The Vital Understanding: Part 1

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The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by happyrain »

I thought this would be a good place to read and discuss, gain insights from each other for those interested in taking the challenge from the teacher Uteah ... =2&t=28565

Do you consider this a good place to start with the first exercise? ... aith-jesus
Paper 196 The Faith of Jesus

I thought it important to realize the challenges Jesus faced as the human being and gain perspective. It seems, from reading this, that religion is about acknowledging the personal experience and the longing to know God.

It is a lot of information. Here are some bits I found noteworthy to start the post,

196:0.7 (2088.2) The all-consuming and indomitable spiritual faith of Jesus never became fanatical, for it never attempted to run away with his well-balanced intellectual judgments concerning the proportional values of practical and commonplace social, economic, and moral life situations. The Son of Man was a splendidly unified human personality; he was a perfectly endowed divine being; he was also magnificently co-ordinated as a combined human and divine being functioning on earth as a single personality. Always did the Master co-ordinate the faith of the soul with the wisdom-appraisals of seasoned experience. Personal faith, spiritual hope, and moral devotion were always correlated in a matchless religious unity of harmonious association with the keen realization of the reality and sacredness of all human loyalties—personal honor, family love, religious obligation, social duty, and economic necessity.

196:0.9 (2088.4) The Master’s entire life was consistently conditioned by this living faith, this sublime religious experience. This spiritual attitude wholly dominated his thinking and feeling, his believing and praying, his teaching and preaching. This personal faith of a son in the certainty and security of the guidance and protection of the heavenly Father imparted to his unique life a profound endowment of spiritual reality. And yet, despite this very deep consciousness of close relationship with divinity, this Galilean, God’s Galilean, when addressed as Good Teacher, instantly replied, “Why do you call me good?” When we stand confronted by such splendid self-forgetfulness, we begin to understand how the Universal Father found it possible so fully to manifest himself to him and reveal himself through him to the mortals of the realms.

From 196:0.10 (2088.5)
To him prayer was a sincere expression of spiritual attitude, a declaration of soul loyalty, a recital of personal devotion, an expression of thanksgiving, an avoidance of emotional tension, a prevention of conflict, an exaltation of intellection, an ennoblement of desire, a vindication of moral decision, an enrichment of thought, an invigoration of higher inclinations, a consecration of impulse, a clarification of viewpoint, a declaration of faith, a transcendental surrender of will, a sublime assertion of confidence, a revelation of courage, the proclamation of discovery, a confession of supreme devotion, the validation of consecration, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties, and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin.

Don't let the word sin deter you, since our personal growth is getting closer to God is Religion, sin may simply be when we lose sight of this reality.
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,
Okay... I'm in. :) I'll take a look at this paper in a little while. Funny I was just thinking last week that I would like to read the fourth part of the Urantia book again. :)

For me over the years it has been easy to focus on Jesus's divinity and forget that as a mortal man, he faced life on this planet just as we did . That last bit offers comfort when life seems to get so complicated. Obviously Jesus's life can shed much light on the goal most of us harbour deep within our souls and that is to live instep with Creator of All. Rereading this paper is a wonderful beginning... or renewal... :happy

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 2

Post by happyrain »


I tried doing part 2 from the instructions. Do you have any good references to destiny guardians?

I'm not sure I understand what Uteah is asking, to understand the nature of our power trio?

Thanks for humoring my thread Sandy.
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

Hope you've had a good week end... :hithere
Do you have any good references to destiny guardians?
How about this one... Paper 113 ... ns-destiny

As for Thought Adjusters....

