The Secret

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

It is a bright SUNNY day today. Jorge used a leaf blower and cleared most of the yard including my flower beds. Crocus and primrose are turning their faces toward the sun! Still pretty early for the arrival of spring, but maybe Urantia is taking pity on us? So much green popping up! Strawberry bushes don't look like they died down much, still nice an bushy. Going to more than double the veggie garden, transplanting raspberries growing wild all around the yard(remnants of when I had planted several years ago). Figure I might as well get a good crop out of them, won't see any berries until next year, but I'm a patient gardener. Want to see if I can start a few mulberry trees again, last year had plenty of snowball bushes, maybe too rainy for mulberries. Wonder how much blueberries bushes are? Hmm, maybe saskatoons? Wow! There are saskatoon trees that can get 15-20 ft. tall! :shock: Better do a little more research I guess, not really interested in getting on a ladder.

That pesky ground hog! Our problem is with deer. Have a five foot wire fence around the veggies. My mantra. "If you want to eat it? You have to help WEED it!" I do a lot of repellent and companion planting to discourage pests. Marigolds everywhere!... Good thing I saved a bunch of those seeds! And shave smelly soap around the flowers they like to munch on.

I've been growing plants pretty much my whole life, have picked up a lot along the way, but since I have time, thought I'd hit the internet and pick up some new ideas and tips. Think the most surprising and exciting food I'll try my hand at this year is growing sweet potatoes! We never had them growing up. Must be a girl thing because the females in our family can't get enough of them! Guess the tuber suspended in a glass of water is a common science project, but up here I'd never heard of it. From one sweet potato I can get more than enough plants for the whole family and then some. Tiny will love it!... Ahhh, my little harvester. Funny thing, I was a seed collecting fool last year thinking I would love to start my own plants again. Little did I know, how serious I was going to get about it! Time to push up the sleeves and polish up the green thumb.... hmmm that sounds like a story.... Nope! Don't have time right now. If you hadn't guessed I'm trying to keep myself occupied so as not to miss Tiny and Nova so much. Don't know how you do it Sandy. Yesterday Dan sent a picture of Nova sitting on the floor staring at the photo collage leaning against the wall. I made it for Rachel's baby shower for Tiny. A 2'x3' board covered in photos of when her mom and dad growing us and the whole family. My heart clenched a little.

Today we're having a mini thanksgiving dinner. The other day basement frig was unplugged, so today we have turkey!

Try the qigong! It's more of a gentle stretching an breathing routine, great for waking up the body and mind to face a new day.

Better get to it, that turkey will not stuff and cook itself... although that would be pretty AWESOME!

Have a great day,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi guys :hithere
well I'll prob forget all the little comments I had running through my head as I read your posts,,,your grandchildren,,,your garden,,
wonder if that sweet potatoe trick will work with a regular potatoe,,,think I'll try it...since we moved here, we've had volunteers come up every year,,but I think when we did our garden do-over last year we must have got the last of them...
That's one thing I really miss about where we used to space,,,my greenhouse,,,the lake,,,but most of all,,the hot tub!
I don't have much yard space here,,,but I do think I could do some container gardening,,,the biggest problem is that the sun moves behind the giant cedars,,and blocks off the sun on the garden strip that I do have,,,,maybe I could put the tubs on wheels :mrgreen:

I think we are very lucky here,,,,we don't have the population saturation like the USA does,,,and I think seeing what took place so fast opened a lot of eyes and the 'clamp down' happened a lot faster here.

I'm glad you went wild on seed harvesting last year,,,,all the garden centres are closed,,,perhaps theres some seed in some grocery stores,,,but since I don't shop,,,,and no place to plant either I guess we'll continue to support mexico,,,that's where it's all coming from now...
All my herbs survived the winter,,,even the rosemary,,yay!!! even the hazelnut trees (seedlings) we planted last year,,little buds coming out on 4 stalks,,,I do plan on keeping it in a container tho,,,and trimmed,,,should get some nuts in about 4 years :roll:

Hope everyone is keeping well,,,,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hmm, I've always cut potatoes in little cubes where an eye has grown. But! That sounds like a great experiment too! Haven't grown potatoes in a long time, but heard of using layers of cardboard instead of planting in the soil. Will do a little more research, but want to try it this year. I sympathize about trees blocking sunlight. We've lost so many trees in the last few years because of borers of one kind or another, that our place is acquiring a lot more sunny areas.

