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Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

Its been a while since i created a post of my own. Lately ive been digging deeper and deeper into the proverbial rabbit hole that is the phenomenon that we are experiencing.

I have kept a notebook and tracked my thoughts...its been a long time since i posted anything in my Elevens blog. The reason for that, is because everytime i go to blog something, i ended up researching something new because, yet, another question comes up.

Ive come to a very clear understanding of things when it comes to my spirituality..and that friends, is something that will never change..in fact, that is something that increases. When you dig deep within your self and discover that beautiful divine spark that helps guide you in the path of life...you can only go up form that point.

However, i beleive that, in the physical world, a shift may have very well occured and it could be the reason so many people have begun to awaken to this in 2012 ans 2013. As i wrote down my thoughts and researched what i could, i was finally able to post a new blog that i have faith and confidence in.

For those that may be interested, i invite you to take a read and tell me what you think about it. i appreciate any input, and the people here are so open and honest...i truly love hearing what you have to say. Even if you disagree with my views, perhaps you can tell me why. Im not the kind to be argumentative, in fact, i appreciate different points of view.

I hope you enjoy for those that read...and i thank you for your time.

http://elevensrunamok.blogspot.com/2013 ... ation.html


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by happyrain »

Hey again pointman19.

I read your blog earlier this morning. I really liked the quotes you've selected and the pictures as well. I think people will find your research interesting. It's nice having a place to type out your thoughts and better understand what's in front of you. I am missing meditation from my life- I don't practice anymore. I think it's important though. Whenever I Realize what it is I want for myself, for my Heart or Well Being- I think, meditation will help me get there. But I haven't the discipline. So this suffering is my own. I think your post with Vibration and Energy has helped me though. It's interesting to think there are Beings Guiding us to these Conclusions. If that previous statement is Correct in Any Form- It makes one wonder- But Why ?

I feel a little confused after reading your blog. Not that I had trouble understanding what you were sharing but how it all connects to the bigger picture in your minds eye. But I suspect you will be addressing that in your next segment: The Law of Attraction. It's nice that you're expressing your discovery online and feeling connected and happy. =) What more could you want ?

Merry Part- Happy 2014.
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

Thank you for the kind words and support, Rain. Believe it or not, im having a lot of fun doing this. As i was researching more on the law of Attraction, i got sidetracked with another topic on Synchronicity. Now i dont know what to blog about next lol. But i did put up a new post in the meantime as i figure out what i want to do. You might really like this one as i try to "baby step" or ease people that are experiencing this and help them to come to a better understanding, or at least a step in a new direction to look deeper into themselves.

I also found a way to meditate and succeed at it. As a person with A.D.D, its really awesome that i was able to find a way to slow down my mind and totally clear it. What truly helps is Guided Meditation. While i haven't heard George's Akashik CD just yet (im poor, what can i say lol), i found some videos on Youtube that have truly helped me. If you have a laptop or tablet, grab a chair or lay on a couch..get some headphones and give some of these links a try.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRfEBd7qB00 (a meditation that helps you to communicate with your inner self...whether it be visions, direct communication or images..this one really helped me)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIq2FViJ0qQ (i personally liked this one, very peaceful)

and this is my new blog topic, should you be interested

http://elevensrunamok.blogspot.com/2014 ... -post.html

I hope those videos help you, if anything, search for Guided meditations on youtube, they have helped me tremondously. Ive come to realize that if i can make mediation and visoins happen (they are like watching movies in my mind once i get down really deep, they feel like they come deep within my subconscious), then im confident that im ready to give Georges CD a try here very soon.

