The Secret

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I just want to give you a big hug!!! So funny you watch children's shows! Don't think I could handle that. I miss the kids too much! Was already feeling sentimental. This morning Dan sent a pic of Nova asleep in a chair, waking me from a dream with my brother Rick in it.

Still teary from the video. Wow! that was beautifully moving... We could simply substitute the words,
We are the world," in place of Australia. Hey, that reminds me!

So easy to get lost down the rabbit hole on YouTube! Spent the last half hour teary-eyed.

I kept thinking of how to write the story for Nova's and Grandmas Good Morning Song. Thinking back on last summer, no matter what she was doing, as soon as I would get there, she'd grab my hand and we'd have to go say good morning to all the flowers. and anyone/anything else we'd see. The snapdragons were always last and we'd have to pinch them gently so they could talk too. Usually I envision the story in my head as it unfolds, but was thinking on this on for weeks. Finally it dawned on me the song was the story! And the only way to illustrate it was taking photos of Tiny and Nova doing the actions of the song. The grounds around Sunrise are breathtaking.

Which made me think, "Sandy, you should definitely dance with a ribbon stick or two on those windy days!"

Soil does make a difference when trying to germinate seeds. Top soil and potting soil are too dense, hard for the seeds to push through, and a grow light is a must for here. Last night we had sautéed beets... guess what I'm doing with the tops? Today though it's a balmy 61F., sunny and breezy. So while the little seedling are soaking up their re/blue light, I'm going to be outside soaking up the gorgeous sunlight... while I can! Think it's going to be finishing the trench and maybe transplanting some raspberries. I'd love to see your crazy pumpkins! Pretty sure I'll be saying the same thing this fall!

Sounds like George needs to have an iron boost. "THAT MEANS GREEN LEAFTY VEGGIES!" Spinach springs to mind. Actually beets are good too, read up on them last night, but I supposed he wouldn't like those either.... Tell him if he eats his spinach he'd look like Popeye! Bet that's an enticement!

Stay warm... yes, you did ask for it.

Going out to be kissed by the sunshine. :sunny:

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere Hi there friends,,,
yes,,I', having a hard time 'being here' :duh
I didn't really have much to report on last weeks meditation,,,so I didn't,,,but reading Kims, I did spot a couple of similarities,,so I will make an attempt (if I don't get distracted) after this...
I'm sure glad I don't have to haul wheelbarrows full - of anything - anymore...I can do enough damage just moving stuff around using my walker seat!!! and yes I did some of that this past week too. I bought some seed, then looked at my containers and away went the I moved some containers out of one box bed,,refilled it with new soil,,
(lifting 20L bags onto my walker) I know,,I should have asked Allan,,,but... :duh ,,divided the new bed in half and put beets in one end and carrots in the other half....then I stood there looking at it,,when inspiration hit and with a bit of manoeuvering made a little lettuce bed, right at the front,,,easy picking access....lastly I used a large container and planted cucumbers. Then I had 4 packets of herbs,,and they went in small starter pots,,,they may get moved to 1 gal pots later on,,,,we'll like Kim,,it took me 2days to recover....when will we ever learn (tune humming)
now if you can imagine....when I walk out of the rv,,,across the mat is our gazebo (a dining tent),,,on the left side of it is a large and heavy park picnic bench....I was looking at the seat,,,which runs perpendicular to the side of the gazebo. (the gazebo also has sort of water proof curtains, around 3 sides,,,keeps the rain out which I pull back when the sun is out) So it's like a wall....looks like a wall,,or a side of a building....anyway...I thot...I could use the seat for my pole beans and as they grow,,,attach them to the frame of the gazebo....well Allan said he had an idea,, :shock: and he got the left over poles (too hard to explain) but one goes up along the gazebo frame post...joiners...another pole across the top,,,(we wired it to the gazebo top) into a joiner and the 3rd pole back down to the ground. so now we have a frame to string something back and forth for the beans to grow up on....cucs made it to the bench too!!!
I even got artsy with the hostas....made rock circles around each plant with Arizona stones....Allan says,,but you won't be able to see them (when the hostas are leafed out)....well until then,,,they look good,,,and in the fall when they die back,,I'll be able to see them again thru the we will not be going south this winter!!!