You mean you don't have a mobile hot tub to haul around wherever you go? ;) Maybe Allen should look into that?

I still do a lot of container gardening. Our back steps is my official chamomile, basil and cilantro garden, each step has a pot. We planted trees in the parks a few years ago an I kept the pots. Last years tomatoes were very happy in their tree pots!... HMMMM, I'm not sure about putting the tubs on wheels though, :shock:, but you do what you think is right! :? Don't know why that reminded me that I wanted to get some borage seeds. How did you get your rosemary to overwinter?! I've tried for at least six years, trying different locations to no avail. Was flabbergasted and awed, when we went to Arizona and saw house where their hedge was rosemary! Jealous!!! And your hazelnut trees, amazing! I was able to start several snowball bushes last year, but failed when it came to mulberry trees, will try again this year. I know they're messy, but granddaughters love them! Well, we all do. Will plant in a low traffic area. Ken and I have one trench dug to transplant the raspberries into. Want to put in at least another row. He's also building me some more raised beds. Another experiment! We have a window well in the back, long and slopped about 12 x 12 feet long. I thought, "Hey! why not plant pumpkins at the top of the hill and let them cascade down. Would have to put a deer fence up for them anyway. That spot has a nice southern exposure and, would only have to fence one side, instead of four. One edge is protected by the porch and the other will have a raised bed with hot peppers. Dave thinks I'm nuts, but I don't care! He hasn't the vision I do! :lol: And! The pumpkin seeds were harvested from some we had last year!

If you hadn't guess, gardening is what is going to get me through this latest blight and missing my family. For me it's a spiritual thing.... Haven't even mentioned the flowers! Speaking of spiritual. My Grandma is one of my guides. I still remember her teaching me to weed the gladiolas at two years old, igniting my love of gardening! She had massive gardens...I've been thinking of her often in these trying times and she's been right there giving me her symbol of support.

If you don't have the space or sunlight, it's ok to support Mexico, everyone has to eat and make a living.

Leaves of the fairy flowers are pushing their way up all over the place by the fairy garden!

Ok, should get something done today.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

PP wrote...
well I'll prob forget all the little comments I had running through my head as I read your posts,,,
Yep, me too. It is especially hard when you have been missing for a few days or more and the posts accumulate isn't it? I see so much I want to respond too but then it can become overwhelming. I like all this garden talk... We are well into the second month of Autumn here but it doesn't matter as far as flowers are concerned as "things" flower all year long here on the coast...But I still see Fall defined by mums though in those marvellous arrays of deep rustic earth colours with a bright yellow thrown in for good measure... Fall is synonymous with apple cider for me too. But here, I think if I want cider I must make my own... Now I am wondering, How does one make cider...???

We watched the classic movie, "As Good As It Gets" and I am thinking about the transformations that occurred in that movie. I have transformation and metamorphosis on the brain after reading and thinking about Welles's latest post and now I am seeing some forms of such everywhere now. There was so much growth in that movie and I believe it all begin with love for a little dog? :)

Easter is tomorrow. (Saturday night as I type. I think I am going to make George that apple cake with the caramel-like glaze. Do you remember that one, PP. ;) I remember you liked it and even came up with the suggestion of doubling the glaze recipe that goes along with it. :thumright: Of course, I will be halving the recipe now so that it does not linger any longer then necessary on our waist size.(But of course making the regular amount for the yummy glaze. :mrgreen: ) Of course, it is hard to beat a carrot cake too...I think I have a healthy version of that somewhere... :scratch: I really should have all this decided days ago.

I was thinking about your pots on wheels, PP. My sister had a huge "something er other" plant that she received from my grandmother funeral. Over the years it just got bigger and bigger until it was impossible to move so she put it on one of those wheel things and voila it went for a ride when necessary. Of course this was inside where the floor was smooth. Definitely larger wheels would be helpful over rough terrain.

