Group Meditations

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Evening all!
I had good intentions. Even after a rough day, I settled down right on time... then promptly fell asleep. That doesn't happen very often to me. Unfortunately it only lasted abut three hours. Woke up to a dream of being a little irritated with Dave for not helping me with the 7 infants we had. :shock: Tried to meditate then, but it wasn't happening. Didn't get back to sleep until about 6:00 A.M., had to get up for an appointment. Decided to stay awake all day so I'll sleep tonight. Might get to that no time meditation by Wednesday?

… Will have to read the rest of the responses tomorrow I guess. Night everyone.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

I've included an excerpt of what transpired the night before the morning meditation, because they feel connected.

4/14/20- Have been binge listening to audio books for the past few days, replacing my regular reading time of spiritual books before bed. Started having problems being able to find the book I was listening to after closing it. then yesterday afternoon couldn't find it at all. Not unusual for me to have problems with electrical devices, either ineptitude, or my high magnetism thing. Last night tried and tried, everything on the Audio Books account was gone! Would not even let me sign in! Fine, went to read my Crystal Balls and Crystal Bowls book... theeen decided to give my phone one more try. Put in account name and password.... and without my fingers on the keys about 20 random capital letters typed on the line! Blinking... decided quickly to turn my phone off. Thought of a couple of explanations, what did I do this time, ghosts, device freak out, someone hijacking my phone, … a message in there somewhere I asked, “Banyan did you do that to my phone?”

Answer, “Yes.”

My response, “Um, I thought you weren't supposed to be able to do that kind of thing, with free will and all.”

“You have better things to do with your time.”

I thought, “Yeah, I did give you permission to direct me... Better things like reading the book I'm suppose to? Why do I have to read about these things, when I have you?” The book is on scrying and divination.

”There's concepts and ideas you need to open your mind to.” I relented and read my book for awhile.

4/15/20 Morning meditation
Thought maybe I could still join the group meditation for Sunday in no time. That idea fell by the wayside as Monjoronson joined me and I felt I needed to hurry for some reason. Grabbed his hand, began running with him to my Library, also talking really fast. Began going down the stairs and the date June 12 flashed in front of me. Stopped, backed up to that step. “June 12, that must be important, have to remember that(throughout the meditation I'd stop to repeat that date). We cleansed in the waterfall, rushed to dry in the shaft of white light. Went through the door, gathered with the chain of people holding hands, with rows and rows of us filling the surface sending healing into Urantia. Raced back through another door leading into my library grabbed the chair... couldn't remember what it's name was(Seat Of Knowledge), and shoved The Book of Wisdom under my arm. Ran through the healing clinic where my sister's family was lying on beds under a rainbow of healing light. Skidded to a halt, Monjoronson and I put our foreheads together crating individual white orbs of healing for all of them. For all of this racing and rushing Monjoronson allowed me to maintain my manic speed without resisting or trying to calm me down.

We sped to my study to quickly sat behind the desk to wait and see if someone would come out of the elevator. “12, 11, 10...1.” Uteah exited the elevator.

I exclaimed, “Uteah!” surprised that anyone had showed up with me being so crazy! She smiled, calmly joined us. The three of us joined hands, a glowing orb growing between us. “June 12”, flashed again through my mind. Finally slowing down(don't know what all that rushing was about... Maybe it was my way of trying to catch up with you all in no time?). I thought “Wait, this can be a group meditation.” Immediately Eric, Sandy and Lynn appeared beside me. Seemed they'd been waiting for me to get to this point, as they didn't seem surprised at being there. The orb continued to grow and I realized all of my teachers and guides had been giving me their symbols, then they appeared. We all had our hands on the orb, peering down into it as it encompassed the world. White light pulsed to and through us. I felt such deep happiness from it's healing loving light, as warmth flowed through me. Felt two distinct new symbols I did not recognize.

Held onto the perfect love and balance of healing for what seemed like a very long time. Finally realizing the meditation was coming to an end. Opened my eyes and the clock showed 11:11!