I got a chuckle when I read
Awe, poor Lynn! She must be wearing seven layers
,,,actually,,,it's only 6 items I put on to go outside....pretty good guess Kim!!! fleece pants and shirt,,down filled coat,,a toque, and fingerless gloves...and fleece lined boots! hmmm sometimes I do have a vest also....but the gloves don't always make it...
We are in the middle of a rainy week,,,just a few sunny breaks now and then and most nights overcast,,,but...
a few nights ago Allan and I watched (we found out later) Elon Musks satellites,,,we saw over 25,,,really thot it was a fleet of "you know what's",,,pretty exciting till we found out what they were :lol: :lol: :lol:

So glad to hear George is feeling better,,,,the 'nose job' does help....I just gotta give you guys another laugh...
when I was about 12,,I used to get nosebleeds all the time too,,,so my Mom took me to the Dr and I had the same procedure done.....only I couldn't really pronounce "the word"....much to my Mom's embarrassment while we were walking to the bus stop,,I loudly complained,,,but Mom,,I don't like getting castrated!!!

OK,,,I will go say a few words on the med thread now,,,,my back is giving out in this sitting position...

watching the news,,,enough to see what crazieness has been going on in Michigan,,,,and elsewhere...but I'm disconnecting from it....enuf is enuf!!

Happy Gardening!!!
xoxoxo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Lynn, :hithere
Wow... being castrated at 12 is harsh! :o

Nice to see someone else is getting the gardening bug! Sounds like you have it good! Balm for the soul isn't it! Sounds like you and Allen are a good team. Take care of yourself, it's very sad to watch everything grow from a chair!

We are on the second day of blissful sun! As always, I have probably three times more seeds planted than I have room, or energy for! Already calling everyone I know telling them, "Don't buy any plants!" It was only 60 yesterday, but everyone was walking around in t-shirts. I wanted to put shorts on, not a good choice for gardeners. My knees get so dirty! Since he has time, Ken is building me raised pallet beds, no more getting down on the ground. I'm also going to try putting a back on a pallet and planting all the greens between the slats. It doesn't lay on the ground either, you just lean it up against something facing the sun and, "Whallah!" greens garden!

Primrose have been up for a few weeks, hyacinths blooming out, we're holding our breath waiting for the daffodils to pop! Ha, yesterday I weeded around a group of fairy flowers, ringing them with round red stones, that were in a hole I dug to transplant the rhubarb. Curious thing, it was like a buried clutch of eggs, about a dozen of them the same size and color.

This is for Sandy too. Going out to finish the trench, looked at the ground, right in front of me was a perfect black obsidian heart stone about two inches wide. I've walked that very same path hundreds of times and there it was! I found two obsidian stones in Aleah's yard the other day, not a common stone for around here.

Gotta go, Dave and I are getting take out. Our 35th anniversary tomorrow, so were going to drive and eat, Perfect!

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day. :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Happy Anniversary Kim! :sunflower:
Take out sounds really good right what did you eat? ( I can live vicariously through your all's diets. ) I haven't had a whole lot in imagination lately. Funny thing, though, when I first came here we had so little to live on...I would look in the fridge and say, "Well, what can I do with this? And surprisingly every single time it just came together. I know that doesn't sound earth shattering LOL but we really didn't have much to create in there. I put strange combinations together and it was wildly successful. Which reminds me of your Mom's end of the week everything in the fridge soup, Kim. I was telling my parents about that and you know they are doing it too now.

PP I always think of you every time I am weeding. When it gets hard I think, If PP can clear her property of all that stinging nettle what have you got to complain about. Actually reading about the two of you and your recent gardening exploits has me longing to get out to that shaggy patch I call a garden. I have some large leafed spinach in the fridge as I speak and I think I may make some spinach rolls for lunch today...Raw ones..not G's favourite but it won't kill him maybe with some salmon or tuna salad. He actually loves beets Kim. he had some last night. They are pickled though. My dad used to grow beets every year and he'd turn them into something called Harvard beets. Basically chopped beets in a cream sauce sort of hard to explain but it was a lovely shade of purple. As a kid I thought they would make me smart. LOL No such luck. :roll:

I rolled in the floor with laughter.... poor little PP getting castrated at twelve. :lol: George will love that story. For anybody just reading who may have missed what this is about and shockingly thinks I must be terribly sure and read PP's post above.
The "cauterisation" did seem to work, and George has no bleeding since yeh! :bana: :bana: :bana:

Maybe your red stones are fairy stones, Kim. ;) Fairy treasure and you discovered it...or maybe a little long ago traditional Indian owner child loved collecting red stones and buried them in the earth for safe keeping. That is what I love so much about rocks and stones and crystals. They store so much history and we can sense it too when we hold them in our hands. You know what I discovered this morning? ... Well, I knew it, but there is definitely no mistaking it now. I had a somewhat stuffy nose..(Probably allergies that have never been addressed. I picked up my selenite wand and held it between my eyebrows or bridge of nose and immediately it opened up my sinuses. After an hour or so I am still breathing better. My mom would love it. (at least when nobody is looking :shock: :D )

I just got out of group meditation awhile ago. it felt so good to have "the family" together.

Okay moving on...Enjoy a beautiful evening up there. Sounds like spring is well on the way. I look forward to enjoying tales of the gardens as the summer ripens.


Oh Kim, about your book ...I love it. You know Doctor Vivian turned her children's prayers into a children's book and it was awesome! So yes, please pursue this idea. :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Love that song, "We are the World". Thanks Kim for posting it. I hadn't heard that in aeons. But it means so much for the times we are dealing with. :happy

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

So funny, your parents have Everything Soup! Glad you could come up with tasty meals on a very slim budget. Just takes a little imagination, right? Although wouldn't recommend Ken's broccoli pancakes when he was in college. My dad had a really strange pallet too, ugh!

Mmm, tuna salad in a spinach leaf sound good and healthy! Have you tried making smoothies! A little spinach, a few other veggies, yogart and protein powder makes a nice treat. I remember Harvard beets. I love beets, but not those kind, thought they were weird. Really enjoyed the ones we had the other night and now the tops are sprouting, so this fall can have homegrown ones! It's crazy, everything I've tried sprouting from table foods is growing roots.

Yay! On the 'cauterization', not to be confused with castration.

While digging up all those stones I was hoping I was disturbing a sacred Native American site! It is totally possible. I mean how could that many stones like that in one clutch develop on their own? Will try to go out to that spot later and sit quietly. At the time I thought it appropriate to use them to ring fairy flowers... at least I hope it was! Sandy, we are a rock and crystal loving family! Probably someone else wouldn't have thought twice about them, but my curiosity was piqued and they're so red! Interesting about the selenite wand, curiosity piqued again. I mean of course it makes sense. Why do we always forget about those things? Now that I remember, my mom periodically went to a cousin of mine who placed moonstones on her chakras. I so wanted to asked my cousin about it but at the time it was way too far out there for my mind to wrap itself around. Just this morning I was talking to Aleah about teaching her the mantra I've been practicing. Can really feel the energy and she has a lot of back problems. Also did a practice lesson with my little singing bowl the other day. Tibetan singing bowl not crystal, but I figured I'd try it anyway. Very interesting how you can feel the vibrations of the tone in your body... No wonder I love music so much!

We had such a lovely day yesterday! Dan sprained his ankle very badly Saturday night playing with Tiny. I knew it was in vain to convince him to go and have an x-ray. Dave and I dropped off a pair of crutches and a boot, we're a weak ankled bunch! Good to have those items handy. Stayed for about an hour, social distancing, talking, holding and cuddling their 5 chicks while soaking up the sunshine. Those chicks are so sweet, are an assortment of differing beautiful varieties, red, black, golden, and two white and black speckled. Voodoo the black one, loved me! Could hardly coax her back on the ground when it was time to leave, sat there balancing on my finger refusing to hop off.

We decided on Asian food, one place is the favorite of all of us. Dan and fam really excited we offered to pick up something for them also. Unfortunately, we found out upon arrival it had been closed since March. It was on the side of town close to my sister's, so we stopped there for about an hour social distancing outside as she showed us all the work they'd been doing on the house and yard. We were all so giddy to see each other! … a few of us are not very good at social distancing. My sister had a trunk full of toys to give to Tiny and Nova that her youngest had outgrown.

