New here - 11s everywhere

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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New here - 11s everywhere

Post by 11Tripper »

Seeing the repetitive 11s on clocks never really tripped me out before. It happens all the time. The reason I am here today is because I was tooling around with magic mushrooms and came to a realization. While researching, I decided to run some gematria searches and I am a little concerned.

Background. My address is 4664. I live next to 4666. 4666 is an English Tudor within a sea of craftsmans and Spanish revivals. It is the only house on the block which does not parallel all the other houses. It sits on the true N/S parallel. Nothing really strange goes on there, the shadows are a trip near the summer solstice at sunset though.

The gematria for my street name without it's designator (Ave) is 1
With "Ave" it is 11
With "Avenue" it is 6
My zip+4 is 11
My city is 11
My social security number is 11
My birthday (full year) is 6
2 digit year is 9
My GMT birth time is 11
My drivers lic # is 6

Does this indicate anything other than coincidence?
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by happyrain »

Hello, welcome to the forum. I don't believe in coincidence. You felt compelled enough to post here, this is a beautiful journey of discovery. A good friend shared with me, sometimes the questions are more important than the answer. I am happy to see your post, I hope you enjoy your visit and share more of what you begin to notice and experience down the road.

My kind regards.
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Welcome 11Tripper,. .. I'm with Eric (Happyrain) and believe what we perceive as coincidence is in fact sign posts of a sort designed to direct our attention in some form or fashion. it to what? LOL well...that's the crux. We have to figure it out. sigh... but it is a great journey all the same.

Some info here might help... :)
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by 11Tripper »

Thank you HappyRain and Sandy for your replies. Quoting from Sandy, " it to what? LOL well...that's the crux. We have to figure it out. sigh..." Sigh it is.

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but I feel compelled to share what happened since my first post yesterday. Immediately after posting, I hopped in my car and tuned into the Howard Stern Show. It was a replay show with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. He was describing the serendipitous moment when he met his drummer meandering through Groovy Lane at Woodstock. Paraphrasing, he said "it was that 11:11 moment." It wasn't a minute later when I received a robocall (and subsequent hang up) from +1 270-495-1054 (the "1" was displayed). The sum = 38. 3+8. Yup.

I sent a text out at 11:11 this morning as well (about an hour ago). Honestly, I didn't even know it was the 11 o'clock hour.

Lastly, in addition to all the 6's, 9's, and 11's I related in my first post, the gematria for my full name = 11. My first name and shortened named = 9. My birthday is 6/22 (I guess 22 is a master number too). Calculating my ex-wife's stats generates numbers all over the place. This is just too weird.

It's off my chest now. Unless something extraordinary happens, I'll refrain from sharing every moment because they are just too frequent. This leads me back to Sandy's quote, "[S]igh..."
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by 11Tripper »

The intensity is getting ridiculous. I really don't know what to do. The experience is intensifying exponentially. I must reiterate, this has been going on since the 90's. Tonight actually scared me.

I was indoctrinated by the Catholics. I do not want any contact other than from the Holy Spirit. I apologize if this is contrary to your beliefs. I can't help but think that whatever spirit wants to contact me is desperate because I am so obstinate.

I know that the anonimity of the internet can produce embellished or fictitious stories. I really can't prove anything. If anyone has any 'specific' advice, I'd appreciate your input.
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by happyrain »

Hi Tripper,

Receiving a lot of too... I'm taking it as a sign to pay attention.

Kind regards
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Hi Tripper,
I was indoctrinated by the Catholics. I do not want any contact other than from the Holy Spirit. I apologise if this is contrary to your beliefs. I can't help but think that whatever spirit wants to contact me is desperate because I am so obstinate.
I understand completely.... I grew up a Lutheran (One step away from being a Catholic.) When doors of spirit began to open to me, I prayed as I had been taught, asking God to protect me and guide me as to His will in this matter. It was surprisingly obvious to me in those long ago days that I was being shown and encouraged and my prayers continued. I had faith that God protected me and guided me in ways that I could accept and understand.

So I have a little simple advice that may not really seem like advice. Pray. Pray as you have been taught and listen and watch what goes around you. The world will not stop spinning if you do not acknowledge any prompt. If you turn away and say no thank you. You are simply exercising your right of free will. That does not mean that anything is wrong. We do not think unkindly of you (and hopefully visa versa) if our ideas of God are a little different. God's truth is terribly hard to nail down in human form. So truth blossoms all around us... simplicity really, the effects of Gods love, sort of vague impressions of what is far beyond our ability with human form to comprehend, perhaps.

Follow your calling, what resonates with you ... see how you can translate what you are sensing feeling , maybe even unknowingly longing for into your chosen vehicle to God, Catholicism. There are brilliant champions of Gods power within its long history. I wonder if that would be a place to start? :)

No worries now... the prompts are no mare then a phone call. You do not have to answer the phone and on the other end... they will smile and love all the same.
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by 1221 »

1111 is so real!!! More than just co-incidents. I acknowledge this as a reminder/alert from God. This is a confirmation that there is a spiritual/unseen realm and we need to pay attention to this.

This video has some co-incidents with arabic gematria for GOD which is Allah in arbic.
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by happyrain »

hi 1221! welcome to the forum =)

yes, i'm happy you're so inspired. for myself, when i see the promptings, i take it as a sign from god that all is well and as it should be. that i'm in the right place at the right time. it's been a simple but profound exercise in faith.

where will your journey take you?=) thank you for sharing!
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all,
Just saw 11:11 on our way home from lookin for the comet.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by Sandy »

Did you find the comet, Kim?
I want to hear all about it? :finger:

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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by Seeker13 »

We went to a park that sits on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan famous for it's sunsets. Probably thirty other people were there(all safely social distancing), at least I think they were, it was very dark. We saw lots of stars, watched the space station speed through the sky, Dave saw a shooting star. Unfortunately, the place where the comet was supposed to be the most visible was covered in a massive cloud. But it was nice sitting on a swing gazing at the night sky sharing a peaceful evening with my husband. We laughed thinking about going all the way to Wyoming for the eclipse. NOW THAT WAS EXCITING!!!

Arriving home Dave showed me the most exquisite photo of the comet over a butte in WYOMiNG! I would recommend looking it up, breathtaking.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: New here - 11s everywhere

Post by 1221 »

happyrain wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 2:19 pm hi 1221! welcome to the forum =)

yes, i'm happy you're so inspired. for myself, when i see the promptings, i take it as a sign from god that all is well and as it should be. that i'm in the right place at the right time. it's been a simple but profound exercise in faith.

where will your journey take you?=) thank you for sharing!
hi happyrain! Thank you!

I am not sure where will my journey will take me. I hope it takes me to the TRUTH.
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