Usually I go right to my computer to record meditations, but my son was out in the kitchen, didn't want to forget anything, so grabbed a legal pad and began recording. When I was done, went back to look over my notes. Realized this was not the notepad I'd been writing in lately. Had left that one on the kitchen table the night before with all the passwords and log in information for my phone trying to figure out Audio Books stuff. Focused on the writing expecting to review this meditation, but must have gone a few pages back. I read, “To awaken your consciousness to the Ancient Ones who have walked the Earth.” My mind froze. “What?!!” Blinked, wondering what I was looking at! Looked down a paragraph and there was the Author and title of the book I was directed to read and the first exercise I'd filled out, dated 3/20/20.

Decided, “Okay... guess I'm really supposed to read that book! Looked back at the paragraph I'd read about the Ancient Ones, and resumed reading it. “And to your Eternal Ancient Healer Self, and to the field of infinite intelligence through you.” Exclaimed, “What?!” again. I often write things down, not really intending to go back and read them, more to set the info in my head. I'm like, ... Was this from the book?..., no it was from something else. Looking a page back in the notes trying to remember what it was from, I focus on where there was an asterisk in the margin, ”Meditate on your intention for the new moon,“ Suddenly I remembered, “Oh yeah, this is the day of the new moon! Was that what this was all about? For some reason this made me think of Aleah and at that moment the phone rang... and it was Aleah! She asked how I was. My response was, “Ah, ah and the whole story of what had transpired over last night and morning spilled out. Taking a deep breath thinking, “That was an awful lot of stopping, redirecting, Erk! Erk! Erk! Trying to get a meaning across.” Of course, as always, it's about my ability to receive the message, rather than spirit's ability to give it.

Guess I'm going to set my plans aside today and do a little bit of reading.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

congratulations Kim, that's amazing. i hope you share more form your book!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Lol! I thought the meditation sounded maybe a little insane, and didn't know if anyone would be able to understand what I was talking about!

This morning's meditation was based on questions I had from my reading, such a strong energy throughout the meditation, it's left me a little scattered today. After collecting myself for a while, I'll see if it has any value in being shared.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

kim, i understand. as much as i can from the outside looking in. your words were ringing in my mind as i was opening up to your reality,
"we can do magic."
if you don't mind my asking- can i get your thoughts on a post i made sometime ago? just the initial thread. because that magic reality does seem to connect even years later... maybe something you're reading... on the ancient ones...
well if it's not to much trouble
i would really like your thoughts on the peacock angel, the 10 years of mystery leading up to one moment and the communication with the other side ... 52&t=29440
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hig guys,
It is now early evening and I am here to say hello.
Lol! I thought the meditation sounded maybe a little insane, and didn't know if anyone would be able to understand what I was talking about!

Kim, you crack me up...scattered or not... all your meditations ring true to me... I mean you are talking to the person whose meditation included leaping from one falling tree to another not so long ago. Now granted there was a point to that and I do learn better from pictures. LOL

No, your meditation was wonderful. Thank you Sis, for taking us along. :bana:

June 12... Interesting. George once heard May 5 and that wound up being the date (many months later) that I returned to Australia after filing my first Australian visa. It was a huge milestone for us in my getting permanent residency. :bana: (That dancing banana was exactly the way I felt.

Oops gotta go...
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

:bana: is good for many expressions... ESPECIALLY DANCING!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

back from our weekly practice :hithere
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Group meditation April 19, 2020- Evergreen Spiral

We began in The River. Enya's Watermark song began playing. We issued an invitation to all the TA's of the leaders of the world to join us. They appeared all at once. This part of the river was filled from bank to bank. We stood there for a time absorbing the healing qualities of the water, while each TA whispered softly into the ear of their charges.

Leaving them in the river Eric, Sandy, Lynn and I held hands as we walked up to the top of the bridge. The song changed softly to 'Hero'. Directly on the other side of the bridge off to the right(just realized if we stay near the bridge for our lesson we always seem to go to the right side), there was a massive evergreen spiral with an unlit candle in the center(made a mental note to look up and add the meaning of an evergreen spiral).