Paper 107 - Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters ... -adjusters

Paper 108 - Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters ... -adjusters

Paper 109 - Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures ... -creatures

Paper 110 - Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals ... al-mortals

Paper 111 - The Adjuster and The Soul ... r-and-soul

Paper 112 - Personality Survival ... y-survival

Paper 113 - Seraphic Guardians of Destiny ... ns-destiny

ai yi yi Looks like I have a lot of reading to do. :D
I'm not sure I understand what Uteah is asking, to understand the nature of our power trio?
Let's look at the question you poised with the example of classmates.
When I was in school I knew the names of every person in my class. I knew them by sight and often waved a hello. Then there were people of this class who shared some of my subjects/classes. I knew them a little better. How they looked (shocked lol) when Mrs. Davis assigned a 100 page essay to be written on some esoteric subject over the week end, for instance. Yet, I still didn't know many of their likes and dislikes, their parents names where they hail from etc. We were friends but some what superficial. Then there were friends in my class that had known me since I was a chubby little girl. They knew my strengths my weaknesses, my like and my dislikes. They knew my parents and the things I didn't want my parents to know lol and they shared some of my most memorable experiences . And of course, I was their counterpart, knowing as much and feeling the same way about them. So to understand the nature of someone one needs to really know them at the heart level and maybe then some. To know our Destiny Guardians and our Thought Adjuster, we have to spend time getting to know them and the all important relationship shared. It may feel a bit strange in the beginning. ... all friendships might begin in such a way. But we quickly feel drawn to those people who love and accept us with all our "warts" and baggage. Our power trio truly are the best friends we will ever have throughout eternity and learning their nature via material and shared time is the best gift we can give to ourselves.

Man I've got a bit of reading to do.... :shock: but even more important some quiet reflection with my power trio on a regular basis... open ended of course... going with the flow and allowing them to share themselves in the best way for my own unique understanding.

Have a fabulous week up there little brother. :hithere
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,

I really admire your sentiments on friendship meaning something that innately accepts another even for their 'faults'. The mysterious pull between strangers is also something very interesting. Then there's going with the flow... Opening ourselves up to the fragment of God and our celestial friends... Wow, these are some amazing insights. Today was such an awesome day! It's not over. I am beginning to experience the Wonders of Faith. I see that same belief in this power of faith in your latest post, "allowing them to share themselves." Today and every day is a lesson from on High. Have we this Faith coupled by a belief that we are always protected, always Loved, that these trials and acts of joy are all part of the Divine plan- well this is the right attitude- we may become unstoppable! And something truly amazing happens that results in further sincerity... The every day, the typical unsavory reactions... These transcend and instead, gratitude and a feeling of being truly alive.

I guess I have a lot of reading to do too. Thank you for taking the time to compile the information for easy access. This will make referencing, researching or having something to read, all the better.

Peace and Love!
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Sandy »

Morning Eric,
(it's evening here)
Today was such an awesome day! It's not over.
I love that and my spirits rose as I read that. :bana:

And then this...WOW!
Today and every day is a lesson from on High. Have we this Faith coupled by a belief that we are always protected, always Loved, that these trials and acts of joy are all part of the Divine plan- well this is the right attitude- we may become unstoppable! And something truly amazing happens that results in further sincerity... The every day, the typical unsavory reactions... These transcend and instead, gratitude and a feeling of being truly alive.
I LOVE that! Yes! Let's be unstoppable in spirit! :happy

I am well behind in my own reading but hope to get at some of it tonight. Tomorrow we are off to see the vascular surgeon keeping an eye on G so the day will fly by an I suspect G will be so tired when we get home. Its good for us to gt out of the house and have a change of pace even if it takes a VS appointment to do it. LOL It will be a big adventure catching the train at the crack of dawn. :sunflower:
I'd take my Ubook with me but it is literally falling apart. Like Hansel and Gretel I'm afraid there would be papers like bread crumbs behind us.

I'm celebrating the day. :sunflower:
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Evening!
Wanted to jump in a few days ago, but conference time, swamped at work. AND SPRING HAS FINALLY SPRUNG!!!(imagine me dancing around in circles waving my hands in the air... oops tripped over the dog, maybe I should dance around waving my hands in the air with my eyes open? :bana: :bana: :bana: (see Mr. Banana Man has his eyes wide open... fascinating, he doesn't even blink). Man I'm in such a good mood! Amazing what a little sunshine can do! :sunny: :drunken:

Sandy, want to know how the VS surgeon appointment went, but maybe should put that inquiry on another thread? Might be time to invest in another Ubook…, or maybe a few cases of tape.