We have a Japanese pumpkin plant that wishes to take over the world. :shock: And I am letting it. Our neighbour told us that it has grown over the side of the fence and has made a lovely pumpkin that they are babying for future use. Oh, geez, now I have pumpkin pie on the brain. I could make a pumpkin pie :mrgreen: Whatever it is, I had better make my mind up quick smart as it is already 6:30 pm.

Enjoy the peace. I am cosy and warm tonight in our little flat. (and thank you both for your prayers of healing...George has not had a nose bleed all day. :finger: Hopefully this welcomed lull after a long week of them will continue. )

love to all, :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:34 amNow I am wondering, How does one make cider...???
Every fall we go to a friends to make cider. We wash a mixed variety of apples, toss them into a press, that chops and compresses the apple pulp and squeezes out the juice. The juice is poured through cheese cloth in a huge milk can that has a spout used to fill clean milk jugs. We drink our fill and freeze the rest(making sure there's lots of room left at the top for expansion of the frozen cider. That's the only way I've seen it made around here, but was curious how others made it. Of course there are several videos on YouTube and looked up recipes to make it in your kitchen like this one. ... ple-cider/

Never heard of Japanese pumpkin, of course had to look that up. Looks to be in the same category of what we call winter squash. "Yum." I'm starting four different kinds of pumpkins, a huge variety of turquoise squash and butternut. They make a beautiful fall display and we can eat them later! All have different levels of sweetness and texture. Do they grow wild down there or volunteers in the compost pile?
Sandy wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:34 amI have transformation and metamorphosis on the brain after reading and thinking about Welles's latest post and now I am seeing some forms of such everywhere now.
Here's to our transformative metamorphosis!

You're making me hungry for fall delicacies! What did you decide on?

Nope, can not wrap my head around pots on wheels, envision plants with motion sickness... But I suppose if we ever plan on RVing it, I'd have to have a plant or two go with us... probably not the twelve foot schefflera.

Happy to hear George hasn't had a nose bleed, Yay! Hope that is the end of it for him.

Well, have to get back to planting the seeds. Only have the tomato and peppers done. It's really crazy the time we had getting seed started soil! I was on a mission! Finally found a place that had some in stock, Ken went in to get it for me, armed with pictures of what I needed, a clerk helped him. LOL! He came back with two 50 lb. bags of fertilizer. I was :shock: are you kidding me! Dave saved the day calling a local landscaper. I was never so happy to have gotten dirt! :mrgreen: :roll :love

Happy Easter everyone! Stay healthy and safe,

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

It is still barely Easter over there, I think. Even though we are well into our Monday afternoon, the Easter peace is still lingering.
Sadly, George had another nose bleed this morning but it was a small one and short lived. He didn't let it get him down and hopefully there won't be another.

Thanks for the cider information and URL. I haven't had cider in three years since I went to visit my kids in Ohio in the Autumn. I love Ohio in the Fall. :bana: It is hard telling when I will be able to visit my family again. The airlines here won't be flying internationally until this virus thing is settled. They said it could be the end of the year but no one knows for sure as this virus is proving to be quite
controversial and every country is dealing with it as they see fit. I miss my family. It's all becoming rather dream-like. I guess we do what we have to do an make the best of it.

The Japanese pumpkin is probably is a Squash in the US. Butternut is known as a pumpkin here too. The pumpkins we are growing this year came up as volunteers from the compost. Obviously my compost is not heating up as it should but yeah for the pumpkins. I love to grow pumpkins and squash. What I would really love to have is some spaghetti Squash. Love that stuff.

You asked about my dinner plans... Lets see, we had a ham with potato salad, butternut squash, green peas, homemade sauerkraut, hot cross buns and for dessert a healthy version of apple cake that Rod sent me last September. ( I looked at my mom's fresh apple cake recipe and the sugar in it is shocking. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.) I did make coconut caramel for the top. It was pretty good despite the under abundance of sugar.
Nope, can not wrap my head around pots on wheels, envision plants with motion sickness...
You know I haven't thought about it like that. But I do remember George telling me several years ago to please move the Peace plant off the top of the washing machine as the motion was terrifying it when the washer spun dry.