All chatter ceased as we realized this was a very sacred solemn occasion. The four of us walked silently together through the spiral carrying lit candles. It's like each step was a part of a prayer. Upon reaching the center we put the flames of our candles together lighting the one waiting in the middle of the spiral. When lit, it transformed into a giant white crystal. We looked at each other wide-eyed and oohed and ahhed over this.

A very sharp toning began in the ears of everyone present, lasting the duration of the meditation. I remember thinking, “Boy, were getting quite the download!”

Looking back several others holding candles came up behind us filling the spiral. As the pine boughs were laid on the ground, about three foot high, everyone leaned over greeting the people next to them. We all seemed so happy to be there! This is the first time I remember us formally greeting others gathered for the meditation.

As if to signal the social time was over it became darker. Everyone sat, reciting silent prayers. My whole body became and remained very warm until the end. The meditation stones in my hands felt like they were radiating a tremendous amount of heat also. For a short time I was both in the spiral and also risen above the group, it was a very beautiful sight. As in The River, TA's were in deep muted conversation with each of us. There was no longer anything visually to see, only the prayers and speaking with the TA's in the darkness. It seemed like we were getting a lot of information, but I was surprised the meditation felt so short when it ended. (I was extremely surprised realizing it went on for three hours.)

Wanted to add, that I always meditate with a crystal or stone in each hand. The meditation stones and myself remained very warm for several minutes after. The stones I held tonight were larger than fist size, a tree jasper and green calcite. It takes a lot of energy to warm up those size stones.

According to Geert Vousten
“In terms of spirituality, the spiral symbol can represent the path leading from outer consciousness (materialism, external awareness, ego, outward perception) to the inner soul (enlightenment, unseen essence, nirvana, cosmic awareness).
Movements between the inner (intuitive, intangible) world and the outer (matter, manifested) world are mapped by the spiraling of archetypal rings; marking the evolution of humankind on both an individual and collective scale.
Moreover, in terms of rebirth or growth, the spiral symbol can represent the consciousness of nature beginning from the core or center and thus expanding outwardly. This is the way of all things, as recognized by most mystics.
The concept of growth, expansion, and cosmic energy, depending on the culture in which it is used.”
“EVERGREEN TREES are found in many myths, often representing the tree of life. These are the trees that weather the winter without going dormant. They represent the regenerative power of life, nature and the seasons.  We use evergreen boughs to represent the sustaining abundance of life on our planet.”

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

dear kim
WOW! another incredible experience! and 3 hours? holy smokes, isn't that something? when it feels like no time has passed at all!?

i know you are receptive to even the most subtle impressions! i am going to remind you that you successfully guessed my friends name who joined us for group meditation. him and his friend joined in the no time last night, but more specifically, 8PM central. :lol: but i noticed you weren't formally greeting others until later anyway! :)

at your suggestion, i am researching more on the peacock angel. today i was graced by a visit from a green peacock! this occurred on my way to work while i was contemplating the history of the yezidi people, the many garbs the angel has taken through various cultures and other things... the thought of monjoronson and the peacock angel had crossed my mind just before my physical visitation from the green breasted peacock!

why am i sharing this here? well, in our practice last night, i asked god if we could contact this angel in some fashion. knowing your level of receptivity i specifically asked if this angel could make himself known to you(chances are, he already has... at the time i prayed for this i did not think about the commonalities through out the other religions and his various 'forms'. you might already know him by another name). lo! your experience... very specific with what little information i read last night(after our meditation)!

if i understand it correctly the yezidi sect claims to have the oldest religion in the world and can be traced back at least 6,000 years. they came to the middle east from india around 2,000 BC and assisted in the creation of the sumerian, babylonian and syrian civilizations. they were a sufi mystery school!

according to the yezidi culture the peacock angel is the first teacher of the spiritual path for all on earth. he is also called the lord of nature. i believe i read that he is the first expression of the supreme being. they say he lives in another realm or dimension and can communicate with us both in the physical and elsewhere(your meditation experience) the color green is one of his signs and there is a prophecy and a history that revolves around the tree of life and the peacock angel. i think the tree of life was impressed in my mind from one of the three dreams in 2008, this occurred as a symbolic act.