Anyway count me in! Began some of the reading a few days ago, boy you guys don't fool around! So can't hang around, better get some reading done. :bike:

Love you guys!
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy and Eric,
Still wading through the links provided, but wanted to share a few insights I've picked up.

"Guardian angels are seraphim devoted to the ministry of mortals."

"These attending seraphim have functioned as the spiritual helpers of mortal man in all the great events of the past and present."

"Originally the seraphim were definitely assigned to the separate races. But since the bestowal of Michael, they are assigned in accordance with human intelligence, spirituality, and destiny."

"Seraphim are not known as guardians of destiny until such time they are assigned to the association of a human soul who has realized one or more of these achievements.
1. Has made a supreme decision to become Godlike.
2. Has entered the third circle.
3. Or has been mustered into one of the reserve corps of destiny.( I wondered, "Hmm, what one would I be?" Thought 'mustered' was an
interesting choice of words, right after writing this my eye was drawn to an ad in the newspaper from a 'Mustard Lawn Care'. Said out loud, ?!
"Really?!… Well, I did ask.")"

" Only seraphim of long service, the more experienced and tested types are assigned as destiny guardians. Many guardians have gained much valuable experience on those worlds which are of non-Adjuster fusion series. Like the Adjusters the seraphim attend those beings for a single lifetime and then are liberated for a new assignment."

"The only emotion different for humans and so hard for(seraphim) to comprehend is the legacy of animal fear that bulks so large in the mental life in the average inhabitant of Urantia."

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Kim,

I really appreciate the quotes. While I've not allowed myself the space to completely realize the realities shared in this book, it has me questioning the role our own kind, the change we are going through as a nation and the world. I think the reckoning is now, it may not hit folks until years from now- I don't mean to be an alarmist, I may have just scared myself but there's a lot of darkness that validates the concern, while i believe the change is for the best(this correcting time)- I wonder where we'll be if a collapse becomes more apparent.

Kind regards.
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Eric,
happyrain wrote: Wed May 08, 2019 3:18 amWhile I've not allowed myself the space to completely realize the realities shared in this book, it has me questioning the role our own kind, the change we are going through as a nation and the world. I think the reckoning is now, it may not hit folks until years from now-
Yesterday felt like an assault, it certainly felt like a reckoning. What if instead... it's an awakening?

Received a message a long time ago that,"The Urantia Papers has flaws." What are those flaws, or truths? Well, I don't know exactly, but it does feel right to investigate and learn what I can.

There seems to be some serious clearing going on in the lives of myself and many people around me. Pain and heartache seem to be every where I turn. I've relayed on another thread how this affects me empathically. Some days it feels like drowning. On other days, when I can take a few steps back taking in a broader scope of things, I know, "THIS IS ALL HAPPENING FOR A REASON."
happyrain wrote: Wed May 08, 2019 3:18 am I don't mean to be an alarmist, I may have just scared myself but there's a lot of darkness that validates the concern, while i believe the change is for the best(this correcting time)- I wonder where we'll be if a collapse becomes more apparent.
Darkness is lurking and it is definitely scary! The political and social climate in our country is mind boggling! What can we as individuals do about it? We can succumb to the fear, join in the hatred... maybe periodically we will. But if I can take responsibility for my own stuff, make those changes within, breathe, pray, try to anchor myself in faith and remain grounded. Then I'll be able to hold out my hand to others(as we do here) and change will happen.

Our species have been like feral children swarming over the surface of this dear planet, there comes a time in every child's life when they need to grow up. I believe were in the middle of those growing pains right now. It's not easy, pretty, or painless, but completely necessary if our world is ever going to reach light and life. One step at a time, one breath at a time, one friend at a time.