Well I am off to feed the bunnies... Good night all you guys on the upper end.
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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

hello sandy, kim and mrs. plume
this aren't my usual stomping grounds but,
i wanted you to know i've been thinking about you and share the feelings of gratitude and peace i get in the quieter moments.
wishing you each a beautiful day.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sorry to hear about George's nosebleed, hope that was it.

Your dinner sounds pretty good! If you want spaghetti squash, you should have one for dinner and toss the seeds in the compost. Wait, do they have spaghetti squash down there? Or are they stringy pumpkins?! ;)

:D It certainly was an Easter to remember. The day started out alright for me, finished planting all my flower seeds in the morning, then rushed around to make three lasagnas. One for us, two to deliver. It was hard on me having to talk to Dan and fam while in the driveway, as they stood on the upstairs balcony. Nova ran out, "Hi, Ganny! Hi, Ganny!" over and over again. She had to show Dave and I her new cowgirl boots. Kept throwing leaves down for Dave to catch. Tiny didn't come out for several minutes... because she was crying at being unable to hug us. :cry: Of course this made me :( . Convinced her to open our Easter gifts for them. They really loved the Fairy Village stuff, ooh'd and ahh'd over everything! We stood there for about 45 minutes, but it was freezing! After a couple dozen blown kisses, and air hugs we left. Was a rough ride home for me. We all felt it. Aleah had been moping around outside several times yesterday. Even Dan who isn't very demonstrative, was having a hard time. Sent a very touching text to Dave and I. Told him it's times like this that makes us appreciate the family we have. Ha! Ave just handed me a red stone he grabbed out of the bay before a wave hit him. It's red with small little tan spots on it, almost the shape of a heart. I found two hearts on it!

Especially around holidays I think of how you're doing. If I felt that way after a month, I can't imagine how hard it is for you. {{{{{HUG}}}}} Were you able to share any Facetime or anything? How is the rest of your family doing? Didn't realize international travel would be curtailed that long, but I suppose. What ever it takes right?

Today old man winter reminded us he wasn't done yet. 32 degrees and snowing, nothing is sticking, but oh so windy! Blew down a huge poor old dead popular tree by the driveway. It was about eighty foot tall, almost jumped out of my seat when that went down! No damage, fell in the woods, makes me sad when we loose a tree. I was just taking to Dave about it yesterday!

Thank you for the kind thoughts! They are greatly appreciated. :loves You can come stomping around here anytime. How was your Easter?

Hope you're all having a great day! :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning Everyone, :hithere
Cloistered off in my own little isolated haven, I have to admit our life is good despite all the out in the world devastation. Woke up this morning singing Nova's and my Good Morning song. That and my light mood may have something to do with... Dan and fam came over yesterday to spend forty-five minutes social distancing outside! Well, social distancing for he most part. It's really tough convincing a 22 month old she can't hug Ganny and Gampy! She held out for ass long as possible. That look of, "I really want to hug you," turned into, 'I JUST HAVE TO HUG YOU!" Have to admit, swear I can still feel the pressure around my legs. For sure can still feel it wrapped around my heart. After that first time it was impossible keeping her from coming back about six more times. Tiny seeing this, snuck in for a couple herself. I wore a mask and hand coverings and neither the girls and I have had any outside contact since coming back from vacation.

They surprised us with take out pizza and Dan erected the cedar and slate top gardening table he made for me last September for my birthday. It's so cleaver, practical and beautiful! Supposed to be a small workspace for potting plants outside. I told him let's face it will most likely end up holding a bird bath. Then I saw he'd put an empty metal pail with a lovely dragonfly design on it. Guess he suspected it would end up being decorative! When they were getting ready to leave I chimed in, "You've set a precedent Dan! I can visualize several other places one of these would look great in!"