so you see, the green spiral and white reverberating light just might have been those subtle impressions you picked up on per gods blessing. do you see the connections? they are AWESOME!!!
:hithere :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

The information on the Yezedi culture and The Peacock Angel is really interesting! :!:

Lol! :roll I thought of your friend and remembered his name just before meditation on Sunday. Said out loud, "What was his name... Steve I think!" And Kelly, right? Thought it was strange he popped into my head then, as it was so long ago when we all did the meditation together. That's pretty cool! :mrgreen:

And it seemed to me the other people gathered there were not only from the boards, probably the reason we were introducing ourselves to them.

Think I mentioned a symbol I felt once before signaled again, a point on the back of my head about two inches left of my right ear. Thought for sure it happened in this meditation and that I mentioned it, but couldn't find where I had. Been meditating so much lately I might be getting them mixed up. Well! Going forward as if it happened on Sunday.

Soooo, sometimes things happen in meditation and I'm hesitant to believe it wasn't my consciousness interfering. Someone did introduce himself to me... Ha! It was like he was slipping in quickly and quietly. He said, "I'm the Green Man." I laughed thinking I must have thought this just for Eric. He smiled and repeated, "I'm the Green Man," and was gone. I'd felt the same symbol in a recent meditation and thought, "Well, this will make Eric really happy!" Thinking he'd probably be back at some point. It's funny because I've been really eager to use green stones for meditating in the past few days. Tree jasper is green and white, the green calcite was one I found in the yard of the Air B&B we stayed at in Arizona.

I was really surprised seeing the spiral, but if indeed The Green Man was influencing the meditation, it fits right in! Green is one of my favorite colors, and or house is bursting with green right now! Just before coming to the boards tonight I laughed at myself, realizing probably not everyone has four trees and a large plant in their bedroom.... and a 6 x 3 foot table in their kitchen covered with a makeshift green house? :oops: Well, they're not cats!...And 11 potted plants and a twelve foot tree taking over the kitchen, started from a little branch when Dave and I began dating... 37 years... ago. I might have a problem!

"Nah!" I say, "Mr. Green Man, you've come to the right friend of Eric's!"

Another...coincidence? Forgot to mention, during the meditation I was wearing a white obsidian necklace... with The Tree Of Life on it wrapped in copper. Impulsively put it on right before meditation. Think I've only meditated with it one other time...Crazy! And bought a silver beaded Tree Of Life on vacation, which isn't unusual for spiritually minded people, but I also do a Tree Of Life meditation for healing Urantia. That's why I put it out there I would like a larger silver one... right before vacation. The song, We Can Do Magic, just started playing in my head. :roll

This is all a little crazy Eric! To think we can have all these connection in the middle of such a horrid event happing in the world. God is truly great.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Are we still up for the group meditations?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »


Of course! :lol:

At your convenience divine friend. :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

no way I can catch up on all the above,,,but AWESOME !!!
peacocks,,,,we raised them for a bit on the property,,,I used to post a peacock avi for awhile...

last week when I was unsuccessfully trying to meditate I all of a sudden had a higher than normal frequency come
now I know why....
things didn't seem to be working on my level,,,so I'm relieved to know I'm still part of the group in your meditations Kim...

any partiular focus for tomorrows med???

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I'm gonna try to do it in no time. I have to take George to a doctor appointment Monday when I should be meditating. So sorry to have been missing the actual event for several weeks now with trying to catch up in no time. I am enjoying reliving the meditations through Kim's lively descriptions. Fascinating this peacock angel information. I thought of your peacocks PP when I read Eric and Kim's back an forth. You know, a couple years before I moved here the next door neighbour had white peacocks. I wish I could have seen them.