Peace and love freind


(PS...HappyRain...mediation is very important. I know it can be inconvenient, but if you find the time, really give it a try if you can. If i can help you regain that focus thats within you, then im truly happy that those videos or others helped you. Meditation is important because it helps maintain the balance thats within you...and its one of the best ways communication can take place. You may think that, when you get deep into your meditation, that you dreamed the whole thing. Grab a notepad and write down what you expeirenced. I had a "dream" once in my mediation that i answered my grandfathers call from down the hallway. I remember being clumsy, the door was partially open but i still ran into it lol. All the while, i was apologizing profusley saying...sorry pops, you know how clumsy i can be. My grandfather looked me in the eye and screamed "CONFIDENCE!! YOU NEED TO BE MORE CONFIDENT!!" and thats when i snapped out of it. The really cool thing about all fo this was the fact that ive always seen my grandfather as an inspirational source of wisdom in my family. So whatever spirit guide that decided to communicate with me that night took the form of my grandfather. Because "it" new i would take what i saw seriously and i would pay great attention to anything my grandfather says)

If you look at the first meditation video i put up, keep in mind what your intent is when you start your meditation. Think it before you start to bring your awareness to the front of your mind. Before i start, i just simply thought "i want to talk to my inner self". And then once the meditation kicked in, thats when i got the "mental video" of my grandfather.

Let me know if was able to help. I cant help the whole world, but i can start....one person at a time :)


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by happyrain »

@ pointman19
Hi Jason. My name's Eric. You can call me happyrain, rain, Eric. Whichever you're feeling in the moment.
Thank you for taking the time to share the guided meditations with me. However, I can't watch videos at work which is where I spend the majority of my days. Our filters prohibit most links and anything from youtube.
Is your grandpa still alive? Maybe it was your grandpa.
I think Law of Attraction and Synchronicity are Related. I happened to stumble across a really amazing story while in the breakroom this morning. I was preparing my breakfast while tuning in to the story of Emmet Kelly AKA Weary Willie. Hints towards synchronicity or law of attraction... Something Divine that gave Stasia Kelly, the duaghter of Emmet, peace of mind on the way to her fathers funeral.
Here's the Link:

The Day Weary Willie Smiled
Some Excerpts from the Blog,
I sat on the plane, my purse in my lap, waiting to take off from Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta for Florida to attend my father’s funeral. I had just spoken to Dad the day before. He’d sounded a little down, but I never guessed it would be the last time I heard his voice. “I’m tired, Stasia,” he said. I could hear that tiredness through the phone, could feel it the way so many people had felt the world-weariness in the most beloved character my father ever portrayed.

I shifted in my seat—first-class because it was the only available spot on this leg of my trip home. The airline-reservations op erator had promised to get me there in time for Dad’s funeral, so she honored my bereavement ticket and gave me an upgrade. I pulled the faded newspaper photo from my purse and glanced at it. The famous picture of my dad, Emmett Kelly. Or should I say of Weary Willie, the sad clown that he had immortalized. Dad was disciplined about Willie’s public persona. Once Dad put his makeup on, Weary Willie never broke character and never smiled, except once, back in 1955. That one time he smiled—beamed, really—a young photographer snapped his photo, and around the globe it went. The only time Willie smiled in public, the world smiled with him.

The plane was almost full and the seat next to me was still vacant. Good, I’d have the row to myself and my tears. I didn’t feel like explaining to some high-powered business type why I was so sad. I folded the picture and slipped it back inside my purse just as a well-dressed, middle-aged man strode down the aisle and took his seat next to me.
“Almost missed this flight,” he said with a sigh, as we taxied from the gate.
…….. How much more blessed could a daughter be than to have Emmett Kelly as her father? Even the airline-reservations operator who managed to get me this last-minute seat said some thing. “I remember Willie! Your dad made so many people smile.” Yet yearning and grief crushed out all my other feelings. I rested my head against the seat. Dear Lord, comfort me. Show me a sign Dad is content with you the way he was with Mom and our home and the backyard where he watched us kids play.
They say the food in first class is better. I wouldn’t know. I didn’t feel much like eating. I kept my tray up and stared into my lap. I just wanted to get home to Florida. I felt the plane slow and then one wing dipped as we started to descend. I couldn’t resist pulling that old newspaper clipping out of my purse and looking again at Dad beaming that incredible smile as he held a phone and heard the news that I’d been born. Immediately, I had to wipe away a tear.
I barely heard the man next to me say, “Excuse me.” He tapped my arm gently.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “Yes?”
“”That photo…”
“My dad, Emmett Kelly. He died today. But this is from the day I was born….”
“I know, Stasia. I know. I was there. I’ve never seen a man so happy. I just had to snap that picture.”

