Prayer for George

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Prayer for George

Post by Geoff »

Our beloved George is in hospital today, scheduled for surgery. If it were possible, I suspect Dr Mendoza would do it himself. But our prayers for all to go well would be good, and prayers for Sandy too, as its always worrying to undergo anaesthesia at a "ripe" age.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

Thanks Geoff,
Didn't know exactly when his surgery was scheduled. Couldn't sleep tonight, got up to send Sandy a PM wondering how she and George were doing. Will just add my prayers for health and happiness here. Please keep us updated.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

Hopefully right now George is sleeping peacefully... but it's a hospital so what are the odds of that. The news so far is very good. The surgery went well. and his doctor said several times he was very pleased. I was amazed at G's colour when I saw him. I expected him to be withdrawn and pale but instead frankly he looked better then he had in some time. Of course then the pain meds wore off and he was in a bit of pain when I left. The doctors and nurses in recovery were all wonderful. There was one in particular who spoke with a lilting Dutch accent that was pure love...She was just so caring even if George wasn't her patient she would make sure we were okay.
I am still hoping he will be able to come home in a few days. He is in for 3 I think for sure anyway...

Thank all of you for your prayers for my sweetie...hey and for me too... :D I can tell you that beyond a shadow of a doubt they have made a world of difference. :sunflower:

With Love and (((((( hugs all around))))
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy, :loves
So good to hear George is in recovery. :roll :bana: :bana: :sunflower: please give him my love. I envisioned myself and a whole lot of others standing over his bed with love and healing flowing continuously to him. Simultaneously I was in the waiting room with you, arm around your shoulders giving support, wishing wholeheartedly you sensed our spirits and love were with you.

Love, peace and courage to you and your dear one, :kiss:
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Geoff »

Yes it is good news but we need to keep up the healing as there are some things that George needs to still heal.

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Re: Prayer for George

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Will do Geoff,
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Geoff »

Its now an emergency again. George was home and all seemed fine, but he developed a fever and felt dreadful so has been rushed back to hospital in an ambulance. I have not heard any more than that.

lots of prayer needed.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

I so appreciate you're keeping us updated. George and Sandy will be uppermost in my thoughts and prayers today.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Geoff »

Dear Kim,

The paramedics arrived first, and decided George was not about to expire, which is a relief. But three hours later in hospital they removed 1 litre of fluid that he could not pass. Sandy also tells me he was previously discharged without an antibiotic regimen - and that after an operation!!! That sounds like criminal negligence to me. He has had ongoing infection issues. Geez. Having just been with Janet through 4 weeks of hospitals, and having also talked at length to a friend who also had negligent treatment I think there is something totally wrong with our hospital systems - both public and private. I get they are largely staffed by migrants, and I get that accepting overseas medical training helps migrants get jobs, but I wonder if that is the issue here? The other issue is that staff turnover because of shifts is very high and so you get "new" staff very frequently, and they all have to "get up to speed" while probably run off their feet.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Geoff,
Been thinking about George and Sandy all day. My heart goes out to them both. Hopefully now he'll get the care he needs, that must have been so painful! Sandy must be out of her mind with worry. Unfortunately we've probably all known someone whose had a scary hospital experience. And you're right seems a universal problem with overworked and undertrained staff. Guess that's why we keep praying for our loved ones, probably should include their caregivers too.

Hope Janet is healed, healthy and back home, four months is a really long time to be in care! No doubt it's horrible being ill, it's also hard on the loved ones having to watch them suffer.

Please continue the updates when you can. I'll continue sending loving healing prayers until they both can be back in their own space, safe and sound.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for the good prayers guys. They are getting us through a tough situation. George was feeling so good tonight that he was joking with the nurses and back to his jovial self. It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride though.... Not sure when he will be released...hopefully NOT until his body is healed enough to come home...(and with plenty of antibiotics this time.)
Can't tell you how grateful we are for all of you. :kiss:

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy! :kiss:
So good to see your avvie, and hear about George! Yes! He can only be released if he's ready, and not going to scare you like that again! Hope you both can get some rest. Will continue fervent prayers for both of you..., until they're not needed anymore! :D

:love :finger: ... :bana: ,
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Hello my dear friends,
George had another good day today. I am a little concerned that they are not letting him even attempt to walk. Every day he is immobile and stuck in bed takes a week's worth of strength away from those all important muscles. They are being very good to him though...even the lunch and snack Ladies/men are kind and compassionate. He is on some pretty strong drip antibiotics so it may be a few days before they will even think of allowing him to come home.

There is a man, Michael in the same ward (was anyway was moved this afternoon) He had a bad fall 4 meters off the back of his semi truck. He has a horribly broken foot (compound fracture) from taking the force of the fall and 2 broken ribs. Is being medicated but still isn't even coming close to masking the pain. He is probably middle thirties with a young family and is from Sydney so he is away from home. Please pray for this very nice man who has one of the most compassionate souls. I observed that even while in so much pain himself he is still thinking of others.

Thank you Geoff, Kim and everyone for your prayers for George and others in need. :kiss:

Hugs and love,
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Re: Prayer for George

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Sandy and George,
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by vivrider »

I’m just seeing this, will add my prayers for George, Sandy and Michael.

Love to all,

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Vivian, you're just in time and we so appreciate your prayers.

George came home from the hospital today but he is in a lot of pain and so far the surgery has not been successful. Although the way we understand it this can be completely normal. We were told that usually within 6 weeks "things" ill return to normal. He is in a lot of pain that comes on suddenly. I've seen George in pain many times before but nothing to compare with this. Thankfully it only last for short space of time and eases. Please continue to pray for him.

Thank you all :kiss:
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by happyrain »

Dear George, continued prayers and light.
Dear Sandy, continued prayers and light.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Eric. :kiss:
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

So sorry to hear George is still in so much pain, that is so hard to stay strong through, will continue my prayers for him.

It's crazy how many people we know have developed serious health issues in the past few weeks! Bless them all.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by vivrider »

Still praying and sending love!

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Geoff »

Have been and will do.

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Thank you everyone... it is hard to see him so worn down and tired. ( I'm listening to Aleah's song again and "boo hooing" as I type. :) ) Still we are both comforted by the prayers and love from our spiritual family.
And, in fact, he may be a teensy bit better today... at least the bouts of pain aren't as frequent as before. :) Small victories. :sunflower:

We are so grateful for all of you...your prayers and support. :kiss:
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by vivrider »

Love you guys and praying. How is George doing now?

Love, Viv
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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Seeker13 »

Boo hoo away! Nothing wrong with a good emotional and spiritual cleansing. Hope George's pain continues to abate, while his strength and healing flourish!

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Re: Prayer for George

Post by Sandy »

Hi Guys,
We went up the mountain yesterday to see a physician who is standing in for our GP who is on vacation. It was sort of an after surgery check up. But I must admit really all she could say was "chin up." I think what George is experiencing is normal to a point... but some could have been avoided if there wasn't some rough handling by an intern his last morning in the hospital. That was disheartening and there really is no recourse even though I believe his recovery suffered a set back because of it. So onwards and upwards.
He has moments when he feels hopeful and those when he wonders why he is still on this planet. (Usually those pass rather quickly thankfully. ) Anyway, he is taking it easy and tomorrow we get to see a diabetes specialist who I hope will help us tweak his management program.
All is well here as we dwell in the "Circle of Light." :loves
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