Enjoy your weekend..but maybe in enjoyable isolation, eh?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere Sandy,,,

well,,,as long as I don't forget,,,or fall asleep,,,I'll clock in about 7:30 PM pst (tonight)
am enjoying reliving the meditations through Kim's lively descriptions.
I think I will do that for focus tonight,,,thanks for the idea....

just a reminder for you,,,,there is no catch up in no time...
when you go into 'no time' you are there at the exact time you want to be...
bit of a head twister,,,,but just focus on joining the group,,,,
the time concept is really just 'now'.....everything is in the now...

you could even do your med in the am before you leave for the appt...
you would still be with the group (at the right time)

xoxo pp
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

hello my friends <3
just coming back from our unique and loving adventure... :hithere still lingering in the beautiful sensations.
happy to share more... need to come back first. :lol: i sensed you guys, felt you in the end
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

alright! that didn't take long... had to shake things off :lol:
well, i got home and jumped straight into it... i acknowledged our group(steve usually meditates on sundays too Kim)
and i have to say there was some struggle...
lynn you asked what we were going to focus on and my lesson and continued practice is to exist outside the self. i was most likely unsuccessful, though i had a surprising amount of energy to refocus whenever my mind derailed. at one point i remembered reading you were going to think on kims experience which had me sensing and observing thru a unique lense...
kim i think i was beginning to sense the movement you describe in your lessons. there was the sensation of moving about. there was some imagery... the beginning was like trying to dig into the tunnel of spiritual vision and peek through the veil. there were subtle impressions of color and symbols/ideas. then the visions became swift and dominant. at this point i think we were with a very strong teacher, very strong...
maybe near the end of the hour i tried to refocus by doing a little mantra yoga and i am happy to say i felt the energy releasing with the mental striking! specifically hrim in the front. klim and aim in the back. and ram on both sides!i didn't do this too much because i wanted to get back to the experience, the witnessing... i recentered on the breath and began to let go... suddenly i started feeling the energy in the hands we've all discussed here! it was warm, gentle and i really felt like i was squeezing back heheheh. i really started to feel so much love and peace. my body was starting to show signs it was ready to move about... but i didn't want to leave... i focused again on the breath and another thought impressed my mind... the breath rolling through the nostrils was like the sound of the ocean waves inhaling and exhaling upon the shore. so much peace as i slowed it down and began to dissolve in this idea.
ended with a prayer for peace to all beings... but when it ended i felt like the experience was still going, i was kind of stuck(levitating) in the peaceful sensations. :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, everyone!

I'm so glad to have waited until this morning to post. Love reading the other accounts.

I wondered if Steve was going to join us. Didn't feel any other people other than our core group for this meditation and someone peeked in toward the end. I tried a little mantra yoga too, to try to center, didn't work last night, but we were all doing it together this morning!!! We didn't get very far when the celestials arrived. Lol! Does Steve look anything like The Green Man? You'll understand reading my post. Lol! To drown out house noise, I turn on my white noise machine before every meditation. It's the sound of waves rolling in and out!

Last night, think I was trying to get to much done before meditation. Couldn't settle my mind then when the time came to meditate, tried for an hour, decided I'd have to join in no time, tried some mantra breathing, but no good.

Group meditation April 27, 2020
Went down to the river, no one was there. Tried to think of a way to send healing to the world. The black globe of the world from a previous group meditation, appeared before me in miniature(the size of a regular globe). Placing it in a healing orb, setting it on the water, quickly caught by the currant it floated out of sight. My mind was still not deeply into alpha, wondered if I was going to be able to meditate this morning either. Went up to the bridge, the evergreen spiral was still there. I walked to the middle of it and sat down about to light a candle when Monjoronson appeared. He smiled, took my hand and whisked me upward.

Lynn, Sandy and Eric were there waiting. This place was another platform suspended high up in the sky. It seemed to be made of black onyx, black and polished, there was no light source, dark like night, no moon or starts shining,very dim. This platform wasn't massive, or made for a huge group maybe, 50 x 40 ft. As soon as he set me down Monjoronson left. The four of us looked at teach other, thinking maybe this was one of those occasions where we were to decide for ourselves how to proceed. We all sat in a circle, held hands. Eric and I were teaching the others how to do the Sriramanama-baji-mantra-vinyash we'd been learning taught, by Swami Vidyadhishananda. Our toning was very effective and we could easily feel each chakra as we came to it. While we were involved in that Christ Michael, Monjoronson, and Nebadonia appeared. While we sat on the floor chanting they all clasped hands forming a triangle around us. We must have done what we were expected to, because all of them were smiling at us and nodded. Once again I was reminded of the ancient symbol of the circle inside a triangle.