Stasia had been narrating the story on TV this morning. She mentioned the words, Divine Alignment and Comfort in describing what was a Miracle. The very fact that the man who photographed her Father was now sitting next to her was something she’ll never forget.

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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

See, thats exactly the kind of example i was trying to find when i was trying to say that Synchronicity seems to have a higher power...People that believe in that kind of thing would say the SE (syncronatic event) was created as she projected such emotion about her father, causing an SE.

Thats where i have to truly disagree. While i do believe in SE's, thats the kind of event that seems to have way to much intelligence (or divine even) intervention. It was synchronistic that he happen to be on the plane as she was looking at the old newspaper article that the same photographer sitting next to her had snapped when she was born. But the intent of the situtaton...to calm and soothe, that "SE" carries with it something that causes emotion from the person experiencing it, IE, the daughter.

To have an event like that is one thing, but for her to notice that photographer as she read the clipping, asking god or anything divine to at least calm her to know her dad is at peace....that event carries an intent. Thats why i firmly believe that were being looked over and cared for.

Thanks so much for sharing that, can i use that in my blog when i start to talk about Synchronicity?


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by happyrain »

you don't have to ask me. isn't it funny how, 'by chance' i happened to hear this story- before coming to the board this morning receiving your message and posting in response ?

:hithere i really like how you said the force that created this experience carried an intent with it. that was beautifully stated

thanks jason, cheers
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by Sandy »

Hey Guys,
What a great thread... and I have tears in my eyes as I read this heart-felt story describing very much divine synchroncity. So beautiful...

In another little bit of synchronicity... Did you guys see the message posted for today? In a funny kind of way it sort of fits this thread from the way this story moves us and causes emotion deep within, something Eric's post caused just minutes after posting the celestial message for me. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22948

You know, it's Love that is behind everything, behind these feelings that bring tears to our eyes... as we read, see and feel something that moves us. Within this, unknown, perhaps, to us, are teeny tiny lessons, helping us to understand Love via experience just a bit better.
Yes, it is Love in every aspect that we strive for and wish to have firmly entrenched in our soul, in our very lives as mortals now and in greater understanding in the ages beyond.

Just want to say thank you to you two who have very much contributed to opening up my heart to Love's all encompassing energies this morning. :kiss:
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

I had a really great event of Synchronicity that came with intent.

Yesterday, i was going up to the Goodwill store to donate some items. My boss had said she would give me five dollar store credit for what i brought in. I walked out, because i had to give her notice of being a week off of work. i have had some complications from my surgery but things are getting better daily.

As i left and headed to the dollar store, i remembered i forgot to donate my bags of clothes. But i was really irked in the meantime. What i dont approve of when it comes to Goodwill, is that its a pure profit store. Its very deceptive because they operate on a front of "we help people with disabilities and special needs through the power of work" (or so claims their mission statement, in big letters, on the main window by the front door). I know this getting off topic just ever so slightly but after the four years ive been there, i have NEVER seen them hire a person with a disability, or hire a person with special needs. They go and hire the healthy person and make up some excuse as to why they cant hire the disabled or special needs people. trust me, ive seen their hiring practices first hand.

This place literally profits off your charity. they do not put it back into the community and the store is NOT non-profit as they try to claim...but they dont actually claim it. they use legal jargon that makes it SOUND like they do...When i got injured at goodwill...they tried every possible way to get rid of me and fought me at every workers comp hearing. That doesn't sound like the charitable, good hearted, goodwill that we all perceive does it. Did i mention the CEO makes 2.3 million a year?

Sorry, rant over....i got off topic. Anyways, the intentful synchronous event i was taking about.