We left hearts brimful..., air hugging is awkward and not at all fulfilling, but we were happy anyway. Then it was a quest to find an Asian restaurant that was open for curbside delivery. After much back and forth texting, checking the internet, finally settled on one. Rachel, bless her gluten free heart, has had a hard time with getting gluted, and didn't have time to do a lot of research on this place. We agreed on picking her up a pizza. She texted the place for her pizza was closed saying, "It's alright, I'll just find something else here." It's really sad she has to settle so often on going without, or being very limited in what she can eat because of gluten. Dave and I were not going to let that happen, suggested another place, although she said it was alright, she brightened considerably at our suggestion! Told her we'd have to make a Asian family dinner soon, all gluten free, low sodium and low sugar... Yes! it can be done, and quite tasty too!

Went back to their place to eat in the back yard. It was pretty chilly with the sun going down, but we waged through it. They've taken out the big picnic table in their patio area, setting up instead three smaller ones... for social distancing. We will have our family dinners! I gave the girls two things from my sister, HUGE cuddly stuffed horses! Wearing protection I played with them and sat on the cedar swing. Tiny gave me a bouquet of flowers. Nova grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go... which was fine with me!

Now I suppose I'd better get something done, have rocks to look at, pumpkins to transplant and miles to go before I sleep.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

and back at the 'secret coffee house'....
I find all kinds of joy and laughter....

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: Happy 35th Kim and Dave :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
glad it all finally worked always does, somehow,, doesn't it??

Your description of 'Everything Soup" reminded me of my Grandmother,,,besides delicious soups,,,it seemed she could put meal on the table, when I was sure there wasn't much to eat,,,,even if company came by,,she'd convince them to stay and the repast looked like she'd planned it for days,,,,dessert and all!! Allan is like that,,,he can put a meal together that I would never think of,,,,he's very,,,food creative! I might be a good cook (in days gone by), but there's always a plan....maybe no recipies,,,but a definite plan....but he'll use stuff in the fridge that I woudn't dream of...
tonight's one of those meals,,,,should be interesting,,,because I know what the leftovers are,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Today was Allan's fathers 90th birthday,,,,so we zoomed it! he has 4 sisters,,,only one lives on the Island,,,but an hr away from us....the other 3 are on the mainland, BC and it was fun!!

Tomorrow I have a great nephew who is turning 11....I'll have to facetime my sister so I can be festive with them.

I'm scrolling thru your posts,,,and hope I don't lose this one...hmmm I'll copy paste this,,as supper is up!!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Happy Birthday to Allen's dad and your great nephew! I've yet to 'zoom it', but IT sounds like fun!... Maybe I'll figure it out a couple of years! ;)

For me being a 'good cook'( I have to accept this because last week Dave said I was a better cook than his mom!? :shock:) is merely opening myself up to different possibilities, getting creative, and accepting sometimes I'll fail miserably! I have to tell you shedding that cloak of fear of failure, in all aspects of my life not only cooking, has been so... LIBERATING!!! So give Allen a high five for me! Give him several of them, because it sounds like he deserves it! And give yourself some too, and several pats on the back for all those things you've been adding and removing from your life!

This all falls in line with my plan today. Formulating ideas in my head for a social distancing pow wow with Aleah. It involves, crystals, stones, oranges, Kim's tea and her electric piano(it's big but mobile). Maybe I'll throw in some Vanilla Wafers, :roll: if there's any left!

The part about your grandma reminded me of my grandma and mom. I loved grandma's cooking, not elaborate, but so different from what we had at home. My dad would only allow for meat and potatoes, dinners at our house were very repetitious, Everything Soup was always an adventure for our taste buds! And with her massive gardens fresh fruits and veggies, always a palette pleaser! My mom never considered herself a good cook, probably because of the limitations set by my dad, but when it came to her grandkids she always had their favorites in the house, just in case they stopped by. That is one of their best memories of her.

Thank you for the anniversary tribute, by the way, the flowers were perfect!

Ok, gotta get a move on :bike: time for the pow wow approaches!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi everybody, :hithere

First off, before I forget.

Happy anniversary Kim and Dave. 35 years is amazing! well done!

Happy 90th birthday to Allan's Dad ... (another amazing number)
and last but not least...
Happy 11th birthday Lynn's nephew.