Suddenly my Grandma gave me her symbol and a second later we were standing in an ancient green forest in the daylight. The celestials began walking off marveling at the woods. Thought we were supposed to follow them, but my Grandma turned toward a long narrow, about four foot high, opening in the side of the hill. She began walking in. Hesitating I almost went the other way with the others, but she kept going through the opening so I followed. I expected it to be the opening of the Cave Of Crystals my Grandma and Grandfather were the care takers of. I'd never entered it from the outside, always just appearing inside. Had never been in this cave it was pretty dark, but I could see it was a was a giant geode! Small quarts crystals lined the walls, It had about 12 foot ceilings, in a circular shape maybe 60 foot in diameter, it was cave like, not completely spherical. Sandy, Eric and Lynn came in then and we looked all around. My Grandma smiled knowing we would love it here.

As we examined the cave we all noticed a clear pool of water in the center of the floor and a blue light emanated from it. I gasped, “It's a scrying pool!” We sat down around it. The blue swirling water looking like liquid source energy. Grandma explained it was an ancient gathering place of the druids, long forgotten. Several celestials appeared around us. I looked up at Monjoronson realizing, “But we can't use it yet because I haven't gotten that far.” He nodded. I continued, “This is why I'm supposed to read that book. Why all of us are supposed to learn something, sharing it with the others. The mantra chants, phases of the moon, The Peacock Angel, and that book are all leading up to the next thing we learn.” He nodded.

The celestials left. Grandma stayed watching the four of us internalize this information while we sat around the pool. In one of the dark recesses, the head and shoulders of someone peeked around a tunnel entrance. It looked like the picture Eric had posted on the boards of The Green Man. After we'd seen him he retreated back out of sight. Understanding this was his way of telling us he was going to be part of what we learned, but that would come later. The idea reinforced that we all are supposed to be studying certain spiritual facets and then share them with the group. Like we shared the mantra earlier, I'm reading about scrying, Eric about The Green Man. At this point the meditation was over. I opened my eyes the clock read 11:11. The bedroom clock is set ten minutes ahead, when I began writing this meditation the computer clock read 11:11. Thinking of the celestial message from a few days ago, to look deeper when receiving a prompt. I felt it affirmed we were heading in the right direction, looking deeper, learning more.

When first reading Crystal Balls and Crystal Bowls, I was skeptical it would have much value for me, but kept getting prompted to stick with it. Felt that I would be drawn more to scrying and divination with water than with a crystal ball, maybe even a crystal bowl with water in it, that feels more natural for me. There's something about gazing into a crystal ball that doesn't feel like it's really me, but have continued reading the book, because you never know I guess!

Eric wanted to tell you, the very next section of the book after last week's meditation was about The Tree Of Life. That made me blink a couple of times in surprise. Then on Archangels, how they're strength is stronger on certain days. Raphael's day is Sunday!

That's my contribution this week. Can't wait to hear all your accounts and see if there's any comparisons!

Love to all,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

hiya kim I would be interested in learning what you find about the tree of life :hithere
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

There are several different ways to go about crystal ball gazing, depending on your spiritual and religious affiliation. The reference to The Tree Of Life in this book is related to The Qabala. A diagram of levels resemble an abstract tree. It's a very complicated and ritualistic form of crystal ball gazing. Each of these levels encompasses certain domains. With this discipline of crystal ball reading you create a sacred cloth depicting the levels and place your crystal ball on the level reflecting the thing you would like information on. Each level has an archangel, specific group of angels, colors, what kind of crystal ball to use with this level to help you connect with the correct information you seek. I know my explanation is sorely lacking and do not wish to offend anyone associated with it. I tried to locate a diagram of the Qabala to reference, but even that was not meant to be. Perhaps someone else more thoroughly educated on the subject could jump in here and offer a more through explanation.