Well, i was kinda flustered that its the only donation based thrift store in the area and i was really upset knowing that i had no where else to go to donate my goods to. So i was driving out of the parking lot, my attention was drawn to a huge white donation bin that was recently placed. i pulled up to see what it was and it was for "the charity for the special olympics of ohio"

i hastily chucked my clothes and items in that bin and drove home with a smile on my face. I thank the spirit guides so much when they interpret my feelings and show me a sign of positivity and how i can try and assist others in need. Thats what i want my charity to go for...not to go to some CEO so he can afford to maintain his olympic sized swimming pool in his luxurious estate ;)

Thanks again, "44" and the others that follow me around, showing me the light and good in the world!


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jason,
It is good to see you posting and to know that you are recovering despite complications from your surgery. Would you like George to send you to the prayer circle of spirit healers? I know you said things were getting better but perhaps they could assist you with those complications you are experiencing. If you would like George to do this please feel free to post him or I a pm with the details. ( Your name (first name will suffice), a rough idea of location (state and country), your age, and an explanation of your healing need. (Of course I know your first name and location ;) )

At any rate I will certainly pray for your speedy recovery. Please take care of yourself and thank you for sharing this latest bit of celestial synchronicity. I am smiling from ear to ear. :D
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

You know, i think i may take you up on that. Any extra help would be a huge appreciation.

Ive been trying to do it on my own, but its been difficult at times. that sciatic nerve gets compressed from certain muscles and as i long as i stretch a certain way, i can relieve some of the pain..but at times that doesnt always help. Ive been using meditation as well, trying to use the 528 solfeggio frequency of healing (accompanied by music) and that does at times, help too. a lot of people would say thats a placebo affect but id have to respectfully disagree. The fact that your mind has that kind of control over your body when it comes to issues like pain and discomfort, and that it can be relieved by meditation, is not really a placebo affect. thats a big difference than say, taking a percocet or taking a sugar pill thats shaped like a percocet ;)

As for Youtube, which is where i go to find a lot of meditation techniques...i find that when i go to look for solfeggio frequencies...and i dont know if im the only one that's noticed this...but not one of them sounds the same. How can you have a 528 hz frequency that sounds high, then have one thats low, or one thats lower, or one that's even higher? In the immortal words of Pete from Oh, Brother, Where art thou..."THAT DONT MAKE NO SESNE!!!" hahaha

Anywho, its been frigid and cold out this way. Last time i can remember storms of snow and ice to this degree was back in the mid nineties (i call it the ol' Blizzard of '96 lol. we had over 2-3 feet of snow on average that year.) But were handling it the best we can. Things have been surprisingly stable out this way when it comes to power and such...but our water pipes are constantly freezing. Even with heat tape over the pipes, when temps drop below negative 40 with windchill, were just not prepared to handle that kind of cold...we broke a hundred plus year old record for the coldest weather on record. Weird year for storms, hasnt it?

I'll send you some PM's about why ive been gone for a couple of month and get a hold of george as well for the healing. Thanks so much for thinking of me Sandy

(lol, i actually thought for a minute there that i was on Medows thread and started talking about the weather you asked about over there :mrgreen: :roll )

Light and love



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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jason,
Ive been trying to do it on my own, but its been difficult at times. that sciatic nerve gets compressed from certain muscles and as i long as i stretch a certain way, i can relieve some of the pain..but at times that doesnt always help. Ive been using meditation as well, trying to use the 528 solfeggio frequency of healing (accompanied by music) and that does at times, help too. a lot of people would say thats a placebo affect but id have to respectfully disagree. The fact that your mind has that kind of control over your body when it comes to issues like pain and discomfort, and that it can be relieved by meditation, is not really a placebo affect. thats a big difference than say, taking a percocet or taking a sugar pill thats shaped like a percocet
Yes, I look at it as learning to use all of ourselves, our mind body and spirit along with Divine energies to improve our own health and well being and that of others. It is a natural part of who we are but something not widely known or even accepted in this black and white world that leaves no room for the awesome abilities inherent in our Cosmic DNA. We are so capable of incredible things when working in partnership with God's powerful Loving energies.