My old boss always said, "Without conflict, there is no change!" Taking stock of my own changes, I've had to admit this to be true. And what do we do when things are falling apart? We turn to God. If we can turn in love instead of fear... then we will be doing something.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, again!
Right after posting to this thread, I searched the web to help me feel better, been home for three days with sinus infection and bronchitis. Of course was drawn to meditative music and from there landed on a Utube site with a series of videos of Abraham and Ester Hicks. Once again a little light bulb went off, "Oh yeah! The Law of Attraction!"

This is not from The Urantia Papers, but to me worth mentioning. . "Life is supposed to be fun! It is the nature of the creator to create!" Right! I am a creator!!! These phrases spoke to me. Going to spend some time revisiting the concept of:

"Apply actions that make you feel better."
"You must be your friend, keeping your promises to yourself."
"By doing all that you can...that is enough,"
"You cannot be drawn to something that is not in your vibration."
"There is no death..."
"You can teach yourself to be in your power or out of your power."
"Don't get rid of what you don't want...Concentrate on what you do want."
And again, "Life is supposed to be fun! It is the nature of the creator to create!"

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Sandy »

I really appreciate the words Kim and Eric have posted here. I am feeling much the same and it is encouraging to read that I am not alone in these feelings and then some positive steps to soothe and uplift. I'm glad you brought up Abraham Hicks, Kim. I always enjoyed their videos. Both have a humours side to them that comes out in their work. And oh my how easy is it to forget the ole we are creator things... We can create on so many levels...and we can also shield which I have not been doing and it sort of came to a head yesterday with my neighbour. Ah well... we'll be okay... keep our hearts set on good ole Love... not easy to do in this climate...but we have help, eh? Those good ole seraphim and Destiny Guardians mentioned above and of course most importantly, our God within.

Kimmie, the Muster... That is so cool! But isn't that how it goes if we are paying attention. I am so bad to ask a question and then promptly forget it and also my need to be looking for the answer that will always be given in some form. :roll: :)

Thanks guys.... I am so much better now having come here and read what you shared...
with love,
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

I know much you abhor negative conversations, but remember, "Without conflict there is no change..." We reinforce at school that sometimes we have to tell others how we want to be treated. The same applies to adults as with children. A simple, "That is not okay with me, keep me safe." goes a long way. Also opens up the door to coming up with a solution that they/we both can agree on. And I have found after a conflict it is possible to from a much deeper relationship if both parties are willing to work out their differences. If not, then at least boundaries have been defined.

I believe that aligns with many of the phrases relayed from the Abraham/Hicks videos.

Here's to self-empowerment! :bana:

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
Thanks for the little bit of wisdom. :thumright: It is difficult right now because my neighbour is terribly upset with another flatmate. She is so down and negative right now and easily willing to dump it on me every time she sees me. I have asked her to leave me out of it as I want to get along with everyone, but despite that she hounds me with her anger, irritation and frustration every time she sees me which is often. I don't wish to abandon her as she is also in great hence I need to remember to shield myself and maybe even go on the offence to distract her from her unhappiness. (I wonder if I can learn how to juggle? ;) :lol: )

Perhaps I just need to talk to her again and help her find ways to deal with and release her own negativity a little bit better. Shoot,... me too. LOL I could use a little of that myself... :oops: :roll: :)

All is well on this Friday afternoon. Looks like rain outside. yeah! :sunflower: I just love rain... :roll:
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

Ah! No more rain! Well, at least for a few days, feels like I'm a hostage of my mold allergies ever since the snow finally melted... Although I suspect that is all apart of a greater fear issue I've not released. Right now I'd just like to breathe. Thankfully today the sun is shining brightly...Oh and please enjoy the rain, just last week a coworker and I were showing the kids how to sing in the rain(umbrellas and rain boots)... it's been all down hill from there, couldn't possibly be my dancing technique could it?!