I am experiencing a great deal of frustration reading this book. Doing my best to try and grasp the reason why it seemed so important for me to read it, but feeling it is so far off from something I would practice myself. Crystal ball gazing seems so steeped in complicated, precise ritual. It is the exact opposite of the way I approach spirituality. I'll continue reading, realizing it probably contains information I need leading to a greater understanding for me. Maybe to understand the significance of the pool in our latest meditation, but cannot see myself becoming proficient at crystal ball gazing.

It's really interesting that The Tree Of Life is referenced one way or another in many religions dating back to very early civilizations. Considering these civilizations were on separate areas of the world, without access to each other, it's quite remarkable the similarities they have. My guess is you look to the story that most closely aligns itself with your beliefs.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Kim, it might be that some part in the book flashes in your mind at a later point- or that there's still something to discover, when the time is right. If the interest isn't there I wouldn't force myself to keep at it, my experience with the living spirit is that if there is something important it needs to relay- it will find a way. The living spirit is able to relay through our interest for the sake of efficient communication.

I thought I'd ask you about the tree of life because I find this way of exchange more precious than a google search... some would call my style old fashioned others, technologically inadept. Never thought I'd use that as a way to describe myself but seeing as technology has evolved faster than man and I've an increasing desire to disconnect more often... Well. :lol:

I find it interesting that the tree is found in many cultures through out the world, as is the peacock angel and that Sufism teaches us to find the unity in all aspects of life. :study:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys, :hithere

Better late then never I hope. :oops: I have meditated rather sporadically and unfortunately with little worth sharing this past week. But strangely, I found a couple of coincidences that in a far fetched way coordinate just a tad with Kim's group meditation. As I say they are a little bit of a stretch..but here I go. ;)
As you know, I have been absent, in physical domains, anyway, the past couple weeks as George has not been well. But I still pray for a connection and love to be shared with each of you and all who participate quietly in their own time.
Monday which is pretty much your Sunday over there in the Northern hemi. I was drawn to my stones and crystals and for some reason most especially my piece of black onyx. I closed my hand around it closed my eyes and enjoyed its vibration. :) Then that night I flipped the TV on with the intention to unwind just a little in mindless entertainment. The TV came on with an older action movie showing called, "Core". The characters are trying to save the world from utter destruction by travelling to the center of the earth to fire explosives to restart the earth's rotation. (Still don't know what happened to cause it to stop. :scratch: ) But in this movie the hero's and heroine's ship crash briefly into a giant geode much as you describe, Kim...maybe even a tad bigger. I mean how often does one find themselves in a giant geode, eh? :lol:

As always I revel in your description of the meditation... :happy
I, as well, appreciate the interesting discussions on Peacock Angel, Green Man and crystal ball gazing...One never knows where spirit leads. :shock: Yet, without a doubt it will become clear.
I find it interesting, Kim, at the detail in your spiritual experience . Ritual is sort of like all that but in physical form...does that make any sense. As above so below as below so above. You crystal gazing though does sound rather complex. :shock: Is there a way you can stream line the process to more fit your own preferences?

It is rather chilly here..brrrr... :bana: Of course, I am loving it. :mrgreen:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

We do what we can do. You've had a lot going on!

The geode and black onyx connections are... spectacular! A giant geode? That's incredible! Doesn't seem like a stretch to me. More and more often I'm observing correlations out of alpha with meditative experiences. I'd been drawn to my black onyx stones all last week, carrying one around in my pocket.

The site Gemstone meanings has this to say about it:
"Black onyx, just like any other onyx stone types, has unique characteristics and charms. This stone is a ‘must-have’ gemstone to go with when you are under difficult times or when you are having physical stress, as the black onyx healing properties can offer strength to support you.

The stone has soothing quality that will remove fear and release worries inside your mind, and make you to feel comfortable in your current state. As a birthstone of Leo, black onyx encourages your energy and physical stamina, promote self-control and encourage wise decision-making."