In this crazy time every milestone is a wonderful reason to celebrate. :bana:

I had to chuckle at the broccoli pancakes...but I can't talk as I have enjoyed zucchini pancakes. ...but broccoli????? I've been experimenting the past few months making recipes with odd ball flours like coconut and oat, almond etc... I actually made a loaf of carrot banana bread using oat flour from the Chocolate covered Katie website (love her healthy recipes) that was every bit as good as the more traditional "full of sugar" recipe I usually use. George likes it so that is usually my test. He's a little bit of a picky eater. Funny I didn't know this for several years after we were married as he was taking the high road and eating anything and everything I produced without complaint. (Those were the days! :lol: ) Oh no! I will have that song stuck in my head all the day now. :roll: From the sixties or seventies.

I loved my grandma's cooking too. Both of them. They were both great cooks but had different styles and favourites. My dad's mom was a farmers wife and was used to fixing huge amounts of food for the crowd that was her family. Eating at her house was like going to a buffet with the added benefit of getting to sit by my pawpaw. Now my mom's mom was a master with baked goods. Her lattice top pies were light enough you had to tie them down or they'd float away. LOL She also made the best rolled biscuits I have ever eaten. Of course, that is because my mom told me she always made home made biscuits for supper. Practice makes perfect. I cannot expect to make anything but "hockey pucks" since I make them, at best, once a year.

I went to the grocery stores this morning. Was shocked at the huge numbers of people. Some of the food shops have opened up and it looks like the clothing shops are getting ready. I have mixed feelings as it is hard to social distance in such crowds and some people don't even try. Granted at this time there isn't much of a problem locally...but I still feel we should be somewhat vigilant until a vaccine is found and widely distributed. I tried to wear a mask. Tried a cloth one this time and I felt like a roasted chicken with steamed up glasses. I finally gave up as I was the only one in a mask anyway. even the cashiers weren't wearing them...So maybe I am a big ole worry wart.

Kim, when you get the chance would you give me the URls for the Kriya Yoga you have been practising. Years ago I tried to find out information about it even bought books ,but they never really spoke of how to practice it. It was like you must be some how proficient before it would be bestowed on you. It was a bit of a puzzle though as Yogananda in his books would give it freely sometimes to someone at the train station.
I too have a Tibetan singing bowl. Been meaning to look up YouTube and see if there is a correct way to use it. I love the tone and re sonnet.

Well I must get the towels off the line and feed Pidge, the bunnies and chicken. It gets dark early here now as winter is knocking at the door. I was just thinking that my Sadie would love those chicks... I fell in love with them from your description.
Love to all of you :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Pancakes of broccoli, zucchini, or even spinach? :shock: Guess we shouldn't judge before trying. Who knows many new foods/combinations I've tried have turned into staples in our kitchen. So congratulations with your cooking experiments! :bana: ... I've got to have at least one dancing banana man in this post!

Covid 19 is definitely taking it's emotional toll as well as the physical. Some people are either ignoring the warnings, or taking their fears to the extreme. Don't even get me started on the political front! :shock: This is a world wide assault, everyone is suffering in one way or another. I just don't get it. Something like this should be uniting the world, instead of causing many to pull back and wrapping ourselves in a blanket of fear. Sadly I shake my head, "Has humanity learned nothing over the years of our existence?" :( Anyway, I have a mask that has a little strip of metal that sits on the bridge of the nose. Clamping that down as best I can helps in preventing the fogging up. I don't think you're being a worry wart. I fear we haven't even reached the midway point of the devastation, not a time to relinquish our vigilance.

I got the link to the mantra vinyasah, from Eric. Think it's on the group meditation thread, I'll try to find it. Funniest thing, when doing the mantra two nights ago(always have my eyes closed), but a shadow passed between the light of the lamp and myself. Opened my eyes immediately, but didn't see anyone... which is kind of a shame! Would have enjoyed the company!

I love the tone of my little singing bowls and the way they make me feel. It's like a burst of happiness! :bana: Referring to my book, there are specific steps and things to say, but ya know how I feel about rituals! :D I figure if my intention is pure, that should be enough right... I'll probably get an earful for this one I know. The book does say that every time you strike the bowl or work with it, alerts spirit to your presence. Thought that was awesome! Last night's reading was a heads up, that you could and would be visited by spiritual entities by using the bowls and to not be frightened by this and may receive a tingling sensation in specific areas when spirit tries to make itself known. My response was, "Well, … isn't that the purpose?" I did love thinking about the concept that the spirits who communicate through these instruments work with humans through music. That seemed logical also.