Hmm, this is just a suggestion, you can do what you want. Of course juggling sounds like great fun!!! :bana: :bana: :bana:
I digress. Perhaps instead of deflection and a distraction, your neighbor needs a discussion to get to the heart of her discontent. There's a reason she chooses you to be her sounding board, not simply because you're an easy target, but because she trusts your opinion and knows you will be fair?

Okay for some reason this popped into my head. A tool I use when trying to figure out what were going to do next in class is make a web. Using a very large piece of paper the central idea written in the middle. Around that circle we list different learning domains. Maybe this person could put her major problem in the center and list physical, spiritual, emotional.. areas around it. Under each topic write down everything she can think of that relates. This is a way to visually sort out all the ideas and feelings clashing in her head and backing up in her heart. After looking at it all, I pick and choose the most important things I want to explore from each domain and come up with a plan of action. She can maybe figure out exactly what she needs to talk to her flat mate about. When we have a child with behavior concerns it's important to pick only one problem at a time to work on. Every behavior comes from somewhere. It's the same for all of us, what works with kids, works with adults also.

Another tool when having a hard conversation, is to never use the word, "You". That immediately puts the other person on the offensive pushing them emotionally into the midbrain, where problems do not get solved. Both parties need to be calm and operating from their frontal lobe, the rational part of their brain. If every sentence begins with, "I feel, or I need... When this happens I feel ______. I need this____." It's more nonthreatening and lets the other person understand where your feelings are coming from, instead of what they're doing wrong and need to change. By the way, in most cases both parties generally have to make changes and concessions for things to work out.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by happyrain »

howdy ladies.
sandy and kim (hugs)
what i was refering to in my previous post was more of a collective karma that america has acquired through its development up to today. i've heard comments from different spiritual anchors that, whether by man or nature, drastic and violent changes are coming- specifically for America. i know violent and dark times are not new for the world... and kim i think it's like you say, being asked to grow up. i only hope that we hold on to faith in a loving god and give love however we can if our freedoms and comforts, like our homes, be taken from us. i don't think American society is immune to the hard times we read about taking place in Venezuela, North Korea, Iran and all over the world.
sometimes i think i need to have more hope with the rapid evolution, maybe its just a matter of getting more involved. being positive and giving mankind the benefit of the doubt. from this little minds perspective, i understand the importance of working on ourselves, so here's to cultivating mindfulness, learning basic survival skills and whatever you feel is most important now, while you still have it.
have a great day my friends!! peace :)
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Eric,
I was so hoping to hear from you, sending love, peace and courage to you and your family! I understood about the collective karma intent. I think the majority of us living in this country are worried about the rumblings that we're in trouble. Negativity is served up at every turn, in the media, on the street, in our own homes! It's like a boulder careening down hill, gaining momentum from each person poisoned.

What can one person do against the onslaught?! That is the very important question isn't it? It's almost as if negativity is a fad that almost everyone is buying in to. How can we maintain a course of love and understanding when darkness seems to be closing in around us? It's times like this I have to remember, "The only person I can do anything about is myself." I can't stop my neighbors from fighting or spreading negativity, but I do not have to participate in it. I can remind myself to stop, breathe, remember what I've learned and try again, and try again, and try again... I just reread Uteah's message.

Think it was about six years ago I received a short message from Monjoronson. He said, "You are so much more than you allow yourself to be." This message struck straight into my heart! It was so true! It is still so true! I believe these words are for everyone! At that time I turned to my teenage niece repeating them. Then repeating them again over and over throughout our day.

A few days ago she told me, "You know I tell people that all the time, 'You are so much more than you allow yourself to be.'" It was amazing to me that not only did she remember, she was sharing with others words of hope I'd heard from spirit.

There is light out there. We just need to remember to spread it, because..."You are so much more than you allow yourself to be Eric!"