Robert (I-Am)has spoken about these frequencies you mention...well some kind of frequencies, anyway, a year or two ago on a thread in misc.. It may be gone now. But I'll see if I can find it. :)

I'll tell George to keep a close eye out for your healing pm. Let's hope you feel better soon because that kind of pain can drive you batty long term! :finger:
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

one thing about constant pain like this, from when you wake to when you sleep, is that it can be difficult to actually try and stay positive. Its like you want to, truly want to...but it keeps dragging you down. The more i try to fight against it, the more it fights against me :( it makes meditation very difficult too, its a constant distraction


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by Sandy »

I can't imagine what you are going through. I suspect George could and he empathizes with you. Years ago he suffered such terrible pain in the years following his broken neck. It is still there somewhat dulled now as he has learned to minimize it with his mind and spirit. Not always wise of course in every scenario because pain lets us know that something is wrong and gives the docs and idea of what it is stemming from with its patterns and intensity.

I hope you get some relief soon. Hang in there Jason.
XX Sandy
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

I hope no one minds but i wanted to bump this post back to the top for a little bit because of the discussion within. I started this post in 2014...and 7 years later, im still trying to apply into practice the laws of vibration and attraction as well as syncronicity into my daily life.

I wanted to bump this post back up in hope that i may help some people who want to dig deeper...but dont know where to begin. I hope it helps.

Light and life my friends




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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by happyrain »

What's up Jason!!

The Browns Fan, I remember you. :roll
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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Eric!! Good to see you again my good friend!!


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by Sandy »

((((((((Jason)))))))) I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to see you. :D I began reading your thread all over again. So much good and helpful stuff. I think it was good for me to see the guided meditations you posted. You see, I cry a lot. I have been trying to meditate with George's cd but well as you can imagine it causes a fair bit of emotion. It won't always be so but I think a little guided meditation is exactly what I need right now. So thank you for bumping this thread.

((((((((Eric))))))) You get one too. :)

Oh before I forget. This jumped out at me...
Jason wrote:
Ive come to a very clear understanding of things when it comes to my spirituality..and that friends, is something that will never change..in fact, that is something that increases. When you dig deep within your self and discover that beautiful divine spark that helps guide you in the path of life...you can only go up form that point.
Our own spirituality will be something that is unique. Our Divine Spark knows exactly what we need to move forward in this most important area of outer life. hmmm in reality every aspect of our life is connected to our spirituality I guess. It is within and surrounding all bits.. sort of a unifier of a sorts. And there is not another path exactly like ours in the entire universe. Talk about trail blazers, eh? ;) :hithere

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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by pointman19 »

I know that I'm, bumping up again, an old topic. But within the responses, sandy posts a message in the comments about a message from Teacher Monjoronson called "The 'L' Factor" (love)

I think anyone who is at any point of their 1111 search should take a moment, pause that search, 4ead that message from TMJ, read it and digest it the best way you know how....and then...continue your search.

We will all be here, waiting for "you" when you get back. "Your" (the seeker) family and welcome with open arms at ANY time.

Just look how the forums have dealt with me and my 9 years of questions :mrgreen:

Keep searching, Keep asking, and NEVER give up! Were all here to help


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Re: Hello again, fellow 11ers!

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Jason and friends,

You inspire me this morning Jason. I thought I might make it easy for those who wish to read the "L-Factor" from Monjoronson and Chris.

Re reading this message has filled me with light this morning. Thank you for bumping this thread and reminding me of this message (which I found extremely helpful) and the hundreds of others stored on this site and the Progress Group site as well. For me when I read these messages, it feels like a personal chat with the Celestial who is sharing the wisdom. I am thinking in some ways perhaps that is so...

Happy thoughts and a happy heart for all of us today! :bana: :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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