Dave and I showed them the new garden spaces, and where we have to take out three more trees. :( The strong winds we experienced a few days ago took it's toll. Tiny acted like she'd grown fairy wings and raced around the yard, so excited to visit for a few minutes. Nova kept picking up leaves, sticks, acorn tops, stones and giving them to me. Most of the gardens are outlined with stones. She went from one to the next saying, "Big rock Ganny! Big rock Ganny!" They left when it became intolerable for her to not have me pick her up and snuggle. :cry:

As the saying goes, "My heart was brim to overflowing." :sunflower:

I've been keeping busy(reading my crystal balls and bowls book!), watching all the little seedlings grow, experimenting with new ways to grow things and sending one of my children's book series to Dan and Rachel to read to the girls. Like my kids they moved on to no picture chapter books very early. A couple of my friends want to read them also and one doesn't even have kids! :lol:

Today is overcast and a chilly 39 degrees. The snow we received a few days in a row is melted and the woods are teaming the movement and chatter. Red Flickers and Downey woodpeckers taking continuous turns on the suet. Chickadees dropping from the trees for sunflower seeds. Gold finches usualy come in a little later. Guess they never heard the saying, "The early bird gets the worm!" Or maybe they know the worms aren't awake yet? Yellow primrose don't care if it's snowed, they raise their little blossoms heavenward anyway. Seems like they're saying, "It's spring and I'm going to shine like the sun!" Hyacinths, and daffodils are just waiting for a few sunny days to pop and, tulips leaves are pushing their way up into the light. There's a fluffy gray squirrel circling the bird feeder, unable to figure out why the hemlock branch no longer serves as a diving board for him to launch himself onto the bird feeder! Boy, oh, boy! Bet if I could speak squirrel I'd be getting an earful! His tail is just a shaking and he's shinnied up that tree at least a dozen times in the past few minutes. "Sorry buddy. You're going to have to poach seeds off the ground just like the rest of your friends. " … Ha! He figured it out already, back on the feeder. :? I can see I have a pretty shifty adversary. "Alright Mr. Gray Squirrel. It's ON!".... Nope don't have time to write another story..., beside I've a feeling this is going to be a long battle. I'll be darn, he's jumped right up from the ground! Hhhhh, don't worry(lol, if you were) my arms are crossed and the wheels are turning!

On that note, I'd better get moving. Need to sow another flat of marigold seeds. Going to be a busy planting season!

Sending love, peace and courage to you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

H guys,

I haven't forgotten any of you...just strangely crazy busy. I had to take George up to the doc yesterday for the burn on his foot. I hope it heals. I was going to say soon, but with George it takes awhile. It was hurting a lot last night and he was having trouble sleeping so my worry mode is working overtime. It is hard to get out of worry mode for him. It has been one thing after another the past couple years. It wears on him after awhile and I am afraid one of these days it will be too much and he will quit fighting. :( Naw... that won't happen. He has never been a stranger to pain and has endured it for years with no complaint. But still I would appreciate your prayers and healing.

Our landlord is coming up today an probably soon so I cannot say much. (I probably should go out and tidy the garage since he will need to be in there to get his battery charger. Would prefer his face not look like this----> :shock: :lol:

Kim, I am glad Tiny and Nova got to squeeze a few hugs in. And as well you got to spend some outdoor time with your kids. My time is coming maybe be a year o more but I look forward to it and in the meantime will live vicariously through you and your wonderful family.

I too hate to loose trees. each one of them have personality and feeling. Of course most people around me don't understand that and in all honesty it is hard for me to see the bigger picture. LOL I mean even as a kid I protested when new soon to be neighbours bought some of my favourite wild land on our street and workers took out trees for their house. (I organised the kids on the street in a protest march with signs and everything. :lol: :roll: )

Hi Eric and hello PP! I am thinking of all of you as I don my shoes and work gloves to give my garage a quick once over. Wish me luck.

Love you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Your words sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulder. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} That's a hug from me, Tiny and Nova combined! And a bouquet of :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: .

How did George burn his foot? I send both of you loving healing light several times a day... maybe it should be doubled?! :loves

Hope everything went alright with your landlord. Although I suspect you have nothing to worry about in that department.