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by happyrain »

thanks Kim, this kind of goes back to christ living faith in God. Gurunath says self peace for world peace. Sometimes an attitude adjustment is required, in this case I will look to the future with Hope and faith that nothing gets past God- there is a greater plan I am obviously unaware of. in the meantime, strive every day for mindfulness and love- believing this is what it means to commune with God and respect His creation. it's like a baby bird afraid to leave the nest, we've surrounded ourselves with comforts and distractions we will one day have to give up. still, if you are Happy then who am I to get in the way... i don't have the answers, but i think there's a matter of cultivating enough Love in ourselves so the fear of loss can disintegrate. we all know the work we can do to better our lives... so self peace for world peace and have faith God sees you...
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Re: The Vital Understanding: Part 1

Post by Sandy »

"Self Peace for world peace."
"You are so much more than you allow yourself to be."
Eric and Kim, both your posts have been so meaningful to me as I contemplate the conflict between my neighbours and the conflict and chaos in the world. While one seems more destructive and widespread, a grander worry, I suppose,... the simple problems close to home can also be debilitating when lack of resolution hampers attitudes and causes daily unrest.

Kim I am printing your suggestions that might help my neighbour and making a note about the "you" thing. All her life she has been undervalued I think. She doesn't realise her self worth... and so she hides away and looks for distractions from a life that causes her pain.
Yet I see so much to honour and value within her... If only she can see it... That will be my goal, my hope, my task to help her see how important she is in the grand scheme off things. That, in a strange way will also be an exercise in self peace too. I will help her to see how important her friendship and well being is to me and others she may have taken for granted herself.

I may not live in the US right now but my heart aches for my homeland, my family and my very dear friends. What ever happens we are all in this together and together we will solve every problem that arises, especially with that all important love in our heats.
I truly love you guys. Thank you both for sharing your inner wisdom. It helps more then you know.

With Love,
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Immersive Faith by Uteah

Post by happyrain »

Beautiful excerpt. I think Uteah is helping us understand how Christ experienced Faith and looping us back to the vital understanding.
“When you think about what other things in your reality surround you invisibly, you might think about the omnipresence of the Creator as being ‘everywhere’ and this would be true. Take that thought now and apply it to faith. Make them one in the same. Always being aware of the surrounding presence of the Creator Father will become the faith that brings the reality of His mystery alive to you in ways you can understand in your reality. In any situation in life where you are unsure of the path forward, this surrounding faith in the grace of Father’s guidance is there to assure you that ‘there is a way’ and to find peace in knowing that you are guided when you connect with that surrounding faith.

“Understanding faith this way brings a whole new perspective to your personal relationship with Spirit. Rather than looking for faith in times of uncertainty or tribulation, you live in the immersive continuance of faith and hold all intentions, thoughts, and actions to light in the surrounding essence of Father’s omnipresence. . ." ... =2&t=28642

I have taken some words from Inayat Khan on Faith to share and contemplate on,
Faith means self-confidence. The secret of faith is that it can be used as a medicine, and it will be better than medicine; it can be wealth, and greater than wealth; it can be a religion, and greater than religion; happiness, and greater than happiness. For nothing can buy or sell faith. If there is anything that can be called the grace of God, it is faith and self-confidence. It is something one can neither teach nor develop; it must be in one, and one can only strengthen it by loving it, by enjoying it. It must develop by itself.

Faith is in fact a power operating all through our lives, and imparted to us from the time of our birth. This power is obscured as soon as reason is developed, which occurs during the process of acquiring the knowledge needed for merely maintaining life; and then one loses one's self-confidence as well as one's confidence in others. This is doubt, which is the greatest enemy of the soul it its progress towards self-realization. It is removed as soon as one perceives that faith is really a power from God, by which He seeks to express Himself through the individual.

Confidence is assured, not by blind belief but by careful insight into the life which surrounds us. The higher self is then able to be like the rider on a horse, and direct all the affairs and actions of the lower self. Faith defends the innate desire of the higher self, and the more faith develops, the greater is its influence, through us, upon our whole environment. Faith breeds faith. Also, faith must dominate the reason and direct the reason; and it will do this the more surely when we realize that every thought, desire, and impulse that comes to our heart is from God; to be accomplished for some great purpose of His own.
Full writing here,
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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