful is planted like a teeny tiny seed idea that sort of sits in our heart/brain some where. Then when conditions are blooms into a most unique "spiritual flower" of a sorts. Still it is all down to us...we always have the right to choose our way or to not move at all.
f someone asked me what my one "secret power" was, I would tell them "consistency"! I trust in the process, and my thinking is as long as I'm putting in the action towards my spiritual growth, that's all I can control right now.
You know...that super power will get it done...and really anything you apply it to. Wish you could pass a little of it on to me. ;) :)
And I would be elated to know that George would be proud of such efforts. I'm sorry about our loss, Sandy, I read about his passing on another post... Indeed a great loss for us here in the physical world but a great gain for the spiritual one. Send you much love and hugs. :loves
Thank you Vu. It helps for me to remember that his suffering on this world is over now and I will see him again some day. But I miss him terribly.
Thanks again for elaborating on the group meditation and showing me to the thread Sandy, and thanks to EVERYONE--presently here or not here, seen or unseen--for letting me be part of something bigger than myself. I appreciate it immensely.
We are over the moon to have you join us and add you energies to this board and to the group meditations. :sunflower:
It truly is...the more the merrier this family is... :D

Hope you are enjoying a lovely week end. Bit chilly in Melbourne though...winter has made a brief come back, eh? We're experiencing a little of it here too.
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all,
I've been a little scattered lately, not sure I read this meditation in it's entirety when responding to the bump. For some reason decided to today and it's interesting that my meditation yesterday, that unexpectedly turned into a group meditation, aligned with this thread. I'll be adding it to the group meditation thread.

Reading about George brings a smile to my face. I never really thought about him joining us in meditation after he passed. At first was reluctant to include his visits, worried Sandy might be hurt or upset I had the audacity to claim he appeared in my meditations. Now it seems a given he will be participating in one fashion or another. In more recent meditations he's appears young, robust, and energetic to do his part. Even on days when I'm unable to connect very well, I'll feel George's and Monjoronson's symbols. I think they're part of the same team trying to help us progress.

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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,

No worries...I am thrilled that George is joining us. :bana: It's funny because I talk to him a lot and most of the time I do all the talking. But there are moments when I feel him and can take in his words but I've told him to please find a way to communicate reliably. Sooooo it brings me joy to read your meditations and his presence there. I am so happy that you are seeing him and that he is still helping us. I smile too as he told me a few months ago that he was a younger George now. :)

I love reading your beautiful meditations. This one was a strong reminder to try to see those we pass, those we see making or breaking the world, through the Creator's "eyes"... Imagine if we could love unconditionally and truly understand those we encounter... understanding comes before we can love so it is a good beginning as your meditation showed... understanding what has made this tormenting leader a monster....and the chances that as a child he was tormented... a part of a vicious and tragic perpetuating circle. I forget sometimes how powerful love is and the fact as well that we can send it across the vastness of the earth instantly.

Thank you, Kim for making this morning a bit brighter. :sunny:

PS I just realized I had your last group meditation in mind when I wrote this. LOL Hope it makes sense to everyone... :oops: :)
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Re: Morning Meditation 4/19/20 Taking Initiative

Post by Seeker13 »

Lol! It makes sense to me!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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