Hang in there sis! Every day is a new day with infinite possibilities. If you don't believe me, just as, :bana: and his family! :bana: :bana: :bana: ….:bana:

Much love,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

oh my,,,another one i can't catch up with,,,,

but hello :hithere everyone,,,I do think of y'all,,,but I just haven't been able to write...

yes, SANDY,,,,with mouth watering now,,,I remember that apple cake,,,,maybe this

btw,,,that suitcase dolly worked for me,,,,its low to the ground, so I haven't had to lift pots,,,just a few inches...

actually,,,I call Allan now,,,,hoooneeey!,,,,pls move this pot for me!

I managed to move soil bags with my walker,,,,,I could lift them,,,but not walk with them...walker worked great
plus after moving one,,,I could sit down for a min....
I'm still moving rocks around,,,,and I put 4-6 or so,,on the seat of my walker,,,then push them to the part of the garden I'm fixing up!
then sit down for a rest!
But I actually planted in a very large container some yellow bush beans,,,,a smaller (3 gal) pot of green beans,,,and another one
with some echinacea....
oh,,that just reminded asked about my rosemary,,,,they like protetion from wind,,,so a nice sunny south wall,
and they don't like wet feet,,,,or fertilizer....remember, they are a mediterranean plant...

Hey Eric,,,,nice to see you popping in...gads,,I just noticed I haven't been here in 2 wks :shock:

see y'all tomorrow night

xo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Lynn, :hithere
Sounds like you've got a pretty good system! Growing things is just good for the soul! That freak huge early snowstorm last fall kind of blew my overwintering plans out of the water. Was actually planning on putting the rosemary on the south side this year, and get my winter protection out earlier. :finger: Oh, I love rosemary! Don't know why I didn't think of it before. Toss basil seeds in some pots on the back porch and it loves it back there! Ken is building several two and a half foot high raised beds for me this year, easier on the back.

Meet you all tonight I meditation,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi kim,,,
just answered your pm....
glad your rosemary will get it's home this yr...

not too chatty at the moment,,

love ya,,,pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hope Georges appt goes well,,,,do you folks down there wear masks when you go out in public???

Eric I hope you visit here again....I found this rather interesting piece on peacocks... ... varieties/

a lot of info I didn't know when we had peacocks on the property! before the days of the iphone,,,so no pics!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Darn, the three rosemary plants have a white disease on them. "Hhh,"

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

ooooo kim,,,too bad,,,it's a type of mold/mildew,,,,it will spread if not treated or destroyed...just can't remember the proper name at the moment,,,it will pop in later likely........powdery mildew!!
it comes thru the air,,,not much you can do to prevent that!
my neighbours rhodo's get it later in the summer....will have to look it up,,,I don't recall it ever being on rosemary tho!

ok...just found this
Milk Spray
As soon as you spot patches of powdery mildew on a rosemary plant, spray the affected foliage with a milk solution. Mix 1 part milk with 5 parts water, pour it into a clean spray bottle and squirt the foliage once a week until the disease disappears. ... ary-leaves

good luck!!
xo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

LOL! It's easy to go down the rabbit hole, especially these past weeks. Thanks for the info, your sojourn on the internet is very much appreciated.

Yes, Powdery Mildew was my first guess. I was surprised to see it on Rosemary, but this is the first time I've gotten the plant so early in the season, so I did pit it on the windowsill, waiting for warmer weather. My first reaction was to remove it from the house, especially since it was by the inside greenhouse. Not in it of course, but close enough I was like, "Yikes, don't hurt my babies!" My first impulse was to find a way to save the plant. Considering the leaves are what it's grown for, I'm going to start over and get a new one I can plant outside without waiting. We live in the woods, so air circulation is a problem, especially with the saturation of rainy weather we've had the past couple of growing season.... Well, acquainted with Powdery Mildew, but has never been a problem for me with rosemary. Thanks again for your efforts, hopefully you found something useful for your own plants!

I will mark the links though expecting there will be problems this summer, especially with the bee balm! In the past I've removed the plants to inhibit the spread, not being successful at stopping it if I didn't.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Kim
We've had a lot of rain this last week, but during one of our 15 min sunny breaks lol,,I noticed my rosemary wasn't looking it's best either,,so I got Allan to lift the pot out and I put it in (isolation) a dry spot,,give the roots a chance to dry out a bit. So I'll have to wait and watch it...I'm also going to cut about 4 inches off the tops also,,,after it making it thru our wet winter I'm going to try save it,,if not,,like you,, I'll get another one.. good luck
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you green thumbed friends of mine.