On that note... get it note? ;) as in musical note. Sorry been hanging around Dave too long. He's a master of the bad joke... if indeed it is a joke? Anyway didn't get the raspberries planted yesterday, shovel in the truck, which was not here!

Love to all! Sending vibes of Love, Peace, and Courage,

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Couldn't find the link Eric posted. Go to Facebook and search for Hansavedas Fellowship. There are several excerpts to choose from. The mantra was posted on April 9, 2020. It's a very long post, with lots of explanations. I like to do the mantra with Swami Vidyadhishananda, so just fast forward to them now. Then do more repetitions on my own afterward.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

boy I'm way past overdue replying here,,,
but,,about the dif between your crystal bowl or ball,,,all I can say is,,,go with your feelings!!
I still love feeling the energy from my crystal and stones,,,they are a most beautiful part of creation.
I saw a post,,,somewhere,,,sometime,,,and you mentioned a mahogany obsidian,,,and yes I have one, I'm working on doing some wire weaving around it,,,but it's kind of 'on hold'
like everything else right now....I will try,,,try,,,to remember to send you a pic of it..
hope you are all doing ok up north,,,and starting to thaw out...
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi everbody,
I had to smile as I was reading Kim's post above where she was talking about what she had read about singing bowls...

This part...
The book does say that every time you strike the bowl or work with it, alerts spirit to your presence. Thought that was awesome! Last night's reading was a heads up, that you could and would be visited by spiritual entities by using the bowls and to not be frightened by this and may receive a tingling sensation in specific areas when spirit tries to make itself known. My response was, "Well, … isn't that the purpose?" I did love thinking about the concept that the spirits who communicate through these instruments work with humans through music. That seemed logical also.
As I was reading about the tingling sensation I got one... one of the "symbols" of a spirit presence. I think that was a tingle of approval for what you had written...sort of verifying it perhaps. Thank you for speaking about these things. I have had my bowl for a couple years but I never investigated the purpose or understood the depth of their usage.

I am learning to love my crystals too... and getting better at sensing their energy. There is sooooo much to learn though. It makes my head spin. Don't forget... I too want to see your latest creation when completed. Here are some images of mahogany obsidian for any unfamiliar ... ... -obsidian/

Truly beautiful eh?

Yesterday I took George up the mountain to see our GP. Doc Lim was in a joyous mood and took oodles of time with us. before we left he asked us what we were doing after the appointment. When we told him we were just heading home. He said, there was a little coffee shop just down the street where we could pick up a coffee and then he invited us to take it over to his home, his orchard (and sit on the Pagoda and enjoy the beautiful fall colors of the orchard. To walk and explore... We were moved by such a generous offer and after getting lost a few times (we could get lost in a wet paper bag.) we finally found it ...beautiful. He has Alpacas too! :bana:

It was the most wonderful afternoon.. magical... I think it was as much the simple kindness of the act touched our hearts.

well, enough from me...
Enjoy your week end! :hithere
love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi again :hithere
one finger poking now, lol
the best way to learn with any crystal/ to quietly sit with it and listen,,,,books are good of course, for facts,,
but even all the best ones will tell you,,,to sit quietly and listen.....if you've noticed all information from crystals is received intuitively,,,,,which is why sometimes, one book will say one thing and another something different....
it all depends on who the information is coming thru.....
and thinking about it,,,,,don't 'they' say......go within....that's where ALL your answers are.....
now that I've said that,,,I'll admit,,,I have a lot of books,,, :mrgreen:
xo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lynn,

Funny you should speak of holding and listening to the crystals. George and I were doing that earlier. First time for him but he is showing an interest now too. :bana:

I will definitely do more listening and try not to be overwhelmed with information. I feel rather attached to my crystals as if they are a friend or something.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

you said...
I feel rather attached to my crystals as if they are a friend or something.
yep,,,they sure are,,,

when we built our house and I was turning the downstairs into 'LYNNS CAVE'

i had all my stones and crystals arranged on a long coffee table,,,and I used to sit on the couch in front of them,
play with them,,arrange them,,,look them up,,,admire them,,,absorb them...

then one day, it seemed it was getting too crowded,,,so I moved them,,,to a stand about 8 ft away, where they could be displayed better....and the collection was too big for the coffee table....

anyway,,,,I started to I had lost something,,,,was getting sad and depressed....then it dawned on me!!!