"Spiritual Healing Powers of Geode Stones. Just as it hypnotizes the looker with its glitter, geode stones are excellent for igniting deity worship and higher chakra powers. It awakens the power of fortune telling and Clairvoyance. When used on the crystal altar, geodes can bridge the gap and introduce you to angelic communication. Jul 5 2019" :shock:
Sandy wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:08 amI find it interesting, Kim, at the detail in your spiritual experience . Ritual is sort of like all that but in physical form...does that make any sense. As above so below as below so above.
I would appreciate more explanation on this
happyrain wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:17 pmI thought I'd ask you about the tree of life because I find this way of exchange more precious than a google search... some would call my style old fashioned others, technologically inadept. Never thought I'd use that as a way to describe myself but seeing as technology has evolved faster than man and I've an increasing desire to disconnect more often... Well.
I think the message of the meditation reinforces this. We are all bringing information to the group and sharing it. And with you asking the question about the book, really made me go back to that section and concentrate on it. Although I felt it went completely over my head, and found it frustrating. I believe you're right when the time is right my mind will flash back to some information from the book aiding my … spiritual quest. Also made me reassess my approach to the material. Since spirit was pretty insistent that I read it. I felt that I really needed to take the practices seriously, as if this was something I was supposed to do, instead of learning from it, tucking the information in the head for later reference. Will continue reading with a different mindset. Besides! Realized I'm great at complicated mazes, and a bit tenacious at solving them. As in, not moving on until the one I'm working on is solved. Kind of this way with a lot of things. That can be good or bad I suppose. :shock:

Think I'm going to explore more on how The Green Man is associated with The Tree Of Life. To give me a better understanding of how he relates to it. I've tried connecting with him a couple of times this week, but meditations in general have been a little scattered. Also, the impression was in the group meditation he would connect with us on a later date(unless your friend Steve does indeed resemble him!). Still would probably be helpful to glean more info on him and the Tree Of Life.

Happy meditating everyone, stay safe, and healthy,

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,


No wonder I was drawn to the black onyx... it is exactly what I needed to help soothe my soul. I just went and retrieved it and will keep it close for awhile. :happy tucked it someplace safe. ;)
Thank you for sharing the helpful information . :sunny:

You wrote:
Sandy wrote: ↑Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:08 pm
I find it interesting, Kim, at the detail in your spiritual experience . Ritual is sort of like all that but in physical form...does that make any sense. As above so below as below so above.
I would appreciate more explanation on this
and you also wrote this earlier.
I am experiencing a great deal of frustration reading this book. Doing my best to try and grasp the reason why it seemed so important for me to read it, but feeling it is so far off from something I would practice myself. Crystal ball gazing seems so steeped in complicated, precise ritual. It is the exact opposite of the way I approach spirituality. I'll continue reading, realizing it probably contains information I need leading to a greater understanding for me. Maybe to understand the significance of the pool in our latest meditation, but cannot see myself becoming proficient at crystal ball gazing.
The bolded part is what I think prompted my thought that I bolded above the bolded lower part. Whew... that is confusing, eh? LOL

Okay I can see that I shared a rather incomplete thought, earlier.

So let me start again and see if I can nail it down.

Ritual in any spiritual form to me is like poetry, but perhaps poetry we write with our heart and actions for the Divine and our celestial friends. It is like a celebration in form and fashion that honors both the bearer and the One(ones) it is directed toward. Ritual also helps to frame our mind, heart and soul and prepare it for specific spiritual action. It is like your spontaneous meditations in its colórs and wealth of form and value but is done with spirit leading the physical actions toward a specific purpose. Does that make any sense? LOL I am not sure that helps at all but I suppose that was where my mind was leaning. Ritualistic actions usually serve some purpose if we can hang in there and work within its' confines in the beginning. When we are more adept at the particular skill, we can easily make any changes to the process that serve us better. Hope that helps...but it is hard to explain. :scratch:

I am going to do some research too on the Green Man and tree of Life. I am loving all this... :sunflower:
So much Joy in these pursuits don't you think... :bana:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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