I too am well acquainted with powdery mildew. We had it on our pumpkin and squash plants. Growing against a metal fence and too close together caused poor air circulation around the plants. w tried treating the plants with the milk solution from a garden sprayer but man that stuff was tenacious. :shock: After several years of problems we planted Jerusalem artichokes in the space and now enjoy a trouble free bed. Not that we do much with the artichokes. Speaking of which I harvested one bed of the little darlings which means basically digging them up saving the biggest its to eat and replanting the best of what is left. it is an easy and relaxing job. There is nothing as peaceful as a little light gardening. The heavy aching back. I am realising I am not as spry a I once was in my wet mud carrying days. But still one of my neighbours made my day when they told me I am doing better then most people my yeah... But now I am feeling bad for those my age who aren't doing so well. :?

George just got up and he said he wasn't feeling well. So I have to cut this short. say a little prayer. We must get to the doctor this afternoon. Dr. Lem is going to chemically something his nose to stop these nosebleeds.

Love you guys...
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hope you early rescue of the rosemary saved them from a mildewy fate! We are in our fourth day of rainy cold weather as well..., but it's ok because it's still weeks before planting seedling outside. It's pretty clear I'm going to need to expand to another table and grow lamp as the 3 x 6 table is full and things are growing so fast... and I keep finding things to plant!

Had to watch a few videos on Jerusalem artichokes, they sound extremely hardy!

:lol: Happy to hear, "You're doing better than most people your age." That's a nice neighbor! Digging a new trench 20 ft x 18 in. x 12 in, and hauling off the sod and dirt in the wheelbarrow(Aleah said she didn't feel guilty at all watching me) only took me out for two days!... It's been raining though, had time to recover. Hope I still have a trench! :shock:

Is George feeling better? How is his foot? Did his nose stop bleeding? Sounds like a chemical cauterization. Just said a prayer for him and Uteah gave her symbol! Think he must be in good hands.

I should accomplish something today. Maybe plant those stevia and zinnia seeds.... Hmmm, but where to put them? Ah! The kitchen bench still has some room! :bana: Took off the cover and cushion, removed two leaves from the table. It's perfect!

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Morning guys,

One again I haven't much time this morning for a much longed for chat, but wanted to let you know that you are right Kim. George had a chemical cauterization yesterday afternoon. It was rather painful and he had trouble sleeping last night but I am watching the clock because we must go for a blood test and it is a fasting one...something for his endocrinologist and something Doctor Lem wanted as he thought George looked pale yesterday after three weeks of bloody noses. Hopefully when he wakes up he will feel a bit better. There is nothing like sleep to help the ole body heal. His foot seems to be improving. I must change his dressing today. Hoping all looks good. :finger: Thank you for your prayers for him. :kiss:

I laughed at you and those wheel barrels of dirt and Aleah feeling no guilt. That was me for 20+ years. I always wondered how my family could go about their light hearted business with absolutely no concern or guilt while their mother hauled multiple wheel barrel loads of wet mud out of our little pond and creek. Still I have my own ways of doing things and get a bit impatient when things aren't done to my own specs and ideals. LOL so I probably deserved it.

It is going to be a cool week end coming here. I am so excited. :bana: It is the first taste of upcoming winter in the higher elevations. We won't see any snow but I still enjoy knowing winter as I know it is occurring somewhere on this continent.

Well better get ready... lots to do before we live. :roll: :)

Love to you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm so glad George has you to help him. Fasting for a diabetic can be a little scary. It feels like he needs something to bolster his spirits! Sending the visual of us singing Nova's and my Good Morning Song to him. Imagine Nova, Tiny and I with fairy wings and dancing ribbons prancing around sending him health and happiness! What?!! I can prance and wear purple fairy wings! :D It always work for raising my spirits! :mrgreen: Both imagining it and doing it! :bana: Wait a minute. Not everyone imagines that?!… Well, THEY SHOULD! "Good Morning! Good Morning we sing! A happy day for all and all it may bring!...La, la, la, la, la la, la, la ,la ,la , la, la..." It was decided long ago I'd probably would have made a pretty good court jester... Just look at the outfit I would be wearing... Let's face it, not everyone could pull that off!