I was MISSING the closeness of their I started bringing some of them back to the coffee table....
amazing how the atmosphere and my energy changed...and of course I'd have to rotate

so you can imagine how hard it was to pick and choose which ones would have to go into storage,,and which ones should I bring with me to live in the RV and go travelling....and how hard it was not to replace those when we went to rock shows,,,,

The only place in the RV to display anything is on the front dash,,,,only a few big specimens go personals are 'in my crystal drawer' but they get held often...

think it's getting to be time to be in a bigger space!!!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lynn, I don't know how you did it, picked the ones to go into storage and those to travel. What a difficult decision. And yep...I would have bought more whenever possible.
The last full moon I rounded up all my crystals and stones and hauled them out to sit in the moonlight for three days of the full moon. (Day before and day after as well. ) I put them in a new spot ...out in the open with nothing impeding the moon's face. But I worried that someone may take them or worse someone run over them. (flat mates sometimes turn around in the yard.) Do you know if it matters whether they are outside in the open or partially obscured by say, basil and a banana tree?

It's been a lovely start to the morning. Participated at 3:45 am in an earth healing meditation. Eric was there and as usual when we do our group meditation, I felt his hand in mine. It was good to see him little brother. My heart just swells when I think of all of you. Plenty room for more too.

Enjoy your week end everybody, and Lynn enjoy those brilliant crystals of yours. :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi sandy,
well off hand, I'd say the moonlight energy would penetrate the leaves...afterall,,,what is really solid?
just overnight of the full moon would be enough tho,,,do you have a window where the moonlight comes in?
Even that would be just fine for the other nights, even all 3. It's intention that counts...
Remember George putting up a dome of protection around a house to protect against thieves?
Do the same around your crystals outside....
I'd be more worried of wildlife picking up a pretty shiny object....birds in the daytime are notorious for that!

I'd also be more paranoid about leaving them out all night....and I'd likely sit out with them and meditate for an hr,
then bring them in....that would be my choice,,,,

it would also prevent them from early morning dew.....definitely not good for some...

have fun...
xo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Yeah they were pretty "dewed" up every morning when I brought them in. We're heading for winter here so the nights are cool and moist. I never put my selenite out as I think one of you told me water is not good for them. I have been putting them on our kitchen window ledge where they get a good dose of Moonlight. So I am glad to hear that that is a viable solution for charging. I generally bring my crystals and stones inside in the morning when I clean and feed the bunnies and Sadie. We do have bower birds and others here who love to collect things so I will be more careful in the future. . I hadn't thought of building a dome of protection over them. Thanks Lynn. :)

Hope everyone is happy and well,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,
I am taking Gorge up the mountain this morning to see his GP. I think he is going to have surgery within a couple weeks, but we will, hopefully, know more after speaking with him today and the urologist next week. Please say a prayer for him.
He's a trooper though. One thing about George, he is no stranger to pain.
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

perhaps he better join me in the river,,,
we'll go for a float in Fathers arms,,,
sounds good to me!!
healing prayers always
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

That sounds good, Lynn. I'll shove him in the river with you. ;) :) Okay...maybe I'll just let him stroll in when you both are ready. ;) . ...a little peace is just what we both need.

I don't have much in answers to offer you guys. George did a couple more tests this morning and we may know more tonight or tomorrow. I'm trying not to panic...

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

water is great!
I know its easy to say,,,dont worry,,,,as it only focuses more attention to it...
be at peace with it sweet one! it will keep your vibration high,,
worrying lowers it and not helpful to either of you...
and believe me,,,,I am taking my own advice... :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

hi Kim and Eric....I feel your presence,,,,thank you... :loves
pp/mrs plume
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Am having problems with my computer again, difficult staying online without getting kicked off every few minutes, or unable to connect at all. I'm dutifully sending you daily healing vibrations with my singing bowl. Truly believe the little blue agate with a white heart on it, I put inside adds an extra boost! Hope you are improving and back to your old self in no time!

You and George are often in my prayers,... you're probably getting tired of me showing up unannounced!

Sending loving healing light to you all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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