That's how I'm going to illustrate the book, each page a line in the song. Photos of my girls in beautiful dresses, daisy chains in their hair, fairy wings of course, twirling around with swirling dancing ribbons. Skipping, singing and dancing, greeting every flower and creature they see. I envision them dancing on the beach will be the most breathtaking!

Ahhh, wait... were we? Oh, yes. That's not what my kids usually do. Aleah was having back problems. Saying she wasn't guilty, didn't mean she wasn't feeling it. It was the first full blown sunny day we'd had and no one wanted to waste it. Since then however, it's been rainy and cold. Can't seem to get above 40 F. So damp with the rain, I'm still wearing my winter woolies! Awe, poor Lynn! She must be wearing seven layers! As you're anticipating winter cold and reveling in the idea of snow, I'm :finger: were are done with them for the season.
Sandy wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:31 amStill I have my own ways of doing things and get a bit impatient when things aren't done to my own specs and ideals. LOL so I probably deserved it.
I can honestly say this is me also. ;)

The cold is no deterrent to the birds though. Believe they're grateful for a full feeder and suet cage. A juvenile northern flicker flew in, just getting his adult feathers. It had several red feathers sticking up out of it's head. Looked like it was wearing a red flower!

The plant experimentation goes on! Noticed unexpectedly there were little white roots sticking out of the lower side of a purple cabbage. :idea: can I root this? I'll let you now in a couple of days. :sunflower: We had Brussel sprouts last night for dinner... They're like tiny cabbage! Is it possible to root them? I'll let you know in a couple of days!
Sandy wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:31 amWell better get ready... lots to do before we live.
Sandy you really should be living every day!

Hope George's blood tests are helpful.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning everyone :hithere
I'm envisioning the Good Morning song as I type and have children's programming on the TV. (the sound is almost non existent so I can concentrate) I have been in the mood for some nostalgia, and memories of my boys as little boys have been cropping up unexpectedly lately. If truth be told I miss them...even the grown up "know more then mom" versions they are now. LOL

You would enjoy the show on is full of bright colourful" bangley" activities that littlies can do..also lots of singing I think...(sounds a bit low to know for sure) I have this desire to get out some cheap tempera paint and go to town.

Did I miss something about this book? Is it a book you are writing to be published? :D 8)

You know my kids always called brussel sprouts "little cabbages". I am very interested in your plant experiments. I have always had trouble sprouting plants and I suspect now after talking to my next door neighbour who is an horticulturalist that it is due to the cheap soil I would purchase for the task. It isn't exactly seed starting season here even though some plants will do well during our coastal winter. But I can probably purchase some established plants at our local hardware store. First need to clean the beds. Right now the pumpkins have gone crazy. :shock: Since they are still making little pumpkins I would rather not disturb them though.
Sandy wrote: ↑Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:31 am
Well better get ready... lots to do before we live.
:oops: typing and proof reading skills are not so great these days...but maybe there was a reason underneath that one. LOL

Oh they just played one of my favourites on TV It began showing aftermath of the bushfires last summer and it always makes me emotional as I see it. This is the song as sung in Yawuru language.... Yawuru Traditional Owners of Broome.

When I hear that song I can't help but think how glorious it would be to hear the entire world singing as one family. It will happen some day. :happy

The wind is whipping today and the chill is close to the bone. LOL I asked for this eh? LOL so I am going to enjoy it... a good day to twirl in the wind an be grateful for blessing of breath and air....not to mention the warmth of a good heater, eh? God bless those without shelter, keep them warm and fill hungry tummies to sustain them in this hour and day.

PP and Eric... thinking of you guys too this morning as my cold fingers type. Enjoy your evening. :hithere

Oh almost forgot. The doctor called George last night with the results of his blood test. His red blood cell count was very low so he is to go see him again in two weeks. Hopefully by then he will be in better shape. He has been so tired the past week or so and now we know why. Okay what are some good foods to improve the blood?

Sesame Street is on. :sunflower:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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